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Prezentare The five senses-

My favorite sense is feel. I like when you are at the beach in the
evening and the sun has set and you feel the golden sunlight on
your skin and the wind through your hair.
The most wonderful taste is the taste of strawberries with melted
chocolate with some sprinkles on. Its feels like you re in heaven,
and you want more and forever to feel this taste.
One nice thing to see is the sheeps with their kids in a big farm
when all animals are awake in morning and sheeps are running
to field for fun and eat.
My favorite smell and the most special for me is the perfume
that my mom use. And I love so much when she come back
home after work and hug me, she smell so good just like my
mom, the smell specific to her.
I like the music is hear in my mind after hours to listen music, of
all types. And the sounds of creatures at night outside.

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