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Evaluation of the Current State of Industrialized Building

Systems (IBS) In Public Housing Development: The Case in Addis

Mulugeta Beza

A Proposal Submitted to School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science
in Civil Engineering
(Construction Technology and Management)

October, 27, 2023

Addis Abeba, Ethiopia

The construction industry in Ethiopia, like many other developing countries, plays a significant role
in the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, the widespread use of traditional
construction methods has led to various unresolved issues. Industrialized Building Systems (IBS)
offer an alternative technique that utilizes prefabricated building materials manufactured in a
controlled environment. Previous studies have highlighted the potential benefits of IBS, including
reduced labor requirements, improved construction quality, cost savings, and shorter construction
This study aims to assess the current implementation of IBS in the public housing projects in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. The research will be conducted through a literature review and the collection of
quantitative and qualitative data. The study adopts a mixed-method approach, combining
questionnaire surveys and case study analyses.
The findings of this study will provide insights into the current status of IBS application in the
building construction sector of Addis Ababa's public housing projects. It will contribute to
understanding the benefits, challenges, and opportunities associated with the adoption of IBS in
Ethiopia's construction industry.

Key Words: Industrialized Building Systems (IBS), construction

Contents Page
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................ii
LIST OF ACRONYM.......................................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1
1.1. Back ground of the study.........................................................................................................................1
1.2. Problem statement....................................................................................................................................1
1.3. Objectives of the study.............................................................................................................................2
1.3.1. General Objective..............................................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Specific Objectives............................................................................................................................2
1.4. Research Questions..................................................................................................................................2
1.4.1. General Research Question...............................................................................................................2
1.4.2. Specific Research Question...............................................................................................................3
1.5. Significance of the Study.........................................................................................................................3
1.6. Scope and limitation of the study.............................................................................................................3
1.7. The gap that fill the research....................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................................5
2.1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................................5
2.3.1. Definition of Industrialized Building System (IBS).............................................................................5
2.2.2. Objective Measures...........................................................................................................................5
2.2.3. Subjective Measures..........................................................................................................................6
2.2.4. Classification of IBS:........................................................................................................................6
2.2.5. Comparison between System IBS and Conventional Method..........................................................7
2.2.6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrialized Building System (IBS)........................................7
2.2.7. IBS: Drivers and Limitations............................................................................................................8
2.2.8. Sustainable IBS.................................................................................................................................9
2.2.9. Challenges in demand and supply of IBS.........................................................................................9
2.3. Empirical Review.....................................................................................................................................9
2.3.1. Experiences in Precast Concrete.......................................................................................................9
2.4. Ethiopian Experience.............................................................................................................................10
2.5. Current IBS Approach in Ethiopia.........................................................................................................10
2.6. Summary of the Literature.....................................................................................................................11
CAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................12
3.1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................12
3.2. Research Approach................................................................................................................................12
3.2.1. Quantitative research approach.......................................................................................................12
3.2.2. Qualitative Research approach........................................................................................................12
3.2.3. Mixed method approach..................................................................................................................12
3.3. Study Design..........................................................................................................................................13
3.3.1. Study type........................................................................................................................................13
3.4. Target Population, Sample, and Sampling Procedure............................................................................13
3.4.1. Target Population............................................................................................................................13
3.4.2. Sample Size and Techniques...........................................................................................................13
3.5. Data Collection Method.........................................................................................................................14
3.6. Method of Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................15
3.7. Summary of Research Methodology......................................................................................................15
CAPTER FOUR: WORK PLAN...................................................................................................................16
CAPTER FIVE: BUDGET.............................................................................................................................17

Table 2.1: Comparison Between Conventional and IBS Building Techniques……………..…………

Table 3.1: Work plan……………………………...…………………………………………………
Table 4.1: Budget……...…………………………………………………………………………….17


BIM: Building Information Modeling

CIDB: Construction Industry Development Board
EPS: Expanded Polystyrene
IBS: Industrialized Building System

