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First Edition, 2019
Second Edition, 2020
Third Edition, 2021
Fourth Edition, 2022

Compiled by

Edited by
Dyah Fitria Hastuti.

Published by:

MUEC Office
Jl. A. Yani Pabelan Kartasura Telp. (0271) 7451021 Fax. 715448 Tromol Pos 1 Surakarta



Assalamu‟alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokaatuh

Alhamdulillahirabbil „alamin. All the gratitude shall always be sent upon Allah
SWT, the Lord of the world, the King above all kings. It is because of His
blessings, this module could be finished without any prominent obstacle.

We also would like to say our greatest thanks to all parties that have been involved
in the writing process; Adviser of MUEC Mrs. Aam, the editor of this book Mrs.
Dyah, our alumni, as well as all the staffs and members of MUEC for always being
there whenever needed. May Allah SWT grant all of His rahmah to each and every
single one of you, and always guide you in His right path.

Last but not least, we as the representatives of MUEC whole-heartedly realize that
in the writing process of this module there must be some unintended mistakes;
therefore any feedbacks from the readers would be very usefulfor MUEC in the
upcoming future. And we sincerely hope that this module could bring positive
impacts to the learning process both for the readers and for our institution as well.

Wassalamu‟alaikum warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Surakarta, April 5th 2022

Manager of Education
Department 2022

َ ْ ِ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ ۤ َ ْ َ َ َّ
َ‫اْل ْرض ُم ْفسد ْين‬ ُ َ َْ ََ
ِ ِ ِ ‫وَل تبخسوا الناس اشياءهم وَل تعثوا ِف‬




Do not copy the content of this book without the author's permission.


Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................................ 3
UNIT 1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
MODAL VERBS .......................................................................................................................................... 4
UNIT 2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE ...................................................................................................................... 8
UNIT 3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE......................................................................................... 11
UNIT 4 ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
PAST PERFECT TENSE.......................................................................................................................... 14
UNIT 5 ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
PAST PERFECT CONTONUOUS TENSE............................................................................................... 17
UNIT 6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
CONDITIONAL SENTENCES AND MIXED CONDITIONAL......................................................... 20
UNIT 7 ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
PASSIVE VOICE ....................................................................................................................................... 27
UNIT 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
GERUND .................................................................................................................................................... 37
UNIT 9 ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
INFINITIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 40
UNIT 10 ...................................................................................................................................................... 43
GERUND VS INFINITIVE ........................................................................................................................ 43
UNIT 11 ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
HOW TO BUILD AN EFFECTIVE SENTENCE .............................................................................. 45
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 48


Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries) are special
verbs which behave irregularly in English. They give additional information about the function
of the main verb that follows it. They have a great variety of communicative functions.

The formula:
(+) S + Modal + V1
(-) S + Modal + Not + V1
(?) Modal + S + V1?

Modal + perfect is usually used to show past times:

(+) S + Modal + Have + V3 + Object
(-) S + Modal + Have +Not + V3 + Object
(?) Modal + S + Have + V3 + Object

Present Form : Can, Will, May, Must, Have to

Past Form : Could, Would, Might, Had to
Can Ability I can swim
possibility Regular exercise can make you active and healthy
permission You can watch TV now.
Could ability in the past When I was young, I could dance ballet
possibility It could rain tomorrow!
polite permission Could you explain more about that?
May / Might possibility, Tia does not come to the class, she may get up
probability late.
permission May I ask you a question?
polite permission Might I use your phone?
Must / Had to Certainly conclusion After studying all the day, you must be so tired.
strong obligation You had to keep the secret.
prohibition You must not be late.
Should / Ought to logical conclusion You should take the rest. You‘ve been doing his
homework all night long.
advice or tips You ought to study tonight
Will plan, willingness I will lend you the book
Request Will you come in, please?
My parents will buy a new house if they have sold
Prediction the old house.
Would plan in the past I would sleep last night, but it was too noisy.

polite request Would you tell me, please?

Modal Usage Example

Must have Used to conclude events Someone must have used
or events that occurred in my email.
the past. This type of
modal shows that
speakers are very
confident of the
conclusions he made

Note :
 Modal verbs never change their form. You can't add "s", "ed", "ing"...
 They are always followed by an infinitive without "to" (e.i. the bare infinitive.) So, 'have'
has never changed to „has‟ or „had‟.
 They are used to indicate modality allow speakers to express certainty, possibility,
willingness, obligation, necessity, ability.

1. Your glass is empty. …. I get you some more fresh water?
A. shall
B. will
C. can
D. should
E. Shall have
2. We …. like to visit that new store some day.
A. shall
B. will
C. can
D. would
E. Shall have
3. You are sick, but you don‘t come hospital to see a doctor. You …. visit him soon.
A. would
B. could
C. should
D. will
E. can
4. ―I really don‘t know why Tony didn‘t come to the meeting‖.
―There ….. something wrong with him.
A. might be

B. could be
C. will be
D. should have been
E. must have been
5. ―Rini is old enough. She …. know better than the others about it.
A. will
B. could
C. must
D. may be
E. can
6. They………….. study hard because next April they will take the examination.
A. Will
B. Should
C. Can
D. Must
E. May
7. You…………….. permit to your mother if you go to school.
A. Must
B. May
C. Mustn‘t
D. Would
E. Shall
8. She …………………. Come here tomorrow.
A. Will
B. Can
C. Must
D. May
E. Might
9. He……………….speak English well if he took English course.
A. Will
B. Can
C. Could
D. May
E. May not
10. You seem to be having trouble there………………….. I help you ?
A. Would
B. Will
C. Shall
D. Should
E. might

11. You really _________________ go to the Louvre if you‘re in Paris. It‘s wonderful.
12. You _________________ come to the party if you don‘t feel well.
13. I don‘t know where Kelly is. She _________________ be at her sister‘s .
14. You have passed all your tests. You _________________ be very pleased with yourself.
15. You _________________ smoke in your car, especially if there are children sitting in the
16. You _________________ work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.
17. John doesn‘t need a calculator. He _________________ do sums in his head.
18. Passengers _________________ open the door when the train is moving.
19. It _________________ rain today. It‘s getting cloudy already.
20. I _________________ pay for the tickets because I got them from Sam for free.


The Present Perfect tense is used to talk about a past action. Time is not indicated unless
other words in the phrase or sentence specifically express that. It may also be use do express that
an action began in the past and continues to the present.

