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Morning Meeting Plan Facilitators: Trinity Broderick and Avery Rath_

Date : November 13th, 2023

Social Objective(s): What will students know or be able to do socially as a result of this meeting?

Students will be able to listen to their peers, follow directions, and practice self-expression.

Academic Objective(s): What will students know or be able to do academically as a result of this

Students will be able to practice memorization of multiple step directions, concentration, critical
thinking skills and creativity.

Assessment: How will you know the students have met your objectives? What will you see students
do/what will you hear students say that will demonstrate their learning of your content?

We will know if students have met our objectives by observing their participation and engagement
and if they can follow the directions of each part of the morning meeting correctly.

MEETING MANAGEMENT *Ask all the students to come form a circle in the middle of the room.*

*How will you transition *Students and teachers will be in a circle (standing at first, later seated) in
to the meeting area? the middle of the room*

*How will you arrange *We will expect students to be respectful of each other, listen to the
yourself and the students speaker, and remain engaged in the activity. We will model our thinking
(location in the to students as well as actions that we would like them to repeat.*
classroom, seating during
*When we would like the class to come back together and have their
the read-aloud)?
attention on the teachers, we will say “Class, Class” and they will say “yes,
*What processes & yes” to let us know that we have their attention. (We will have this
attention grabber in one of our beginning slides so students know the
procedures will you use?
*How will you gain
*We will communicate our procedures and expectations to our students
student attention?
through the second slide in our presentation and briefly review them
*How will you with students by reading them aloud.*
communicate those
*If students are not meeting behavior expectations, we will use our
procedures and your
attention grabber and give a friendly reminder to students of whatever
expectations to students?
expectation it is that they’re not meeting.*
*How will you intervene
if students are not
meeting the behavior

What skills or processes The attention grabber will need to be taught at the beginning of the
Morning Meeting Plan Facilitators: Trinity Broderick and Avery Rath_
Date : November 13th, 2023

are you expecting of lesson.

students that might need
The other skills or processes that we are expecting students may need to
to be taught? (Ex. How to
be taught or reviewed are the rules and procedures for each section of
talk to a partner, how to
the meeting.
listen to a partner, what
to do when you hear an
attention getter, etc.)

Greeting Each person says “Good morning, my name is…” and does a different
gesture for each syllable in their name, while emphasizing the syllables.
For example, “Trin-i-ty” could translate to *clap* *stomp* *heart hands*.
*What will you say & do? The gestures do not have to include sound, but they may.

*What will students say

& do?
After each student shares their name and gestures, the WHOLE group
responds with “Good morning (insert student name)!” and will also
repeat the syllable gestures back to the student.

The greeting will move in a clockwise direction around the circle, the next
student to go will START with the gesture that the last student ENDED

*Students are standing in a circle in the room, with teachers in the circle
as well*

*Teachers will display a slide with directions and read aloud to class.*

*One teacher will start the greeting as an example and go around the
circle to all the students (both teachers are participating).*


*Explain the rule for the picnic game and an example of what another
rule would have been*
*What will you say & do?
*Go around the circle and have each student share a rule they would
*What will students say
choose and an example item they could bring with them*
& do?
*Allow all students to share and thank them for their participation*

Group Activity Going on a Picnic:

Students will still be in the circle and will be asked to stand up in front of
their chairs, the teachers will share that we are going on a picnic and
*What will you say & do?
each student must bring something if they want to come on the picnic.
*What will students say
*There is a rule that will not be shared with students for what they can
& do?
Morning Meeting Plan Facilitators: Trinity Broderick and Avery Rath_
Date : November 13th, 2023

bring and the class will try to figure that out.*

“For anyone who has not played this game, there is a rule for what we
allow on our picnic, but we will not tell you that rule.”

*Students will take turns asking if they can bring their item on the picnic,
if they ask to bring an item that applies to the rule, they can sit down and
the other students will keep trying.*

We will stop and share the rule once everyone is coming on the picnic,
unless we run out of time, then we will share the rule.

Morning Message “Good morning educators!

Today is Monday, November 13th.

*What will the text of We hope you enjoyed our Morning Meeting! Thank you all for
your message be? participating in this learning opportunity with us.

*How will you review the If this was your Morning Meeting, what rule would you pick for the
message with students – “Going on a Picnic” activity?
what will you say & do?
Take a brief moment to think about it, each person will share their rule
What will students say &
and an example item!
Let’s have a great day!”

*Students are still in the circle, sitting in their chairs.*

*One teacher will read the message aloud to facilitate the beginning of

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