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Architecture and Town Planning (CE246)

Q.NO 1: Discuss the main features of master plan of metropolitan
city. Also discuss reasons of failure of master plan of Khairpur Mir’s
and success of master plan of Hyderabad city.
The main features of a master plan for a metropolitan city usually include zoning
regulations, land use planning, transportation networks, infrastructure development,
and environmental considerations. As for the failure of the master plan in Khairpur
Mir's, it could be due to factors like inadequate implementation, lack of community
involvement, or changes in the city's needs over time. On the other hand, the success
of Hyderabad's master plan could be attributed to effective execution, community
participation, and adaptability to changing circumstances.

In a metropolitan city's master plan, zoning regulations help determine how different
areas are used, like residential, commercial, or industrial zones. Land use planning
focuses on how the land is allocated for various purposes. Transportation networks
ensure smooth connectivity with well-designed roads, public transportation, and
infrastructure development includes utilities like water, electricity, and waste
management. Environmental considerations aim to preserve and protect natural

Regarding the failure of Khairpur Mir's master plan, it could be due to factors like
poor implementation of the plan, lack of community involvement in decision-
making processes, or changes in the city's needs that were not adequately addressed
in the plan.

On the other hand, the success of Hyderabad's master plan could be attributed to
effective execution of the plan, active participation of the community in shaping the
city's development, and the ability of the plan to adapt to changing circumstances
and evolving needs of the city.
Q.NO 2: Demonstrate how housing for lower and middle income
people are becoming challenge? Also discuss why site and services
scheme fail to address the issue of housing for all segments of the
Housing for lower and middle-income people is becoming a challenge due to various
reasons. Rapid urbanization, limited affordable housing options, rising property
prices, and insufficient financial resources are some factors that contribute to this

Now, let's talk about the site and services scheme. While it aims to address the issue
of housing for all segments of society, it may have limitations. One reason is that it
often focuses on providing basic infrastructure and services, like water and
electricity connections, but may not fully address the affordability aspect of housing.
Additionally, the scheme may face challenges in terms of land availability,
bureaucratic processes, and ensuring long-term sustainability.

It's important to explore a range of solutions, including innovative financing models,

public-private partnerships, and government initiatives, to tackle the housing
challenge and ensure affordable housing for all segments of society.

Housing for lower and middle-income folks is becoming a real challenge these days.
With more and more people moving to cities, there's a high demand for affordable
housing. However, limited options, high property prices, and not enough financial
resources make it tough for many to find suitable housing.

Now, let's talk about the site and services scheme. While it aims to help with housing
for everyone, it may not fully address the issue. The scheme focuses on providing
basic infrastructure like water and electricity, but it doesn't always tackle the
affordability aspect of housing. Plus, it can face challenges like finding available
land, dealing with bureaucratic processes, and ensuring long-term sustainability.

To truly tackle the housing challenge, we need to explore different solutions. That
means looking at things like new financing models, partnerships between the
government and private sector, and innovative initiatives to make housing more
affordable for all.
Q.NO 3: Identify how development plan could made be made
effective to address the issue of spatial growth in cities? Illustrate with
To make development plans effective in addressing the issue of spatial growth in
cities, a few strategies can be implemented. Firstly, comprehensive land-use
planning is crucial. This involves identifying areas for different purposes like
residential, commercial, and recreational zones to ensure balanced growth.

Secondly, promoting mixed-use development can help optimize land use and reduce
the need for long commutes. By integrating residential, commercial, and recreational
spaces in the same area, it creates vibrant and walkable communities.

Thirdly, investing in efficient transportation systems is essential. Developing well-

connected public transportation networks, such as buses, trains, and metro systems,
can help reduce traffic congestion and encourage people to use public transport
instead of private vehicles.

Lastly, preserving green spaces and creating parks within urban areas is important.
These spaces provide recreational opportunities, improve air quality, and contribute
to the overall well-being of residents.

