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Pengaruh Suhu terhadap Frekuensi Alami Jembatan Pelengkung

Baja dengan Perletakan Sendi

Rastandi, J. I.(1), Novialdi, H.(2) , Christian, C.(3)

(1), lecturer at Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424,
(2), senior engineer at PT. Risen Engineering Consultant, Indonesia
(3), graduate student at Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 16424,


Seperti halnya denyut jantung, dengan mengamati frekuensi alami suatu struktur dan
membandingkannya dengan kondisi awal, kita dapat mengetahui kondisi kesehatan struktur
tersebut. Di Indonesia pengujian dinamik untuk mengetahui frekuensi alami jembatan,
mensyaratkan bahwa frekuensi alami suatu jembatan harus memenuhi syarat maksimum
simpangan nilai frekuensinya sebesar 10% dibanding hasil secara teoritis. Dalam tulisan ini,
akan menampilkan hasil pengukuran frekuensi alami suatu struktur jembatan pelengkung baja
yang diukur dalam kondisi suhu yang berbeda-beda, dimana menghasilkan simpangan sebesar
4% , yang berarti sudah mencapai 40% dari nilai simpangan yang diijinkan. Pemodelan
dengan memperhitungkan efek aksial terhadap kekakuan lentur mengkonfirmasi hasil
pengukuran yang telah dilakukan

Just like heart beats of human, by observing the natural frequency of a structure, comparing
to its initial, we can know the heath condition of the structure. For bridge evaluation,
regulations in Indonesia obliges that the natural frequency from the test results are only
allowed to have a maximum difference of 10% from the results of theoretical calculations. In
this paper, several vibration tests were conducted to a new steel arc bridge. From the
accelerometer installed, show that different results of up to 4% between measurements at day
and night. Strain monitoring shows that temperature changes cause a significant change in
axial stress. The modeling results taking into account Axial Effects to Flexural Stiffness confirm
that natural frequency measurements are influenced by temperature
Keywords : Temperature effect, steel bridge, natural frequency

1. Introduction

Steel bridges, especially long-span-steel bridge, give response to changing temperature rapidly.
Steel structure may react differently during heating and cooling periods, due to the difference
between the inside and outside temperature of the steel structure. Several previous researches
have observed the relationship of temperature and responses of structure, and many of those
have concluded that the amplitude of the structural response may increase as the temperature
increases. These responses can be either static or dynamic, and can be either displacement,
velocity, or acceleration.
Temperature may modify the behavior of the structure since it may cause the structure to
elongate and induce strain, so that it may generate stress and internal force due to the change
of temperature. This internal force is classified as additional force to the structure along its
axis, which can be classified as axial force. When a structure is subjected to an additional axial
force as it carrying flexure, the dynamic equilibrium of the structure may be modified due the
presence of the axial load, since it may change the dynamic parameters of the structure, in this
case is the stiffness matrices, due to geometrical modification of the structure.

2. Dynamics Parameters of Structure

Structure may be identified by several parameters and characteristics. Ones of those are
dynamic parameters, such as natural period of vibration, natural frequencies, and mode shapes.
Basically, natural period of time is a range of time a structure needs to oscillate a full cycle,
and natural frequency is the number of oscillations every second. And mode shape is the
deflection characteristic of the structure as a response to the applied dynamic loadings.
Based on the number of degrees of freedom (DOF), structure can be classified into single DOF
(SDOF) structure and multi DOF (MDOF) structure. Degree of freedom is a number of
independent displacements required to define the displaced positions of all the masses relative
to their original positions [3]. Therefore, the number of natural frequencies depend on the
number of DOF. Theoretically, dynamic parameters of a structure can be obtained by solving
the differential equation below.
[𝑀]{𝑢̈ } + [𝐶 ]{𝑢̇ } + [𝐾 ]{𝑢} = {𝑝(𝑡)} (1)
Natural frequencies of structure can also be experimentally extracted by employing vibration
testing, where structure is excited by a certain kind of dynamic loadings and left to freely
vibrate. This free vibration recording can then be analyzed by performing Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) to convert a time domain data into frequency domain data.
This transformation can be mathematically expressed as follow:
𝐹 (𝜔 ) = ∑ ∞
−∞ 𝑓(𝑡 )𝑒
𝜕𝑡 (2)

3. Axial Effects to Flexural Stiffness

When a beam is subjected to an axial force as it carrying flexure, the dynamic equilibrium of
the beam may be modified due to the presence of this axial load. Temperature changes may
generate axial load in the longitudinal axis of the beam, hence it may change the dynamic
parameters of a beam, in this case is the stiffness matrices, due to geometrical condition [3].

