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(1) Review: Ask the students to recall what they have learned about telling time using analog

and digital

(2)) Motivation: Show pictures of different clocks and ask the students to identify if they are analog or
digital clocks.

(3) Activity:

a. Analog vs Digital Clocks - Divide the class into two groups. Group A will be the analog clock group, and
group, and Group B will be the digital clock group. Each group will be given a set of cards with different
times written on them. The group must arrange the cards in order, and the first group to finish wins.

b. Clock Bingo - Create bingo cards with different times written on them using analog and digital clocks.
The teacher will call out a time, and, and the students must mark the correct time on their bingo cards.

c. Time Relay - Divide the class into two teams. Each team will have a set of cards with different times
written on them. The first student on each team will run to the to the board and write the time using an
analog or digital clock. They will then run back and tag the next student who will do the same. The first
team to finish wins.

(4) Analysis: Ask the students to explain the difference between telling time using analog and digital

(5) Abstraction: Discuss the importance of telling time accurately and how it is used in our daily lives.

(6) Application: Give the students a real-life problem such as "If you have a doctor's appointment at 2:30
p.m. and it takes 45 minutes to get there, what time do you need to need to leave your house?"

(7) Assessment:

What is the difference between analog and digital difference between analog and digital clocks?
difference between analog and digital clocks? Answer: Analog clocks have hands that point to the time,
while digital clocks display the time using numbers.
What is the correct way to write 3:45 p.m. using an analog clock? Answer: The minute hand points to the
9 on the clock, and the hour hand clock, and the hour hand points to the 3.

Which clock clock is easier to read, analog or digital? Answer: It depends on the person's preference, but
some people find digital clocks easier to read.

What is the importance of telling time accurately? Answer: Telling time accurately helps us manage our
time better and be more efficient with our daily tasks.

How can you convert a time written on an analog clock to a digital clock? Answer: Look at where the
hour hand is pointing the hour hand is pointing and what number the minute hand is pointing to. Then,
write the time in the format of hours:, write the time in the format of hours:minutes.

(😎 Assignment: Ask the students to write down the time they wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, and do
other activities throughout the day using both analog and digital clocks.

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Ronald Carnice

Para di kana ma scam ahahhaa


Ronald Carnice

Oh no, I appreciate your kind words and compliments very much. I sincerely hope that the lesson plan
and the teachers reflection form will assist you in the ranking process. If you require any assistance, I am
readily available to help you.

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