1.1. Back ground of the study
Ethiopia, located in the Horn of Africa, is the most populous landlocked country in the world and
the second-most populous country in Africa after Nigeria (World Bank, 2005). The population has
been steadily increasing, with the third Population and Housing Census in 2007 recording a total
population of 73,918,505. The capital city, Addis Ababa, alone has a population of 2,738,248
(FDREPCC, 2008).
With a growing population, providing affordable housing in Addis Ababa has become a major
challenge. Prefabrication, which involves assembling buildings or their components off-site, has
been recognized as a cost-effective construction method that saves time, labor, and materials
(Merga, 2016). Prefabricated units encompass various components, from doors and windows to
entire buildings.
To address the housing scarcity issue, an alternative approach is needed. Industrialized Building
System (IBS) offers significant advantages such as streamlined design, reduced construction time,
labor savings, improved quality control, weather resilience, and cost efficiency. IBS has been
successfully implemented in several countries, including Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands,
Singapore, England, and the United States (CIDB, 1998). These countries have experienced the
benefits of industrializing housing development.
Drawing from the experiences of countries like Japan, Germany, Singapore, and the U.K., it is
evident that there is substantial potential for industrializing the housing sector (Thanoon, et al,
2015). In light of these factors, this study aims to explore the implementation of IBS in public
housing construction projects in Addis Ababa. By examining the challenges, benefits, and potential
of IBS compared to conventional construction methods, the research seeks to contribute to the
development of effective strategies for addressing the housing shortage in the city.
1.2. Problem statement
Housing is a fundamental human right, as stated in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR, 2015). It provides essential components such as shelter, safety, warmth, and
rest, significantly impacting the well-being and living standards of individuals. However, rapid
urbanization worldwide has resulted in an imbalance between housing supply and demand, leading
to housing scarcity (Ikenna S. & Sebnem O., 2019).
In developing countries, including Ethiopia, there is a common challenge of providing public goods
like housing, safe water, and sanitation to rapidly growing and economically disadvantaged
populations in both rural and urban areas. Rapid urban growth in these nations often brings
problems such as inadequate housing infrastructure and a lack of affordable houses, especially when
accompanied by unplanned population growth, rural-urban migration, and the movement of the
urban poor, without adequate social safety nets (Mukud et al, 2017).
According to Tesfaye (2007) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the housing market faces significant
pressure with a substantial gap between housing demand and supply. The construction and supply
of housing have not kept pace with the city's rapid population growth and urbanization, resulting in
a growing demand for affordable housing driven by urbanization, population growth, and household
To address the increasing housing demand for low- and middle-income households, the federal
government of Ethiopia introduced the Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) in 2004
(UN-HABITAT, 2011). While the program achieved notable progress by constructing 245,000
housing units and creating job opportunities, it struggled to keep up with the rapid population
growth in Addis Ababa and faced challenges in developing low-cost housing for the poor. Limited
capacity to build affordable housing units quickly and the rising costs of labor and construction
materials hindered the program's ability to address the housing needs of the growing population
(Mukud et al, 2017). In this context, Industrialized Building Systems (IBS) emerged as an effective
alternative to conventional construction methods, given the constraints of time, cost, and the need
for quality and quantity in housing projects.
Dendir (2018) states that the construction technology employed in the IHDP mainly relies on
conventional methods, incorporating prefabricated components such as pre-cast beams, ribbed
slabs, HCB, and Agro-stone walls to reduce costs. However, projects using conventional methods
face slow construction progress compared to the rapidly growing urbanization and housing demand
in the city. Therefore, it is crucial to study different construction technologies and methodologies
that can meet the increasing demand for affordable housing within shorter timeframes, improving
the housing sector's ability to deliver houses promptly.
1.3. Objectives of the study
1.3.1. General Objective
To assess and evaluate the current state of industrialized building systems (IBS) for public housing
development in Addis Ababa.
1.3.2. Specific Objectives
 To assess stakeholder perception of IBS implementation in public housing.
 To identify problems and challenges of IBS in Addis Ababa's public housing projects.
 To propose strategies for implementing IBS in public housing, including a technology
transfer framework.
 To evaluate the impact of IBS on cost, quality, and time efficiency in public housing
 To provide recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of IBS adoption in Addis
Ababa's public housing projects.
1.4. Research Questions
1.4.1. General Research Question
 How has the implementation of industrialized building systems (IBS) been practiced in
the building construction sector of Addis Ababa city?

