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Trimester (1) – math Exam- 2022-2023

Grade: 7 DURATION: 1.5 hour

Mark/Out of Checker Head of department



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Proctors’ Signature: ……………………………………………………

General exam supervisor: ………………………………………….

1 Relating integers 7.NS.A.1a 3
2 Opposite integers 7.NS.A.1a 2
3 Adding and subtracting integers 7.NS.A.1c 5
4 Additive inverse NS.A.1a.7 1
5 Operation on rational number 7.NS.A.1c 4
6 Multiplying integers NS.A.2a.7 1
7 Square root and cube root of CCSS -6.NS 5
8 Equivalent ratio RP.A.1.7 2
9 Connect ratio and proportion RP.A.1.7 3
10 Percent word problem CCSS-7.RP.3 2
11 Word problem CCSS-7.RP.3 2
12 Equal ratio RP.A.2.7 2
13 Change percent to fraction CCSS -6.NS 2
14 Change decimal to fraction CCSS -6.NS 2
15 Analyze percent of a number RP.A.3.7 2
16 Percent change RP.A.3.7 2
17 Bonus 4

Question 1: ( 3 marks )
a) What is the decimal form for 9 ? Use a bar over any repeating

b) The temperature was65° . At noon the temperature increased4 °

.By evening the temperature decreased by7° . How did the temperature

Question 2: Which of these situations can be represented with an integer

that when combined with – 9 makes 0? Select all that apply. ( 2 marks )

a) You walk down 9 flights of stairs.

b) You climb up 9 flights of stairs.
c) The temperature drops 9° F.
d) You earn $9 from your job

Question 3: complete the following: ( 5 marks )

a) 5 ─ (─5) = ……………
b) ─12 ─ 12 = ……………..
c) 14 ─ 75 = ……………….
d) ─ 17 + ( ….. ) = 0
e) │5 -7 │ = ………………

Question 4: How do you find the additive inverse of a number? Give an
example of a number and its additive inverse. ( 1 mark)

Question 5: a) Simplify each expression: ( 4 marks )

(i) (─ 0.8) + (─7.2)

8 12
(ii) −
7 7

─3 5
(iii) 4

−4 12
(iv) ×
9 7

Question 6: Which of these expressions have the same product

as (─ 4) . 6? Select all that apply. ( 1 mark )

a) (─3) . 8
b) ─12 . ( ─2)
c) ─ 4 . (─ 6)
d) 4 . (─ 6)
e) 12 . (─ 2)

Question 7 : complete ( 5 marks )

a) −√ 400 = ………………….

b) √ 64 = ………………………

c) √3 −27 = …………………………


3 8 ¿…………… …………

e) √ … … = 7

Question 8: Write any two equivalent ratios for each ratio ( 2 marks )

a) 5 : 3

b) ─ 4 : 9

Question 9: ( 3 marks )
a) Use the table below that shows information about squares .

Side length 2 4 6
Perimeter (cm) 8 16 24

Are the perimeter and the side length of squares proportional? explain.

b) I can wash a car in 30 minutes, how long will it take me to wash 2 cars?

Question 10: An auto insurance company pays 12% commission to its

agents for each new insurance policy they sell. How much commission does
an agent make on a $1000 policy? (2 marks)

Question 11 : If Mustafa is 8 years old and Hana is 3 years old , how old
will Hana be when Mustafa is 16 ? ( 2 marks )

Question 12 : complete the equivalent ratio. ( 2 marks )

8 pencils … … … pencils
a) 10 erasers = 50 erasers

Question 13: write the following percentage as fraction then decimal.

(2 marks)
a) 65%

b) 123%

Question 14 : write the following decimal as fraction then percentage .

( 2marks)
a) 0.32

b) 4.8

Question 15: Find the percent of a given number .

( 2 marks )
a) 15% of 300

b) 3% of 90

Question 16 : ( 2 marks )
a) The number of students in a chess club changed from 50 to 20. What
is the percent change? And state if it is an increase or decrease.

Question 17 : Bonus : ( 4 marks )

1) Complete :
a) √ 62 = …….
b) √3 ❑ = - 3

2) The amount of money in a saving account increases from $250 to

$270 in one month, if the percent increase is the same for every
month, how much money will be in the account at the end of the next
month? ( show your steps )
a) $291.60
b) $295
c) $289.60
d) $300


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