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SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS Vol. 43, No.6, 63-73, Dec.

1apanese Geotechnical Society





Pore Size Distribution (PSD) of naturally deposited clayey soil samples recovered from various parts of the world
and at varying depths was measured by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP). In addition to naturally deposited
samples, the artificially mixed soils, namely Singapore clay with Toyoura sand or diatomite, are studied in order to
know the influence of grain size component on the PSD. Characteristics of the PSD were represented by the mean pore
size (Dp50 ). As an application of the PSD characteristics to practical geotechnical engineering, an attempt has been
made to relate the hydraulic conductivity (k) with the PSD. The following interesting findings are obtained:
1) With an increase in the consolidation pressure (p'), Dpso also decreases in the same manner as that of the e-logp'
2) The range of Dpso for naturally deposited soils is relatively narrow, namely between 0.03 and 2 ,urn, except for
London clay which is an old deposit clay, i.e., Tertiary.
3) It is found from the artificially mixed soils that Dpso generally increases with an increase in silt and sand content.
4) There is a unique relation between the hydraulic conductivity (k) and nD~ 50 , where n is the porosity.

Key words: clayey soil, diatomite, hydraulic conductivity, mercury intrusion porosimetry, permeability, pore size
distribution, Toyoura sand (IGC: D6)

It is not rare to observe that the yield consolidation

INTRODUCTION pressure (p;) measured by the oedometer test is some-
It is well recognized that the void ratio (e) is one of very what larger than the in situ effective overburden pressure,
important and fundamental parameters governing the (p~ 0 ), in which stress conditions in the past are judged to
geotechnical behavior of a soil, required for geotechnical be normally consolidated from geological considerations.
design, such as strength, compressibility, rigidity, con- It should also be pointed out that the void ratio at such a
ductivity and so on. It is usually assumed in most of the site is always larger than that measured from a reconsti-
proposed numerical models available in literature, such tuted specimen subjected to the same consolidation pres-
as the critical state in the Cam clay model, that a unique sure as the P~o· For example, Burland (1990) has distin-
relation exists among the three parameters; p', q and e, guished Sedimentary Compression Line (SCL) from
where p' and q are the mean and the deviator stresses, Intrinsic Compression Line (ICL) in thee-log p' relation.
respectively. However, it is also known that noticeable It has been considered that one of the reasons for such
differences are observed in characteristics of the strength different behavior is caused by a difference in the arrange-
or the compressibility of a soil with the same void ratio. ment of soil particles, even at the same void ratio. This
For example, if we compare soils naturally deposited and arrangement is sometimes called "soil structure", which
reconstituted at laboratory, even though a soil is consoli- has been one of the most controversial themes in
dated under the same overburden pressure in the labora- geotechnical engineering, in particular as to how to evalu-
tory, the resultant e is different, due, for example to ate it in a quantitative way.
differences in initial water content before consolidation, The observation of the soil structure is carried out
or time duration of the secondary consolidation, so on. usually using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Tsuchida et al. (1991) have pointed out that the tempera- Tanaka and Locat (1999), for example, have revealed
ture during consolidation also gives an important effect that Osaka Pleistocene clays contain a large volume of
on the e-log p' relation. microfossils, especially the diatoms, and have suggested

il Port and Airport Research Institute (

iil Toa Construction.
iii) Oyo Corporation.
iv) Laval University.
Manuscript was received for review on October 3, 2002.
Written discussions on this paper should be submitted before July 1, 2004 to the Japanese Geotechnical Society, Sugayama Bldg. 4F, Kanda
Awaji-cho 2-23, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0063, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month.


This is an Open Access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license.

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Table 1. Geotechnical index properties of soils used in this study

Name Depth (m) Sand(%) Silt (%) Clay* (%) WL (%) Wp (%) Wn (%) Reference
Mal3 29 0 50 50 99 36 94 Tanaka et al. (2002)
Mall 112 3 47 50 76 26 55 Tanaka et al. (2002)
Ma9 187 0 26 74 110 41 61 Tanaka et al. (2002)
Kyoto 23 0 25 75 107 34 58 Tanaka et al. (2002)
Bangkok 5-16 0 30-61 39-70 46-101 19-25 30-70 Tanaka et al. (2001a)

Bothkennar 3-17 0 60-72 28-40 55-77 23-32 55-77 Tanaka (2000)

Singapore 14-23 0 10-20 80-90 61-82 22-25 46-60 Tanaka et al. (2001a)

Drammen 4-16 0 36-42 58-64 34-42 19-22 32-43 Tanaka (2000)

Pusan 10 0 33 67 65 24 60 Tanaka et al. (2001b)