1.4.2. Specific Research Question
 What is the perception of stakeholders, including developers, contractors, architects,
engineers, and policymakers, regarding the use of industrialized building systems (IBS)
in the construction of public housing in Addis Ababa city?
 What are the specific problems and challenges faced in the implementation of
industrialized building systems (IBS) in public housing projects within the Addis Ababa
city context?
 How can the utilization of industrialized building systems (IBS) in mass housing
development in Addis Ababa city be enhanced through effective technology transfer?
 In what ways can the application of industrialized building systems (IBS) contribute to
the efficiency, sustainability, and overall success of housing projects in Addis Ababa
1.5. Significance of the Study
The study holds significant importance for various stakeholders involved in the housing sector in
Addis Ababa. The findings of this research have the following implications:
 Government: The research outcomes will provide valuable insights for the government to
address housing scarcity. By understanding the potential of Industrialized Building Systems
(IBS), policymakers can create effective strategies for massive housing development, bridging
the gap between housing supply and demand. This can lead to the provision of more affordable
and quality houses for the public, improving their living conditions and overall well-being.
 Housing Construction Industry: The study's findings will contribute to improving the housing
construction industry in Addis Ababa. By implementing IBS, construction companies can
minimize delivery time, leading to faster completion of housing projects. This will not only
meet the growing demand but also enhance the efficiency of the construction process. The use
of IBS can also result in the production of more affordable houses, addressing the needs of low-
and middle-income households. Additionally, the research findings can create job opportunities
for local contractors and consultants, stimulating economic growth in the construction sector.
 Economy of Addis Ababa: The research outcomes can have a positive impact on the economy
of Addis Ababa. By promoting a construction boom through the adoption of IBS, there will be
increased investments and economic activities in the housing sector. This can contribute to the
growth of related industries, generate employment opportunities, and attract investments,
ultimately boosting the overall economy of the city.
 Scholars and Researchers: The findings of this study will serve as an empirical background
for scholars and researchers in the field. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the
application of IBS in mass housing development in Addis Ababa. This can inspire further
research and studies on related topics, contributing to the knowledge base and enabling the
exploration of innovative approaches to address housing challenges.
1.6. Scope and limitation of the study
The scope of this research focuses on public housing construction projects in Addis Ababa,
specifically examining the practice and identifying the problems and challenges associated with
Industrialized Building Systems (IBS). The study aims to compare and contrast conventional
construction methodologies with IBS to determine which method is more suitable for the public
housing construction sector.
However, there are limitations to this study. One limitation is the relative novelty of IBS compared
to conventional construction methods. As a result, there may be a shortage of available data on IBS
practices in Addis Ababa. Despite the researcher's efforts to gather the necessary information, the
limited number of companies familiar with the IBS concept in Addis Ababa can restrict the depth of
data analysis and evaluation.
It is important to acknowledge these limitations as they may impact the comprehensive
understanding of IBS and its implementation in the public housing construction sector. Nonetheless,
this research provides valuable insights within its defined scope, contributing to the existing
knowledge on construction methodologies and paving the way for future investigations in this area.
1.7. The gap that fill the research
The existing literature highlights the challenges faced by the housing sector in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, including the significant disparity between housing demand and supply, slow construction
methods, and rising costs. While the Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) has made
progress, it has been unable to keep up with the rapid urbanization and population growth in the
city, particularly in providing affordable housing for the poor. The potential of Industrialized
Building Systems (IBS) as an alternative construction method has been recognized, but there is a
gap in understanding how IBS can be effectively implemented and utilized to address the housing
shortage in Addis Ababa.
Therefore, the research aims to fill this gap by investigating the application of IBS in the public
housing projects of Addis Ababa. It seeks to explore how IBS has been practiced in the city's
building construction sector and the perception of IBS in public housing projects. Additionally, the
research aims to identify the problems and challenges associated with IBS implementation in the
Addis Ababa public housing project. By focusing on technology transfer, the study aims to propose
ways to improve the use of IBS in mass housing development in Addis Ababa and its contribution
to addressing the housing shortage. The findings of this research will provide valuable insights and
recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers to enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of housing construction using IBS in Addis Ababa.

2.1. Introduction
This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of Industrialized Building System (IBS) and its
significance in the construction industry. It begins by defining IBS and highlighting its benefits and
impact on construction practices worldwide. The challenges associated with IBS are extensively
discussed, covering aspects such as classification, types, drivers, and limitations. Furthermore, the
chapter includes a detailed comparison between IBS and conventional construction methods.
The advantages and disadvantages of implementing IBS are thoroughly reviewed, considering the
potential benefits and drawbacks associated with its adoption. The chapter also explores the
implementation process of IBS and discusses the factors that can influence its successful
In addition, the chapter addresses the constraints and barriers that commonly hinder the widespread
adoption of IBS. These constraints are examined through an analysis of relevant literature from
various scholars.
2.2. Theoretical Review
2.3.1. Definition of Industrialized Building System (IBS)
The Industrialized Building System (IBS) can be defined as a construction approach where
components are manufactured in a factory or off-site and subsequently assembled into a structure,
requiring minimal additional work on-site (Saggaff, 2017). It is characterized by an integrated
manufacturing and construction process, which involves efficient management, preparation, and
control of resources and activities, facilitated by the utilization of highly developed components
(Daget & Zhang, 2018).
Amin et al. (2010) describe IBS as the mass production of building components that are
manufactured in a factory or on-site, adhering to standardized specifications in terms of shape, size,
and dimension. These components are then transported to the construction site and arranged
according to the predetermined standards to construct the building.
The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) defines IBS as a building system where
components are manufactured in a factory or off-site and are often referred to as prefabricated
components. These materials are then transported, positioned, and assembled on-site, minimizing
the need for extensive additional site work.
Kamar et al, (2011) state that IBS involves the mass production of building components, which are
assembled either in a factory or on-site, based on standardized shapes, sizes, and dimensions of
2.2.2. Objective Measures
i. Time: Time refers to the duration required for completing a construction project, taking into
account the planned schedule and client's expectations. It can be measured in terms of construction

