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Adamson University

Mechanical Engineering Department

Name: Ochava, Jocel Ivan B. Subject/Section: 57038

Instructor: Engr. Tony Doroliat Date Submitted: November 7, 2023

Experiment/Activity No. 5
Sensors and Actuators
1. To manipulate an actuator output based on the acquired input from a sensor.
2. To write a program that controls the motion of a servo motor using input from an
ultrasonic sensor using Arduino IDE
3. Implement a simple application using embedded system

Materials: Arduino board, breadboard, jumper wires, HC-SR04, and micro-servo motor

Direction: Using Arduino IDE, write a program and implement a system that detects the
presence of an object at a certain threshold distance. If the object is within the threshold, the
servo rotate 160°C then rotates back to 0° after a specified time.

A. Programming
Write the code and append a comment that describes the purpose of each line of code.
#include <Servo.h> // allows Arduino Uno to control servo motor
int servoPin= 9; // set servoPin as int connected to pin 9
int serPos; // creates an integer variable “serPos”
int trigPin = 12; // set trigPin as int connected to pin 12
int echoPin = 11; // set echoPin as int connected to pin 11
float travelTime; // set travelTime as float to store decimals
float Distance; // set Distance as float to store decimals
int DT = 10; // sets delay time as 10
int buzPin = 7; // set buzpin as int connected to pin 7
Servo Servo1; // sets name of servo as “Servo1”
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

Serial.begin(9600); // sets it to exchange data with the serial monitor at 9600 bits per second
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); //configures trigPin as Output
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); //configures echoPin as Input
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); //configures trigpin as Output

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // clears trigPin at Low state

delayMicroseconds(DT); // delay time inputted
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); // sets trigPin at High state at DT microseconds
delayMicroseconds(DT); // delay time inputted
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // clears trigPin at Low state
delayMicroseconds(DT); // delay time inputted
travelTime=pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); // reads echoPin and returns soundwave travel time in
Distance= (343./20000.)*travelTime; // sets the computation for distance
Serial.print("The distance is "); // print to serial monitor “The distance is “
Serial.print(Distance); // prints to serial monitor the value of Distance
Serial.println(" in cm"); //prints to serial monitor “ in cm”
delay(300); // adds a delay of 300ms
if (Distance <=4){ // if command where if distance is less than or equal to 4 it follows the
Servo1.write(serPos); // writes a value to the servo depending on serPos
else{ // if distance is not less than or equal to 4 it follows this command
Servo1.write(0); // writes value to the servo as 0
B. Wiring Connection (Note: this must be hand drawn)

C. System Implementation
(Paste an actual photograph of the implemented system)
D. Discussion and Conclusion


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