An example of an effective development plan is Curitiba, Brazil. They implemented

a comprehensive bus rapid transit system, prioritized pedestrian-friendly streets, and
preserved green areas. This has resulted in reduced congestion, improved quality of
life, and sustainable urban growth.
Q.NO 4: Define the term Civic survey? Also discuss the importance
for the improvement and development of a town. Also mention their
salient features and the types of data required and collected for this
purpose and measure to collect such data?
A civic survey is a method of collecting data and feedback from residents of a town
or city to understand their opinions, needs, and preferences regarding various aspects
of their community. It helps in assessing the current state of the town, identifying
areas for improvement, and informing decision-making processes for the
development of the town.

Civic surveys are important for the improvement and development of a town because
they provide valuable insights into the community's priorities and concerns. By
collecting data on topics such as infrastructure, public services, transportation,
safety, and quality of life, decision-makers can better understand the needs of the
residents and allocate resources accordingly. This helps in making informed
decisions, setting priorities, and implementing effective policies and initiatives to
enhance the overall well-being of the community.

Salient features of a civic survey include:

1. Questionnaires: Surveys typically consist of a set of structured questions designed

to gather specific information from respondents.

2. Representative Sample: Surveys aim to gather data from a representative sample

of the town's population to ensure the findings are reflective of the community as a

3. Anonymity: Respondents' identities are kept confidential to encourage honest and

unbiased responses.

4. Multiple Data Types: Civic surveys may collect both quantitative data (e.g.,
ratings, rankings, and numerical responses) and qualitative data (e.g., open-ended
responses, suggestions, and comments) to provide a comprehensive understanding
of the community's perspectives.

To collect data for a civic survey, various measures can be taken, such as:
1. Online Surveys: Utilizing online platforms to distribute surveys and collect
responses from a wide range of residents.

2. Paper Surveys: Distributing physical surveys in public spaces, community centers,

or through mail to reach residents who may not have internet access.

3. Door-to-Door Surveys: Conducting face-to-face interviews with residents to

gather their feedback and opinions.

4. Focus Groups: Organizing small group discussions to delve deeper into specific
topics and gather qualitative insights.

By utilizing these methods, towns can collect valuable data to inform decision-
making, prioritize projects, and ensure the development aligns with the needs and
aspirations of the community.

Q.NO 5: Discuss the term “Open Space” in town planning? Also

discuss their importance with types which types used in Town
planning schemes. Also describe how their financial requirements are
fulfilled for parks & recreational activities and their various means
to collect such finance?
In town planning, "open space" refers to publicly accessible land that is designated
for recreational, environmental, or aesthetic purposes. These spaces are essential for
creating a balanced and sustainable urban environment.

Open spaces are important in town planning for several reasons. They provide
opportunities for recreation, physical activity, and relaxation, contributing to the
overall well-being of residents. They also enhance the aesthetic appeal of the town,
providing green spaces that can improve air quality, reduce noise pollution, and
promote biodiversity. Open spaces can also serve as gathering places for community
events, fostering social interactions and a sense of belonging.

There are different types of open spaces used in town planning schemes, including:

1. Parks: These are larger areas of land dedicated to recreational activities, such as
sports fields, playgrounds, walking trails, and picnic areas.
2. Plazas and Squares: These are public spaces in urban areas designed for social
gatherings, events, and cultural activities.

3. Greenbelts: These are strips of open land or vegetation that act as buffers between
urban areas, providing a visual break and promoting biodiversity.

4. Waterfronts: These are areas along rivers, lakes, or oceans that are developed for
recreational activities, waterfront promenades, and public access to water bodies.

To fulfill the financial requirements for parks and recreational activities, towns
employ various means to collect funds, such as:

1. Government Budgets: Municipalities allocate funds from their budgets to develop

and maintain open spaces.

2. Grants and Sponsorships: Towns may seek grants from government agencies or
private organizations to fund specific park projects. They may also collaborate with
corporate sponsors for financial support.

3. User Fees: Some towns charge entry fees or usage fees for certain facilities within
parks to generate revenue for maintenance and improvements.

4. Public-Private Partnerships: Towns may enter into partnerships with private

entities to develop and manage open spaces, with the private sector contributing
funds in exchange for certain rights or benefits.

By utilizing these financial means, towns can ensure the availability and
maintenance of open spaces for the benefit of their residents.

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