time, speed of construction, and time variation (Chan & Kumaraswamy, 1996). Construction time
represents the total duration from the project's start on-site to its practical completion. The speed of
construction is calculated by dividing the gross floor area by the construction time. Time variation
is the percentage increase or decrease in the estimated project duration, excluding any granted
Extension of Time (EOT) by the client.
ii. Cost: Cost is a crucial measure that assesses the project's financial aspects. It encompasses not
only the tender sum but also all costs incurred throughout the project, including variations,
modifications, and legal claims like litigation and arbitration (Bari et al., 2012). Cost can be
measured through unit cost, which is derived by dividing the final contract sum by the gross floor
area. Another measure is the percentage net variation over the final cost, which indicates cost
overruns or underruns. This measure provides insights into the project's budget performance.
2.2.3. Subjective Measures
i. Quality: Quality is a fundamental measure of project success, defined as the overall fulfillment of
requirements and suitability for the intended purpose (Leong et al., 2014). In the construction
industry, quality is crucial for customer satisfaction. Technical specifications play a significant role
in measuring quality, reflecting the degree to which the specified technical requirements are met.
ii. Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction evaluates the extent to which the completed
project meets the expectations and needs of the end-users. It is considered a key attribute of project
success. Satisfaction is determined by the customers' perception of the project's outcomes and their
overall experience. Meeting customer expectations and ensuring their long-term satisfaction is a
critical aspect of project success (Yunus et al., 2015).
2.2.4. Classification of IBS:
The Industrialized Building System (IBS) encompasses various classification categories for
construction methods. These classifications include (Othuman et al, 2014):
a. Precast Concrete System: This IBS category is widely used and includes precast concrete
components such as walls, slabs, columns, and 3D elements like balconies and staircases. It
offers benefits such as improved quality, reduced construction time, significant waste reduction,
cost savings, and just-in-time delivery.
b. Steel Formwork System: This system involves the use of steel formwork at the construction
site, providing high-quality finishes, faster construction, and requiring less labor and materials.
Examples include tunnel formwork, lift-up beam systems, molding form columns, and
permanent steel molds.
c. Steel Framing System: The steel framing system incorporates steel trusses, beams, and column
portal frames. It is commonly used in conjunction with precast concrete slabs, steel beams, and
columns, making it suitable for skyscrapers, large factories, and exhibition halls.
d. Prefabricated Timber Framing System: This system involves prefabricated timber truss
beams and columns, which are popular for their attractive designs and high aesthetic value,
often used in chalets for resorts.

e. Blockwork System: The blockwork system includes interlocking concrete masonry units and
lightweight concrete blocks.
f. Agro Stone System: Agro stone panels are made from agricultural/industrial wastes,
lightweight natural minerals, magnesium-based binders, and fiberglass reinforcement. This
system is adopted based on the availability of local raw materials and has been implemented in
various countries (Taffese, 2012).
g. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Core Panel System: EPS core panels are three-dimensional
panels with a welded wire space frame and polystyrene insulation core. They can be used as
load-bearing or non-load-bearing components and offer benefits such as cost reduction, shorter
construction periods, thermal insulation, sound insulation, and fire safety (Poverty, 2017).
h. Modular Building: Modular construction involves the factory production of pre-engineered
building units that are delivered to the site and assembled as modules. These modules can form
complete rooms or separate units, and the construction process utilizes lean manufacturing
techniques. Modular buildings can be made from wood, steel, or concrete and offer advantages
in terms of quality, structural design, and performance criteria (Geleta, 2019).
2.2.5. Comparison between System IBS and Conventional Method
The Industrialized Building System (IBS) offers several advantages over conventional construction
methods. Here is a comparison between the two approaches:
Components Conventional Construction IBS Construction Reference
Cost Higher costs for material, Cost savings in material, labor, (Belachew,
labor, equipment, and equipment, and overhead due to 2019)
overhead reduced wastage
Speed Longer construction period Shorter construction period due (Bari et al.,
to rapid and all-weather 2012)
construction, with easy assembly
and erection of components
Wastage Wastage of steel, blocks, Wastage of timber, cement, brick (Othuman et al,
cement, concrete, and timber soil, and concrete is less than 5% 2014)
is close to 10% of total of total material used
material used
Quality Low-quality and poor Higher quality and better finishes (Badir et al.,
finishes due to workmanship, due to production in a sheltered 2002)
requiring higher maintenance environment and factory,
expenses reducing maintenance expenses
with less repair and preventive
Table 2.1: Comparison Between Conventional and IBS Building Techniques
2.2.6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrialized Building System (IBS)
i. Advantages:
 Efficiency and Predictability: IBS offers standardized and repetitive work processes,
optimizing productivity and improving the learning curve. Off-site construction in controlled

