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Diversity and Society Race Ethnicity

and Gender 4th Edition Healey Test

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Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

Chapter 7: Hispanic Americans: Colonization, Immigration, and Ethnic Enclaves

Multiple Choice

1. In _______, a formal program, the Bracero program, was initiated to bring in contract laborers
from Mexico.
A) 1962
B) 1952
*C) 1942
D) 1932
E) 1922

2. The 1960s were a time of intense activism and militancy for Mexican Americans. A protest
movement guided by an ideology called __________________ began.
A) Brown Power
B) Zapatistas
*C) Chicanismo
D) Tejanismo
E) Chicano Crusaders

3. ________________ best known tactic was the organization of a grape pickers' strike and a
national grape boycott that began in 1965.
*A) Cesar Chavez
B) Jose Angle Gutierrez
C) Reis Lopez Tijerina
D) Rodolfo Gonzalez
E) Linda Alvarez

4. In 2010, the number of undocumented immigrants was estimated at:

*A) 11.2 million
B) 12.8 million
C) 13.2 million
D) 14.6 million
E) 15.8 million

5. Hispanic Americans comprise about _____% of the total population.

A) 1
B) 5
*C) 15
D) 20
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

E) 25

6. The racial background of Mexican Americans is mainly:

A) Native American and African
B) African and European
*C) Native American and European
D) Asian and European
E) Native American only

7. The term "Hispanic American":

A) Is widely applied, and since it is based on shared language, is seen as neutral and non-offensive
to non-Hispanics
B) Can have negative meanings and controversial connotations
C) Does not acknowledge the roots that some groups have to African and Native American
D) Is a label that was invented and applied by the dominant group
*E) All of the above

8. At the beginning of the 20th century, Mexican Americans were a small group, culturally and
linguistically separate from the dominant group. In this way, they resembled:
A) Irish Americans
B) African Americans
C) German Americans
*D) Native Americans
E) Jewish Americans

9. At the beginning of the 20th century, Mexican Americans were a low-paid workforce in the
rural sector of their regional economy. In this regard, they resembled:
*A) African Americans
B) American Indians
C) Irish Americans
D) German Americans
E) Jewish Americans

10. During the 20th century, immigration from Mexico to the U.S.:
A) Has remained low and inconsistent
*B) Has fluctuated according to the demand for unskilled labor in the U.S.
C) Has generally declined; there are actually fewer immigrants today than in the 1930s
D) Has fluctuated according to the demand for workers in the primary sector of the U.S. economy
E) Has declined as the children of the immigrants now replace the former immigrants
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

11. Federal policy toward immigration from Mexico:

A) Has been consistently pro immigration
B) Has been consistently against immigration
*C) Has fluctuated between being pro and against immigration
D) Is irrelevant since immigration is not a concern of the federal government
E) Has generally discouraged immigration but encouraged immigration during the depression of
the 1930s

12. Which of the following permitted immigration from Mexico?

A) Repatriation
B) Operation Wetback
C) Termination
*D) The Bracero program
E) The quota system

13. The 1980s legislation that allowed illegal immigrants to legalize their status was the:
*A) Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)
B) Quota Act
C) Repatriation Program
D) Bracero program
E) Operation Wetback

14. Which of the following might explain why U.S. policy on immigration from Mexico has
fluctuated so often?
*A) The Noel hypothesis with its emphasis on competition and power
B) The traditional model of assimilation with its emphasis on acculturation and integration
C) Culture of poverty theory with its emphasis on values and cultural traditions
D) Human capital theory with its emphasis on the importance of education
E) Marxist theory on class conflict

15. The leader of the Crusade for Justice in 1965 was:

A) Reis Lopez Tijerina
*B) Rodolfo Gonzalez
C) Jose Gutierrez
D) Cesar Chavez
E) Linda Chavez

16. Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory as a result of:

A) World War I
B) The American Civil War
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

*C) The Spanish-American War

D) A border dispute between Mexico and Cuba
E) World War II

17. Which of the following groups is most likely to be concentrated in rural areas?
A) Colombian Americans
B) Puerto Ricans
*C) Mexican Americans
D) Cuban Americans
E) Salvadoran Americans

