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Uniform Flow is where the flow rate of the
flow, velocity, depth, flow cross sectional area
and the slope of the base channel is the same
between a section with other sections

A channel that is exposed to the atmosphere
and not fully met by the solid boundary
(ex: drainage, river, trench, canal, forming)
*Open-channel flow occurs when a
liquid flows due to gravity. Usually the
flowing liquid has a free surface, as in
a channel, flume or partially full pipe.
The liquid is not under pressure, other
than atmospheric pressure. Many
formulae have been developed to
estimate the flow rate in open-
channels, the Manning formula has
become widely accepted as the usual
method of estimating flow rate.
*The definition of specific energy at any cross-section in
an open channel is the sum of the kinetic energy per unit
weight of the flowing liquid and the potential energy
relative to the bottom of the channel.
*Thus an expression for specific energy is as follow:
*E = y + V2/2g - (1)
*Where: E is the specific energy in unit m (meter)
- y is the depth of flow above the bottom of the channel in
unit m (meter)
- V is the average liquid velocity (= Q/A) in m/sec
- g is the acceleration due to gravity = 9.81m/s2
*Others expression for specific energy is as follow:
*E = y + V2/2g - (1)
- y - is the STATIC ENERGY
- V2/2g - is the KINETIC ENERGY
Another form of the equation with Q/A in place of V is:

E = y + Q2/2A2g -(2)
The way that specific energy varies with depth of flow in
an open channel can be illustrated by considering a
rectangular open channel with bottom width b.
For such a channel, A = yb, where b is the channel width.
Substituting for A in equation (2), gives:

E = y + Q2/(2 y2b2g) -(3)

*The parameter q, the flow rate per unit width of
channel, is often used for a

*rectangular channel. The relationship between q

and Q is thus: q = Q/b

*or Q = qb. Substituting for Q in equation (3) gives:

E = y + q2/(2 y2g) - (4)

Example 1:

A rectangular open channel with bottom width = 2m, is

carrying a flow rate of 5m3/s, with depth of flow = 1.5m.
A cross-section of the channel is shown in the figure below.
Calculate the Specific Energy for this open channel.
E = y + V2/2g
Where, V = Q/A
= 5/(2x1.5)
= 1.67m/s

=> E = 1.5 + 1.672/2(9.81)

.: E = 1.642m
*Example 2:
A trapezoidal channel has a width of 6m
and 1:1 side slopes drain water at 8 m3/s.
Determine the energy of water, if the
water depth is 2m.


* Answer : E = 2.013m
*Example 3:
Water flows in a rectangular channel
with a width of 5m flow rate 8 m3/s at
a depth of 1.0m. Calculate the value of
the specific energy.



*Answer : E = 1.13m
2) y Vs Ek 1) y Vs Es

3) y Vs E

Es, Ek & E

1. Subcritical Flow

2. Supercritical Flow

3. Critical Flow
*Any open channel flow having
depth of flow less than critical
depth ( y < yc ) will be
represented by a point on the
lower leg of the graph above.
*Any open channel flow having depth of
flow greater than critical depth ( y > yc )
will be represented by a point on the
upper leg of the graph above

*The flow condition with y = yc
The parameter, specific energy, can be
used to help clarify the meaning of
supercritical, subcritical, and critical
flow in an open channel.

The symbol yc is commonly used for

critical depth and will be so used in this
course. Through a little application of
calculus, an equation for the critical
depth, yc, can be derived.

yc = (q2/g)1/3
*Critical Velocity, Vc
Vc = (yc x g)1/2

*Minima Specific Energy, Emin

Emin = 1.5 yc

*Critical Slope, Sc
Sc = (qn / yc5/3)2
Example 4 :
A 6m wide channel drain water 20 m3/s,
determine the depth of the water when the
specific energy would be minimal.

Answer : yc = 1.042m
Example 5:
Water flows to the flow rate 5.42 m3/s
in the rectangular channel width is
4.0m and Manning, n = 0.012.

i. Critical depth. (yc = 0.572m)

ii. The critical velocity.(vc = 2.369m/s)
iii. Critical slope.(Sc = 0.0017) @ 1:588
iv. Minimum specific energy. (Emin=0.858m)

*Fr = V/(y x g)1/2

*Fr > 1 => Supercritical Flow

*Fr < 1 => Subcritical Flow
*Fr = 1 => Critical Flow
*Hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel, also
known as classical jump, is a natural
phenomenon that occurs whenever flow
changes from supercritical to subcritical flow.
In this transition, the water surface rises
abruptly, surface rollers are formed, intense
mixing occurs, air is entrained, and often a
large amount of energy is dissipated. In other
words, a hydraulic jump happens when a
higher velocity, v1, supercritical flow upstream
is met by a subcritical downstream flow with a
decreased velocity, v2, and sufficient depth.
There are situations in which a subcritical slope will have
supercritical flow taking place on it, such as flow under a
sluice gate or a channel bottom slope changing from steep
to mild. When this happens, the flow must slow down to the
subcritical flow that can be maintained on the mild
(subcritical) slope.

