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Trainer Role Definition

 Teaching methods vary in their approach. To achieve promising results of training, trainers
need to identify thecharacteristics of adult learners and adopt appropriate ways of teaching.
 It is difficult for engineers to differentiate technical sharing from teaching in their transition
to a trainer initially.They always solely teach technical knowledge—a single method of
teaching—resulting in dull classes, loss oftrainees' interest in learning, and a failure to
achieve promising results of training.
 In this course, we will present the characteristics of adult learners
 Learn only when necessary (study for practical applications);
 Want to take a crash course (pressing time);
 Have different backgrounds and like to link what they are learning with what they have
already known accordingto their experiences;
 Like to think independently and have their own opinions (individual personality);
 Prefer to accept a trainer with a common touch, plenty of knowledge, and pleasant
sensation and learn in acomfortable atmosphere and environment;
 Like to learn through practice, eager to participate in practice, and focus on discussionand
interactions (expect respect and appreciation)
Preparations Before Training
Upon the completion of this course, you will be able to:

 Be familiar with preparations before class and ways of teaching

Preparation of course content

 Be familiar with the technical content involved in the training materials

 Analyze their logic to ensure reviews and cohesion in the teaching process
 Consider the setting of problems in advance

Background check on trainees

 Learn about the technical level of trainees and their past work experience
 Fine-tune the rhythm of teaching based on the competence of trainees
 If most trainees start at a low level, provide them with videos for self-e-learning

Preparation of teaching aids

 White board, projector, and computer

 Warm-up music/video before class

Preparation of dress

 Dress is the first impression of a trainer to trainees

 Formal dress is a sign of respect for trainees
 Formal dress displays professionalism and helps to promote confidence
Presentation Skills
In order to achieve better training results, in addition to the best preparation before the training, the
use of presentation skills during the training is also very important. It can help students enhance the
training experience and focus their attention.

This course will cover presentation skills and other tools you can use during the training process
Warm up before class
 Before the class, the lecturer and the trainees are unfamiliar with each other. The
appropriate warm up way can mobilize the emotion of the trainees, and narrow the distance
between the lecturer and the trainees, and pave the way for the subsequent teaching.
 There are many ways to warm up the field, including: play relaxed and cheerful music, play
sharp related videos, chat with students, etc.
 The above content is suggested to be presented through a simple opening ceremony. Share
the overall introduction of the training instructor, training time arrangement, course plan,
some points for attention during the training

 Talking is the basic way of communication between people.
 Lecturer has higher requirements for language expression. A good lecturer should have the
ability to transform complex content into simple words; The ability to make boring content
vivid; And the ability to express the same content in different ways for different types of
 In order to achieve the above points, the lecturer is required to master the content of the
lecture and have a clear logic of the lecture.
 For complex, abstract content, through the use of examples, analogies, drawing, lists and
other ways to help students understand


 Moderate: The last row of trainees can hear; Raising the volume when asking questions
and emphasizing key points.

Speed of speech

 Fast: create interest, incite emotion; Slow: emphasize key points and strengthen memory


 Lively: with cadence and no vanishing end


 Pausing and short periods of silence can get the attention of the trainee and at the same
time can enhance the aura


 As clear as possible
 The lecturer's expression has a great impact on the atmosphere of the class during the
 During the course of the lecture, the lecturer should:
Smile, Gracious, Confident, Encouragement, Sincerity
 In addition to paying attention to their own expressions, instructors should also pay attention
to the expressions of their trainees when training offline. By their expressions, you can tell
whether the students are keeping up with the pace of the class and whether they are
confused. It can also adjust the pace of the lesson and attract students' attention through
questions and discussions if necessary

Eye contact
The eyes are the Windows to the soul. By using their eyes, instructors can communicate with
students more quickly, truly and effectively.

Different eyes can be used in different links. Common eyes used in the course of teaching are:

 Look around: look around the room with your eyes every once in a while to show your
attention to each student.
 Face up: When communicating with individual students, face up to each other, show respect
and convey confidence.
 Look in a direction: So that all students in this direction feel noticed.
 Point glance: to quickly observe each student one by one. It is often used to observe the
expressions of students after asking questions to find the students who answer the questions


Gestures are an important part of situation language. Using gestures can make our expression more
natural and vivid, and increase the appeal of lecturers.

Gestures can be divided into:

 Gestures used to express emotion, such as clapping, thumbs up, etc

 Indicative gestures used to indicate an object, such as the question session, using gestures to
invite students to answer questions
 Gestures used to simulate transactions, such as indicating the height of equipment
 As a very important teaching method, blackboard writing directly affects the teaching effect.
 Use of blackboard writing can help teachers to convey information to students for a long
time. abstract concepts can be concretized and compared with multimedia materials,
blackboard writing is more flexible

Design of blackboard writing

A good blackboard writing should have the following characteristics:

 Clear purpose: blackboard writing is designed to help students understand the key content
and knowledge structure of the course. Students can understand the lecturer's teaching logic
through the blackboard writing, and can use the blackboard writing as a basis for review
after class.
 Thorough planning: in the stage of design, it is necessary to clarify the content, time and
location. It is recommended to write from left to right, up to down. The right margin leaves
room for flexible adjustments on the spot.
 Clear organization: Blackboard writing is the knowledge that the lecturer summarizes and
extracts for the students after fully understanding the content of the course. When teaching
offline, it should be confirmed that students understand or record the blackboard before
 Rigorous content: The content of blackboard writing should be scientific and rigorous to
avoid mistakes.
 Presentation effect: In order to have a good presentation effect, in addition to the layout, the
writing also needs to be neat and the color collocation is reasonable.