Tokyo 10 7 56 47 43 25 34

London 6 0 23 77 83 25 25

Note: * less than 5 .urn

Table 2. Geotechnical index properties of artificially mixed soils

that these microfossils may impart great influences on the
geotechnical properties, in particular, their compressibili- Soil Ps (g/cm ) WL (%) Wp (%)
ty. A problem in the observation of microstructure by the Singapore 2.77 82.5 22.7
SEM, however, is how to evaluate the structure in quan-
Diatomite 2.26-2.37 NP NP
titative ways. Instead of such .observation, there are
several studies to grasp the structure, such as the pore size Toyoura 2.65 NP NP
distribution, using mercury intrusion porosimetry (for
example, Delage and Lefebvre, 1984). It is anticipated
that a soil consisting of large pores may behave in differ- to Ma4. All intact samples, except for Pleistocene clays of
ent ways from that consisting of small pores, even though the Osaka Group, were recovered by the fixed piston sam-
they have the same void ratio. For example, the hydraulic pler specified by the 1apanese Geotechnical Society
conductivity of the former soil will be much larger than (JGS). Since the Pleistocene clays (Mall, Ma9 and
that of the latter soil because of small resistance for pore Kyoto) were very stiff, the rotary core sampler was used
water flow. to retrieve them (see for example, Tanaka et al., 2002).
This paper presents the pore size distribution of natural Tokyo clay was recovered at Minato ward, Tokyo, and
clayey soils recovered from various areas in the world. according to chronological study, it is a late Pleistocene
The studied clay samples are not only Holocene deposits clay. London clay is well-known clay in geotechnical
but· also Pleistocene clays retrieved from depths of deep engineering literatures and was taken from the Heathrow
as about 200m. In addition to these naturally deposited Airport, London, UK. Only this clay is a Tertiary deposit.
soil samples, artificially mixed soils with sand or diatom- (2) ,Artificially mixed soils
ite soil are used to examine the influences of grain size To study the influence of grain size component, arti-
components on the pore size distribution. The paper also ficially mixed soils with Toyoura sand and diatomite soil
makes an attempt to correlate the pore size distribution were prepared. As a base material, Singapore clay was
with the hydraulic conductivity. used. Their main properties, including the grain size
distribution, are indicated in Table 2 and Fig. 1. The
Toyoura sand is a well-documented material in Japan
SOILS USED IN THE INVESTIGATION AND THEIR because researchers of the JGS have extensively used it in
TESTING METHODS their study as a standard granular material. Its grain size
Soils Tested distribution is shown in Fig. 1. While the diatomite soil
(1) Naturally deposited soils used in this study was recovered from the Hiruzenbara
The geotechnical index properties of soils used in this site, Okayama, which is the same material the authors
study are given in Table 1, more detailed information on previously used to study the influence of diatom on
these soils is available in references indicated in the Table. geotechnical properties (Shiwakoti et al., 1999; Tanaka
Ma13, Mall, Ma9 and Kyoto clay belong to the Osaka and Locat, 1999; Shiwakoti et al., 2002). Although the
Group, which are numbered according to deposited age. particle size of the diatomite soil is mainly silty, as shown
For example, Ma13 is the youngest Holocene clay deposit in Fig, 1, its void ratio or water content is very large
(see ltoh et al., 2000; Tanaka et aL, 2002). The deposi- because diatom particles have large pores, which can hold
tion age of Kyoto clay is relatively old, and corresponds a large volume of water. As a result, if the diatomite soil

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100 change. The specimen was cut into a cube about 5 mm,
which was then submerged into the liquid nitrogen to
80 freeze it. To dry the frozen specimen, it was set in a
g special chamber under a vacuum (less than - 90 kPa) and
.... low temperature ( -10°C). In this process, water in the
c: voids was sublimated without any volume change of the
u.... 40
The dried specimen was then placed in the apparatus
of the MIP. Mercury was intruded into the voids by
0 applying pressure. The diameter of voids is calculated
according to the capillary force theory. The maximum
0.001 0.01 0.1
pressure of mercury intrusion is 225 MPa, which cor-
Grain Size (mm) responds to a pore size diameter of about 0.005 ,urn. It is
usual to calculate the void ratio of the specimen from the
Fig. 1. Grain curves used for artificially mixed soils
natural water content (wn), unit weight of the soil (y1) and
unit solid weight of the soil particle (p The calculated e
5 ).

