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Vaibhavii Garg
Krishpi Gangal
Anshieka Verma
Sheza Aslam
Yashi Choudary

Krishpi -
Good morning / afternoon

Today, I am here along with my group , group no.5 to talk about peer pressure , its impact on
teenagers, development of relationships , development of friendship during the age of
adolescence and how we can deal with peer pressure and overcome it.
~What is peer pressure and how it affects teenagers:-
♧ Peer pressure or influence is when you do something because you want to feel accepted
and valued by your friends.
♧ Peer influence can be positive or negative.
♧ Coping well with peer influence is about getting the right balance between being yourself
and fitting in with your group.
♧ If you stay connected with pre-teens and teenagers and build their confidence, it can help
them cope with peer influence.
~ The importance of understanding social changes during adolescence
☆ General social changes adolescence experience are :-
• expanding their social circle
• expanding their social roles
♡ As their social circles expand, adolescents spend less time with their families and may
focus more on their peers. Young people also develop a greater capacity to form stronger
relationships with adults outside of their families who may function as mentors.
♡ Physical development signals that adolescents are becoming adults and that they may
become entrusted with greater responsibility. Adolescents may assume new roles, such as
taking on a leadership position in school, on a team, or in a group project too.

Yashi -
2. Pressure can be of many types
Types of peer pressure include:
1. positive peer pressure, - is when someone's peers influence them to do something
positive or growth building. For example, peers who are committed to doing well in school or
at sport can influence others to be more goal orientated.
2. negative peer pressure, - which can cause a person to harm themselves or others. They
make you feel that you have to do something to be accepted.
Peer pressure can be encounter in many ways around us
Such as
They may pressure you into doing something you're uncomfortable with, such as shoplifting,
doing drugs or drinking, taking dangerous risks when driving a car.

Vaibhavii -
3.Adolescence is a unique and transformative period in our lives. It's a time marked by
self-discovery and the formation of lasting relationships.
Development of Relationships:
During adolescence, we begin to redefine our relationships. Friends and peers become
increasingly central to our social world. It's during this time that we learn to navigate the
complexities of social dynamics.
Influence on Identity:
Positive friendships can reinforce our sense of identity, while negative relationships might
lead us to conform to behaviors that don't align with our true selves.
Influence on Self-Esteem:
Our self-esteem, or our sense of self-worth, is closely tied to the quality of our relationships.
Healthy, supportive friendships can boost our self-esteem. However, negative relationships
or peer pressure to conform can erode self-esteem, introducing self-doubt and insecurity into
our lives.

Sheza -
4. Strategies for Handling Peer Pressure
1. Be Confident: Believe in yourself and your choices. When you're confident, it's easier to
say no to things that don't align with your values and goals. Remember, it's okay to be
unique and make your own decisions.
2. Say "No" Politely: You can say no without being mean.
3. Have a Backup Plan: Know what you'll say or do beforehand.
4. Seek Support: Talk to a trusted adult or friend about it. It's important to share your feelings
with someone you trust. They can offer guidance, and you won't feel alone in dealing with
peer pressure.
5. Choose Your Friends Wisely: Surround yourself with people who respect your decisions.
Also, look for people you can trust deeply. They can have a big role in handling peer
6. Communicate: Talk openly about your feelings with your friends.
7. Peer Support: Encourage each other to make good choices. Be a positive influence on
your friends, and they will do the same for you. Together, you can navigate peer pressure
and support each other in making healthy decisions.

Anshieka -
In this discussion, we've explored the significance of friendships during adolescence. These
relationships play a vital role in shaping an individual's identity and self-esteem during this
transformative phase of life. Adolescents often face peer pressure, which can be either positive
or negative, influencing their choices and behaviors. It's crucial for adolescents to strike a
balance between fitting in with their peer group while staying true to themselves.
Supporting teenagers through this phase involves:
1. *Open Communication:*

2. *Active Listening:*

3. *Providing Guidance:*

4. *Encouraging Independence:*

5. *Teaching Decision-Making Skills:*

6. **Boosting self esteem.

7. *Facilitating Positive Relationships:* i

By combining these strategies, we can effectively support teenagers as they navigate the
complex social challenges of adolescence, helping them shape their identity and self-esteem
positively while managing the influences of friendships and peer pressure.

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