 One-way information transfer, in which a lecturer indoctrinates a student with knowledge, is
clearly not in keeping with the characteristics of adult learning. On the contrary, students
take an active part in the interaction, freely express their own opinions and share their own
experience, which is helpful to help students better grasp the course content
 Common forms of interaction in the course of teaching include :
o Asking questions
o Group discussion
o Experience, case sharing

Summary in the course of teaching, can summarize the key content of the last section, appropriate
training blackboard, for students to deepen the impression. In addition, it can also play the role of
connecting the preceding and the following, and introduce the content of the next section.

The chapter summary at the end of the lecture can be used to:
 Course summary: Start and finish, corresponding to the initial introduction of the course, to
summarize the content of this chapter.
 Assessment of learning results: It can be summarized by asking questions. The lecturer will
raise questions related to the key content according to the course outline, and the students
will answer them. The learning results will be evaluated at one time.
 Answer questions: In the conclusion stage of this chapter, students' questions will be
answered to avoid students ending the training with questions

Works After Class

Network related technology, with a lot of details, knowledge points are relatively scattered, which
has a high requirement for college memory;

After-class tracking can help students review all knowledge in time, consolidate memory and improve
the training effect

After the instructor completes the training, timely filing and summary is also a good way for
continuous improvement.

This course will introduce the importance of after-class tracking, and some tools you can use after

According to the law of human forgetting, only 25.4% of newly learned content remains in memory
after 6 days if not reviewed in time. Therefore, it is particularly critical for students to review in time.

As a lecturer, we need to provide help for students' review after class, such as:

 If the lecture is online, you can record it and provide it to the students at the end of the
 If the lecture is online, you can videotape it and provide it to the students at the end of the
 Create class groups for students to communicate and answer questions after class (FB..)
 Respond to students' questions after class

How to control the field

During the training, there are often some unexpected situations, which requires the lecturer to
control the field.

This course will introduce some emergencies that may occur in the course and how to deal with

Overcome your nervousness

 Going on stage?
 Many people will be nervous in public, as long as we are familiar with the presentation and
the environment, it can effectively help us to ease the nerves, calm down, and conquer the
audience with words.

Overcome tension-Prepare in advance

Be prepared and familiar with the content

 The content must be mastered, able to confidently say "I am an expert in this direction!"


 You can practice in front of a computer screen, practice in front of a mirror, practice on the
spot of actual teaching, etc.
 Lesson preparation links to think clearly about the logic and organization of the lectures.


 If you are a student, can you understand what you are saying without the knowledge you

Make a list of key points, metaphors and examples

With adequate preparation, more than 80 percent of your nervousness can be overcome

Overcome tension-Before going on stage

Get to know the venue

 Get to the venue early to get familiar with it.

Check teaching AIDs

 Teaching AIDs play a very important role in assisting the lecturer's teaching expression. The
main teaching AIDS include: whiteboard, whiteboard marker, projector, laser pointer and

Find someone to talk to

 Talk to people who show up early to get a sense of their personality, needs, and build

Move freely around the venue to get relaxed

Overcome tension - onstage

Breathe deeply

 Adjust your breathing rhythm

A mic in hand

 Hold the microphone in your hand to avoid straining your hands.


 Keep yourself relaxed and make the trainees comfortable


 Insist on a word "steady", haste makes waste, let time slow down, avoid mistakes

Unexpected questions
During the training, there are often situations in which you cannot answer questions from trainees.
Many lecturers will be nervous at this time, which will affect their authority in the minds of students

How to deal with this situation, you can refer to the following points:

 Admit your shortcomings, tell the student that you can't give an accurate answer, and
promise to feedback after class
 After class, through consulting materials, consult colleagues and other ways to get answers
 Reply to students in time
 Strengthen the preparation before class and try to avoid similar situations

Control the time of the lecture

Usually the time of lecture is fixed

In some special situations, there may be insufficient time. For example, in the sharing session, one
student's sharing takes up too much time.

 In order to deal with this situation, we can adopt the following methods:
 In the sharing session, set the sharing time for each student in advance
 Politely interrupt when the trainee runs out of time
 Help the trainees conclude
 Invite students to share more details after class

Students are distracted

Students' attention is often distracted in class, such as: dealing with work, playing mobile phones,
communicating privately, sleeping...

When such a situation occurs, it will affect the classroom atmosphere and students' learning

In order to deal with this situation, we can adopt the following methods:

 By asking questions in a way that grabs the attention of the students

 Organize trainees to have group discussions
 Share some interesting experiences(Prepare in advance)
 Arrange breaks between classes appropriately to help students relax a bit

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