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Difference in measurement of anterior chamber depth

between PENTACAM and IOL Master

Protocol of thesis
Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the M.Sc. degree in Ophthalmology
Mariam Mounir Naguib
MINIA University

Under supervision of
Prof. Dr. Hazem Effat Haroon
Professor of Ophthalmology
Faculty of Medicine / Beni-Suef University

Dr. Abd Al Rahman Shaaban Abd Al Aleem

Lecturer of Ophthalmology
Faculty of Medicine / Beni-Suef University

Faculty of medicine
Beni-Suef University
Depth of Anterior Chamber (ACD) is the distance between the anterior surface of the crystalline
lens and posterior surface of cornea. The ACD can be measured clinically using different
methods. The oldest method is the manual optical pachymeter. IOL Master Device then was
introduced, which uses a non-laser optical slit method to determine the ACD. Scheimpflug
imaging cameras were introduced later, allowing for a photographic scan and analysis of the
ACD including the Pentacam and the Galilei [1].

Measuring anterior chamber depth accurately is important for diagnosing variety of diseases
and for cataract surgeries, glaucoma, refractive surgeries and post-operative follow-up. The true
value of Anterior Chamber Depth (ACD) is essential in calculating the Intraocular Lens (IOL)
power and for the success of phakic IOL implantation in high refractive error patients asking for
refractive surgery. Errors in measuring before surgery may result in postoperative unwanted
errors of refraction [2].

Different technologies are used in measurement of ACD. In recent years, technologies used for
anterior segment imaging have developed rapidly. New devices based on Scheimpflug imaging,
such as the Pentacam and Galilei Dual Scheimpflug Analyzer (GDSA), or high speed anterior
segment optical coherence tomography, or partial coherence interferometry based devices as
Zeiss IOL Master, or very high frequency ultrasound. These devices provide qualitative and
quantitative information about the anterior segment including corneal parameters, ACD,
anterior chamber angle and WTW, and they are now being routinely used in ophthalmological
practice. They also have the advantage of being noncontact devices and easy to use [2].

Also, accurate anterior segment parameters values are mostly indicated in preoperative
evaluation of cataract surgeries. Modern cataract surgery can be considered a form of refractive
surgery aiming to improve visual clarity and to provide excellent vision in refractive terms. This
is now possible because of the development of new, accurate diagnostic and surgical tools [3].
The aim of this study was to compare values of anterior chamber depth (ACD) obtained by

Pentacam and IOL master to know if there are significant differences in measurement results

between both devices or only minimal differences which can be neglected.

Patients and methods
Study period : This study will be conducted in the period from May 2022 till
December 2022.

Study Population: This study will be performed on 50 eyes of Egyptian individuals.

Inclusion criteria:

 Age of patients: from 18 years to 60 years.

 Gender: both types of gender.

 Best corrected visual acuity 20/200 or better.

 A healthy anterior segment appearance on examination with slit-lamp bi-microscopy.

Exclusion criteria:

 Corneal abnormalities such as keratoconus, corneal degenerations, corneal opacities or

any other corneal diseases.

 Pseudo-phakia, aphakia, ectopia lentis or any congenital anomaly of the crystalline lens.

Ethical Consideration:
All the individuals included in the study will be informed about the procedures regarding the

study and will be informed of their rights to refuse participation or withdraw from the study

without having to give reasons. Participants were guaranteed anonymity and all information

provided would be treated with confidentiality.

The required administrative regulations will be fulfilled. The ethical approval of the faculty of

medicine, Beni-Suef University research ethical committee (REC) will be obtained prior to the

beginning of the work.

Study Procedures: All patients will be subjected to:

 Medical history taking in details.

 Visual acuity assessment using Auto Refractometer, refraction and best corrected visual

acuity (B.C.V.A) assessment using Snellen chart.

 Slit lamp examination of anterior chamber.

 Fundus examination using slit lamp bi-microscopy with +90 Diopter lens.

 Intraocular pressure measurement by Applanation Tonometer.

 Measurement of ACD by Pentacam and IOL Master.

Statistical Analysis:
 The collected data will be tabulated, coded and analyzed using SPSS program for

Windows 7,version 23,continuous variables will be presented as mean values -/+ standard

deviation (SD), and categorical variables will be presented as percentages.

 Comparisons amongst data will be done using suitable statistical tests. P-values < 0.05

will be considered as statistically significant.

1- UÇAKHAN Ö.Ö., AKBEL V., BıYıKLı Z. and KANPO-LAT A.: Comparison of
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Keratometer, Lenstar LS 900 and the Pentacam. Middle East Afr. J. Ophthalmology., 20 (3):
201-6, 2013.


OBAJOLOWO T.S.: Comparison of ocular biometry measurements by applanation and
immersion A-scan techniques. J. Curr. Ophthalmology. Sep., 27 (3-4): 110-4, 2015.

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‫دراسة مقارنة قياس عمق الخزانة األمامية للعين باستخدام جهاز التصوير‬
‫بالكاميرا الخماسية و جهاز تحديد مقاس عدسة العين‪.‬‬

‫بروتوكول رسالة‬
‫توطئة للحصول على درجة الماجستير فى طب وجراحة العيون‬

‫مقدمه الطبيبة ‪ /‬مريم منير نجيب‬

‫بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة ‪ /‬جامعة المنيا‬

‫تحت إشراف‪/‬‬

‫أ‪.‬د‪ /‬حازم عفت هارون‬

‫أستاذ طب وجراحة العيون‬
‫كلية الطب جامعة بني سويف‬

‫د‪ /‬عبد الرحمن شعبان عبد العليم‬

‫مدرس طب وجراحة العيون‬
‫كلية الطب جامعة بني سويف‬

‫كلية الطب‬
‫جامعة بني سويف‬
‫القياس الدقيق ل عمق الخزانة األمامية هام جدا لتشخيص العديد من أمراض العين و التخطيط للعمليات الجراحية و المتابعةة بعةد‬

‫يقةةوم‬ ‫الجراحة و و مةةن أكألةةر األجمةةزد المقةةتخدمة لقيةةاس امةةق الخزانةةة األماميةةة هةةو جمةةاخ التةةةوير بالكةةاميرا الخماسةةية الة‬

‫يعتمةد الةي تكنولوجيةا التةدا‬ ‫بتةوير الجزء األمامى بواسطة كاميرا شمبفلج الدوارد و جماخ تحديد مقاس ادسة العين الة‬

‫الجزئي ألشعة الليزرو‬

‫امق الخزانة األمامية هو المقافة بين األمامي للعدسة البلورية و القطح الخلفي للقرنيةو في ه ه الدراسة سةنقوم بالمقارنةة بةين‬

‫قيم امق الخزانة األمامية باستخدام جماخ التةوير بالكاميرا الخماسية و جماخ تحديد مقاس ادسة العين و مقارنة النتةائج طبقةا‬

‫لقوااد االحةاء لمعرفة مةا اذا كانةه هنةار فةروت ذات اللةة احةةائية فةي نتةايج القيةاس بةين كةأ الجمةاخين أم انمةا ا تأفةات‬

‫طفيفة فقط يمكن اهمالماو‬

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