is mixed with usual soil, its index properties such as liquid in this manner should agree with the total sum of pores
limit ( wL) or plastic limit ( Wp) increase in spite of a measured by the MIP. However, if pores in the specimen
decrease in clay particle content. This tendency is com- get shrunken in the process of the specimen preparation
pletely opposite to the soil mixed with the Toyoura sand. or if cracks develop in the specimen, then the total pores
The selected clayey soil, namely Singapore clay, was measured by the MIP are not identical to the e obtained
mixed with the Toyoura sand or the diatomite soil, using by the above conventional calculation method. There-
a mixer at high water content. The mixed soils were fore, if the discrepancy between these two values of e was
prepared at several proportions: namely, 0, 25%, 50% found to be more than 10%, then such test data were not
and 75%, in terms of the ratios of dry weight of the used in this study.
Toyoura sand or the diatomite soil to the Singapore clay. It should be kept in mind that the diameter of pores
Hereafter, the mixed soils are named such as S +Sa(50). measured by the MIP is somewhat different from the
The first letter of S indicates the name of Singapore clay. impression brought by the SEM observation. In addition
The latter letters of Sa and D mean the mixing material of to the assumption of the pore shape as cylindric, the pore
the Toyoura sand and the diatomite soil, respectively. diameter obtained by the MIP corresponds to that at the
The number in the blanket indicates the mixing ratio as entrance of pores, but not the inside diameter of the
explained above. pores, as discussed by Lapierre et al. (1990).
The mixed soil was poured into a cylindrical consolida-
tion cell having the diameter of 10 em. The final consoli- Constant Rate of Strain (CRS) Oedometer Test
dation pressure was 200 kPa and the completion of con- CRS test was carried out to obtain the e-log p' relation
solidation was confirmed by the so-called 3t method: i.e., as well as the hydraulic conductivity (k) of the soil sam-
the duration for the consolidation is three times longer ple. The size of the specimen is the same as the conven-
than the time for getting the primary consolidation tional incremental load oedometer test: i.e., the initial
defined by the bending points in the settlement curve plot- height and the diameter of the specimen are 20 mm and
ted against time in the logarithm scale. Then, the consoli- 60 mm, respectively. The upper boundary of the speci-
dation pressure was removed, and the reconstituted men was kept drained and the pore water pressure was
sample was extruded from the cell. measured at the bottom. The effective stress (p') and k
(3) Consolidated intact soils were calculated by Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively.
To study the influence of consolidation, some speci- p' = p- 2u/3 (1)
mens were consolidated under specified pressures. The
consolidation was performed using a conventional k=h·yw·H/2u (2)
oedometer ring, whose initial height and diameter are where p and u are applied pressure (total pressure) and
20 mm and 60 mm, respectively. The load was applied the pore water pressure measured at the bottom, respec-
step by step to the final pressure, and the duration of tively. h, Hand Yw are the displacement rate, the height of
consolidation at the final pressure was 24 hours. Then the the specimen and the unit weight of pore water, respec-
load was removed, and the specimen was extruded from tively.
the oedometer ring. The strain rate applied for the natural soils was 0.02% I
min (3.3 x 10~ 6 /s). As the k value for artificially mixed
Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry soils with sand or diatomite is large, the strain rate of
For the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP), every these materials was faster than that of the natural soils, so
void in the specimen should be replaced by air: i.e., the as to measure the pore water pressure more accurately
specimen needs to be dried. In this study, the dry freezing (i.e., for these soils, the strain rate of 0.2% /min was
method was employed to avoid changes in the pore size used). A back pressure of 100 kPa was applied to get high
distribution in the process of drying due to the volume degree of saturation.

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Intact Sample
..5 0. 6
"C 0. 4


0. 01 0. 1 10
Pore Diameter, DP <~-tm)

Fig. 2. Typical examples of pore size distribution measured by mercu- a: 1.0

ry intrusion porosimetry (MIP) 0 0.8
:!:2 0.6
'"0 0.4


Pore Size Distribution (PSD)
Figure 2 shows typical examples of Pore Size Distribu-
tion (PSD) for intact natural soils. The vertical axis in the
figure is plotted as dV/dlogDp, where DP is the entrance
pore size diameter and dV is the volume of pores whose
diameter is Dp, expressed in terms of the unit dry weight
of soil. Therefore, the area bounded by certain Dps
indicates the volume of pores between these Dps, as
shown in the figure. If the volume of pores with DP less
than 0.005 ,urn is ignored, then the total area bounded by
the measured curve by the MIP corresponds to the void
ratio, e.
The samples indicated in Fig. 2 were selected so that ,..-,--n1'T>Tir-->..,..,.,.m.r-'"I'""M-~--r-r''i't'tmt-T'~D-207 (383.65m)