Usage :
- To express things you have done in your life
Ex : She has never studied Korean
- To express number of time you have done something
Ex : how many times have you tried to call him?
- To describe recently completed actions which are important now
Ex : I have some bad news. I‟ve lost my job.
- To express situations that started in the past and are still true
Ex : I‟ve known Steven for 3 or 4 years.
- To describe unfinished actions for situations
Ex : I‟ve read half of your book.
- To express present result
Ex : Bagus has missed the bus, so he‟ll be late.
Bentuk Rumus / Formula Example
I have cooked papeda.
Verbal S + (has/have) + V3/ Past Participle + O
(+) Nomina Renata has been a chef in
S + (has/have) + been + nonverb
l my restaurant.
S + (has/have) + not + V3/Past Participle
Verbal They have not gone to Bali.
Negatif +O
(-) Nomina It has not been this hot in
S + (has/have) + not + been + nonverb
l Bali.
Tanya/ Verbal (Has/have) + S + V3/Past Participle + O Has Dimas had his lunch?
f Nomina Has Dina been in Solo for a
(Has/have) + S + been + nonverb
(?) l week?

- Has used for the subject he, she, it and have for I, you, they, we.
- When using this tense (present perfect) there is no need to use a specific time.


Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1. Wina _______ the papeda with me yesterday.
a. Have been ate
b. Has been ate
c. Has ate
d. Have ate
2. Mr. Lee : Hallo Karina. Can I see your homework?
Karina : Sorry Mr. Lee. I _____ my homework at my boyfriend‘s home.
a. Has forgotten
b. Has been forgot
c. Have forgot
d. Have been forgotten
3. My sister _____ studied before exam. So she can‘t got the nice grade.
a. Have‘t
b. Has never
c. Hasn‘t never
d. Have been not
4. I _____ them several times before. We were in the same class before.
a. Have known
b. Has been known
c. Have been known
d. Has known
5. It ____ on our birthday so far.
a. Doesn‘t rained
b. Don‘t raining
c. Been raining
d. Hasn‘t rained
6. Guess what? I ___ a great caffe near our school.
a. Has dicover
b. Have just discovered
c. Am just discover
d. Have just discover
7. She ____ in a good mood for a few days, but this day she seems very happy.
a. Doesn‘t seems
b. Doesn‘t seemed
c. Hasn‘t seem
d. Hasn‘t seemed
8. She loves K-pop, but she ____ Korean before.
a. Never studied
b. Has never studied
c. Have never study
d. Does never studied

9. That‘s the best book I ___ in my life!

a. Read
b. ‗ve readed

c. Am read
d. Have read
10. My mom ___ a teacher for 5 years.
a. Has worked
b. Is work
c. Has been
d. Have been


Put the phrases into Present Perfect Tense.

1. They watch
Example : They have watched the movie for 2 hours.
2. She eat
3. He doesn‘t know
4. I run
5. My sister drink
6. You read
7. It fall
8. He fail
9. They find
10. We forget
11. It rains


The Present Perfect Continuous is used to talk about the duration of an action or state that
started in the past and is continuing in the present.

Usage :
- To express long actions that started in the past and continue until now.
Example : When the kids came, their mom had been waiting for three hours.
 This sentence explains the incident in the past, which tells us that when the children arrived,
his mother had waited for three hours. Mother's waiting activities have begun before her
children come, and they have also finished in the past.
- To express recent actions that have clear evidence or results now.
Example : Her eyes are red because she‟s been crying for a night.
- To express anger and iritations.
Example : why have you been disturbing me?
- Time bound expressions. (since, for, lately, how long)
He has been watching TV for 2 hours.
He has been smoking since 2015.

Bentuk Rumus / Formula Example

She has been scrolling
Verbal S + (has/have) + been + Verb-ing + O tiktok for 2 hours.
S + (has/have) + been + nonverb Karina has been hungry.
S + (has/have) + not + been + Verb-ing + She has not been scrolling
Negatif O tiktok for 2 hours.
(-) Nomina
S + (has/have) + not + been + nonverb Karina has not been hungry.
Tanya/ Has he been living in this
Verbal (Has/have) + S + been + Verb-ing + O
Interogati house?
f Nomina
(?) (Has/have) + S + been + nonverb Have they been hungry?

Notes : We use the Present perfect continuous to express actions that began in the past and are
still uncompleted action, or we can still feel the effect/result of the action.

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.
1. I have to rest! I ____ all this food alone without any help!
a. ‗ve been cooked
b. ‗ve been cooking
c. ‗ve been cook
d. ‗ve cooking
2. Has someone ___ my boba? It‘s my favorite flavour, I just left it for a while.
a. Been drinking
b. Drank
c. Just drink
d. Has dranking
3. I love K-pop, that‘s why I ____ their language for 1 years and it was so fun.
a. Has learned
b. Have learned
c. Has learning
d. Have learning
4. A : Are you okay? Why are you crying?
B : I‘m fine! Yeah, I‘m crying because I ____ onions!
a. Have chopping
b. Have been chopping
c. Has been choped
d. Has been chopping
5. The supermarket is closed since yesterday because it ____ since yesterday.
a. Was snowing
b. Has been snowed
c. Has been snowing
d. Snows
6. Gina is my best friend. I ___ her for 3 years because we were in the same class before.
a. Have been knowing
b. Have known
c. Am knowing
d. Have been known
7. My sister ____ my cats for a week because I am on holiday with my boyfriend.
a. Looks after
b. Has looked after
c. Has been looking after
d. Has been looked after
8. A : When we can go home?
B : I think we can go home at 9 PM. _____ been sleepy?
a. Are they
b. Have they
c. Are not they
d. Has they
9. My foods hasn‘t come yet. I _____ for 15 minutes.

a. Are waiting
b. Have waiting
c. Has been waited
d. Have been waiting
10. She ___ out through the door since she heard the good news.
a. Have been looking
b. Has been looking
c. Looks
d. Has looked

Change the form of this sentence!
1. (+)
(-) You‘ve been not repairing my bike.
2. (+)
(-) I haven‘t been learning English very long.
3. (+) Joe has been eating too much recently.
4. (+)
(?) Has your mom been baking some cakes?
5. (+)
(-) I have not been making any noise since I come here.
6. (+) I have been finishing my task.
7. (+)
(-) He has not been speaking to me since we had an argument.
8. (+)
(?) John, how long have you been learning this skill?
9. (+) you have been waiting for me.
10. (+)
(?) Has it been raining all day?


Past Perfect talks about completed actions in the past. The Past Perfect tense can
express the duration of a completed action. It can also talk about a completed action in the past,
before another action in the past.

