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Authors: Camila Bohórquez, Valeria Sepúlveda & Valentina Torres.

Country and city where the product will be offered: United States, Miami.
Type of business: Product business specifically catering, and a small sized business.
Number of employees: 8 employees | Type of organization: LLC

Why in the United States?

It was decided to place this business in the United States as it is a country that has few varieties
of food, and although the product we offer is common in that place, we are looking for a
presentation of potatoes in different ways but with ingredients from three different countries and
being both a zero fit and healthy food, thus adapting it to the different tastes of the customers.
Strategies for functionality and success
For the success of the company, strategies must be established in order to keep order and control
of it, among these strategies are:
- Doing a market analysis, knowing the needs of customers and also the competition, in
order to make a difference against it, this is done from the innovation of our product, in
this case the adaptation of the three different nationalities to offer variety and new
products to consumers; in this same sense, we should not only focus on the quality of our
product but also on the quality of the service offered to the client.
- In the cultural sector, a dish adapted to various cultures will be implemented, for which it
is necessary to have in-depth knowledge about the dish that we will be making known
and, above all, because potatoes are a common dish around the world, a strategy that can
apply to draw the customer's attention is to take into account the festivities of each
country and thus decorate the restaurant by sections where each one represents a
- With regard to the field of social responsibility (CSR), our company will collect money
from tips and this will be given to foundations, also make donations of food that is often
left over for people who need it and a very important aspect, work with the environment;
that is, reduce the use of plastics and use biodegradable containers.
Business plan
- Executive summary
This company seeks to bring together typical or representative ingredients from three
different countries (Canada, France and Germany) to create something innovative and
give a different touch to the potato, so that people can find different flavors in just one
- Description of the product
This business offers as its main product potatoes in all its presentations and according to
the tastes of the consumer, including ingredients (cheese, sauces, herbs, beer, sausage,
etc.) of their taste but based on the main thing of the three countries mentioned, with this
it is sought that people have the opportunity to try different foods to those traditionally
offered by mixing different cultures.
Marketing Plan
- SWOT analysis
Our company has a good working environment, a
knowledge of the market and a product of
excellent quality, however, we have few
employees and it is a company that has several
competencies, however, we have the opportunity
of the non-existence of a product like ours, and as
a threat are the various changes in the economy.
- Competition analysis
Our competitors have the product (potatoes) but in a simple presentation, which makes
our product trendy, however, our competitors offer different products to potatoes but all
focus on American ingredients, what makes us different from them is that we are
bringing three different cultures to the American culture through an innovative product,
which makes us different from the others.
- Objectives
Our main objective is to bring a product with different cultures in an innovative way, as
well as to make customers enjoy potatoes in different ways and presentations, at the
same time to make the company recognised for the quality of its products and to grow
- Marketing strategies
We will use digital platforms as a means to connect more easily and directly with
customers, strategies such as market positioning as well as a direct relationship with the
competition by analyzing and overcoming them.

Logistics on the facilities of the business

Our company will be located in Miami, Florida (south Atlantic region) the lines of
communication we will use will be digital media and social media advertisements. we will have
a point of sale with the option of drive thru.
Technological development of Miami United States
Miami is considered a technology hub thanks to its innovative buildings based on technology
alone, it is considered a place where entrepreneurs constantly use technology and it is a part of
the United States that tends to be economical.

Target market
The product is aimed at the entire population, regardless of age, primarily to the citizens of
Miami and especially to people whose lifestyle is based on eating rich but at the same time
healthy and that is why the marketing strategy to be used to venture into the USA will be the
brand positioning strategy where we will seek to satisfy customer needs, where our company
will differentiate itself from the competition by offering an innovative product that will be
offered and consumed by anyone of any age, being also a product with affordable prices for the
entire population and compared to the competition will be a high quality product, which has the
option of being healthy or not.

Financing and resources used

For the creation of this company half of the money came from our savings and the other half
from a free investment loan we obtained from a bank.

Economic and political analysis

Establishing a business in the United States is very
beneficial because the United States is the second largest
economy in the world, which makes it a stable and solid
market. In addition, setting up a business is usually simple
and fast due to the entrepreneurial mentality there. On the
other hand, if we emphasize Florida, it is considered one of
the best states for companies due to its benefits and policies.
A company is constantly at risk, which is why optimal strategies must be applied for its good
development. In this case, before creating the strategies, the risks that could arise for our
company must be taken into account. First of all, being a company in the food sector, obtaining
clients can become a difficult task because people do not have absolute trust in the company;
however, the solution to this is implemented thanks to marketing strategies through advertising,
seeking to establish a connection with the consumer. For its part, one of the biggest risks and
that will always be present, is competition, as it is a food company it is very important to
establish efficient methods to improve and thus overcome opponents, of course, without slowing
down, since other companies will continually be looking for more customers, which is why we
must be constant and persistent about making a difference, in order to keep the public satisfied.
Likewise, another risk closely linked to competition is the lack of capacity to innovate and adapt
to changes, without this the company would go into decline since people often seek flexibility
and new products, for which it is necessary to be willing to exert changes, without changing the
essence of the product.

Ethical conditions
For our business it is essential to carry out the ethical conditions
of the United States and the world itself, so that within our
company human rights must be respected, it is essential that each
employee has a set schedule, that through this company must take
into account the environment as well as it has to be a fair
business that leaves aside completely the corruption thus
generating more and more confidence in the customers and the
possible solutions are to create strategies such as packaging to
help the environment, as well as treating each employee with respect and equality and creating a
good working environment.

Intercultural environment
Regarding the intercultural environment, it is very important to maintain successful
communication between people, especially from different cultures; in this way, what can be
done is to open our minds and visualize the things from the perspective of the others and also
show our own in order to amplify the different points of view when making a decision for the
company. Linked to this is the fact of feeding information about cultural differences, in this way
knowledge and ideas can be shared in a better way for the progress of the company.

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