Figure 1 shows a beam carrying flexure load with an additional axial load, assumed to be
constant along its longitudinal axis. The dynamic equilibrium for the beam may be generated
by equating to zero both the sum of the forces and the sum of the moments acting on this
differential element.
Summing the forces in y direction, this equation may be generated:

Figure 1. (a) Loaded Beam; (b) Forces Acting on an Element

And simplified to be:

The sum of the moments about point 0 may generate:


And combining these three equations with moment-curvature relationship of the beam, this
equation may be obtained:

The solution of equation above may be found by substituting:


And then this ordinary differential equation may be generated:


And the solution is:


Where A, B, C, and D are known to be constants of integration, and



To obtain the dynamic matrices included with axial force effect for the transverse vibration of
the beam elements, the boundary conditions, these equations are imposed, namely:

Where δ1, δ3 and δ2, δ4 are respectively the transverse and angular displacements at he the ends
of the beam, while P1, P3 and P2, P4 are the corresponding forces and moments at these nodal
coordinates. Integrating these equations, this final result matrix may be generated:



And the letter c, s, C and S mean:

And B denotes:

4. Methodology

This research employed a steel arc bridge as a case study structure to observe the effects of
temperature changes to structural stiffness, which affects the dynamic parameters of structure.
The bridge, called Bangkinang Bridge is located in Riau Province, Sumatera Island, Indonesia,
which has a total length of 200 m, consists of two 50 m side spans and 100 m of middle span,
with 7 m wide and pinned-supported at 8 points. And it has two lanes of one-way traffic flow.
A finite element model, with nonlinear geometry analysis, was performed using MIDAS Civil
Software to find out the theoretical parameters of the structure. In this case is natural
frequencies, to be a benchmarking parameter of this research. Figure 3 shows the real bridge
and the while Figure 3 is the finite element model bridge.

Figure 2 The Bangkinang Steel Arc Bridge

Figure 3. Finite Element Model Bridge

To verify the model, vibration testing was conducted to extract the real parameters of the
structure, in this case is its natural frequencies. The testing was performed before the opening
of the bridge with an empty live load condition. Vibration testing was conducted by exciting
the bridge with impact load. The impact load was created with a truck by passing a “speed
hump”, as seen in Figure 4. Using accelerometer from the Bridge Structural Health Monitoring
System, the dynamic responses were analyzed and transformed from time domain into the
frequency domain to obtain the natural frequency of the bridge. The vibration tests were
performed several times during day and night to obtain its natural frequencies with different
surrounding temperature.
Figure 4. Impact load from a truck passing a “speed hump”

5. Structural Health Monitoring System

The Bangkinang Bridge has a Structural Health Monitoring System that consist of 15 channel
accelerometer (12 channel at the bridge and 3 channel at the ground) as can be seen in Figure
5. It has also 64 Vibrating Wire Strain Gauges (VWSG), which are spread throughout the
bridge as can be seen in Figure 6 .

Figure 5. Accelerometer installed for monitoring the bridge.

Figure 6. Location of 64 VWSG

Employing 9 units of accelerometers and 64 VWSGs, this research is aimed to observe the
effects of temperature changes at the most extreme condition. Observations of temperature and
strain have been carried out for 7 months from January to July 2017. Figure 7 shows the
temperature changes at the top of the arc bridge for 7 months period. The lowest temperature
in this period was 19.8o Celsius and the highest temperature was 62.9 o Celsius. The range of
the strain during this period was from -118.86  to -285.75 .
Vibration testing was conducted at five different times on 5 th – 6th of June 2018, at 12 pm, 6
pm, 3 am, 9 am, and 2 pm. These times were selected based on the recorded temperature, when
the highest and the lowest temperature occurred at these times. The acquired temperature was
in a range of 23.4oC – 45.1oC. The response observed was in the mid span of the bridge in order
to observe only the maximum bending response under an exact same excitation.


3/9/17 15:00, 62.9



Suhu (oC)





2/2/17 6:00, 19.8
6/13/17 0:00

4/12/17 6:00

3/24/17 6:00

3/16/17 3:00

3/11/17 9:00

2/25/17 3:00

2/20/17 9:00

2/15/17 0:00

2/10/17 6:00
7/22/17 3:00

7/16/17 6:00

6/27/17 6:00

5/25/17 0:00
5/20/17 6:00

4/17/17 0:00

3/29/17 0:00
7/6/17 18:00

6/3/17 12:00

4/7/17 12:00
4/2/17 18:00

3/6/17 15:00

3/1/17 21:00

2/18/17 0:00

1/29/17 9:00
2/7/17 21:00
2/5/17 12:00
7/24/17 12:00

7/19/17 18:00

7/11/17 12:00

6/22/17 12:00
6/17/17 18:00

5/29/17 18:00

5/15/17 12:00
5/10/17 18:00

4/26/17 12:00
4/21/17 18:00

3/19/17 12:00

3/13/17 18:00

2/27/17 12:00

2/22/17 18:00

2/12/17 15:00

1/31/17 18:00

1/26/17 21:00
11/5/16 10:00
7/2/17 0:00

5/1/17 6:00
6/8/17 6:00

5/6/17 0:00

3/9/17 0:00

3/4/17 6:00

2/3/17 3:00

Figure 7. Temperature at the top of the arc bridge from Januari to July 2017

7/24/17 9:00, -118.8602047




Δ Strain (με)