Usage :
- To describe an action finished before another past action.
Ex : Richard had gone when his wife arrived in the office.
- To describe cause and effect (combine with Past Simple)
Ex : I got stuck in traffic because there had been an accident.
- To emphasize the result of an activity in the past.
Ex : I had been to London twice by the time I got a job in New York.
- to mention an action that was completed before another ation was performed/occured in
the past.
Ex : You had studied math before you moved to London.
Bentuk Rumus / Formula Example
We had staying in this house
Verbal S + had + V3 + O yesterday.
S + had + been + O/nonverb They had been so kind with us.
We had not staying in this
Verbal S + had + not + V3 + O
Negatif house yesterday.
(-) Nomina They had not been so kind with
S + had + not + been + O/nonverb
l us.
Tanya/ Had we learned English last
Verbal Had + S + V3 + O?
Interogati week?
f Nomina
(?) Had + S + been + O/nonverb? Had they been so kind with us?
Note : Any subject in this tense (past perfect) is followed by “had”


Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

1. She got nice grade in this exam because she ___ very well.
a. Was studied

b. Had studied
c. Has been studied
d. Have studied
2. Vanilla looked out the window. The yard was wet. It ___ last night.
a. Has rained
b. Have been rained
c. Have rained
d. Had rained
3. He was very tired because he ____ my orders all day.
a. Have ordered
b. Had ordered
c. Ordered
d. Has ordered
4. He can‘t believe it! His friends ___ him a new collection from his favorit desaigner as a
birthday gift.
a. Bought
b. Has bought
c. Had bought
d. Was bought
5. By the time I could talk to her, she ___ for college leave.
a. Decided
b. ‗d decided
c. Was decied
d. ‗s decided
6. I looked at my boyfriend‘s photo and suddenly realised that I ___ that girl somewhere
a. Saw
b. Had seen
c. Has saw
d. Was seen
7. I asked Clara if she wanted to go with me buying seblak, but she still ___ her task.
a. Doesn‘t finishing
b. Didn‘t finished
c. Hadn‘t finished
d. Wasn‘t finished
8. When I left my house, I realised that I ___ my wallet inside.
a. Was left
b. Left
c. Have left
d. Had left

9. He looked in a good mood but I didn‘t know what ____.
a. Happened
b. Was happened
c. Had happened
d. Is happened
10. I check up my sister‘s homework last ight and she still___
a. Doesn‘t finished
b. Didn‘t finished
c. Hadn‘t finished
d. Wasn‘t finished

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.

1. He couldn‘t go diving, because he _______ ill the day before. (fall)

2. _______ off the stove before you left home? (you – turn)
3. The plane crashed because the engines _____ fire. (catch)
4. After Santika _____ the supermarket, she got into her car. (leave)
5. When I arrived at the home, everyone _____ gone. (be)
6. _______ anything to eat before you fed him? (the cat – have)
7. By the time Jino returned home, Sena _____ to get in touch with him several times. (try)
8. Why _____ her before you refused my offer? (you – call)
9. I was so sad because Billy _____ somewhere in Singapore. (disappear)
10. What _______ with the laptop before you called the technician? (you – do)


The Past Perfect Continuous tense is used to express that an action started in the past
and continued in the past until something else happened in the past. The past perfect continuous
is not dissimilar to the Past Perfect but expresses that the action continued for a longer period.

Usage :
- to describe a past action, already started and continued up to another action or time in the
Ex : The boys had been playing soccer for about an hour when it started to rain.
- To express the duration before something in the past.
Ex : Richard needed a holiday because he had been working hard for six months.
- To describe the cause of something in the past.
Ex : He was tired because he had been jogging.

Bentuk Rumus / Formula Example

They had been playing tennis.
Verbal S + had + been + V-ing + O
(+) Nomina I had been hungry before I ate
S + had + been + O/nonverb
l this cake.
They hadn‘t been playing
Verbal S + had + not + been + V-ing + O
Negatif tennis.
(-) Nomina I had not been hungry before I
S + had + not + been + O/nonverb
l ate this cake.
Tanya/ Verbal Had + S + been + V-ing? Had they been playing tennis?
f Nomina Had I been hungry before I ate
(?) Had + S + been + O/nonverb?
l this cake?

1. Jennie was annoyed. Lisa ____ (call) her every night for the whole week!
a. Has been calling
b. Had called
c. Had been calling
d. Called
2. Arum‘s lips was pale. It was obious that she ____ (hungry).
a. Had hungry
b. Had been hungry
c. Have hungry

d. Was hungry
3. She was very nervous while holding her speech. She ____ (never speak) in front of so
many people.
a. Hadn‘t been speaking never
b. Had never been speaking
c. Hadn‘t never been speaking
d. Had been speaking never
4. I ____ (work) for Unilever for 3 years.
a. Had been working
b. Was working
c. Worked
d. Has been working
5. When I first knew John, he ____ (work) in Apple for 2 years.
a. Have been working
b. Had been working
c. Worked
d. Had worked
6. I was really scared when the thieves stole my smartphone. I ___ (have) it for years.
a. Have
b. Had had
c. Have had
d. Had
7. I ___ (wait) here for 15 minutes last week bedore he came.
a. Had been waiting
b. Have been waiting
c. Had wiated
d. Has waiting
8. When my mom arrived home, I ____ (already cook).
a. Had already been cooking
b. Had been cooking already
c. Already had been cooking
d. Have already been cooking
9. I was really glad when I found the photo. I ____ (look for) this whole night.
a. Had been looked for
b. Had been looking for
c. Had been looked
d. Had looked for
10. Finally she told me everything. I realised what ____ (happen) to her when she was kid.
a. Had happened
b. Had been happened

c. Had happening
d. Had been happening


Exercise 1
Rewrite sentences.
Example :
His driving too fast caused an accident.
He had an accident because he had been driving too fast.
1. He was resting all day. He felt better in the night.
He felt better in the night because he _____ all day.
2. The ship sailed for three days. It landed in Sumbawa.
The ship landed in Sumbawa after it ____ for three days.
3. After studying all day there were tiring.
They were tiring because they ___ all day.
4. Selena thought about going to Japanese. She decided to holiday there.
Selena decided to holiday in Japanese after she ____ about going there for a while.
5. We walked all the way. We were tired.
We were tired because we ___ all the way.
6. It raining all day. I had an accident.
I had an accident after it ___ all day.
7. Mey was happy after ate dinner with Rama last night.
Mey was happy because she ____ with Rama last night.

Exercise 2
Now is monday. what have these students been doing at school?

1. Kely – read a novel

2. Fina – finish her homework
3. Bintang – learn new material
4. Julia – sleep
5. Melanie and Gio – talk to each other


Dalam bahasa Indonesia, conditional sentence berarti kalimat pengandaian. Kalimat ini
bisa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sebab akibat, kemungkinan terjadinya suatu hal, maupun
menyatakan pengandaian atas hal yang sebetulnya tidak mungkin terjadi. Akan tetapi, pada
dasarnya semua conditional sentence terdiri atas if clause dan main clause.
Secara sederhana, conditional sentence merupakan kalimat majemuk yang berisikan
kondisi mengenai sebuah pengandaian, imajinasi, atau suatu kejadian yang belum terjadi. Dalam
kalimat Bahasa Inggris, kalimat pengandaian ini diawali dengan ‗if‘ sebagai penanda bahwa
kondisinya memang belum terjadi. Bentuk conditional sentence adalah “If-clause + main
clause.” Jika kamu perhatikan, if-clause merupakan bagian dari kalimat pengandaiannya.
Sedangkan main clause, biasanya berisi konsekuensi atau akibat dari kondisi pengandaian

Tipe-tipe Conditional Sentence

Conditional sentence type 0
1. Tipe ini biasanya disebut sebagai zero conditional sentences. Tipe kalimat ini digunakan
ketika hasil atau konsekuensi dari kondisi terwujud alias memaparkan sebuah kebeneran
(general truth) dan fakta ilmiah. Kalimat ini biasanya berbentuk present tense dengan
rumus: if + simple present, simple present. Simple present tense + if + simple present

Contoh kalimat :
 If we burn paper, it becomes ash.
 I feel sick if I eat too much.
 If you don‟t brush your teeth, you get cavities.
 When people smoke cigarettes, their health suffers.

