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News Report Outline Activity

Headline: Drake performs surprise concert at local

high school

Learning Goals:
1. We are learning how to identify the parts of a news report and their purpose.
2. We are learning to create detailed and relevant paragraphs that support our
news report writing.

Success Criteria:
1. I can identify the parts of a news report and their purpose
2. I can draft a news report that includes relevant and detailed information
3. I can create a fictional event which includes a lead and body paragraphs that
connect to the main event

We are learning to create detailed and relevant paragraphs that support our
news report writing. Write a news report based on the headline and picture
above. For the purpose of this activity, you will have to make up the facts and
information to answer some or all of the following questions -- Who? What?
Where? When? Why? How? Practice writing in complete sentences.

Let’s review the News Report Writing slides introduced earlier this week.

Headline (present tense) Drake performs surprise concert at local

high school

Placeline: where the report was written This news Report was written in Ontario
This should be the city where the report
was written.

Paragraph #1 - Introduction or “The Lead” (past tense)

WHO - 1 sentence The main participants who were in this

The main participants in the event. special event was students, teachers and
of course drake him self!

WHAT - 1 sentence This news report was about drake

The event -- or what your news report is attending a local high school to raise
about. Refer to the headline. money for the school so that they can
afford new equipment and so that they
can rebuild their school.

WHEN - 1 sentence This special event happened on

Date -- it must be in the past. 8/16/2020

WHERE - 1 sentence It is in Ontario in a city called Hamilton

Location or setting

Paragraph #2 -- Body (past tense)

WHY/HOW The reason why this happened was

Give enough details to ensure that the because the school that drake went to
reader will understand what has had poor equipment and the school
happened. needed to be rebuild.

At least 2 sentences about why this

At least 2 sentences about how this This happened because a harsh storm hit
happened. the school.

Paragraph #3 -- Quote (past tense)

Direct quote(s) from a participant or I am so glad that Drake is here to help us

witness. - At least one quotation raise the money that we need to rebuild
our school.

Paragraph #4 -- Conclusion (past tense)

Summary & Thought for the Future Drake raised enough money for the
How it ended. school to be rebuilded and he even raised
What might happen as a result? enough money to also get them new
school equipments. Now the students are
At least 3 sentences very happy that their school can have a
new school and now they can even get
new equipment thanks to Drake who
helped them raise enough money to
rebuild their school and also get enough
money to get better equipment.

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