7/21/17 15:00, -285.7467052

Date & Time

Figure 8. Strain at the top of the arc bridge from Januari to July 2017

6. Results and Discussions

6.1. Vibration testing result

The average temperature was known to be 38.8 Hz, so the obtained natural frequency will be
compared to the closest temperature to the average, 37 oC, where the obtained natural frequency
is 1.92 Hz. Vibration testing was done with a sampling frequency of 2,000 Hz. The obtained
data from accelerometer was then processed with fast fourier transform (FFT) algorithm to
convert a time-domain data (Figure 9) to be frequency-domain data (Figure 10). The detailed
calculation of this vibration testing was published in previous publication [1].

Figure 9. Structural response in time domain

Figure 10. Structural response in frequency domain

This table below shows the summary of the results of vibration testing, which has been previously
elaborated on previous work [1].

Table 1. Summary of Obtained Frequencies of the Structure.

Natural Devia- Devia-
No. Time Freq. tion ation
(Hz) (Hz) (%)
1 12:14 PM 42.8 1.9531 0.0331 1.72
2 5:57 PM 37 1.92 0 0
3 3:19 AM 23.4 1.875 0.045 2.34%
4 9:41 AM 32.6 1.9097 0.0103 0.54%
5 1:52 PM 45.1 2 0.08 4.17%

6.2. Non-linear Geometry Finite Element Model

In this section, non-linear geometry finite element result is shown. This result might be
employed as a benchmark value of the ideal condition of the bridge. The response of the
structure is then analyzed to obtain the maximum response in bending mode of the structure.
The model shows that the first bending mode of the structure has natural frequency of 1.9408
Hz with temperature 37oC. This mode shape is shown in
Figure 11 below.

Figure 11. 1st Vertical bending mode shape of the Structure

In this non-linear geometry FE model, the structure has 8 pin supports. If we vary the
temperature, element members will elongate, the length of each member will be longer and the
stiffness will decrease. Actually, the increasing length of the member cause also an increase in
axial force because of the pin supported structure. However, in this FE model, its bending
stiffness does not take in to account the axial effect caused by the temperature. So that, with
the increasing temperature, the stiffness will be decreased and also the natural frequency, as
can be seen in
Table 2 below.
Table 2. 1st. bending mode frequency as function of temperature

23.4 1.9539
32.6 1.9450
37.0 1.9408
42.8 1.9355
45.1 1.9329

6.3. Simplified beam model with axial effect

To validate the result of experimental vibration testing, a series of subroutine was developed
to observe the effect of temperature changes to the natural frequencies of the structure. The
subroutine was created by using MATLAB, by employing the calculation from the previous
The bridge model was simplified, in order to make the analysis process simpler. The bridge
was idealized to be a continuous beam, which has six pin supports. The schematic model can
seen in Figure 12 and Figure 13. The model was simplified in order to create a simpler
subroutine of the bridge. The result may not be precisely generated, however the trend of the
appraisal may show and confirm the relationship of temperature and natural frequencies.

Figure 12. FEM model and Simplified beam model with axial effect

The simplified model was divided into 20 beam elements, 10 m each, and it has 21 nodes
spanning over the bridge. Here is the configuration of the model.
Figure 13. Simplified Model

The simplified model may not show the real condition of the real bridge, since the stiffness of
the simplified structure is way lighter than the real bridge. Hence, to create a same stiffness,
the modulus elasticity of the simplified model is manipulated, so that the first natural frequency
in the bending mode matches to the 3D model.
Section properties of the simplified structure were generated from the 3D model, and so was
the mass. The first natural frequency of the 2D model was matched to the first bending mode
in the 3D FEM model, since they both are the first bending mode in vertical direction. After
matching the properties for the simplified beam model, the natural frequency obtained was
1.9995 Hz at 37oC, where the 3D model has the natural frequency of 1.9539 Hz, also at 37oC.
Here are the used parameters to be the input of the calculation process:
I : 0.0079942 m4
A : 0.1629 m2
E : 3.53 x 1012 Pa
M : 236833.3 kg
α : 12 x 106 /oC

The simplified 2D model was then varied to the change of temperature, and the resulting
temperature force was estimated. Hence, the stiffness matrices of the elements were
recalculated and others parameters were also adjusted. The magnitude of the temperature force
was estimated based on this equation.

