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Oncogenes contribution to cancer Tumor suppressor genes

"" " " "" "" " ↳ produce proteins

"" " "" "" "
" that suppressors growth by proliferation
of normal
regulatory components such as : -
suppressor genes include :

1) Point mutations that lead to a) Proteins

constitutively acting regulate @ inhibit
progression through
that a cell cycle
protein products stage like CKI 's
:p 16 :

2) Am plication of the gene or

change in chromosomal location b)
Receptors for secreted hormones /growth factors that

of the gene that under the of function to inhibit cell proliferation Taf beta ;
puts the gene regulation eg
. -

a different promoter oractivator .
c) Check point control proteins : Rb and
p53 protein understand
↳ important
→ gene which produce protein DNA replication .

Tumor suppressor that inhibit

genes cell division

suppressor gene Cor antioncogene ] Inhibit cell Proliferation

A tummor gene that by
• is a
, cancer

cell from the to cancer cancer failure of cell division control

protects a one
step path is essentially

on a

When this mutates to cause a loss or reduction in its can restrained uncontrolled cellular growth )
gene / .

function the cell can to cancer , usually combination Example

progress in
, :

with other
genetic changes gene p53 plays a role in a, checkpoint detect DNA

→ complete or

• The loss of these

genes may be even more important than •
halts cell division it detects damaged DNA
ly stimulates
for the formation d- menangguhkan
proto-oncogene/ oncogene activation @
activity of repair enzymes .

m hentikan
kinds of human cancer cells
appears be absent in cancerous cells
many to


Tumor to pair

suppressor genes can be
grouped into categories * p53 produce protein with damaged protein

including caretaker genes .

gatekeeper genes ly landscaper damage + damage → normal

protein protein protein

genes ; the classification schemes are
evolving as medicine
( produce by
learning from fields biology
including molecular . P 53J

genetic 4 epigenetics

p 53
* it tumor normal , loss control
p53 protein , Wotan

pun ✗ proser .

proto-oncogene /tumor suppressor gene ✗ normal

produce cancer

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