environments enhances predictability, leading to reduced construction time and increased
efficiency (Jabar et al., 2013).
 Safety: IBS minimizes safety risks associated with on-site construction, such as weather-related
hazards and accidents. Construction activities conducted off-site are more controllable and can
significantly reduce the accident rate compared to conventional construction methods.
 Sustainability: Implementing IBS contributes to waste reduction and material conservation,
with average reductions of 56% compared to conventional construction methods. This leads to
cost savings and promotes sustainability (Din et al., 2012).
 Reduced Labor: IBS reduces on-site labor requirements by up to 43%. By optimizing work
processes and assigning workers specific roles in the production line, training programs can be
simplified, resulting in lower training costs and increased productivity (Belachew, 2019).
 Minimal Disruption: Off-site and prefabrication methods of IBS reduce pollution, dust, and
noise generated by construction projects in urban areas, minimizing disruption to residents and
the surrounding environment.
ii. Disadvantages:
 Capital Intensive: IBS construction activities require significant capital investment due to the
mechanized approach and reliance on specialized equipment. This can be a disadvantage for
companies with limited financial resources.
 Resistance from Labor Force: The heavily mechanized approach of IBS may displease a
portion of the labor force in the building construction industry. Some workers may resist the
shift towards IBS due to concerns about job security or the need for additional training (Badir et
al., 2002).
 Skill Requirements: Certain types of IBS construction methods may require expert labor at the
construction site. Additional costs may be incurred for training the semi-skilled labor force to
perform highly skilled jobs, adding to project expenses (Belachew, 2019).
 Potential Delays: Delays in IBS projects can be caused by supply chain disruptions, inclement
weather, shortages of raw materials, or lack of experience with specific IBS construction
techniques. These factors can impact the early completion of projects (Latiffi et al., 2016).
 Limited Application: While many IBS systems are suitable for various building types and
classes, some systems may have limitations in terms of the number of stories or specific
construction requirements (Latiffi et al., 2016).
2.2.7. IBS: Drivers and Limitations
Several studies have identified the drivers and limitations of Industrialized Building System (IBS)
implementation. According to the IBS Roadmap 2003-2010, IBS guarantees better quality,
productivity, and safety (CIDB, 2003). Off-site construction, as found by Tamrin et al. (2017), is
responsible for reducing construction duration, simplifying the construction process, and improving
quality control. Good quality control during precast element production can enhance building
Drivers of IBS identified by Mohd et al. (2012) include increased productivity through reduced
manpower dependence, simplified construction activities, accelerated on-site operations, minimized
weather-related delays, reduced material transportation, improved safety and health, enhanced
environmental sustainability, optimized cost through material consumption optimization and
reduced construction and life cycle costs, ensured project cost certainty, increased return on
investment speed, qualification for financial incentives, improved construction quality, enhanced
constructability and design through flexibility and the ability to dismantle, increased customization
options for special and complex designs, compliance with policy and client requirements, and
improved competitive capacity and property value through minimized material storage area.
2.2.8. Sustainable IBS
Sustainable Industrialized Building System (IBS) encompasses the environmental, economic, and
social aspects of sustainability. Namini et al. (2012) further divided sustainability into four
dimensions: economic, environmental, social, and institutional. The expansion of industrialized
construction and prefabrication allows for more efficient and timely sustainability considerations.
IBS has the potential to promote sustainability by minimizing waste generation, using energy-
efficient materials, optimizing logistics, and fostering economic stability (Wong & Lau, 2015).
Environmental factors to consider in construction method selection include material and energy
consumption, waste management, site disruption, pollution, and regeneration ability. Prefabrication
addresses waste issues on construction sites and contributes to resource savings. Prefabricated
construction can lead to a significant reduction in resource depletion, with potential reductions of up
to 50% in raw material consumption (Uusitalo & Lavikka, 2020).
2.2.9. Challenges in demand and supply of IBS
Ismail et al. (2018) identified challenges in the application of Industrialized Building System (IBS)
components, including procurement and supply chain issues, communication problems, and
financial constraints. Contractors face challenges with the expensive payment method of IBS
compared to conventional methods, as well as the need to pay producers in advance for
manufacturing precast components.
Syahirah et al. (2019) outlined various challenges in IBS application in housing projects, including
poor coordination and communication among stakeholders, longer lead times for project planning
and design, inflexible design changes, limited variability of standard components, resource
constraints, site limitations, high capital investment, and a lack of knowledge, experience, codes,
and standards for IBS application.
2.3. Empirical Review
2.3.1. Experiences in Precast Concrete
a. Soviet Union/Russian Experience: The Soviet Union experimented with precast concrete
using primitive methods, primarily at construction sites. Production focused on heavy members
made on-site using wooden molds and formworks. Erection was done with limited equipment
like booms, derricks, and cranes (Gutema, 1998).
b. European Experience: Precast concrete systems flourished in Europe after World War II due
to housing shortages. Governments intervened and funded housing programs, leading to the
success of precast concrete. Large-scale projects were sponsored, and favorable policies were
implemented (Gutema, 1998).

