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Number Line

In math, a number line can be defined as a pictorial representation of numbers on a

straight line. The numbers on a number line are placed sequentially at equal distances along its
length. It can be extended infinitely in any direction and is usually represented horizontally.
The numbers on a number line increase as one moves from left to right and decrease on moving
from right to left.

What is a Number Line?

A visual representation of numbers on a straight line drawn either horizontally or
vertically is known as a number line. Writing down numbers on a number line makes it easy
for us to compare them and perform basic arithmetic operations on them. Zero (0) is considered
to be the origin of a number line.
The numbers to the left of 0 are negative numbers and the numbers to the right of 0 are
all positive numbers. So, we can say that on a number line, as we move towards the right, the
value of numbers increases. This means that the numbers present on the right are larger than
the numbers on the left. For example, 3 comes to the right of 1, so 3 > 1. Observe the horizontal
number line given below.

How to Draw a Number Line?

In order to draw a number line or to plot a number on it, we use the following steps.
 Draw a horizontal line with arrows on both ends. (You can also draw a vertical number
 Choose a scale depending on the given number. For example, if you have to plot 5, then
you can choose a scale of 1. If you have to plot 50, you can choose a scale of either 5,
10, or 25. (Determining an appropriate scale depends on the factors of the given
 Mark the points at equal intervals. So, if you have chosen 1 as the scale, then mark 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.
 Locate the given number. Highlight that point with a circle.
Negative and Positive Number Line
As we discussed above, a number line has positive and negative numbers. The section
of the number line to the left side of zero forms a negative number line. While, the section on
the right side of zero contains all positive numbers, and it forms a positive number line. It can
be extended to infinity from both ends (right and left). The parts of a number line and some
of its properties are given below.
Parts of a Number Line
Observe the parts of a number line given below to relate to the following features of a
number line.
 The numbers on the right side are greater than the numbers on the left.
 The numbers on the left side are smaller than the numbers on the right.
 0 is the point of origin or the middle point of the number line.
 Numbers are always placed at equal intervals in a number line.

Different Types of Numbers on a Number Line

A number line can be used to represent any type of numbers, like fractions, decimals,
integers, etc.
Number Lines as Mathematical Tools
1. To compare numbers
Writing numbers on it makes comparing numbers easier. The numbers on the left are
smaller than the numbers on the right of it.

2. To add/subtract numbers
A number line can also be used to carry out addition and subtraction. We move right
to add, move left to subtract. Let’s have a look.
Steps to add/subtract on a number line:
 Locate the first number on the number line.
 To add: move as many steps as the second number to the right.
 To subtract: move as many steps as the second number to the right.
 The number you land on is the answer.
3. To multiply/divide numbers
A number line can also be used to carry out multiplication and division. We skip
count on a it to show jumps of equal size. Let’s have a look.

Fun Facts
 A number line is usually represented horizontally and can be extended infinitely in any
 The first mention of the number line as a tool for adding and subtracting is found in the
Treatise on Algebra by John Wallis. In his work, Wallis describes addition and
subtraction on it in terms of moving forward and backward, in the context of a person
 A blank number line is a visual diagram with no numbers or markers and is essentially
used as a tool for solving word problems.
Let us practice number line examples to understand it even better.

Solved Examples on Number Line

Example 1: Compare –25 and 15 using a number line.

Solution: Let’s locate –25 and 15 on the number line.

Since, –25 is to the left of 15, –25<15.

Example 2: Add –7+7.

Solution: Let’s locate –7 on the number line and move 7 steps to the right to find the answer.

So, –7+7=0

Example 3: Subtract 6–7.

Solution: Let’s locate 8 on the number line and move 11 steps to the left to find the answer.

So, 6–7=–1.
Example 4. Multiply 2×8.

Solution: Starting from 0, let’s make 2 jumps of 8 to the right on the number line to find the

So, 2×8=16.


One can mark positive, negative, whole numbers, and rational numbers with a number
line. Numbers appearing on the right side of 0 are positive numbers, and those reflected on
the left side of it are negative. Using it, one can compare numbers and carry out arithmetic
operations such as: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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