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The corpos at Naiman Cybernetics need something dealt with, below-the-board, hush-hush,
¤25,000 group payment if you handle it to their satisfaction. They’re clearly desperate, saying this
matter needs to be wrapped up in a week tops.
Alternate Front. Distressed message sent, a single blurry shot of frames and fallen bodies, to one of the
pvnks from a friend of theirs who works in the Naiman factory in Bigmosse. Incoherent text managed to
spell out SOS before communications dropped for good.

Geo. The Naiman Cybernetics factory is in a Bigmosse industrial park, currently cordoned off by
Kaytell SecOps. If the pvnks are on the main front, the SecOps will let them through. If they’re on the
secondary one, they’ll have to find a way past.

Location Description. A squat and dilapidated building that’s clearly changed

hands several times. The Naiman logo is clearly painted over some previous company, possibly an
‘-on’s’ or an ‘-an’s’. One story tall, built like a bunker with a big pair of double doors on the ground floor
and a loading dock on the side of the building for finished products to get shipped out. Bars over the
windows. There’s more underground.

If the pvnks enter via the Reception, the place seems fairly normal. There’s signs of hurried
abandonment: the computer on the big front desk has been knocked astray, and the swivel-chair tipped
over. The doors into the main area have been locked, and taped over with Kaytell-brand caution tape.
The pvnks won’t draw any attention until they come through the door.

If the pvnks enter via the Loading Dock, they’ll immediately draw the attention of the
current inhabitants of the Shipping area: three separate piles of cybernetic limbs, all finest
Naiman handiwork. The piles of limbs move by grabbing onto the floor and one another, seething and
surging, almost like liquid. They attack by striking, choking, beating and throttling as a furious mass.
VIBRATION SENSE Invisibility can’t fool the limbs.
SPIDER CLIMB The limbs can scale one another to climb up walls.
SWARM The limbs take half damage on blades, bludgeons and bullets, but full from explosions.
COHESION If doused in superlube or a similar low-friction substance, the limbs lose their grip on one
another and the swarm is instantly defeated. It looks pretty funny, too.
PUMMEL AND CHOKE d6, no range.

The shipping area holds several large bulk orders ready to go out (large black rectangles, stored in full
truck-size containers) and smaller orders in crates and boxes (smaller black squares). There are
approximately fifteen corpses scattered across the floor, most killed via throttling or having their heads
repeatedly bashed against a nearby hard surface, or the floor. Frisking them gets you ¤23 and a candy

Customer Service is abandoned. There’s another dead body slumped against the window, strangled to
death. A nearby upended desk chair and broken glass in the window suggests they were trying to
smash the bars over the window with the chair when the limbs caught them up. Frisking the place, desk
drawers and all, gets you ¤40 and a pack of breath mints.

The Office is abandoned. Chairs and cabinets have been heaped up against the door; it’s STR DR 14
to elbow your way in. There’s no bodies here. Frisking the place, desk drawers and all, will get you ¤10
and a novelty holographic bobblehead.

The Head Office is inhabited. Heavy filing cabinets have been pushed up against it. Behind it is
Shind Xeer, corpo, 38, recently promoted to facility head. He’s
haggard and bloodied from the attack, still in his business clothes.
[HP 5] [ARMOR --] [MORALE 7]
[LITE SMG d6a]
[ATTITUDE traumatized by the attack. Describes it as a tide of
cybernetics that just crept up the steps, dragging dead bodies from the
lower floors in their wake.]
[WANTS revenge on the crazed bot limbs more than help getting out.
Won’t be satisfied until he puts a bullet in every last one of them. DR 16
PRE to get him to simmer down and get to safety.]

Shind doesn’t know what happened. It was meant to be a normal day of operations, just running off
cybernetics and shipping them out. He didn’t notice anything unusual or suspicious.
The second floor down starts with the entryway. There’s one more wayward swarm of limbs here, and
one corpse. Analysis will suggest that given the number of shoe-prints on this poor sap she was
probably trampled in the rush to evacuate. Nothing in her pockets.

The doors from the entryway lead out into the diagnostics area. Large rows of monitors and tickers
keep track of output and status of the testing station and actual factory. Two dead here, Kaytell facility
security, choked to death. Each one’s got a [heavy-duty vest, an assault rifle and two mags.] The teal
strip indicates a glass balcony overlooking the testing and packing area.

Also here are a squad of four armed arms, brandishing various weapons they’ve managed to grab in
the chaos.