c. American Experience: Initially, precast concrete housing faced challenges in North America
due to high costs, inadequate feasibility studies, and market fluctuations. However, efforts were
made to promote precast concrete in other civil engineering fields. The Precast/Prestressed
Concrete Institute (PCI) was established to support its development (Gutema, 1998).
2.4. Ethiopian Experience
a. Ethiopian Schools Building Unit (ESBU) Project: The first prefabrication project in Ethiopia
focused on improving primary education and constructing schools. It faced delays due to
various factors but had a significant impact on the country's reconstruction (Geleta, 2019).
b. Addis Prefab Houses Manufacturing Industries (APHMI): APHMI is a public company
engaged in real estate, manufacturing, construction, and trading. They construct houses using
prefab building materials such as Light Gauge Steel and Calcium Silicate Boards (Geleta, 2019).
c. YBEL Industrial Private Limited Company: YBEL manufactures building materials like
Magnesium Boards, Light Gauge Steel Structure Frames, and FGC (Agro stone) panels. They
aim to provide affordable and efficient housing solutions (Geleta, 2019).
d. Addis Ababa and Regional Agro stone Production Centers: Agro stone fabrication centers
produce agro stone panels, reliefs, and lightweight doors for construction purposes (Taffese,
e. Experimental Prototypes for Emerging Housing Constructions: Prototype SECU explored
alternative housing concepts using prefabricated strawboard elements. Research, tests, and field
analysis were conducted to develop loadbearing walls made from strawboards (Geleta, 2019).
f. ICT Park: Prefabrication technology is currently underutilized in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian
Construction Works Corporation is involved in office building projects using precast beams and
hollow concrete blocks. However, there is a knowledge and experience gap among consultants
and engineers in prefab housing construction (Muluken, 2020).
2.5. Current IBS Approach in Ethiopia
To successfully implement Industrialized Building Systems (IBS) in Ethiopia, the following key
approaches and considerations should be practiced (Daget & Zhang, 2018):
a. Enhancing understanding and skills: Construction industry players, including clients,
consultants, contractors, and manufacturers, should improve their understanding of IBS through
change management and business engineering. Training programs and installer programs
focused on IBS, such as roof truss installer, steel framing system installer, and precast concrete
installer, should be introduced to develop local skills.
b. Promoting industrialized housing in Addis Ababa: This requires addressing various issues,
including the formulation of housing system standards and specifications suitable for local
conditions, the development of innovative building component production and construction
methods, technology transfer from related industries, establishment of an integrated material
supply chain, and the creation of an industrialized housing sector.
c. Government's role in IBS: The current incentives and promotions provided by the government
are insufficient. More attractive systems and benefits need to be introduced to encourage the
acceptance of IBS, which may require additional promotions, incentives, policies, and
development efforts to raise the demand and supply of IBS in Ethiopia.
d. Adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in IBS: BIM, when combined with IBS,
has proven to be productive and efficient for construction projects. Therefore, adopting BIM in
IBS projects is essential for improved project information management throughout the project
lifecycle (Girma et al., 2020).
e. Addressing technical issues: It is crucial to find appropriate solutions for technical issues in
IBS, including jointing, standardization, dimension, certification, and other related concerns.
Establishing guidelines and catalogs as references for the construction industry can encourage
the adoption of an open IBS system (Muluken, 2020).
f. Risk management in IBS: Many construction firms fail to effectively manage risks associated
with IBS projects, leading to challenges in estimating project costs and hindering IBS
development. Developing a valid and comprehensive risk management strategy is necessary to
mitigate technical and quality risks, ensuring the successful implementation of IBS. Building
strong relationships with prefabrication subcontractors or manufacturers can also help in owning
the prefabrication technology (Daget & Zhang, 2018).
2.6. Summary of the Literature
The literature review offers a comprehensive overview of Industrialized Building System (IBS) in
the construction industry. It defines IBS as an off-site construction approach with minimal on-site
work. Key points include:
 IBS classification: Covers various construction methods such as precast concrete, steel
formwork, steel framing, timber framing, blockwork, agro stone, EPS core panel, and modular
 Advantages of IBS: Highlights efficiency, predictability, safety, sustainability, reduced labor,
and minimal disruption.
 Disadvantages of IBS: Mentions high capital investment, labor resistance, skill requirements,
potential delays, and limited application.
 Drivers and limitations: Explores increased productivity, simplified construction activities,
improved quality control, environmental sustainability, and optimized costs. Emphasizes
considering economic, environmental, social, and institutional sustainability dimensions.
 Challenges in demand and supply: Addresses procurement and supply chain issues,
communication problems, and financial constraints.
 Empirical experiences: Presents insights from precast concrete examples in different countries,
including the Soviet Union/Russian, European, American, and Ethiopian contexts.
 Additional information: Discusses the historical development of IBS, experiences in different
countries, relevant construction practices in Ethiopia, types and components of IBS, best
practices in IBS construction, and an overview of the construction industry and housing in
Addis Ababa.