18. While Mexican Americans have resided primarily in the southwest region, Puerto Ricans are
concentrated in the:
*A) Urban northeast
B) Rural midwest
C) Urban south
D) Rural northwest
E) Urban west coast

19. Puerto Ricans tend to see race:

A) As not very important, as Puerto Rico has a long history of racial intermarriage
B) As a continuum of possibilities and combinations
C) As less important than social class
D) As impacted by social class
*E) All of the above

20. Which of the following statements about Hispanics is true?

A) Rates of intermarriage are lower for Latinos than for African Americans
B) Fewer Hispanic households are headed by females than the households of all other minority
C) The percentage of Hispanics that voted in the 2008 presidential election represented a small
decrease from the 2004 election
*D) Colombian Americans have the highest level of educational attainment among all Hispanic
E) all of the above are false

21. Cuban Americans were a very small group until a revolution in Cuba in the late:
A) 1930s
*B) 1950s
C) 1960s
D) 1970s
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

E) 1980s

22. Based on the information presented in the text, which of the following individuals would
probably have the highest income?
*A) A Cuban American male self-employed within the enclave
B) A Cuban American male who works for a firm owned by another Cuban American
C) A Mexican American male who works for a firm owned by a non-Hispanic white
D) A Puerto Rican male who works for a firm owned by a non-Hispanic white
E) A Cuban American female who does domestic work

23. Contrary to the traditional view of assimilation, success for Cuban Americans is associated
A) Higher levels of acculturation and integration
*B) Lower levels of acculturation and integration
C) Residence outside of south Florida
D) Willingness to become fluent in English
E) Two-wage earner families

24. Among Hispanics Americans, English fluency:

*A) Increases by generation and is greatest for people who have been in the U.S. the longest
B) Is very low and decreases with length of residence
C) Is very high; most Latino immigrants arrive with a good knowledge of English
D) Is extremely low for those who speak Spanish at home
E) Does not correlate with economic success for all Latinos

25. Which Hispanic group has the highest incomes and lowest levels of poverty and
A) Mexican Americans
B) Puerto Ricans
*C) Cuban Americans
D) Caribbean Hispanics
E) They are equal in income, poverty, and unemployment

26. Which of the following people are most closely associated with the Chicano movement?
*A) Reies Lopez Tijerina, Jose Angel Gutierrez, Cesar Chavez
B) Lopez Tijuana, Romeo Gonzalez, Jose Angel Gutierrez
C) Cesar Chavez, Romeo Gonzalez, Jose Angel Gutierrez
D) Jose Angel Gutierrez, Cesar Romeo, Romeo Gonzalez
E) Jose Angel Gutierrez, Cesar Romeo, Reies Lopez Tijerina
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

27. Which of the following are the most prominent differences between Mexican Americans and
A) Mexican Americans don't emphasize family relations as much as Anglo-Americans do, in part
because of the nature of seasonal labor that often requires staying away from their homes for long
period of time
B) Mexican Americans tend to be more active in religious life (e.g., church attendance)
C) No matter how similar their length of residence in the U.S., social class, and educational
backgrounds is to other Americans, Mexican Americans still tend to have different value systems
*D) The dominant society (i.e., Anglo-American society) is largely Protestant while most Mexican
Americans are Catholic
E) Mexican Americans tend to support "machismo," while Anglo-Americans don't

28. Which of the following most closely resembles the goals of Operation Wetback?
A) A 1942 program to bring in contract laborers from Mexico
*B) A 1950s government program to deport illegal immigrants from Mexico
C) A 1965 program to give priority to Mexican immigrants who had family and kin that were U.S.
D) A 1986 program to allow illegal immigrants who had been in the country since 1982 to legalize
their status
E) A 1994 proposition in California that barred illegal immigrants from receiving any taxpayer-paid
benefits such as publicly-funded health care or education

29. Hispanic Americans' primary structural assimilation with the dominant group is ___________
than it is for African Americans and ____________ than American Indians.
A) Greater, lesser
*B) Greater, greater
C) Lesser, greater
D) Lesser, lesser
E) About the same, about the same

