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1. Pointing Index, Benediction Hand & Ape thump deformity is due to
involvement of median nerve
2. Carpal Tunnel syndrome is due to compression of median nerve
3. Wrist drop is due to involvement of radial nerve
4. Saturday Night Palsy & Crutch Palsy are due to compression of radial nerve
5. Cubital Tunnel syndrome & Guyon Tunnel syndrome is due to compression
of ulnar nerve
6. Fromment’s Book test, Card/ Paper Test & Egawa Test are to check the
integrity of ulnar nerve
7. Pen test is to check the integrity of median nerve
8. Winging of scapula is due to injury to Long thoracic Nerve or Nerve of Bell
9. Regimental Badge sensory loss is due to involvement of axillary nerve
10.Boxer’s Muscle is Serratus anterior
11.Climber’s Muscle is Latissimus Dorsi
12.Dropped shoulder is due to paralysis of trapezius
13.Policeman Tip Deformity (waiter’s tip or porter’s tip) is due to Erb’s
Paralysis (injury to upper trunk of brachial plexus)
14.Klumpke’s paralysis is due to injury to lower trunk of brachial plexus &
presents with Claw Hand & Horner’s syndrome
15.Labourer’s Nerve is median nerve & Musician Nerve is ulnar nerve
16.Anterior Interosseous Nerve is a Branch of median nerve
17.Posterior Interosseous Nerve is a Branch of Radial nerve
18.Ulnar nerve passes behind the medial epicondyle
19.Root value of ulnar nerve is C7, C8 & T1
20.Adductor pollicis is supplied by ulnar nerve
21.Subscapular artery is a branch of third part of axillary artery
22.Supination & pronation occurs at radioulnar joint
23.Bigelow Ligament (Iliofemoral Ligament) is Strongest Ligament of body
24.Content of Femoral canal is Lymph node of Rosenmuller/ Cloquet’s LN
25.Tibial or Medial Collateral Ligament is Degenerated Tendon of Adductor
26.Fibular or Lateral Collateral Ligament is Degenerated Tendon of Peroneus
27.Trendelenburg sign & Lurching Gait is due to Superior Gluteal Nerve Injury
28.Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is due to Compression of Tibial Nerve
29.Foot drop is due to involvement of Common Peroneal Nerve
30.Skin of 1st Web Space on dorsum of foot is supplied by Deep Peroneal nerve
31.Inversion & Eversion movement is at subtalar joint
32.Inversion is by Tibialis anterior & posterior, Eversion is by Peroneus longus
& brevis
33.Unlocking of knee joint is by Popliteus, Locking of knee joint is by
34.Anteroposterior stability of knee joint is maintained by Cruciate ligaments (
anterior & posterior)
35.Pes Anserinus or Guy ropes includes Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus
36.Soleus is the peripheral heart of body
37.Femoral artery begins at the mid-inguinal point (midway between the ASIS
& pubic symphysis)
38.Gluteus medius & minimus are supplied by the Superior Gluteal Nerve.
39.Root value of sciatic nerve is L4, L5, S1, S2, S3.
40.Root value of pudendal nerve is S2, S3, S4.