their void ratios were nearly in the same order. As shown 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
in Fig. 2, however, their shapes of the PSD curve are con- Entrance Pore Radius (R, JJ.m)
siderably different for each soil. That is, the pore size of
the Bothkennar clay is significantly larger than that of Fig. 3. Pore size distribution of Osaka bay Pleistocene clays (after
Osaka bay Pleistocene clay (Mall). It seems that this Tanaka and Locat, 1999)
difference is caused by the consolidation pressure,
because the Bothkennar clay was recovered from a depth
of 17 m, while the Mall of Osaka bay Pleistocene clay Effects of Consolidation and Representative Value for
was retrieved from a depth of 93 m. Pore Size Distribution
Tanaka and Locat (1999) have shown the PSD for a Using the specimens consolidated in the oedometer
series of the Pleistocene clays in the Osaka bay as shown ring, the influence of consolidation on the PSD was stud-
in Fig. 3. It can be observed that as depth increases, the ied. The PSD was measured in the samples at four differ-
area surrounded by the curve of the PSD decreases, since ent consolidation pressures: a) the condition before
the void ratio decreases due to an increase in P~o· It also consolidation pressure (p') was applied: i.e., the intact
can be seen that the diameter of major pores becomes condition of naturally deposited soil; b) the condition
small with increase in depth, although some specimens do where the p' is about the yield consolidation pressure
not follow this trend. These observations reveal that the (p~); c) the Normally Consolidated (NC) condition,
PSD is not only dependent on consolidation pressure, but where the p' is about three times as large asp~; d) the p'
also several factors, for example, the inherent soil prop- of 10 MPa (=the maximum capacity of the oedometer
erties such as index properties as well as grain composi- apparatus used in this study) was applied. Typical
tion, and environmental conditions during and after changes in the PSD due to consolidation for Mal3 and
deposition. In the following sections, these anticipated Kyoto .clays are shown in Figs. 4(a) and (b), respectively.
factors are discussed in more· detail. The PSD for both clays at a) and b) states, where p' is
relatively lower compared top~, is nearly identical, except

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Osaka Clay Ma13

Kyoto Clay
1.5 0. 8
---- a:O (intact)
-e- b: 78kPa 'liD
-+- c:2511kPa ::::- ---- a:O (intact)
- - x - - d: 10042kPa 0. 6
-5 -e- b:941kPa
tlD -+- c: 3530kPa
-.:> 0. 4
0. 5
0. 2

0.1 10 0. 01 0. 1 10

Pore Diameter, DP <~-tm) Pore Diameter, DP (~)

(a) Osaka clay (Ma13) (b) Kyoto clay (Ma4)

Fig. 4. Typical examples of change in pore size distribution due to consolidation

Osaka Clay Ma13 values. Although the peak of Dp for the calculated PSD is
Assumed that all pores shifted to the left side asp' increased, the amount of the
are equally shrunk.
1.5 shift is significantly smaller than that in the observed
---a 0 PSD. This discrepancy suggests that the pores are not
-e- b 78kPa
-+- c 2511kPa only compressed, but also breakdown into small pores, as
- - x - - d 10042kPa
p' increases.
Figures 6(a) and (b) show number of pores with differ-
ent Dp, which was calculated, assuming that the pore
shape is spherical. Let us examine what happens to pores
0. 5
due to the increase inp', as taken Ma13 in Fig. 6(a) as an
example. As long asp' is slightly larger than p~, the num-
ber of pore at each Dp does not noticeably change, which
0~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ is also supported by the earlier consideration. With the
0. 01 0. 1 10
increase in p', however, the pores whose diameter is
Pore Diameter, DP <t-tm)
larger than 0.5 ,urn get broken, and consequently become
transformed into smaller pores having diameter between
Fig. 5. Calculated pore size distribution of Osaka Clay Ma13, assum-
0.2 and 0.5 ,urn. Similarly, in the process of p' increasing
ing that the size of all pores is equally reduced by consolidation
from 2511 kPa to 10042 kPa, pores with diameter be-
tween 0.3 and 0.5 ,urn get collapsed and become further
at large Dp range. That is, the curves of the PSD at a) and smaller pores. The same trend can be observed in Kyoto
b) states are identical at .Dp s smaller than the Dp at the clay (see Fig. 6(b)). It is found from these observations
peak, for example, when Dp is smaller than 1 ,urn for that the increase in p' causes the reduction in the pore
Ma13 (see Fig. 4(a)). On the other hand, some volume volume (the void ratio) as well as decrease in the pore
change takes place at pores larger than Dp s. When the diameter. Several other researchers have also reported
stress state is entirely in the NC state, however, the PSD similar observations (for example, Griffiths and Joshi,
gets completely shifted from the original position to the 1989; Onizuka and Yamagami, 1998; Miura et al., 1999).
left side. This fact indicates that the large pore is first This finding is very important in considering the reduc-
compressed, then the small pores are gradually affected as tion in hydraulic conductivity due to consolidation, as
p' increases. will be discussed later.
Figure 5 indicates how the PSD of Ma13 changes due We have described the PSD as a relation between Dp
to consolidation as calculated from the original PSD, and dVI d log DP. However, it is inconvenient to quan-
assuming that volume of all pores equally decreases with titatively characterize the PSD in this way, and it is neces-
increase in pressure, regardless of their pore size. Each sary to show the PSD in term of a more representative
calculated PSD corresponds to the consolidation stage, as parameter. Figure 7 shows the relation between Dp and
indicated in Fig. 4(a): i.e., the total area surrounded by the cumulative volume normalized by the dry soil weight,
the calculated PSD is identical to that of measured one. It where the cumulative pore at the infinitive large Dp cor-
can be seen that there are clear differences in the PSD responds to the total void volume, i.e., e. In this figure,
between observed (Fig. 4(a)) and calculated (Fig. 5) three pore diameters are defined as Dp3o, Dpso and Dp60·