 If you heat butter, it melts.

 The ground gets wet if it rains.

Conditional sentence type 1

1. First conditional sentence merupakan bentuk kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan ketika
hasil atau konsekuensi memiliki kemungkinan untuk terjadi di masa depan. Hal ini bisa
terjadi karena masih ada kondisi realistik yang masuk akal untuk kemungkinan terjadi.
Maka dari itu, bentuk kalimat dari conditional sentence tipe pertama ini memiliki bentuk
kalimat simple future alias kalimat yang akan datang. Rumus dari kalimat ini adalah: if +

simple present, simple future “will” / imperative. Simple future tense + if + simple
present tense dan contohnya adalah:

 If I meet him, I will introduce myself.

 I will cook dinner tonight if you clean the house.
 If you rest, you will feel better.
 If you set your mind to a goal, you will eventually achieve it.
 If it rains, I will stay at home.
 If he gives her chocolate, she will be happy.
 If it doesn‟t rain, we will go to the library.

Conditional Senence Tipe 2

1. Second conditional sentences merupakan tipe kalimat pengandaian yang digunakan

ketika hasil atau konsekuensi hanya memiliki harapan terwujud walaupun
kemungkinannya sangat kecil. Jadi bisa dikatakan kalau kalimat pengandaian tipe kedua
ini belum tentu terjadi namun juga bisa menjadi kenyataan. Dalam bentuk kalimat ini,
rumus yang digunakan adalah if + simple past/were, would/could/might + bare infinitive.
Present conditional + if + simple past. Penggunaan would/could/might berfungsi untuk
menjelaskan seberapa besar sebuah kondisi itu akan terjadi. Contohnya:

 If I inherited a billion dollars, I would travel to the moon.

 If I owned a zoo, I might let people interact with the animals more.
 If I were you, I would continue my study.
 If I had time, I would go with you.
 If she met her mother, she would be very happy.
 If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.
 If I were you, I‟d tell him the truth.

Conditional sentence type 3

Third conditional sentence merupakan sebuah kalimat pengandaian ketika sebuah kondisi
tidak mungkin terwujud sama sekali. Hal ini bisa digambarkan karena kondisi yang sangat
mustahil atau hanya sebuah mimpi atau imajinasi. Dalam tipe kalimat pengandaian yang
ketiga ini, bentuk kalimat menggunaka past perfect yang dilengkapi dengan modal
auxiliary seperti would, could, dan should. Rumus yang digunakan adalah if + past perfect,
would/should/could/might + have + past participle. Perfect conditional + if + past perfect

Contoh kalimat:

 If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
 We might have gone to South America if she had not been pregnant.
 If you had told me you needed a ride, I would have left earlier.
 If I had cleaned the house, I could have gone to the movies.
 If she hadn‟t taken the course, she wouldn‟t have gotten the scholarship.
 If I had locked the car, the thief wouldn‟t have stolen my car.
 Had I locked the car, the thief wouldn‟t have stolen my car.


It is possible for the two parts of a conditional sentence to refer to different times, and the
resulting sentence is a "mixed conditional" sentence. There are two types of mixed conditional

Present result of a past condition.


In this type of mixed conditional sentence, the tense in the 'if' clause is the past perfect,
and the tense in the main clause is the present conditional.

If clause (condition) Main clause (result)

If + past perfect present conditional

If this thing had happened that thing would happen.

As in all conditional sentences, the order of the clauses is not fixed. You may have to
rearrange the pronouns and adjust punctuation when you change the order of the clauses, but the
meaning is identical.


 If I had worked harder at school, I would have a better job now.

 I would have a better job now if I had worked harder at school.
 If we had looked at the map we wouldn't be lost.
 We wouldn't be lost if we had looked at the map.
 If I had studied I would have my driving license. (but I didn't study and now I don't have
my license)

This type of mixed conditional refers to an unreal past condition and its probable result in
the present. These sentences express a situation which is contrary to reality both in the past and
in the present. In these mixed conditional sentences, the time is the past in the "if" clause and in
the present in the main clause.

Past result of present or continuing condition


In this second type of mixed conditional sentence, the tense in the 'if' clause is the simple
past, and the tense in the main clause is the perfect conditional.

If clause (condition) Main clause (result)

If + simple past perfect conditional

If this thing happened that thing would have happened.

As in all conditional sentences, the order of the clauses is not fixed. You may have to
rearrange the pronouns and adjust punctuation when you change the order of the clauses, but the
meaning is identical.


 If I wasn't afraid of spiders, I would have picked it up.

 I would have picked it up if I wasn't afraid of spiders.
 If we didn't trust him we would have sacked him months ago.
 We would have sacked him months ago if we didn't trust him.
 If she wasn't afraid of flying she wouldn't have travelled by boat.
 I'd have been able to translate the letter if my Italian was better.

These mixed conditional sentences refer to an unreal present situation and its probable
(but unreal) past result. In these mixed conditional sentences, the time in the if clause is now or
always and the time in the main clause is before now.


1. If I had time, I (pergi) camping with you.

2. If you (berbicara) Japanese, you will get along with my family perfectly.
3. If we had gone for a walk, we (mematikan) the lights off.
4. If my mom (datang) to see us, we will go to the beach.

5. I would have told you if I (melihat) her.
6. Would you mind if I (membuka) the door?
7. If Rina and John (mengundang) me, I would not have said no.
8. My sister (akan menemui) me at the airport if she gets the afternoon off.
9. If i (tidak melakukannya), my brother would do it.
10. If my mom (tidak menjemput) me up, I‘ll take the subway home.
11. If Jane eats too much cheese, she (akan) sick.
12. If you (tidak belajar), you will fail the math exam.
13. If I (meninggalkan) my job, I could travel around the world.
14. It (akan) nice if the rain stopped.
15. If she (tidak tertidur) asleep while driving, she wouldn‘t have crashed her car.