SKITTERY DR+4 to hit
GLASS SHARD d2+1, d4+1 to unarmored targets
SNATCHED PISTOL DR 8 to defend against (it’s not a good shot), d4

The testing and packing area is dominated by several large testing engines, each one covered in
sockets that a finished cybernetic would be plugged into, whereby it would automatically run through
dexterity and control tests. If it proved satisfactory, it was unplugged and tossed into a waiting basket,
which would then be carried over to the packaging area to be organized into a shipping crate and
sealed up.
There’s four bodies in this area, one strangled, three shot, all workers. Studying the angle of the
wounds (PRE DR 16) suggests they were shot from regular height, not below from a random limb’s
angle; probably site security firing blind into the advancing limbs and fleeing workers alike.

Hiding inside the washrooms is

Wick WOLve, MIddle managEMEnt, 28, an old hand
here in Naiman. Haggard and pale, needs her meds
urgently (they’re still in the Packing area).
[HP 5] [ARMOR StyleGuard -d2] [MORALE 8]
[Shockstick d4, test TOU or fall down]
[ATTITUDE a sternly practical type. Always keeps her
mind on the here and now. Didn’t really see the attack; ran
for the washrooms the moment she heard gunshots.]
[WANTS to get out. She doesn’t want to know what
caused it, though secretly suspecting inter-corp sabotage-
says people who look too deep into weird things
happening in CY tend to shoot themselves twice through
the back of the skull.]

Wick didn’t notice much on the day of the attack, but did see someone come through from the top
layers in heavy safety gear, which she thought was weird, since the testers who wear that stuff work on
the floor below. She just assumed that whoever it was had come up to use the washroom and was on
their way back down before they got too much pay docked for the break.

The layer below this one is the testing station. A large screen of safety glass fills the back end of the
room, separating the rest of the area from the testing cells. Each testing cell is separated from the
others by a thick SecCrete wall. It’d take heavy ordnance going off in there to break the walls. The glass
is ‘safe-blast’, meaning it’s more likely to turn to a spray of dust than a rain of lethal shards. In front of
each testing cell is a control console to slide open the glass and to monitor heat, electricity and similar
factors inside the cell.
There’s four dead here, three of them facility security, one with a [shotgun and one mag, two with
assault rifles and one mag, each with a heavy-duty vest.] They appear to have been shot. The last one
is a random tester, still in [blast gear and heavy-duty goggles], who suffered severe head trauma- looks
like somebody smashed his skull into the control console, several times. There’s also an [emergency
kit] on the wall, holding a [red-juice stimjector with 4 doses], bandages, burn salve and similar items in
case a testing goes very wrong.
● Heavy-duty Goggles. Shooting is DR+2. Resist flashbangs.
● Blast Gear. Dodging is DR+4, armor -d2, -d6 against explosions.

The lights are off in this area; the glass scattered on the ground beneath the lighting strips suggests
they were shot out. Only the cells are still illuminated, shedding dim light across the area.

This area is inhabited by two amalgams, cybernetic legs holding up cybernetic torsos with cybernetic
arms attached and cybernetic eyes slapped on top to see. They’ve armed themselves with
weapon-type cybernetics. Currently they’re crouching behind the consoles, on the side closer to the
testing cells, hoping to get the drop on anyone coming down the steps.

CYBERNETIC MISSILE Mini-missile that launches out of a slot in a combat-grade cybernetic arm.
Takes one turn to extend and lock on, then deals d10 damage to one target. Kill the ‘borg in that time
and the missile de-arms. Each ‘borg has one.
SEGMENTED If the ‘borg takes more than 4 damage in a turn, it loses its (d4)
1. Right arm. Can’t use missiles.
2. Left arm. Can’t use its rifle.
3. Legs. Can’t move.
4. Head. Can’t see.

If the ‘borgs fail their morale, they will disassemble, turning back into a pile of detached cybernetics. If
attacked in this form, they shake their heads, wave hands pleadingly, and so on.
The floor below is the proper factory floor of Naiman Cybernetics. Cybernetic limbs begin as simple
frameworks, a tangle of wires and servos, and proceed down the Assembly Line.
● In the large rectangular engine with the protruding bit, whirring robotic arms fit on their control
sockets, turning them from raw robotic sinews into something that can actually plug into someone.
● They go down the conveyors (white) into the next station, where they’re paneled over,
concealing the working bits under plastic housing.
● After that, they go into the assessment chamber, where an AI rapid-scans them to ensure they
fit all specifications for the batch.
○ If they don’t, they’re sent down the line (towards this text) to the correction chamber, where
they’ll be dumped in the defects bins for workers to sort through and determine what went wrong-
missing paneling, control sockets fitted wrong, digits lost in transport or similar.
○ If they do, they’re sent up the line (away from this text) to the finishing capsule, where automatic
brushes bring them up to a mirror finish and plaster on Naiman logos as well as utility labels (‘plug
here’, ‘do not eat’, etc.)