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0 Kyoto Clay
Osaka Clay (Ma13) ><

:;:; 10
Q) --e--a 0
-e- b 78kPa
"1::> ---+- c 2511kPa
--X-- d 10042kPa
c. --a 0
-e- b 941kPa
---+- c 3530kPa
a.. - -X- - d 10042kPa


0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8
0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8
Pore Diameter, DP (!1m)

(a) Osaka clay (Ma13) (b) Kyoto clay

Fig. 6. Change in number of pores due to consolidation


~ 0.5
sQ) Bothkennar Clay
E 0.4 'E
0 .E-
0.3 0

c. i
"C 0.2 0 0. 1
Q) 0.
1ii D =1.3!-lm ~
:; p50
E 0.1 ..;
::I 0
--+- Ma13
0 "'
0.001 0.01 0.1 10 100 --e-- Pusan
---13---- Tokyo
Pore Diameter, D (!lm)
0. 01
100 1000
Fig. 7. Typical cumulative pore size and definitions of three pore di-
ameters: DP30 , Dpso and DP60 Consolidation Pressure, p' (kPa)

Fig. 9. Change in Dpso due to consolidation

. I

0. For example, the Dp3o is the diameter where 30% of the
') . total cumulative pore is attained, as shown in the figure .
• • Figure 8 shows how the ratio of Dp3o IDpso or Dp6o I Dpso



• •
• ;
. ,. . . . . . • ••••••
varies with Dpso. It can be seen that these ratios are scat-
tered in some narrow ranges and they do not change with
Dpso. This means that the pattern of the PSD curve is

e ••• • • nearly the same and the PSD can be represented in term
0"' I of Dpso as long as the range of the PSD is between 30 and
"'0 0. 9 0
c.. cOO 0 cPo 60% of the total cumulative pore. It should be kept in
0. 8 0
oo mind, however, that since these ratios are somewhat scat-
0 0. 7
tered, there can be some doubt whether the Dpso truly
a:: 0. 6 represents the PSD, because pores with large Dp, even
0. 5 • ' I ' I if their volume is small, may control entire hydraulic
0. 1 conductivity. This point will be discussed later again in
Mean Pore Di arne t er, DP50 ( more detail.
Figure 9 shows how the Dp changes due to consolida-
Fig. 8. Ratio of DP30 /Dpso or DP60 /Dpso for various soils tion, using the newly defined Dp 50 • Since the tested speci-
men has different p{ values due to various sampling

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•0 Osaka

+ Drammen e
6 Pusan ~
... Tokyo 0

10 r-"1 •
Louis ev i I I e
"T""T"": 0 "'

(After Lapierre et al., 1990)
.. ~

e ~ . ';
-E- 0
·~. -----osaka Ma13
0 "' 1 ~ • •
lo •• -=
0 0. 1 ~Mall
---+--- Ma9
+ + >so<
. c:
... xx 133
Q) ~Kyoto
X \ I • ::;;:
':; ---'f- Tokyo
..; o Intact Clays
0. 1 ~
F 0.01

0 0.5 1.5 2. 5
. Void Ratio, e
. All specimens are intact

0. 01 . . I L ..I. .1. . I . I . Fig. 11. Relation between e and Dpso caused by consolidation
0. 5 1.5 2 2.5

Void Ratio, e .. .. .

Fig. 10. Relation between e and Dpso for natural soils at in situ stress

Osaka Group
Osaka Canso.
conditions 2. 5 - • Bangkok
Bo thkennar
• •• -

+ Singapore
•... Drammen

depths, some tests start from smallp' value (for example, - -.

Pusan or Ma13), while other samples with relatively high 0
1- e e ~ X
p~ start to consolidate at high pressure. Nevertheless,
1.5 ~ if<.++ -.