1. If we ….. (wake up) earlier, we would have reached school.

a. wake up

b. woke up

c. woken up

d. had woken up

2. Dinda would buy tens luxury houses if she ….. (win) the lottery.

a. win

b. wins

c. won

d. had won

3. If you cook vegetables for long time, they ….. (lose) their nutrients.

a. lose

b. loses

c. had lose

d. would lose

4. If I ….. (finish) my assignment tonight, I will go to Mall with my friends.

a. finish

b. finishes

c. would finish

d. had finished

5. If the Sun rises on the west, the world ….. (end)

a. end

b. ends

c. ended

d. will end

6. I would never lend to you if I ….. (know) before.

a. know

b. knows

c. knew

d. had known

7. They ….. (bring) the cake if the baker had finished it.

a. brought

b. had brought

c. would brought

d. would have brought

8. If Rafli gets score more than 90, his mom ….. (buy) PS 4 for him.

a. buy

b. buys

c. will buy

d. would buy

9. Dinda would erase all policies she hated if she ….. (be) a president.

a. was

b. being

c. to be

d. were

10. Nothing is going to change my love for you if you always ….. (love) me too.

a. love

b. loves

c. loving

d. will love


Fungsi dari Passive Voice

Kalimat pasif atau passive voice digunakan untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada seseorang atau
objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan seseorang atau objek yang melakukan tindakan. Jadi, hal
atau orang yang terpenting akan menjadi subjek kalimat.
 The passive voice is used frequently. (= kita tertarik dengan kalimat pasif, bukan siapa
yang menggunakannya.)

 The house was built in 1654. (= kita tertarik dengan rumahnya, bukan siapa yang

 The road is being repaired. (= kita tertarik dengan jalannya, bukan siapa yang
melakukan perbaikan.)

Terkadang, kita menggunakan kalimat pasif karena kita tidak mengetahui atau tidak ingin
menyatakan siapa yang melakukan tindakan.
 I noticed that a window had been left open.

 Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.

 All the cookies have been eaten.
 My car has been stolen!

Kalimat pasif sering digunakan dalam teks formal. Mengubahnya menjadi kalimat aktif akan
membuat tulisan Anda lebih jelas dan lebih mudah dibaca.
Pasif Aktif

A great deal of meaning is A few well-chosen words convey a

conveyed by a few well-chosen words. great deal of meaning.

Our planet is wrapped in a mass of A mass of gases wrap around our

gases. planet.

Waste materials are disposed of in a The city disposes of waste materials

variety of ways. in a variety of ways.
Jika ingin mengatakan siapa atau apa yang melakukan suatu tindakan dalam kalimat pasif, kita
menggunakan preposisi by. Saat kita mengetahui siapa yang melakukan tindakan itu dan tertarik
dengan subjeknya, lebih baik kita mengubahnya ke kalimat aktif.

Pasif Aktif

"A Hard Day's Night" was written The Beatles wrote "A Hard Day's
by the Beatles. Night".

The movie ET was directed Spielberg directed the movie ET.

by Spielberg.

This house was built by my father. My father built this house.

Membentuk passive voice

Kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris terdiri dari dua unsur:
bentuk kata kerja to be yang sesuai + past participle
Positif Negatif Pertanyaan Pertanyaan

The house was The house Was the house Wasn't the house
built in 1899. wasn't built in built in 1899? built in 1899?

These houses These houses Were these houses Weren't these

were built in weren't built in built in 1899? houses built in
1899. 1899. 1899?

To clean, passive voice

Subjek + to be (disesuaikan) + past participle + sisa kalimat

Simple present

The house Is cleaned every day.

Present continuous

The house is being cleaned at the moment.

Simple past

The house Was cleaned yesterday.

Past continuous

Subjek + to be (disesuaikan) + past participle + sisa kalimat

The house was being cleaned last week.

Present perfect

The house has been cleaned since you left.

Past perfect

The house had been cleaned before they arrived.


The house will be cleaned next week.

Future continuous

The house will be being cleaned tomorrow.

Present conditional

The house would be cleaned if they had visitors.

Past conditional

The house would have been cleaned if it had been dirty.


The house must be cleaned before we arrive.

Passive voice dengan infinitive

Kalimat pasif infinitive digunakan setelah modal kata kerja (modal verb), dan kata kerja lainnya
biasanya diikuti oleh infinitive.
 You have to be tested on your English grammar.

 John might be promoted next year.

 She wants to be invited to the party.
 I expect to be surprised on my birthday.
 You may be disappointed.

Passive voice dengan gerund
Gerund digunakan setelah preposisi, dan kata kerja biasanya diikuti oleh gerund.
 I remember being taught to drive.

 The children are excited about being taken to the zoo.

 The children are excited to be taken to the zoo.
 Most film stars hate being interviewed.
 Most film stars hate to be interviewed.
 Poodles like to be pampered.
 Poodles like being pampered.

Menggunakan 'to be born'

To be born adalah bentuk pasif dan biasanya digunakan dalam bentuk past tense. Namun, dalam
beberapa kasus, present atau future tense dapat digunakan.
 I was born in 1976.

 Where were you born?

 Around 100 babies are born in this hospital every week.
 We don't know on exactly which day the baby will be born.


Pengertian Procedure Text
Procedure Text adalah teks yang isinya berkaitan dengan cara membuat, melakukan, atau
mengoperasikan sesuatu secara berurutan ( dalam langkah langkah yang teratur mulai dari awal
sampai akhir ). Terkadang procedure text juga menyebutkan berbagai bahan atau alat yang

Tujuan Procedure Text

Tujuan komunikatif procedure text adalah menggambarkan bahwa sesuatu yang dikerjakan
sesuai dengan aturan melalui langkah – langkah yang jelas dan teratur. Dengan kata lain, jenis
teks ini memberikan petunjuk cara – cara melakukan sesuatu dengan menempuh urutan yang

Generic Stucture of Procedure Text

Procedure text memiliki skema susunan umum atau generic structure diantaranya adalah sebagai

berikut :
a) Goal/Aim (Tujuan)
Goal atau aim berarti tujuan dalam pembuatan atau peng- operasian sesuatu.

b) Materials (Bahan-Bahan)
Materials adalah bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Namun
demikian, terdapat pula Procedure Text yang tidak memerlukan bahan-bahan. Seba¬gai contoh,
―How to use the computer.‖ (Bagaimana cara menggunakan komputer).
Ada 3 jenis Procedural Text yang tidak menggunakan bagian materials. Perhatikan penjelasan
berikut ini.
Pertama, Procedure Text yang menjelaskan bagaimana bekerja atau cara melakukan instruksi
secara manual contohnya, How to use video game, the computer, the tape recorder, the fax, dan
Kedua, Procedural Text yang menginstruksikan bagai-mana melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas
tertentu serta peraturannya. Contohnya, road safety rules, video game rules, dan sebagainya.
Ketiga, Procedural Text yang berhubungan dengan sifat atau kebiasaan manusia. Contohnya,
How to live happily, atau How to succeed, dan sebagainya.

c) Steps (Langkah-Langkah)
Bagian ini memuat langkah-langkah atau urutan yang harus dilakukan agartujuan dapat
tercapai. Sebagai catatan, pada Procedure Text berupa How to biasanya tidak menyebutkan
(menyertakan) materi.yang dibutuhkan (material needed).
Bentuk-Bentuk Procedural Text
Procedural Text dapat digunakan dalam bentuk recipes/ cookbooks, craft instructions, game
rules, science experiments/ report, dan sebagainya.