41.1st Costosternal joint is Primary cartilaginous joint
42.Bronchopulmonary Segment- 10 in right lung & 10 in left lung &
Pulmonary vein is intersegmental
43.For Pleural tap, Needle is inserted along upper border of rib
44.Structures passing through Aortic opening of Diaphragm are Aorta, Thoracic
duct & Azygous vein
45.Coronary sinus is located at Posterior part of Atrioventricular groove/
Coronary sulcus
46.Anterior cardiac vein drains directly in the right atrium
47.Right coronary artery takes Origin from Right / Anterior aortic sinus
48.Anterior Interventricular artery/ Left Anterior Descending artery is a Branch
of Left Coronary artery
49.Posterior Interventricular artery is a Branch of Right Coronary artery
50.Cardiac dominance is according to origin of Posterior Interventricular artery
51.Boundaries of Triangle of Koch are tendon of Todaro (above), Base of septal
Leaflet of tricuspid valve (below) & orifice of coronary sinus (base/anterior)
52.Fossa ovalis, Crista terminalis & Torus aorticus are found in right atrium
53.Papillary muscle & Chorda Tendineae are found in Right & Left Ventricle
54.Structure which arches over hilum of right lung is azygos vein
55.Structure which arches over hilum of left lung is arch of aorta
56.Poupart’s Ligament is inguinal ligament
57.Water Shed Area - Griffith Point is at splenic flexure (Between Superior
Mesenteric Artery & Inferior Mesenteric Artery)
58.Water Shed Area – Sudeck’s Point is at Recto sigmoid Junction (Between
Inferior Mesenteric Artery & Internal Iliac Artery)
59.Valve Of Kerkring / Plica Circulares are found in Small Intestine (mainly in
60.Dermatome of umbilicus is T 10
61.Nerve of cremasteric reflex is Genitofemoral nerve
62.Superficial inguinal ring is a deficiency in the external oblique aponeurosis
63.Deep inguinal ring is a deficiency in the Transversalis fascia.
64.Left gastric artery is the direct branch of celiac trunk.
65.Superior Pancreaticoduodenal artery is a branch of Gastroduodenal artery
66.Gonadal artery (ovarian/ testicular artery) is a branch of Abdominal aorta
67.Left testicular vein and left suprarenal vein drains into left renal vein.
68.Normal angle of anteflexion of uterus is 125 degrees.
69.Contents of lienorenal ligament are tail of pancreas & splenic artery
70.Portal vein is formed by the union of the splenic and superior mesenteric
71.Houston’s valve is found in rectum
72.Duct of wirsung is Main Pancreatic duct
73.Brunner’s gland is found in Duodenum
74.Peyer’s patch is found in Ileum
75.Red Pulp & White Pulp & PALS is found in Spleen
76.Space of disse is found in Liver
77.Duct of bellini & Malphigian Corpuscle is found in Kidney
78.Hassal’s corpuscles is found in Thymus
79.Arnold’s Nerve/Alderman Nerve is Auricular branch of Vagus Nerve
80.Vidian Nerve is Nerve to Pterygoid canal
81.Jacobson Nerve is Tympanic branch of Glossopharyngeal Nerve
82.Lymph Node of Tonsil is jugulo digastric Lymph Node
83.Lymph Node of Tongue is jugulo – omohyoid Lymph Node
84.Posterior cricoarytenoid is abductor of the vocal cord
85.Abducent nerve & Internal carotid artery are the direct contents of the
cavernous sinus
86.Structures related to the lateral wall of cavernous sinus are Occulomotor
nerve, trochlear nerve, ophthalmic nerve & maxillary nerve (from above
87.Cricothyroid is supplied by External laryngeal nerve.
88.Sensory supply of larynx below vocal cord is recurrent laryngeal nerve.
89.Skin around the angle of mandible is supplied by greater auricular nerve.
90.Lateral pterygoid helps in depression of mandible.
91. Safety muscle of tongue is genioglossus.
92.Taste sensations from Anterior 2/3rd of tongue is carried by chorda tympani.