1- 0 X
with the increase in p', the value of Dpso becomes smaller -c
and a liner relation exists between them in logarithm
scales. However, the relation between p' and Dpso varies
with samples. For example, even after the specimens were
0\ ~
o o•
;· ... -
consolidated at 10 MPa, Dpso of the Tokyo clay is 4 times 0. 5 p e Tokyo -
larger than that of the Kyoto clay. This test result indi-
cates that the variation in the Dpso cannot be explained 0
All specimens except for Osaka Conso. are intact
. ...
. ..
... .
only by the consolidation pressure, though it is recog-
nized that the magnitude of p' is a very important factor Hydraulic Conductivity, k (m/s)
in governing the PSD.
Fig. 12. Relation between k and e for various natural soils
Relation between Dpso and e
Figure 10 shows the relation between e and Dpso for all soils (e is nearly equal to 0.5), the values of Dpso for
intact soils at their in situ stress conditions. The relation these clays are considerably different from each other.
for Louiseville clay is referred from the literature
(Lapierre et al., 1990) and plotted in this figure. It is
observed, as a general trend, that with the decrease in e, RELATION BETWEEN HYDRAULIC
the Dpso slightly decreases. However, there is a large scat- CONDUCTIVITY AND PORE SIZE
ter in this relation. For example, relations for Bangkok, The hydraulic conductivity (k) of a soil is one of the
Bothkennar and Pusan clays are located in the upper part most important geotechnical parameters. Mostly, the
of the relation for the Osaka bay clays. This means that value of k is not directly used in geotechnical engineering
these clays possess relatively larger pore diameters com-. design, instead, it is incorporated as the coefficient of
pared with that for Osaka bay clays, even at the same consolidation (cv) for the prediction of the rate of settle-
void ratio. The relations for Louiseville, Singapore and ment with the time. However, recently with increasing
Drammen clays are located between them. concern of environmental problems, the value of k itself
Figure 11 shows the relation between e and Dpso in the has become a very important parameter in seepage prob-
process of consolidation, where the data are the same as lems of polluted fluid. It is well established from previous
in Fig. 9. As e decreases due to consolidation, so does the studies that k decreases with a decrease in e and there is a
Dpso. The relation between e and the Dpso for consolidated unique relation between e and k of a soil, regardless of its
sample follows the relation measured at the intact condi- stress history. However, if the relation between e and k is
tion. It is very interesting to note that although the void compared for various soils, some scatters exist in data as
ratio after consolidation to 10 MPa is nearly the same for indicated in Fig. 12, which were obtained in the present

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• Pusan
0 Singapore "' •
Osaka Group
Osaka Conso. • X
5 fE Bangkok
• Bangkok Pusan ~

Bo thkennar
x• ~ x
>i 0
~ 4 ['; Louiseville 0
·s;: All specimens except for
Osaka Conso. are intact.
+ + + /::,~
;:- 0 0 0. 1 i+•
+u <( + +
3 0
c0 • ljJ+
~0~ •

u::-u +
0 ce o
() ctl
c. Tokyo
2 c: 0. 01
If;. [';

0 cWdil 0 fE 0 00
() 0~0 k=6.54*10-11 ((e /CF/A +1W c

0 c 0. 001 iioO-......L-.........."""""&.&&..---1.--L....&..&.I........._~"""'-i..&.&.J,;...___._..&....I.ooloolol.&.l.l
10-12 1o-1o

0 Hydraulic Conductivity, k (m/s)

10·10 10·9

Hydraulic Conductivity (m/s} Fig. 14. Relation between k and nD~ 50 for natural soils (n is the
porosity of soil)
Fig. 13. Applicability of Mesri et al. 's proposal for permeability meas-
ured by authors
- ny 2
k- f.l Iij(Dpi)Dpi (4)
study. If we consider the relation for sand and clay
materials, then it is understandable that k is not simply where, n is the porosity, which is equal to e/(1 +e), y is
related to e. We know the fact that k of sandy soil is, in the unit weight of the permeant fluid, f.1 is the absolute
general, much higher than that of clayey soil, in spite of fluid viscosity and f(Dpi) is volumetric frequency at the
the fact that the e of sand is significantly smaller than that Dpi and its summation is unity as shown in Eq. (5)
of clay.
Mesri et al. (1994) have considered the grain size com-
ponent as an influencing factor to define the k values. As already discussed, it is found that the shape of the
This concept is quite acceptable because water cannot PSD is roughly identical for every soil, and may be
smoothly flow in a soil with small void diameter, when represented by the Dpso. Therefore, proposed models
the soil consists of small size particles. They have also relating with DP and k, including Capillary model in Eq.
considered the activity of clay particles because the size (4), may be simply related by nD~ 5 o. The relation between
of clay particle is different according to clay mineral. nD~ 50 and k is shown in Fig. 14, where the relations for
Finally, they have proposed the following equation: both intact and consolidated states are plotted. In the
4 figure, a relatively good correlation is seen between k and
k= 6.54 x 10- 11 (e/CF ) (3) nD~ 50 , except for Bothkennar and Bangkok clays. The k
Ac+1 value for these clays is somewhat small in spite of large
where Ac, CF, k are activity, clay fraction (not percent) nD~ 50 parameter. Since these clays have relatively large
and hydraulic conductivity (cm/s), respectively. Dpso compared to e, as shown in Fig. 10, the reason for
The above relation is applied to the authors' data and large nD~ 50 is large Dpso, not n. Therefore, even though
the results are shown in Fig. 13. It can be noted that Bothkennar and Bangkok clays have large pore diameter,
considerably large scatters still exist in this relation. it can be said that their conductivity is small, probably
Until now, several researchers have tried to establish due to lack of continuity of pores or different shape of
the correlation between the PSD measured by MIP and k pores.
(for example, Garcia-Bengochea et al., 1979; luang and
Holtz, 1986). Watabe et al. (2000) have also attempted to
correlate k with the PSD measured by the suction tests. PORE SIZE OF ARTIFICIAL MIXTURE
Their material for research is compacted soil, and their Let us consider the relation between k and nDi;Jso
concern is difference in k especially between wet and dry in more detail, using artificially mixed soils. Before
sides of the compaction curve. Lapierre et al. (1990) have examining this relation for the artificial mixture, it will be
als.o studied the PSD and k .relation for the Champlain shown how diatomite or sand content affects the PSD.
clay, which is widely distributed in Quebec, Canada. In Figures 15(a) and (b) show the PSD for diatomite and
their paper, they reviewed several models to relate the sand mixtures in Singapore clay with different mixing
PSD to k, such as Capillary, Hydraulic-radius and ratios, respectively. In case of diatomite mixture, with the
Mashall probabilistic models. For example, Capillary increase in diatomite content, void ratio as well as Dp
model obtained by Garcia-Bengochea et al., (1979) is increases monotonously. Comparison of the two figures
expressed by Eq. (4). also reveals the tremendously large volume of voids in the