30. Which of the following statements if false regarding Latino acculturation to the United States?
*A) Latino groups are highly variable in their extent of acculturation but are often "slower" to
change than other immigrants (e.g., learning English, and adopting Anglo customs)
B) Hispanics follow many of the same patterns of assimilation as European groups
C) Rates of acculturation increase with length of residence and are higher for the native born
D) While acculturation continues, Hispanic culture and the Spanish language are revitalized by
E) What is perceived to be slow acculturation for Latino groups is mostly the result of fast and
continuous immigration

31. The _______________ thesis argues that whites will gradually lose their dominant status as
Latino and Asian American groups grow in numbers.
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

A) nativist
B) whitening
C) coloring
*D) browning
E) none of the above are true

32. The number of ________ increased by a factor of 2.4 between 1990 and 2010.
*A) Mexican Americans
B) Puerto Ricans
C) Dominican Americans
D) Cuban Americans
E) Brazilian Americans

33. Today, 16 out of every 100 Americans is Hispanic, but by _______, this ratio is projected to
almost double to 30 out of every 100.
A) 2020
B) 2030
C) 2040
*D) 2050
E) 2060

34. Latinos are concentrated in which geographic region?

A) the Northwest
*B) the Southwest
C) the Midwest
D) the Southeast
E) New England

35. Puerto Ricans have been American citizens since

A) 1848
B) 1898
*C) 1917
D) 1943
E) 1965

36. One American value questioned by supporters of Chicanismo is

*A) assimilation
B) apartheid
C) activism
D) ethnic pride
E) socialism
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

37. Martin Luther King and _________ both modeled their nonviolent direct protests after
A) Rafael Trujillo
B) Reies Lopez Tijerina
C) Pedro Albizu Campos
D) Luis Muñoz Marín
*E) César Chávez

38. In 2010, more than _______ of employed Mexican Americans were in the construction and
farm sectors of the labor force.
A) 8%
*B) 17%
C) 36%
D) 52%
E) 67%

39. The ___________ thesis stresses the point that Latinos and Asian Americans are not black and
hypothesizes that they eventually will be accepted as white.
A) harmony
B) equal opportunity
C) racial inclusivity
*D) whitening
E) one-drop

40. According to 2011 United Nations data, the per capita income of the United States is ______
times greater than the per capita income of Mexico.
A) 1
B) 2.5
C) 3
D) 3.5
*E) 4.5

41. Which nation has the most foreign-born citizens?

A) Algeria
B) France
C) Mexico
D) The Philippines
*E) The United States
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank


42. According to the text, Puerto Ricans and Cubans are clustered along the West Coast,
particularly in Los Angeles and San Diego.
A) True
*B) False

43. A 2002 survey found that most Latinos who spoke predominantly English were members of
the second generation.
A) True
*B) False

44. Hispanic Americans are the second largest minority group in the United States and will
probably be the largest group early in the next century.
A) True
*B) False

45. Today, most social analysts see Mexican Americans in terms of the “culture of poverty”
perspective and justify their lower status as a result of an unhealthy value system.
A) True
*B) False

46. If we look at the immigration patterns since 1900, it can be argued that Mexicans have served
as a reserve labor pool for the benefit of U.S. businesses, agricultural interests, and other groups.
*A) True
B) False

47. During the repatriation campaign, many legal immigrants and native-born Mexican Americans
were forced into moving to Mexico.
*A) True
B) False

48. The Bracero program, which continued for several decades, did not significantly affect
agricultural labor.
A) True
*B) False
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

49. During Operation Wetback, raids on homes and places of business often resulted in the
violations of civil and legal rights of U.S. citizens of Mexican descent.
*A) True
B) False

50. Mexican immigrants, both undocumented and legal, exist at a similar level of poverty as they
would if they lived in Mexico.
A) True
*B) False

51. Mexican Americans often played important leadership roles in the labor movement,
particularly in agriculture and mining.
*A) True
B) False

52. The term “Chicano,” was originally derogatory when used by the dominant culture.
*A) True
B) False

53. Puerto Rican migration was unlike Mexican migration because they were already established
as U.S. citizens since 1917.
*A) True
B) False

