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BIOLOGY is the scientific study of life.

from two Greek words; ‘bios’

meaning ‘life’ and ‘logos’ meaning ‘thought or reasoning’.
The 3 Major Divisions of Biology are:

• ________________
Zoology deals with the study of animals
• ________________
Botany deals with the study of plants
• ________________
Microbiology deals with the study of microorganisms

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Branches of Biology
• Morphology
• Entomology
• Anatomy
• Physiology
• Parasitology
• Embryology
• Immunology
• Cytology
• Histology

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Nature of Science

Inductive reasoning
✓______________________ involves starting from specific
premises and forming a general conclusion; also known as the
scientific method

Deductive reasoning make inferences by going from
general premises to specific conclusions.

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Properties of Life

1. Levels of Organization
2. Nutrition & Homeostasis (growth & development)
3. Sensitivity/Responsiveness
4. Reproduction (heredity)
5. Adaptation

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Cell Theory

• He coined the term cell by observing thin slice of cork

– Robert Hooke
• He observed living cells using handheld microscope and called
them ‘animalcules’ – Anton van Leeuwenhoek
• Explains that life could come from non-living sources
– Abiogenesis or Spontaneous Generation
• Uses swan-necked flask in his experiment to disprove the idea of
abiogenesis – Louis Pasteur

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Cell Theory
• Botanist who described that plants are made up of cells
– Matthias Schleiden
• Zoologist who described that animals are made up of cells
– Theodor Schwann
• Published that cells come only from pre-existing cells
– Rudolf Virchow
3 Tenets
1.All living things are made of cells.
2.The cell is the smallest unit of living things.
3.All cells come from pre-existing cells.
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Cell Structure and Functions
4 Major Structure Present in all CELLS
• Plasma/cell membrane
• Cytoplasm
• Ribosome
• Nucleus (nucleoid region for prokaryotic cells)
oNuclear envelope

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Cell Structure and Functions

• Flagellum/flagella • Vesicles
• Cilia oVacuole
• Microvilli oLysosome
• Cell wall oPeroxisome
• Chloroplast • Endoplasmic Reticulum
o Rough ER
• Mitochondrion o Smooth ER
• Cytoskeleton • Golgi Apparatus
• Centrioles
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Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells
✓Plasma membrane
✓Genetic material
✓Ribosomes (make proteins)

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Prokaryotic Cells
• The root pro means before and karyon means seed/kernel, so
prokaryotes are before seed cells because they don’t have a
nucleus. They are typically much smaller than eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic cells are characterized by having

• No nucleus
• DNA in an unbound region called the nucleoid
• No membrane-bound organelles (may contain vesicles)
• Cytoplasm bound by the plasma membrane
• May also have cell wall and capsule for additional protection after cell

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Eukaryotic Cells
• The root eu means true and karyon means seed/kernel, so
eukaryotic cells are true seeded cells because the nucleus looks a
little bit like a seed inside the cell. Eukaryotic cells are typically
much larger than prokaryotic cells, on average about ten times

Eukaryotic cells are characterized by having

• DNA in a nucleus that is bounded by a membranous nuclear envelope
• Membrane-bound organelles
• Cytoplasm in the region between the plasma membrane and nucleus

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Cell Types and Modifications
Types of Animal Tissues
1. Epithelial – name base on number of layers (simple, stratified,
pseudostratified) and shape of the cells (squamous, cuboidal,
2. Connective – fibers + ground substance + cells
– collagen is the most abundant protein in animals
– loose CT & dense CT
3. Muscle – most abundant tissue in animals
– skeletal, cardiac & smooth
4. Nervous – neuron & glial cells

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Cell Types and Modifications
Cell specialization (or modification or differentiation)
• Apical modification • Lateral modification
✓ Microvilli ✓ Tight junctions
✓ Cilia ✓ Adhering junctions
✓ Stereocilia ✓ Desmosome
✓ Flagella ✓ Gap junctions
• Basal modification
✓ Basal infoldings
✓ hemidesmosome

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CELL CYCLE is the ordered step by step process of
cellular reproduction

Cell growth & maturation

Cell division

Parent cell → daughter cells

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Cell Cycle
• Interphase (___
G1 phase, ___ G2 phase) → cell
S phase, ___
division (_________,
prophase __________,
metaphase _________
anaphase &
telophase & cytokinesis

• Three Major Checkpoints of the Cell Cycle are found in

the ___
G1 , ___,
G2 and ___
M phases.

• The enzyme that provide the “go” signal to the cell is


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Mitotic (cell division) Phase

Karyokinesis is the division of the nuclear material (DNA)

Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm and its

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Chromosome Abnormalities

Aneuploidy is the gain or loss of whole chromosomes. It
is the most common chromosome abnormality

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Mistake in Cell Division

• Cell cycle/mitosis → Cancer

• Meiosis → Non-disjunction
❖Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
❖Trisomy 18 (Edward’s
❖X0 (Turner Syndrome)

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Importance of…
Mitosis Meiosis

1. Growth 1. Ensures that all cells produced

2. Repair/healing through sexual reproductions
have complete set of
3. A form of asexual
reproduction for unicellular
organisms 2. Produce genetic variations that
contributes to evolution
3. Repair some genetic defects

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Comparison of…

Mitosis Meiosis

Somatic/body Sex cells/

Occurs in…(type of cell)
cells gametes

Parent cell is…(diploid or haploid) Diploid Diploid

Daughter cell is…(diploid or haploid) Diploid Haploid

Number of daughter cell is… 2 4

Pairing of homologous chromosomes

No Yes
(Yes or No)

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Comparison of…
Mitosis Meiosis

The daughter cells are genetically Yes No

identical to the parent cell (Yes or No)
There is genetic variation (Yes or No) No Yes
4 (prophase, 8 (meiosis I –
metaphase, prophase I to
anaphase & telophase I &
Number of division phases
telophase) meiosis II –
prophase I to
telophase II)

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