3.1. Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the research process that will be undertaken in the study. Its
primary focus is to justify the methodologies and techniques that will be employed to achieve the
study's objectives. The chapter begins by outlining the study area and considering different research
approaches that will be considered. Following that, the rationale for the research design and the
criteria used to evaluate the study design are discussed. The chapter further elaborates on the
specific details of data collection methods, sample selection procedures, sample size determination,
and the planned methods of data analysis. Finally, the chapter summarizes the overall
methodological approaches that will be utilized in the study.
3.2. Research Approach
When conducting research, there is no universally perfect approach, as each approach carries its
own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of research approach depends on the nature of the
research question and the desired conclusions to be drawn (Chan & Kumaraswamy, 1996).
3.2.1. Quantitative research approach
The quantitative research approach involves the generation of numerical data (Ishtiaq, 2019). It
utilizes surveys to collect data, allowing the researcher to examine cause and effect relationships
among variables. One major advantage of the quantitative approach is its ability to employ
statistical techniques. The numerical nature of the data facilitates efficient collection, coding,
summarization, and analysis.
3.2.2. Qualitative Research approach
The qualitative research approach, as defined by Ishtiaq (2019), involves the researcher aiming to
develop theories based on the individual experiences of study participants. Therefore, to gain a
comprehensive understanding of how IBS challenges impact the efficiency of construction projects,
this study will utilize an informative approach to investigate the status, challenges, and attributes of
IBS in construction project sites. This approach will allow for a thorough exploration and
interpretation of the experiences and perspectives of the individuals involved.
3.2.3. Mixed method approach
The mixed-methods research approach is gaining recognition and acceptance across various
disciplines. By integrating both quantitative and qualitative data, this approach is considered by
many as the most effective way to address research problems in the social sciences (Johnson &
Onwuegbuzie, 2004). It is important to note that the mixed-methods approach extends beyond
simply combining methods; it encompasses both quantitative and qualitative research components.
Therefore, in this study, a mixed-methods approach will be employed to leverage its inherent
advantages and enhance the overall quality of the results. This comprehensive approach will
provide a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the research topic.

3.3. Study Design
3.3.1. Study type
The study will utilize a mix of primary and secondary data sources.
i. Primary Data Source: The primary data sources for this study will include the use of
questionnaires, interviews, document analysis, structured observations, and sample cases. These
methods will be employed to gather firsthand information and insights directly from participants
and relevant documents.
ii. Secondary Data Source: In addition, the study will draw upon a range of secondary data
sources, such as literature works encompassing books, journals, various types of literature, and
company formats. These secondary sources will be reviewed to gain a deeper understanding of the
background, issues, and practices pertaining to Industrialized Building System (IBS) in building
construction projects. By exploring these secondary sources, the study aims to complement the
specific information obtained from the primary data sources, providing a comprehensive overview
of the subject area.
3.4. Target Population, Sample, and Sampling Procedure
This section addresses the key aspects related to the target population, sample, and sampling
3.4.1. Target Population
The target population for this study comprises building construction projects, professionals working
on housing project sites, and project construction companies located in all sub-cities of Addis
Ababa. The inclusion of professionals as respondents in the study allows for an understanding of
their host company's status and reflects their work relationship with the employer company at the
specific project site where they are stationed.
3.4.2. Sample Size and Techniques
The sample size represents the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a
sample. An optimum sample ensures efficiency, representativeness, reliability, and flexibility.
When deciding the sample and sample size, the budgetary constraint must always be taken into
consideration (Kothari, 2004). In this study, the sample will be chosen to be representative of the
population being studied, which consists of construction professionals working in 41 ongoing
housing building construction project sites in Addis Ababa city. Information regarding the number
of ongoing housing projects in the city is obtained from the municipality building office. A total of
41 ongoing housing building construction sites, each with distinct constructing and supervising
parties, are identified in Addis Ababa city.
Based on the literature, professionals such as project managers, site engineers, and supervisors are
primarily involved in executing IBS tasks (Archer, 2016). Therefore, a maximum of three
questionnaires will be distributed to professionals involved in each active building construction
project. The total population for the study is determined to be 123 professionals.
Yamane's formula (1967) will be used to calculate the sample size, considering a 95% confidence
level and a degree of variability of 0.05. The formula is as follows:
n= 2
1+ Ne
Where: n = Desired sample size
N = Total number of the population
e = Accepted error limit (0.05)
Using the formula with N = 123, the minimum number of responded questionnaires to be collected
is determined to be:
n= 2 =94
1+123 (0.05)
Therefore, a sample of 94 employees will be needed at a 95% confidence interval. Consequently,
the researcher will distribute the questionnaire to 94 sampled respondents.
The sampling techniques employed in this study will be purposive and convenience sampling.
Purposive sampling will be used to select staff and departmental personnel involved in constructing
and managing IBS, ensuring the inclusion of relevant participants. Convenience sampling will
facilitate easy access and participation.
3.5. Data Collection Method
This study combines primary and secondary data sources. Primary data is collected through semi-
structured questionnaires, key informant interviews, observations, and document analysis case
studies. Secondary data is sourced from relevant books, research findings, and various materials.
i. Questionnaire
Questionnaires, as described by Saunders, et al (2016), are widely utilized in survey research due to
their ability to gather responses from a large sample by presenting the same set of questions to each
respondent. They provide firsthand information on the study's subject matter and serve as a survey
to understand the concerns and attitudes of respondents towards the identified problems. In this
study, questionnaires will be distributed to professionals involved in building construction projects
within business districts. The questionnaire design is based on an extensive review of literature from
both spatially restricted and large construction sites, encompassing all relevant challenges and
ii. Case Study
In this research, a case study approach will be used, following Robson's (2002) definition, which
involves empirically investigating a specific contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context
using multiple sources of evidence. The case study will focus on the current and past experiences of
the target population with Industrialized Building Systems (IBS) practices. Different cases will be
identified based on criteria such as the urban location of the site, the degree of IBS availability,
project progress at an early stage of construction, and considerations of time and budget constraints.
All selected construction sites will be in the initiation or early stage of construction, aligning with
the importance of site organization highlighted in the literature.
iii. Interview