There can be no gradual transition from supercritical to

subcritical flow. The transition from supercritical to
subcritical flow will always be an abrupt transition.That
abrupt transition is called a hydraulic jump.

Figure 2 and Figure 3 show a couple of physical situations

that give rise to a hydraulic jump. The hydraulic jump is
sometimes called rapidly varied flow
* Figure 5 shows supercritical depth and velocity upstream of the
jump and the subcritical depth and velocity downstream of the
jump. These parameters are often used in hydraulic jump
calculations. The supercritical (upstream) velocity and depth are
represented by the symbols, V1 and y1. The Subcritical
(downstream) velocity and depth are represented by the symbols,
V2 and y2.

* Figure 5. Hydraulic Jump with Upstream and Downstream

* To dissipate the kinetic energy that can be
prevent erosion at the base of the canal
* To increase the weight of the water
pressure on the dam apron to reduce the
thrust force on base of channel
* For the purpose of trapping air (aeration)
and natural mixing of chemicals (diffusion)
for water supply purposes
* To raise the water level for irrigation
High of Hydraulics Jump(Δy)

Δy = y2 – y1

Where :
y2 = y1/2 [ (1 + 8(Fr1)2)1/2 -1 ]

y1 = y2/2 [ (1 + 8(Fr2)2)1/2 -1 ]
Example 1
The flow rate under a sluice gate in a 2.5m wide rectangular
channel is 1.5m3/s, with a 0.2m depth of flow. If the channel slope
is mild, will there be a hydraulic jump downstream of the sluice

* Solution:
* y =0.2m and Q = 1.5m3/s. Average
* velocity, V, can be calculated and then Fr can be calculated to
determine whether this is subcritical or supercritical flow.

* V = Q/A = Q/yb = 1.5/(0.2)(2.5) = 3.0m/s

* Fr = V/(gy)1/2 = 3/[(9.81)(0.2)]1/2 = 2.14 (Fr > 1)

* Fr > 1, so the flow after the sluice gate is supercritical. The

channel slope is mild, so there will be a hydraulic jump to make
the transition from supercritical to subcritical flow.
Example 2
What will be the depth of flow and average
velocity in the subcritical flow following the
hydraulic jump of Example 1?

Solution :
( From Example 1, Fr1 = 2.14 and y1 = 0.2m)

* y2 = y1/2 [ (1 + 8(Fr1)2)1/2 -1]

y2 = (0.2/2) [(1 + 8(2.14)2)1/2 -1]

= 0.513m

V2 = Q/A2 = 1.5/(2.5)(0.513)
= 1.17m/s
Loss Of Energy (EL)
EL = (y2 – y1)3 => E1 – E2
4 y2 y 1

Power Dissipated (PL)

PL = ρ x g x Q x EL (watt)
Q = A x m2/3 x S1/2
A = Cross section Area of flow ( by)
n = Manning’s coefficient
S = base slope
m = hydraulic min depth = A/P =) P= perimeter
= by/(b + 2y)
Example 3
Water flows with a velocity of 16 m/s through a rectangular
channel. The water depth is 30 cm. Sill built on the downstream
causing hydraulic jump occurs. Calculate the depth and velocity
downstream of the jump. What is the head loss and loss of power?

1. Determine the Fr1 = 9.33
2. Determine the y2 =3.81m
3. Determine V2 = 1.26m/s
4. Determine EL = 9.46m
5. Determine PL = 445.5kW
Example 4
Water flow of 18 m3/s in supercritical (super-critical) in a
rectangular channel 4 m wide. A swing type hydraulic jump
occurs in the channel before the jump where the Froude number
is 3.5. Calculate the high of hydraulics jump?

* Solution:
1. Calculate q = 4.5m2/s
2. Calculate y1 = 0.552m
3. Calculate y2 = 2.47m
4. Calculate Δy = 1.918m
Example 5
Water flow 13450l/s in a rectangular channel 10m wide. Specific
energy before and after the jump, respectively 3.1m and 2.17m.
Calculate the power lost during the jump.
Example 6
Water flows through a horizontal open channel with a depth of
0.6m. Flow rate is 3.7 m3 / s per meter width. Could the hydraulic
jump occurs? If the jump occurs, calculate the downstream depth
flow and power dissipated in it.
Example 7
A hydraulic jump occurs in a rectangular channel 3.2m wide. Depth
before the jump is 0.72m. If the flow rate is 13.5m3/s, determine;
a) depth after the jump.
b) Head loss of energy.
d) Loss of power.
Example 8
The figure below shows a rectangular channel with a width of 5.0m is shown in the
figure. Water flows with flow rate of 40 m3/s. Water depth after the jump reach a level
of normal depth.

y1 y2

S1 = 0.01
n = 0.013
S2 = 0.0005
n = 0.011

Determine the:
a) depth before the jump = 0.998m @ 1.2m, v1 = 6.67m/s, Fr1=1.94
b) High jumpc=2.153m y2 = 2.75, Δy= 1.55m
c) Head loss of energy during the jump = 0.793m EL=0.282m
d) Verify that the jump could happen Fr2 =0.56 (hydraulic jump happen)

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