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Subject: Quran Term Three Grade: Eight A

Surah Yasin
Name: Haider Research Task Date: 2 / 8 / 2023

SURAH YA’SIN (Verses 1 - 83)

 You are required to research about Surah Ya’sin and complete the
following tasks:

1. Introduction to Surah Ya’sin. (answer should be in the form of a

a. Where was it revealed?
b. Which surah/chapter it is in the Quran?
c. How many verses does it have?
d. Why is it an important surah?

Surah Yaseen was revealed in Makkah during the last stages of the Prophets
stay in Makkah. Surah Yaseen is the 36th Surah in the quran containing 83
verses. Surah Yaseen is a significant Surah as it shows us many signs and
arguments within the surah, such as the oneness of Allah, the creation of the
universe and the blessings he placed in this world. It is also narrated from the
Prophet (s.a.w.w), that “Surah Yaseen is the heart of the Quran”.

2. What are the 3 themes of Surah Ya’sin? Explain them.

the oneness of God (tawhid): Allah expresses his Oneness and Uniqueness by
showing the signs he has revealed to us and reminded us about his complex
creations that only he could create.

Risala, that Muhammad is a messenger sent by God to guide His creations

through divine revelation: This explains how Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) is a
messenger, sent out to man so that he can spread the message of the Quran, as
mentioned in 36:69

and the reality of Akhirah, the Last Judgment: Allah shows us the reality of the
Akhirah by mentioning how he creates the system of life and has created us
from something so simple. He also mentions in the Surah about how the
disbelievers will be on the day of Judgement, after rejecting the prophets again
and again.

3. The 6 subjects of Surah Ya’sin:

a. The Quran & the Heedless

b. Lesson from History
c. Lessons from Nature
d. Stubbornness of the People
e. The blind on the Day of Judgement
f. The Quran & the disbelievers

4. Identify the verses of each subject in Surah Ya’sin:

a. The Quran & the Heedless (verses 1-12)

b. Lessons from History (verses 13-32)
c. Lessons from Nature (verses 33-44)
d. Stubbornness of the People (verses 45-47)
e. The blind on the day of judgement (48-68)
f. The Quran & The Disbelievers (69-83)

5. Virtues/Benefits of Surah Ya’sin (at least 3):

a. Surah Yasin is to be recited over those who are dying (hadith)
b. Surah Yasin is also reported to be worth the recitation of the Quran 10
c. Surah Yasin can even help you in fulfilling your needs throughout the
day. If you recite it daily, all your needs will be fulfilled.
6. What are your three favourite verses? Explain why. (Verses must be
written in Arabic and explained in English before you justify your
a. 36:40: ‫اَل ٱلَّش ْم ُس َي ۢن َب ِغى َلَه ٓا َأن ُتْد ِر َك ٱْلَقَمَر َو اَل ٱَّلْيُل َس اِبُق ٱلَّن َه اِر ۚ َو ُك ٌّۭل ِفى َفَلٍۢك َي ْس َب ُحوَن‬
The sun cannot overtake the moon, nor does the night overtake the
day. But they float in a orbit.

This verse is my personal favorite, as it has a very big miracle inside the
verse: The calculation of the moon and sun and the calculation of the
night and day. It also talks about how they are in a orbit: however, this
quran was also sent 1400 years ago, way before humans ever knew
about this. This is a clear sign Quran is from Allah (s.w.t), as it is only he
that can know something like this, way back before humans and be a
great sign for mankind.
b. 36:44 ٤٤ ‫ِإاَّل َر ْح َمًۭة ِّم َّن ا َو َم َت ٰـ ًعا ِإَلٰى ِح يٍۢن‬
Except by his mercy and letting us enjoy for a period of time

The verse states how merciful Allah is, how even when we do the worst
of sins that his mercy is upon us. However, the reason I picked this
verse is because it truly states how Allahs mercy works: How he can be
so merciful, but after he lets us enjoy for this period of time, then the
person come back and his enjoyment is no longer. This shows that
although Allah is merciful, its also a reminder to not take advantage by
doing sins, thinking that one day, you just get forgiven without sincerity.
You will be accountable one day, and so it reminds you to repent before
its too late.
c. 36:82 ‫ِإَّن َم ٓا َأْم ُر ُهٓۥ ِإَذ ٓا َأَر اَد َش ْئًـا َأن َي ُقوَل َلُهۥ ُك ن َفَي ُك وُن‬
Indeed, on his command, when he wills something to happen, he says
“Be” and it is

The verse, very simply states that Allah has the power to make anything
imaginable or unimaginable happen. He states his power in this verse,
how he defys the normal logic of creation where there are many
processes, how Allah commands be and it is. This verse is a very good
reminder of how simple it is for Allah, he doesn’t need anything, just be
his very simple command, anything he wills can happen.

7. Values:
 What values did you practice while learning Surah Ya’sin? (List 2 and
explain how)
I learned about honestly while learning the surah, how even when I didn’t
do the best I had to show my real results and give my honest results for
I also learned about punctuality, how I could submit work on time and
memorise the verses we had to memorise.
8. Conclusion:
 What did you find interesting while learning Surah Ya’sin?
 What lessons can you take away from learning Surah Ya’sin?
 What challenges did you experience while learning Surah Ya’sin and how
did you overcome them?
Surah Yaseen was a very interesting and important surah. The thing I found
most interesting in it is the miracles Allah has put inside it. How he mentioned
the orbit of the sun and moon perfectly without a single other source containing
information about it. We learn from this surah how blessed we are, Allah gives
us all these blessings and mercy such as in the 2nd topic, the lessons from nature.
He gave us so many blessings, however, Allah has also given many warnings so
that we may fear him and become pious god-fearing believers. He gives us
descriptions of what happens if we disbelieve and why we should never be
ungrateful. I can’t really think of any real challenges I had. One that was minor
was submitting work on time and managing it, however, I overcame it by
pushing myself to finish tasks on time.

Read the rubric carefully. You will be assessed against the following criteria:

Surah Ya’sin Research Task Rubric

Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Underdeveloped
_____ /60 (7 – 8) (5 – 6) (3 - 4) (1 - 2)

a. Introduction to
Surah Ya’sin

b. Identified 3
themes of Surah

c. Identified 6
subjects of Surah
Ya’sin & their

d. Identified 3
of Surah Ya’sin

e. Identified 3
favorite verses
and their meaning

f. Identified 2
Values & how
they were

g. Conclusion

g. Presentation _____ /4
headings, lay out,
images, etc..)

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