An interview is a crucial method of gathering data through meaningful conversations between the
interviewer and one or more participants. It requires establishing rapport, asking concise and clear
questions, and attentively listening to the responses. Interviews provide an opportunity to collect
valid and reliable data that are directly relevant to the research questions and objectives (Saunders,
et al, 2016). They offer flexibility and adaptability in exploring the underlying motives and
perspectives of the subjects, surpassing what visual observation can reveal. In this study, senior
managers on selected construction sites will be interviewed to discuss IBS practice, challenges in
implementing IBS in building construction, and potential mitigation approaches. The interviews are
expected to last approximately 30-45 minutes.
iv. Observation
Observation is a research method that can be approached through participant observation or
structured observation. Participant observation is a qualitative approach that originated in social
anthropology, focusing on understanding the meanings people attribute to their actions. On the other
hand, structured observation is a quantitative approach that primarily examines the occurrence of
actions rather than their underlying reasons (Saunders, et al, 2016). In this study, structured
observation will be utilized to assess various aspects of IBS and the challenges present within the
selected construction sites. The structured observation will involve the use of pictures and
structured checklists as aids in data collection.
3.6. Method of Data Analysis
Data analysis, as discussed by Sullivan (2001), plays a pivotal role in research, presenting both
challenges and intrigue. It involves extracting meaningful insights from the collected data, utilizing
various analytical approaches. In this study, a combination of qualitative and quantitative data
analysis methods will be employed to accomplish the research objectives. For quantitative analysis
of the questionnaires, simple descriptive statistics such as frequency, tables, percentages, and the
mean score formula will be utilized. The mean score (MS) is calculated as:
∑(f x s)
Where: f = Frequency of responses for each score.
s = Score given to each factor (from 1 to 5)
N = Total number of responses concerning each factor
On the other hand, qualitative analysis will be employed to interpret the key informant interview
responses and open-ended questions thematically, identifying common themes and patterns within
the data.
3.7. Summary of Research Methodology
The research methodology chapter provided an overview of the study's methodological foundations
and outlined the approaches employed for data collection and analysis. A mixed-method approach
will be adopted, utilizing a questionnaire survey to gather quantitative data and conducting semi-
structured interviews and observations for qualitative insights in the case study. The study also
proposed an IBS framework that integrates information obtained through both quantitative and
qualitative data collection techniques. The analysis of the questionnaires will involve the use of
simple descriptive statistics such as frequency, tables, percentage, and mean score formula.


The table below summarizes the activities and their corresponding time requirements for the study. These activities represent the estimated time
needed for each task during the study.
No. of January February March April May
No. Activities
week W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4

1 Topic selection 1
2 literature review 4
Proposal development &
3 3
Designing and Administering
4 2
Conducting key informant
5 3
6 Observation 2
Data analysis (quantitative and
7 4
Submitting the first draft of the
8 2
thesis to the advisor.
Submitting the second draft of the
9 1
Finalizing the thesis and
10 2
preparing for the defense.
Total 20 Five months dedicated to finalizing the thesis.

Table 3.1: Work plan


The cost estimation for the research is presented in the table below.

No Quantit
Item Unit Unit Rate (Birr) Total Cost (Birr)
1 Transport cost day 30 100.00 3,000.00
Sub-Total(1) 3,000.00
2 Stationary Cost
Papers Package 1 950.00 950.00
Note pad pcs 1 100.00 100.00
Flash disk pcs 2 550.00 1,100.00
CD pcs 5 60.00 300.00
Other stationary materials pcs 20 20.00 400.00
Photocopies No. 750 3.00 2,250.00
Typing and Printing No. 200 3.00 600.00
Hardcover for thesis copies No. 6 90.00 540.00
Sub-Total(2) 6.240
Total(1+2) 9,240.00
Contingency (5%) 462.00
Grand Total) 9,702.00

Table 4.1: Budget


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