Ciri Ciri Procedure Text

Terdapat beberapa ciri kebahasaan dalam Procedural Text, di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut :
Menggunakan pola kalimat imperative (perintah), misalnya, cut, don‘t mix, dan sebagainya;
Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya turn, put, don‘t, mix, dan sebagainya;
Menggunakan connectives (kata penghubung) untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya then,
while, dan sebagainya.
Menggunakan adverbials ( kata keterangan ) untuk menyatakan secara rinci waktu, tempat, serta
cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, 2 hours, dan sebagainya.
Menggunakan simple present tense.
Biasanya menggunakan penomoran, firstly, secondly, next, then, dan sebagainya.
Menjelaskan bahan bahan yang ada, walaupun tidak harus selalu ada.

Contoh Kalimat Procedur Text dan Artinya :

Contoh Suatu Prosedur : How To Make Fried Rice

Goal ( Tujuan )
Tujuan prosedur adalah memberikan instruksi mengenai cara membuat nasi goreng.
Materials ( Bahan Bahan )
Integredients ( Bahan-bahan )
a plate of rice ( 1 Piring nasi )
1 red chili pepper chopped ( 1 Buah cabai merah yang dirajang )
1 clove garlic chopped fine ( 1 siung bawang putih yang dirajang halus )
1 clove chopped onion ( 1 siung bawang merah yang dirajang )
pinch of salt ( sedikit garam )
2 tbsp margarine ( 2 sendok makan mentega )
2 tbsp soy sauce ( 2 sendok makan kecap )
Steps ( Langkah-langkah )
Cooking Method ( Cara Memasak )
Crush the red pepper, garlic, and onion until very fine. (Ulek cabai merah, bawang putih, dan
bawang merah sampai halus.)
Add the salt and saute in margarine over low heat for 2 minutes. (Tambahkan garam dan goreng
dalam mentega di api kecil selama 2 menit.)
Add the rice and soya sauce. (Tambahkan nasi dan kecap.)
Stir until well mixed and rice is hot. ( aduk sampai tercampur rata dan nasi matang )
Presentation (Cara Menyajikan)
Serve hot on a plate. (Hidangkan panas-panas diatas piring)
Garnish With shredded omelet, sliced cucumber, and tomatoes. (Hias dengan irisan telur dadar,
mentimun, dan tomat.

Procedure Text 1
Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your
Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you‘re your waist.
Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by
pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.
A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in
case of emergency.
The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile
phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.
We wish you an enjoyable flight.
1. Where is the life jacket located?
A. Over the head
B. Around the waist.
C. Outsite the aircraft.
D. In the back of the seat.
E. Under the seat.
2. What can interfere the navigatioanl system
A. Table.
B. The life jacket.
C. Mobile phones
D. The attached light.
E. Tapes around the waist.

Soal Procedure Text 2

A quick and easy cheese cake recipe
Yield : 6 servings
Prep. Time :5 minutes
Cook Time : 40 minutes
Total Time : 45 minutes
16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 prepared Graham cracker crust
Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs. Stir
in chocolate chips then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may sprinkle ¼ cup mini
semi sweet chocolate chips on top if you desire).
Bake at 35calcius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost set. Cool.
For best results refrigerate for 3 hours.

3. How many persons is the cake for?

A. 2
B. 5
C. 6
D. 35
E. 2
4. The goal of the text is to tell about . . . . .
A. how to beat cream cheese
B. how to blend sugar and vanilla
C. how to bake chocolate cheese and cake
D. how make chocolate cheese cake

E. how to make mini sweet chocolate chips
5. The text is called a/an . . . . .
A. explanation
B. description
C. procedure
D. report
E. spoof

How To Make Porridge

Yield: 4 servings
 1 cup of white rice

 ¼ chicken or use any amount you want

 8 cups of water
 150 gr ginger
 2 pieces green onion
 2 tablespoons cornstarch
 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
 2 tablespoons water
 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
 1 tablespoon salt
 2 tablespoon chicken stock

 Fill the bowl with water to wash the rice. Massage and mix the rice with your hands.
Drain the water. Repeat this step 2 or 3 times.

 Boil 8 cups of water. chop the ginger into thin slices and chop the green onion into small

 After that, cut the chicken into thin slices. Place into a bowl to marinate. Add oyster
sauce, cornstarch, chicken stock and two tablespoons of water. Add two tablespoons of
vegetable oil and mix it for 30 seconds.
 Add the rice into the boiled water from earlier. Stir the rice around a bit. Cover the pot
and wait until it‘s boiling again.
 Let it cook at medium heat for 30 minutes.

 While waiting for rice to cook, set the stove to high heat. Add the chicken slowly. Stir
constantly around 1-2 minutes.

 Add the ginger and one tablespoon of salt, and chicken stock. Stir it for around 30

 Last but not least, turn off the heat and pour the jook into the bowl. You can garnish it
with green onions, peanuts or whatever you like.
1. What is the main ingredient? = Rice
2. What is the text about? = How to make porridge
3. How many persons in the porridge for? = 4 persons
4. What toppings can you add into a porridge? = chicken, peanuts.
5. What is the generic structure of the text? = goal – ingredients – steps

6. What is the social function of the text? = to describe about how to make a chicken
7. What are the language features of the text? = present tense
8. How much rice do we need? = one cup of white rice
9. How many cornstarch do we need? = 2 tablespoons
10. What is the kind of the text? = procedure text
11. When do we add the chicken? = After all the ingredients have been done
12. ―Boil 8 cups of water‖, what is the meaning of boil? = to cook with hot water
13. How long does it take to cook rice to porridge?= 30 minutes
14. How much salt do we need? = one tablespoon
15. ―Stir the rice around a bit‖. The word stir means? = to move an object in order to mix it

Invention atau invansi merupakan suatu hal yang benar-benar baru (new), yang belum
pernah ada sebelumnya, benar-benar hasil kreasi manusia yang belum pernah
dijumpai/ditemukan. Munculnya ide, atau kreativitas yang baru itu tentu didasarkan pada
pengalaman dan pengamatan ataupun hal-hal yang sudah ada tetapi wujud ditemukanyya adalah
baru. Misalnya, bahan bakar dari limbah, mode pakaian, ataupun teori belajar, teori pendidikan

Thomas Alva Edison
We must be grateful for one of the great discoveries that changed the world. The discovery of an
incandescent light bulb by Thomas Alva Edison. He was born on February 11, 1847. At the age
11, Edison was able to make a simple telegraph. In 1861 he was able to print a newspaper.
"Weekly Herald" publication is selling well. on October 21, 1879, the first incandescent lamp
was born which could be lit for 40 hours. Thomas Alva Edison's persistence gave new things to
the world.
Charles Goodyear and John Boyd Dunlop
Initially, the wheels began with a simple form of rolled wooden blocks, then the cross section of
the middle wooden beam was also filled with iron so the wheels became stronger. In 1839
Charles Goodyear succeeded in creating a tire made of rubber that was more shock-resistant. In
1845 Thomson and Dunlop created air-filled tires. Thanks to the invention of the wheel, human
life becomes easier because it can travel faster between places in the world.
Answer the questions below correctly!