93.Vertebral artery is a branch of first part of subclavian artery
94.Nasolacrimal duct opens in the inferior meatus of lateral wall of nasal cavity
95.Muscles of mastication (temporalis, masseter, medial & lateral pterygoid)
are supplied by mandibular nerve
96.Superior labial artery is a branch of facial artery
97.Largest/Thickest Cranial nerve is Trigeminal Nerve
98.Most slender / thinnest Cranial nerve is Trochlear Nerve
99.Cranial nerve with longest intracranial course is trochlear nerve
100. Cranial nerve with longest extracranial course is vagus nerve
101. Cranial nerve with longest Intraosseous course is facial nerve
102. Only Cranial nerve which emerge on dorsal aspect of Brainstem is
trochlear nerve
103. Cranial nerve which is most commonly involved in increased
intracranial pressure is Abducent Nerve
104. Cranial nerve which is most commonly involved in intracranial
aneurysm is Oculomotor Nerve
105. Pure sensory Cranial nerves are 1, 2, 8
106. Pure motor Cranial nerves are 3, 4, 6, 11, 12
107. Mixed Cranial nerves are 5, 7, 9, 10
108. Cranial nerves carrying Parasympathetic fibers are 3, 7, 9, 10
109. First Branch of Facial Nerve/Branch from Geniculate Ganglion is
Greater petrosal Nerve
110. Upper motor neuron lesion of facial nerve presents as sparing of
forehead and involvement of contralateral lower half of face
111. Lower motor neuron lesion of facial nerve presents as involvement of
ipsilateral half of face (including the forehead)
112. Optic radiation is related to lateral geniculate body and auditory
radiation is related to medial geniculate body
113. Arcuate fasciculus connects motor/Broca’s and sensory/Wernicke’s
speech areas
114. Corpus callosum is an example of commissural fibres.
115. Visual area of cortex is supplied by posterior cerebral artery
116. Subarachnoid space ends at S2.
117. Lateral spinothalamic tract is concerned with pain and temperature.
118. Anterior spinothalamic tract is concerned with crude touch and
119. Dorsal column is concerned with fine touch, vibration & conscious
120. Rubrospinal tract is a extrapyramidal tract.
121. Wallenberg syndrome or medial medullary syndrome is due to
occlusion of posterior inferior cerebellar artery
122. Haploid number of chromosomes is seen in secondary spermatocyte.
123. Implantation occurs at 6-7 days at the stage of blastocyst .
124. Derivatives of Ventral Mesogastrium are Lesser omentum, Falciform
ligament, Coronary ligament & Triangular ligament
125. Derivatives of Dorsal Mesogastrium are Greater omentum,
Gastrosplenic ligament, Gastrophrenic ligament & Lienorenal ligament
126. Diaphragm is formed by Septum transversum, Pleuroperitoneal
membrane, Dorsal mesentery of esophagus & Lateral body wall mesoderm
127. Median umbilical ligament (urachus) is Remnant of Allantois
128. Medial umbilical ligament is Remnant of distal part of Umbilical
artery (proximal part of Umbilical artery persists as superior vesical artery)
129. Ligamentum hepatis teres is Remnant of Umbilical vein
130. Remnant of notochord is nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc
131. Remnants of Mesonephric/ Wolffian Duct are Gartner’s duct,
Epoophoron & Paroophoron
132. Remnants of Paramesonephric/ Mullerian Duct are Appendix of testis
& Prostatic utricle
133. Arch of aorta develops from Left 4th aortic arch
134. Common carotid artery develops From 3rd aortic arch (both sides)
135. Stapedial & hyoid arteries develops From 2nd aortic arch (both sides)
136. Maxillary artery develops From 1st aortic arch (both sides)
137. Superior vena cava develops from Right anterior cardinal vein &
Right common cardinal vein
138. Trigone of bladder is formed by absorption of Mesonephric duct
(mesodermal in nature)
139. Cerebellum develops from rhombencephalon
140. Closure of cranial/ anterior neuropore occurs at 25th day IUL ( defect
in its closure leads to anencephaly)
141. Closure of caudal/ posterior neuropore occurs at 28th day IUL ( defect
in its closure leads to spina bifida)
142. Closure of Neural Tube begins at the cervical region.
143. Lower vagina develops from Sinovaginal bulbs of urogenital sinus
144. Anal canal below pectinate line is formed by proctodeum/ anal pit
(Ectodermal in nature)
145. Epiblast forms primitive streak, notochord & all three germ layers
146. Vertebrae & ribs develop From Paraxial mesoderm
147. Gastrulation (formation of three germ layers) occurs at 3 weeks of
148. Placenta develops from the decidua basalis and chorion frondosum.
149. Parafollicular 'C' cells of thyroid develop from the Neural crest cells >
ultimobranchial body.
150. Genital swellings in male differentiate into scrotum & in female
differentiate into labia majora

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