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Lesson plan

Date: November 6th to November 10th 2023

GRADE:7th grade ( A-B-C-)
Unit 5. Past and present

Content: Review
Practice class

Opening activity.
It`s time to students demonstrate their abilities in Inglish, during this
week they have to remind previous knowledges about telling the
time, question words and preposition of time.

Teacher is going to show them some phrases they have to use when
they talk about time
1- O`clock
2- A quarter past
3- Half past
4- A quarter to
And also, they are going to complete the following clocks using the
previous phrases.

1- 11:00 2- 2:15 3- 4:30 4- 7:15

_____________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Development activity. Students are going to read the instructions

in the following activities, then have to solve the activities related to
the reinforcement for the coming evaluation.

Activity 1:
Read and completed the following statements using question words.

Who – why – How old – what – How much – which – How –

How often - Where – When-

1- _______________ is Samuel? He is at the mall.

2- _______________ is she angry? Because she lost the train.
3- _______________ is that baby? She is our niece.
4- _______________ is your mom? She is 47 years old.
5- _______________ do you finish your degree? In 2025
6- _________________ Does your sister want? She wants a
chocolate ice cream.
7- ________________ computer is yours? The silver one is
8- _________________ Does this iPhone cost? 450 dollars.
9- _________________ do you feel today? I`m doing well,
10-_________________ do you go to the movies? Twice a

Activity 2:
Read and solve the following activities.
Activity 3:
Let`s read and identify the correct preposition of time to complete the
Extra activity
Read and solve.

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