54. In Puerto Rico, distinctions of race are much more important than distinctions of class.
A) True
*B) False

55. The Marielitos were all undesirables, convicted criminals, and outcasts.
A) True
*B) False

56. Ethnic enclaves can only develop when business and financial expertise and capital are
combined with a disciplined labor force.
*A) True
B) False

57. The poverty rate of Cubans is much lower than for Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

*A) True
B) False

58. According to the text, colonized minority groups such as Chicanos and Puerto Ricans have not
been encouraged to assimilate because they are valued primarily for their cheap labor and are
seen as otherwise less valuable.
*A) True
B) False

59. Hispanics are much more likely to register and to vote in national elections than non-
A) True
*B) False

60. Among Hispanics, a split labor market exists that results in women being among the lowest
paid and most exploited in the labor market.
*A) True
B) False

61. One type of evidence that illustrates the effectiveness of the ethnic enclave as a pathway for
adaptation is the difference in Mexican and Cuban incomes--Cubans tend to make much more
money than Mexicans.
*A) True
B) False

62. Mexican Americans remain a colonized minority group and have been systematically excluded
from opportunities for upward mobility by institutional discrimination and segregation.
*A) True
B) False

63. Two of the three largest groups of Hispanic Americans include Mexican Americans and Cuban
*A) True
B) False

64. Cuban Americans are one of the most spatially concentrated minority groups in the United
*A) True
B) False
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

65. Puerto Ricans on the mainland remain centered in Boston.

A) True
*B) False

66. For all Hispanic groups, there is very little difference by gender regarding educational
*A) True
B) False

67. According to the text, Dominican American households are more likely to be headed by
females than the households of other Hispanic groups.
*A) True
B) False

68. According to the text, there is a higher percentage of Cuban Americans than Mexican
Americans in the very lowest income category.
A) True
*B) False

69. Today, 30 out of every 100 Americans is Hispanic, but by 2050, this ratio is projected to almost
halve to about 16 out of every 100.
A) True
*B) False

70. The largest Latino group in the United States is of Mexican ancestry.
*A) True
B) False

71. Hispanic Americans are partly an ethnic minority group (i.e., identified by cultural
characteristics such as language) and partly a racial minority group (identified by their physical
*A) True
B) False

72. All Hispanic American groups are recent immigrants to the United States.
A) True
*B) False
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

73. The contact period for Cuban Americans, as for Puerto Ricans, dates back to the Spanish-
American War of 1898.
*A) True
B) False


74. Discuss the evolution of federal policy on immigration from Mexico over the course of the
twentieth century. What were the major policies? When and why did they change?
*A) Varies

75. Applying the Blauner hypothesis to the situation of Mexican Americans over the twentieth
century, has the group been primarily an immigrant or a colonized minority group? Both? Neither?
Explain, citing specific evidence.
*A) Varies

76. How did Puerto Ricans and Cuban Americans become minority groups? Describe the contact
situation of each group, and explain how the contact situation shaped relations with the larger
society. Compare these patterns with Mexican Americans.
*A) Varies

77. Describe and analyze the status of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Cuban Americans in
terms of acculturation, secondary structural integration, and primary structural integration. What
important differences can you identify between the three Hispanic groups? How do you account
for these differences? Apply the Blauner hypothesis and the concepts of split labor markets, urban
underclass, institutionalized discrimination, and ethnic enclaves in your essay.
*A) Varies

78. Compare and contrast the three largest Hispanic groups with Native Americans and African
Americans. What differences and similarities can you identify? What concepts, ideas, and
hypotheses help account for these patterns?
*A) Varies

79. In what ways does gender influence the experiences of Latina women in work, education,
family life, and activism?
*A) Varies
Diversity and Society, Fourth Edition
Joseph F. Healey
Test Bank

80. What does Eduardo Bonilla-Silva mean when he sketches out a future racial trichotomy that
includes whites, honorary whites, and the collective black?
*A) Varies

81. Explain what is meant when the text says "The label “Hispanic American” includes a number of
groups that are diverse and distinct from one another". What are some examples of this?
*A) Varies

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