1. Who is the inventor of electric current?

2. Where was Michael Faraday born?
3. What year did Michael Faraday was born?
4. Who invented the incandescent lamp?
5. how old is Edison when making a simple telegraph?
6. What year did Charles Goodyear succeeded in creating a tire made of rubber that was more
7. Who is the inventor of tires made of rubber?
8. What year did Thomson and Dunlop create air-filled tires?
9. ― Changes‖ in Indonesian language is ...
10. ― Rubber‖ in Indonesian language is


 Definition
A gerund is a noun add from a verb by adding ―-ing‖. You can use a gerund as
the subject, complement, or the object of a sentence. For example: the gerund
form of the verb ―speak‖ is ―speaking‖.

 Functions
1. Subject of the verb
 Swimming is a good exercise.
 Giving is better than receiving.
2. Object of a transitive verb
 I like reading poetry.
 I could not help laughing.
3. Object of a preposition
 I am tired of writing.
 They are punished for telling a lie.

In the above sentences, after preposition ‗of‘ and ‗for‘, gerund is used.
4. By + Gerund
 By eating a balanced diet, you can live well.
 By being curious, he can learn many things.
5. Without + Gerund:
 Without working hard, you cannot success.

6. As Verbal Noun (The + Gerund + of)

 The reading of history is interesting.

7. As a Complement
 My hobby is playing tennis.

Choose The Correct Answer!
1. What a boring Sunday! Let‘s go ______ near the city park.

A. Walk
B. Walking
C. We have walked
D. We walk
2. Smoking too much is not good for health.
The underlined word is gerund as a……
A. Subject
B. Object
C. Complement
D. Title
3. She like playing tennis.
The underlined word is gerund as a……
A. Subject
B. Object
C. Complement
D. Title
4. Johnny hasn‘t got dorm since his going camping. His mother _____ him when she watched
news broadcasted on TV.
A. Worried about to think
B. Is worried about to think
C. Is worried about thinks
D. Is worried about thinking
5. Lucy wasted a big part of his life time ________ novels.
A. read
B. to read
C. reading
D. reads
6. I saw a boy and a girl was lying on the grass _____ each other.
A. chating
B. chat
C. chats
D. chatted
7. We enjoyed ______ football.
A. play
B. plays
C. playing
D. played
8. Luna favourite sport is rowing.
The underlined word is gerund as a…….
A. Subject
B. Object
C. Complement
D. Verbal noun
9. Charlotte began _______ with a hoarse voice that no one could understand.
A. speak
B. speaking

C. speaks
D. to speaking
10. Did you like ______ that night? You seemed to be ______ a good time.
A. dance, having
B. dancing, have
C. dance, have
D. dancing, having

Fill in the gaps with gerund:

11. He advised ________ (do) it.
12. I don‘t mind _______ (chat) with her.
13. She is crazy about_____ (hike)
14. Andy ______ (wear) black suit in Woody‘s party.
15. _______ (Learn) languages is fun.
16. Without ______ (run) faster, you can‘t catch the car.
17. ______ (Eat) too much noodle is not healthy.
18. Budi stopped _______ (listen) whenever he was bored.
19. My boyfriend is afraid of ______ (go) by plane.
20. They are interested in __________ (investigate) a special case.


 Definition
An infinitive is created from the word to together with the base form of a verb.
An infinitive is usually used to show the purpose of an action. For examples : to
get, to call, to quit, etc.

 Types of Infinitives

1. Full Infinitive
Infinitives are called full infinitives while the infinitive signature "to" is intact in front
of the verb that completes it compared to the bare infinitive situation.
a.) I'm lucky to hear from you after ages.
b.) Don‘t promise to do more than you normally can manage.
2. Bare Infinitive
The bare infinitive is where the infinitive sign "to" is omitted in sentences. There are a
few base verbs that allow the infinitive signature "to" to be omitted in a sentence and
they are - make, let, help, hear etc.
a.) She heard my sister scream.

b.) I dared not wake him.

3. Split Infinitive
When the construction of infinitive is agitated by mostly adverbs, they are termed as
split adjectives. The adjective slides in between the infinitive marker - ―to‖ and the
base form of verb concerned.
a.) She wanted to boldly go for what she stand for.
b.) It would take ages to really master this subject

Choose The Correct Answer!
1. Susan decides .... that she has commited a crime.
A. confess
B. confessing
C. confessed
D. to confess
2. Amy wanted me _____ a new bicycle.
A. to buy
B. buy
C. bought
D. buys
3. He is a nice man _______ to.
A. talk

B. to talking
C. to talk
D. talking
4. ―Lily is the only one of us who doesn‘t know how ________ dress.‖
A. to iron
B. iron
C. ironing
D. in ironing
5. She begged the culprit _______.
A. Don‘t kill me
B. Not killing me
C. Not to kill me
D. He didn‘t kill me
6. Andrea thinks that the shirt is too small ______ on her.
A. Be put
B. To be put
C. For being put
D. Being put
7. ― Why didn‘t she pick you up?‖ ―She was even too weak ______ from the bed.‖
A. To get up
B. Getting up
C. Not getting up
D. Get up
8. Lala agreed ______ us at 14.00
A. meets
B. meeting
C. met
D. to meet
9. My sister will begin _______ Chinese next semester.
A. will study
B. to study
C. studies
D. study
10. Sita seem _______ interest in the homework.
A. losing
B. be losing
C. to losing
D. to be losing

Fill in the blanks with the correct Infinitive verb!

11. Her name is not easy ………………….. (remember)
12. Ali warned her …………….….. naughty. (not be)
13. It is fun ……………….. the net for more information. (surf)
14. Risa wishes ………………….. her mother more often. (visit)
15. Andita pretended ………………… angry. (be)
16. At school, the students are not allowed ………………….. (smoke)

17. Judy promised ……………….. cheating. (stop)
18. It seems more easy …………………….. everything through Google . (know)
19. Riris and her husband plan ……………………. to London this summer. (go)
20. Emely and Gisele really want …………………. you about your problem. (help)


A gerund is a noun made from a verb by Infinitives are prefaced with the word “to.”
adding "-ing."

Example: looking, studying, sharing. Example: to talk, to speak, to run

Gerunds are best for use in sentences about Infinitives are best for use in sentences about
actions that are real or complete, or that have actions that are unreal or abstract, or that will
been completed. occur in the future.