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:§ 0.4 ~8+8a(O)

I ~8+0(0) I
- e - 8+8a(25)
--6--- 8+8a(50)
o"" 2 --e---8+0(25) 0 "" 0.3
0) ~8+8a(75)
0 -:--*-- 8+0(50) Cl
=a ---+--- 8+0(75) ~

>"0 >


o~~~~~~~~~MMJ 0
0.01 0.1 10 100 0.01 0.1 10 100
Pore Diameter, 0 p (!lm) Pore Diameter, D (!lm)

(a) Mixture of Singapore clay and diatomite (b) Mixture of Singapore clay and Toyoura sand

Fig. 15. Pore size distribution curve for artificially mixed soils

10 •
diatomite mixture. On the other hand, the PSD for the • • • I • • I • • • I • I • • • •
mixture of Singapore clay and Toyoura sand looks more
complicated as shown in Fig. 15(b). Unlike the mixture of
•S\:crease + Diat~ase ~
diatomite, with the increase in sand content, the void • -It:>~~.
ratio decreases (this trend can be more clearly seen in • ""~t:a tiP' • co
1 =- ~
Fig. 16). However, the Dpso increases with increase in
sand content, although the shape of the PSD is not so 0 lSI
QIS!sJ 0
smooth as that of the diatomite mixture. When the con- 0
0. !•

tent of sand become 75%, the shape of the PSD suddenly 0 0 Osaka Group
0 Pusan
changes and the pore size is distributed in a relatively 0 Tokyo
X X London Clay ~
narrow range. This may be caused by the development of + Bangkok
aggregates, which consist of bridges of sand particles 6 Bothkennar
lSI Singapore
glued by a small quantity of clay. As already mentioned, •• Mixture S+D
Mixture S+Sa
the shape of the PSD is not so much different for most I I ••
0. 01 I I I I •• I

natural soils because Dp6o I Dpso or Dp3o IDpso is nearly con-

0 4
stant as shown in Fig. 8. It should be kept in mind,
Void Ratio
however, that this finding cannot be applied to the sand
mixture soil. Fig. 16. Relation between Dpso and void ratio for artificially mixed
Figure 16 shows the relation between Dpso and e for soils
naturally deposited soils and artificially mixed soils.
Again this figure clearly shows that in case of sand mix-
ture, void ratio decreases with increase in sand content.
The opposite trend is observed in the diatomite mixture, Figure 17 shows the relation between k and e, measured
since diatomite has large voids in its particles. However, by the CRS test for the artificially mixed soils. In the
the Dpso of sand and diatomite mixtures increases with curve of k and e relation, there is a bending point indi-
increase in their content. Especially, it is likely that sand cated by an arrow. The sample was reconstituted under
content plays an important role to increase the Dpso in the consolidation pressure of 200 kPa. When p' is smaller
spite of a small change in e, compared with the diatomite than the reconstituted pressure, the measurement of the
mixture. From this investigation, the reason for relatively pore water pressure is not accurate enough to calculate
large Dpso for the Bothkennar clay is inferred to be due to reliable value of k. Therefore, the relation between k and
the large content of silt and sand particles, as shown in e should be considered only in the part of the left hand
Table 1; on the other hand, clay content of Singapore and side from the arrow. It is very interesting to note that as
Louiseville clay (for Louiseville clay, it is about 80%, void ratio increases or decreases due to increase in con-
according to Lapierre et al., 1990) is quite large, therefore, tent of diatomite and sand respectively, the value of k
their Dpso is small. However, the reason for a large Dpso of increases. This fact also confirms that k cannot be deter-
Bangkok clay as well as Osaka clays cannot be explained mined only by void ratio.
only by grain component. It may be concluded that Since the PSD of the mixture was measured after pre-
though the grain component is an important factor in consolidating at 200 kPa, the k value of the sample may
governing the PSD, there must be other equally im- correspond to that indicated by the arrow in Fig. 17.
portant factors. Similarly, as in the case of the natural soils, the relation

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. '''"I• . .. .. ....... . . ...


