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Sport as Hobbies

Are you guys thinking of having a new hobby? If you are, this article is for you! This article
is about sports, before we move on to the hobby ideas, I am going to tell you guys about
sport. So, what is sport? Sport is an activity where a person or team competes against another
or for entertaining purposes and sport involved physical exertion and a skill. I’m sure that all
of you guys know some sports before but in case you don’t know, these are some of the
popular sports. There are Badminton, Soccer, Football, Tennis, Table Tennis, etc. And in this
article, I will introduce you about Badminton.
Badminton is a game played on a rectangular court by two players or two pairs of players
(max players on total are 4). Each player is equipped with rackets to volley a shuttlecock over
a high net that divides the court in half. I personally recommend badminton for you, because
it’s easy, simple, and good for health. What’s the goods of badminton? The goods of it are it
strengthen the heart muscle, limit the risk of blood vessels clogging, and reducing your risk
of heart disease.

In conclusion, if you are considering picking up a new hobby Badminton is one of my

recommendation for you. Sports are activities that involve competition, physical exertion,
and skill, providing a fantastic way to stay active and have fun. With its simple rules and
health benefits. So, whether you are a seasoned athlete or a beginner, exploring the world
of sports can be a rewarding and enjoyable path to take up a new hobby.

Raisha Kanaya 8C

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