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Final speech:

Every day we hear stories of road accidents that resulted in death. The sad part however is that most
of them could have been prevented. Statistics tell us that road accidents are the result of 1.3 million
worldwide fatalities and 50 million injuries. It is important to understand that such mishaps can be
prevented, you just need to know how. Today I will be talking about a few reasons of why such
mishaps happen.

Kicking things off we have distracted driving. What is distracted driving? It is driving while being
involved in another task. This includes but is not limited to: texting, eating and using gps navigation
systems. Now how exactly does this cause accidents. Let’s say for example you get a notification.
You go ahead and open it but now what’s happening is that all your focus is shifting away from
driving and towards that notification and what happens next is pretty obvious. To combat this, we
need to raise public awareness on how dangerous it can be.

The next point however frustrates me. It is when people don’t use seatbelts. Guys it is a life saver
that we are given for free. A seatbelt prevents you from jolting forward and hitting your head against
a hard surface. There is no reason not to use it especially because of its simplicity. Just like a
seatbelt, a helmet serves the same purpose for bike riders. Spending just 3 seconds to put on a
seatbelt or a helmet can save so many lives in the grand scheme of things.

Now I come to something we have been told our whole life not to do and yet we still don’t listen.
Over speeding. Now a lot of my fellows who enjoy the sense of speed may be against my argument
but slow down fellas because when you are going fast and something

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