Dp from MIP. This fact is easily recognized when we

- e - S(O)
observe microstructure· of soil by Scanning Electron
-11- S+D~25~

- -+- S+D 50
- - _.- - S+D 75
- Microscope (for example, Tanaka and Locat, 1999).
- o · - S+Sa ~25~ ..
4 1- ---<>-- S+Sa 50
· -6- S+Sa 75 -.. CONCLUSIONS
,, <,i ..
. •

Ji.. - Pore size distribution (PSD) for clayey soils was meas-
ured by Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). To study

- Y- - the influence of grain composition, the PSD was meas-

ured in artificially mixed soils consisting of Singapore
- clay+ Toyoura sand and Singapore clay+ diatomite soil.
~ ~-- ;;;;;_..·?{.- -
--- ~ 0 ' . --fs· The following conclusions are obtained:
~ .. .. .. .... . .. : 1) Due to consolidation, the PSD is changed. The larger
J Q-10 size pores get broken first, before the breakage of
Hydraulic Conductivity, k (m/s) smaller pores, into several smaller pores in accord-
ance with the reduction of the pore volume.
Fig. 17. Relation between void ratio and hydraulic conductivity for 2) From the relation between cumulated pore volume
artificially mixed soils and pore diameter (Dp), the Dp3o, Dpso and Dp 6o are
defined by the corresponding Dp at the cumulated
10 .... • ,, 'I ,. ... .. . volume with 30, 50 and 60% of the total volume,
• II respectively. It is found that the ratios of Dp3oiDpso or
Dp6o I Dpso are nearly identical for every soil. This
means that the shape of the PSD can be considered to
1=- • +
11>6 6
B "':
be not so different from each other, and the charac-
• r9
teristics of the PSD can be represented by Dpso, the
ISl mean diameter of pores.
~ 3) The value of Dpso decreases with the increase in
0. 1 :- :
qg 0
0 0 consolidation pressure, and its relation is linear in
Osaka Group
log-log plots.
London CI ay
4) There is a trend that the Dpso for both intact and
0. 01 ~
consolidated specimens decreases with a decrease in
Mixture SD
e, although there is a large scatter in this relation.
X Intact and mixtured Samples
.. .. • .. Mixture SS 5) A good correlation exists between the hydraulic con-
0. 001 ductivity (k) and nD~ 50 , where n is the porosity, ei(I
+e), for both the intact and consolidated specimens.
Hydraulic Conductivity (m/s) However, k for Bothkennar and Bangkok clays is
relatively small in spite of their large nD~ 50 •
Fig. 18. Relation between nDpso and hydraulic conductivity for arti- 6) Using artificially mixed soils, the influence of grain
ficially mixed and natural soils size component on the PSD was studied. From these
two mixtures, completely opposite trend has been
obtained; i.e., for the sand mixture, the e decreases
between k and nD~so for artificially mixed soils is plotted with the increase in sand content, while for diatomite
in Fig. 18. A good relation exists between k and nD~so in mixture, the e increases with the increase in diatomite
spite of so large a scatter of k and e relation. However, content, because of the existence of large pore in
the relation for the artificial mixtures is located in the particles of the diatomite. For both mixture of diat-
same range as that of the Bangkok and Bothkennar clays, omite and Toyoura sand, however, Dpso increases
which are located in the relatively upper part compared to with the increase in their contents. It is considered
other natural clays. The reason for this discrepancy may that the content of silt or sand particles has an im-
be attributed to 1) the· representation of the PSD as Dpso portant effect on the PSD.
and-2) derivation of the pore diameter measured by MIP: 7) The value of k for both the sand and the diatomite
i.e., assumption that the shape of pores is cylindrical. As mixtures increases with the increase in their content,
already seen in Fig. 15(b), the pattern of the PSD for sand even though the their e and k relations are completely
mixture is considerably different compared to that of different.
natural soils or diatomite mixture. The pattern of the 8) Even for the artificial mixture, a clear relation exists
PSD for even natural soils are slightly different from each between nDpso and k. This relation is close to that of
other, if we carefully examine the ratio of Dp 3oI Dpso or Bothkennar and Bangkok clays.
Dp6oiDpso in Fig. 8. In addition, as pointed by Lapierre et
al. (1990), the shape of a real pore is somewhat different
from cylindrical, which has been assumed to obtain the

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