𝐹𝑇 (𝑁) = 𝐸 (𝑃𝑎) × 𝐴(𝑚2 ) × 𝛼(/𝑜 𝐶) × ∆𝑇(𝑜 𝐶) (13)

The equation above shows the relationship of modulus of elasticity, section area, thermal
coefficient, and temperature changes to create temperature force. In this case, temperature
changes is estimated to be uniformly distributed whole over the section, which is shown by
figure below.

Figure 14. Temperature Gradient

Table 3 shows the first natural frequency from the simplified beam model with the variation of
temperature according to the temperature from vibration testing.
Table 3. First natural frequensi of simplified beam model with axial effect.

Temp. (oC) Nat. Freq (Hz)

23.4 1.8145
32.6 1.922
37 1.9995
42.8 2.0982
45.1 2.1209

The natural frequencies from vibration testing, FEM model dan simplified beam model with
variation of temperature are displayed in Table 4.
Table 4. Comparation of natural frequencies from 3 different cases

We can see from table above that the simplified beam model has the same trend with vibration
testing. The natural frequency will raise with the increasing temperature. On the contrary, the
natural frequency from non-linear geometry FEM model will be decreased with the increasing
temperature. Graphically, this phenomenon is shown in Figure 15.
Ideally, the non-linear geometry and the axial effect of bending stiffness should be considered
in modelling a structure. therefor the theoretical natural frequency will be close to the real value
of natural frequency resulting from testing.









22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46


Figure 15. Natural frequency as function of temperature from 3 different cases

In Bangkinang bridge, both results (vibration testing and simplified beam model) show that
natural frequencies of the Bangkinang bridge rise up as the temperature increases. This may
not be as the same as another previous researches [5] about the effect of temperature changes
to natural frequencies. Previous researches [5] found that the natural frequency of a simple
beam is inversely proportional to the changes of temperature. This may happen because,
Bangkinang bridge is a pinned supported bridge, where elongation is restraint.

This condition may lead the structure to experience an additional axial force due to the
boundary condition. The structure itself wants to elongate, due to the raising temperature,
however it may not be possible, due to the boundary conditions. Hence, according to the
geometry theory, the structure may have additional stiffness that make it more stiff.

As the temperature increases, a material will also elongate, hence the length of the material will
elongate, and this expansion behavior of materials may create force induced by temperature
change. Figure 16 shows the deformed shape of the bridge due to raising temperature

Normally, elongation will take place if the structure has no boundaries or confinement. On the
other hand, this bridge has pinned-support, which means the structure is restricted to have
elongation, hence this additional force due to temperature change may be additional force to
the axial force of the structure. Geometrically, stiffness of the structure may be different due to
this additional force. Hence, the natural frequencies of the structure may be different.

In this research, this structure experienced temperature fluctuations in a range of 21.7o C and
according to vibration testing, had its natural frequency fluctuate up to 4.17%. However,
several building and structural codes have referred a value of allowable deviation of natural
frequency to be 10%, in order to justify a structural-health-index. Therefore, temperature
fluctuation itself, in this study, has led the structure to fluctuate up to 41.70% in the allowable
range of parameters deviation.

Figure 16 Deformed shape and stress of the bridge due to the raised temperature
7. Conclusions

These conclusions may be generated from this research:

1. Vibration testing results show that with the increasing temperature from 23.4 oC to
45.1oC, the natural frequency raise from 1.875 Hz to 2.0 Hz.
2. Vibration testing and simplified beam with axial effect model of Bangkinang bridge have
shown that the natural frequency of the structure increases as the temperature increases,
since it may generate an additional axial force to the structure and give contribution to
the bending stiffness.
3. The geometry non-linear FEM model gives the opposite result than the vibration test and
simplified beam model, where the natural frequency will be decreased with the increasing
4. To achieve a good approximation for natural frequency value, a FEM model should
consider both axial effect and also geometry non-linear analysis.

8. References

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Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 473, Number 1
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[3] Paz M and William L. 2004 Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation Fifth
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[4] Chopra A K. 2015 Dynamics of Structure. Prentice-hall International Series
[5] Okumatsu T et al. 2015 Temperature Effect for Natural Frequencies of a Steel Langer
Truss Girder Bridge Life-Cycle of Struc Sys. 168 – 175.
[6] Wenzel H and Dieter P. 2005 Ambient Vibration Monitoring England: Wiley.
[7] Terrel T 2009 Structural Health Monitoring for Damage Detection Using Wired and
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