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Univerzitet u Novom Sadu

Fakultet sporta I fizičkog vaspitanja

Novi Sad, 2020.

Seminarski rad iz engleskog jezika

“Why is chess a sport?”

Mentor: Student:
prof Milka Imbronjev Kristijan Kajtazi

V grupa, 143/19
Playing games is the primary part of a human life, but for the leaders with muscular bodies it has
become modern to put a side games like chess. They even doubt the fact chess is a sport. But it

However, the fact is that today, especially for younger people, games on the Internet are the most
common way of entertainment. Then, one the other hand, there are strategy games like chess that
provide even more adrenaline but less intelectual knowledge. Unfortunately, this kind of
entertainment is less present among children and teenagers.

Those who play chess know that this game besides intelectual beauty can be exciting, interesting
and it can pump up your andrenalin. Along with all of that it has some health benefits.


Main goal of this game is, of course, to win. Chess implies fight against one opponent. There is
no such activity in which two people are in a fight, that provides mental effort in such a long
period of time. One small distraction and all of a sudden a good position is gone. Because of that
some people compere chess with life. Every mach is a drama in which you can never predict the


It is necessery for you to be in good physical condition. Players have to absolutely concetrate in
one game of chess for couple of houres. As the stress and tension rise, blood persure, pulse and
breathing are rising too. Candidates for World championship have their nutritionist and fitness
coaches. However, there are just some of the health benefits chess provides.


Players can be punished because bad behavior. For example, If they don't want to shake hands
with the opponent they get a punishment for that unprofessional act. Potencial cheating is
considered very serious and you can be immediately excluded.


Every sports have mental component. Every sports like football, basketball, handball, tennis can
be interpreted as strategy games which differ in their physical manifestation. Team coaches in
these sports need to be great strategists to win. Many commentators refer to some sports as
"grass chess", "parquet chess" or "ball chess".

To sum up, it is important to remember all the benefits that chess is providing us.
Competitiveness, health improvement, adrenaline rush and intelligence development. All in all,
now you know that the word sport doesn’t necessarily have to mean physical effort, but a mental,

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