In the Control Center, the assembly line is calibrated for each batch. After all, you wouldn’t want your
factory to be set to produce hands if you’re running off a bunch of legs. It also holds the primary
diagnostics, supplemented by the secondary ones on the second floor down.

The area is littered with crates (isolated black squares), some full of raw, wiry frameworks, others with
finished products. There’s nineteen bodies in total around the area, workers, technicians and security
guards, mostly shot, two blown to giblets by arm-launched rockets. Frisking them all gets you ¤54, a
digital tarot (press button for the display to shoot up three random cards) and a stick of gum.
This area contains many cybernetic limbs running amok, none of them paying attention to the pvnks.
They keep cramming more frames into the assembly line and mashing buttons on the control panels.
They’re making a metallic racket that might cover a gang of pvnks’ stealthy approach. Discarded on the
floor inside one of the W/Cs is a suit of blast gear.

What does notice the pvnks is a squad of four Mil-Grade Amalgams, built out of a run of combat-grade
cybernetics. Investigating the [daily orders] on the control consoles will show that no such run was
ordered; if anyone calibrated the machines for it, it must have been the rampant limbs themselves.

VARIOUS UPGRADES. Of the four amalgams, each one carries one special gear:
● STUN GRENADE LAUNCHER shoulder-mounted turret that fires flashbangs. Takes one
round to aim, but the amalgam can act while it’s aiming. DR18 shot to blow the launcher off
of it. Can be fired 3 times.
● EXTENDABLE SHIELD forearm-mounted bulletproof shield that snaps out like a
switchblade. Undetectable until activated, DR 10 to hit the shield, which has -d3 armor and
10 HP. The ‘borg behind it can only be hit from the sides or back until the shield is busted,
but while it’s shooting out from behind the shield, it’s DR 10 to dodge its attacks.
● SLICER BLADES wrist-mounted knives that slide out with a flourish for CQC. Two attacks
per turn, d6 each.
● AUXILIARY small arm attached to the main one at the elbow, holds a 9mm pistol (d6) and
attacks independently.
SEGMENTED If the ‘borg takes more than 4 damage in a turn, it loses its (d4)
1. Right arm. Can’t use grenades.
2. Left arm. Can’t use its rifle.
3. Legs. Can’t move.
4. Head. Can’t see.
SMG. d6a.
FRAG GRENADE (1 per ‘borg), d6 damage to d3 targets

After killing the mil-grade amalgams, you can salvage any part not destroyed (i.e., the stun grenade
launcher if it was shot off, or the shield if it was broken with damage). The other assorted limbs will
scatter, hide and try to escape when fighting breaks out. They don’t offer any resistance when attacked,
you can just shoot them.

Embedded in the control panels is a CRYPTIC KNIFE, a scrap of metal that intense forensics can
identify as sharpened G0 shrapnel, and scratched over the panels is the symbol of the HEIRS OF
KERGOZ. Radiating out from the knife are veinlike, jagged lines of rust and decay, the consoles’
casings split open like a wound.
● [CRYPTIC KNIFE. d6. Whenever it hits a cybered target, there’s a 1 in 3 their cyberware
turns against them. For d4+1 turns, their attacks are -4DR to dodge and they take d3
damage per turn from their mutinous physiology.]

If the pvnks filled five out of seven, let them Get Better after the job.
● [SUCCESS:] shut down the production line.
● [PELICAN:] got out Wick and Shind without either sustaining damage.
● [REVENGE:] took Shind with you all the way to the bottom floor.
● [MAGPIE:] collected the Cryptic Knife.
● [SHRIKE:] killed every enemy.
● [VULTURE:] looted every cadaver and location.
● [PIGEON:] interrogated both Wick and Shind.

If they make it out alive, Naiman really will give them those 25K creds. They’ll buy most stories about
what caused the limbs to attack; they don’t know about the knife.

If they used too many explosives (2+) in the factory floor, Naiman will only pay 20K, withholding the last
5,000 citing wanton destruction as not part of the contract.

If they reveal the knife, Naiman will be concerned but also confused; as far as they know they don’t
have any beef with the Heirs of Kergoz, beyond the standard animosity of the free-for-all between all
the power-players of CY.

If they track down an Heirs contact and try to get information out of them, first, the Heirs will try to gun
them down and steal it. If they survive that, then the Heirs might tell them about the TIDE OF RUST, an
operation to awaken the sub-people of plastic and steel that live un-living all throughout CY, to teach the
r@ce 0f cy8errorrn_etics their viral gospel…

1DLE/H4NDS is an independent production by Ross_Hollander and is not affiliated

with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the CY_BORG Third Party License.

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