Example: I stopped worrying about the future. Example: I‘d like you to think about
In this example, the worrying was real and it something.
happened until I stopped. In this example, I‘m asking you to think about
something, but the thinking hasn‘t happened
Gerunds can be used after certain verbs Infinitives can be used after certain verbs
including enjoy, fancy, discuss, dislike, finish, including agree, ask, decide, help, plan, hope,
mind, suggest, recommend, keep, and avoid. learn, want, would like, and promise.

Choose The Correct Answer!
1. Erwin enjoys ____________ to classical music.
A. listen
B. to listening
C. listening
D. the listen
2. They don‘t mind __________ the washing up.
A. do
B. doing
C. to do
D. did
3. Some questions are easy _____________.
A. to answer
B. answering
C. answer
D. to
4. Zerelda and Milo are thinking about ____________ abroad.
A. work

B. works
C. to be
D. working
5. They waited ______________ a concert ticket.
A. bought
B. buying
C. buys
D. to buy
6. I wouldn't like _______ in her shoes.
A. to
B. to be
C. be
D. go
7. Dinda hate _________ the shopping on Monday.
A. do
B. to do
C. doing
D. being
8. Do you mind _______ in this office?
A. not smoking
B. smoke
C. not smoke
D. smokes
9. I need ________ some information about travel tour.
A. to find
B. finded
C. find
D. finding
10. Raras admitted ________ my chocolate cake.
A. eat
B. eats
C. to eats
D. eating

Fill in the blanks with the correct Gerund or Infinitive verb!

11. Alif and Gina arranged …………. under the station clock at half six. (meet)
12. In the end Rosa gave up ………………. to persuade Elen. (try)
13. Alicia don't recall ……………. her before. (meet)
14. I don't care ………….. that concert. (see)
15. Hendra wishes ………….. with us. (come)
16. He prefers …………. a light breakfast. (eat)
17. My children love ………… (play)
18. We stopped ……………… groceries at the super market. (buy)
19. Amanda struggled ………. awake. (stay)
20. Elle risked ………………. her work. (lose)


A good sentence expresses a complete thought, and can clearly communicate an idea.
However, there are a variety of other components that contribute to good sentence construction:
 A good sentence is a complete sentence. A complete sentence requires a subject and a
verb and expresses a complete thought—also known as an independent clause. This
element of sentence structure can stand on its own, expressing an idea without the need
for additional information. For example: ―Parents worry about their children.‖ This
sentence is complete, and conveys a clear idea.
 A good sentence conjures a particular mood. Especially when trying to appeal to your
reader‘s sensibilities, proper use of emotion in your sentences can make all the difference
as to whether your audience feels what you want them to or not. This is particularly
useful in many business writing fields like copywriting and marketing, where establishing
an emotional connection with the reader can address their wishes—or fears—and compel
them to take action or buy into what you‘re selling.
 A good sentence paints a picture. Using strong sensory imagery will create a vivid
image for your reader. It doesn‘t provide too much information that insults your
audience‘s imagination, but it gives enough detail that is necessary for the message you
are trying to send. A single sentence can become much more potent when there is a
powerful visual attached to it.
 A good sentence has flow. How you word sentences dictates their pacing, and the
cadence of a good sentence should be unmarred by poor punctuation or wordiness. A
reader should not have to go back and re-read a sentence to understand the idea behind it,
it should be conveyed clearly and not convoluted by complex diction.

"No sentence can be effective if it contains facts alone. It must also contain emotion, image,
logic, and promise." -Eugene Schwartz


1. SENTENCES SHOULD CONTAIN ONLY ONE IDEA. Sentences that contain more
than one idea weaken the message. Too many ideas expressed without a pause tend to run
together in the reader's mind. Putting too many ideas into one sentence frequently results
in a run-on sentence, which is not only confusing but also grammatically incorrect. A
run-on sentence consists of two or more independent clauses without the proper
punctuation. A run-on sentence sometimes may not have a coordinating conjunction,
such as and, but, or, or nor; therefore, the sentence is composed of two independent
clauses that run on.
that gives merely part of an idea is a sentence fragment. Because a sentence must express

one complete thought, a sentence fragment is not a sentence. A fragment splits one
thought into two parts.
creates force through the use of action verbs—those used in the active voice rather than
the passive voice.
sentences may make the receiver think the sender is ignorant or careless—or both. What
is good English, and what are the rules of good English? The "rules" are actually general
agreements among the users of English on how to use the language for various purposes
in various circumstances. Your goal, as a successful communicator, is to use the rules
followed by the majority of skilled writers and speakers in the business world.
How do you know what is correct, or standard, English usage? Reading, listening,
writing, speaking, and studying and practicing the rules of grammar can help you develop
an instinct for correct English usage. The ability to recite the rules of grammar and
punctuation will not necessarily prevent you from making errors. However, the ability to
recognize errors is the key to mechanically correct writing. Once you recognize your
errors, you can turn to a reliable reference manual or English grammar handbook to
verify the rules you need to correct mistakes and to improve usage habits.
most troublesome of all punctuation marks. Placing commas incorrectly or otherwise
misusing them may cause the meaning of sentences to be unclear. The reader may then
need to reread sentences several times to understand the intended meaning.
6. SENTENCES SHOULD BE CONCISE. Concise communication uses as few words as
possible to communicate the message in a clear, courteous manner. Whether long or
short, a sentence should be concise. Concise is the opposite of wordy;it is not the
opposite of long.If your sentences are concise, they contain no wasted words. You have
already learned to avoid needless repetition and to use concise words and phrases. You
know it is important not to use three or four words to express an idea if one or two words
express the idea as well.
7. SENTENCES SHOULD BE VARIED IN LENGTH. For quick, clear, easy reading, all
sentences should be short and simple, right? Wrong! Sentences averaging around 17
words in length are considered about right for fast reading. Good sentences can be longer
than 20 words or as short as 4 or 5 words for variety and emphasis. Imagine the
monotony of a message in which each sentence is exactly 17 words long. Varying
sentence length can enliven writing style. A short sentence placed between two long
sentences emphasizes the thought of the short sentence. A few very short sentences help
to give the message "punch." Too many short sentences, one after another, can make a
letter choppy.
8. SENTENCES SHOULD BE VARIED IN STRUCTURE. We have already seen that a
long string of very short sentences makes for choppy writing, that a sequence of very

long sentences makes reading difficult, and that sentences all the same length make a
letter boring to read. Another shortcoming that affects the reader's reaction is identically
constructed sentences. A series of sentences having the same construction becomes
monotonous and may seem to talk down to the reader.
sentence should be arranged for smooth reading, so should the sentences in a message.
Each sentence should smoothly follow the previous one and flow naturally to the next
one. Similarly, one paragraph should lead naturally to the next paragraph to guide the
reader from one central thought or point to the next. In writing sentences that fit together
smoothly, you will find it helps to (l ) refer in some way to the preceding sentence and (2)
use transitional words and phrases, or connectives.




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