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Річна діагностувальна робота з англійської мови

2 клас
1) bike a)двері
2) she b)велосипед
3) friend c)ніс
4)door d)вона
5) nose e)друг
II. Write a / an.
_____ snake ______ parrot
_____ lion ______orange
_____ apple ______ banana
III. Put is or are to these sentences.
1. The trees … yellow.
2. The flower … nice.
3. The book … old.
4. The bags … blue.
IV. Write numbers.
Five -_______ one-_______ ten-_______
Seventeen________ nineteen-______ sixteen-_______
V. Translate into Ukraine.
1.The book is on the table.______________________________________________
2.My favorite animal is monkey.__________________________________________
3.It is Monday today.___________________________________________________
4.Good night!_________________________________________________________

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