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Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

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Advances on the avoidance zone and buffer zone of active faults

Xiangli He a, b, Chong Xu a, b, c, *, Xiwei Xu a, b, **, Yuchen Yang d
National Institute of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Emergency Management of China, Beijing, 100085, China
Key Laboratory of Compound and Chained Natural Hazards Dynamics (Under Construction), Ministry of Emergency Management of China, Beijing, 100085, China
Key Laboratory of Landslide Risk Early-warning and Control, Ministry of Emergency Management of China, Chengdu, 610059, China
School of Earth Sciences, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, 163318, China


Keywords: Most destructive earthquakes occur along active faults. Abrupt dislocation of active faults in an earthquake and
Active fault long-term creep during the interseismic period can cause serious damage to buildings and public facilities.
Rupture zone Avoiding active faults from a certain distance is the most effective method to mitigate or prevent destruction
Setback distance
induced by such disasters. In this paper, we summarize domestic and foreign research progresses on the avoidance
Fault dip angle
Buffer zone
zone of active faults and clarify the definition of fault avoidance zone composed of fault rupture zone and setback
Co-seismic landslide distance on two sides of the fault. The width of the avoidance zone varies with fault characteristics, geological
setting, and building features. Due to different geological backgrounds and risk resistance capacity of buildings,
various countries or regions have different regulations, but common point is that at least 15-m setback distance
from Holocene active faults is required. The seismogenic fault dip angles of 17 historic earthquakes with different
focal depths and earthquake magnitudes are compiled to further analyze their effects on the width of rupture
zones. Statistically liner and trigonometric models fail to explain their correlation, although the fault dip
geometrically affects the width of the rupture zone and setback distance. In order to prevent some special and
important buildings from being influenced by earthquake disasters, a wider buffer zone should be considered. The
distribution of co-seismic landslides along active faults in 20 records validates the rationality that the half buffer
zone on one side of the faults for important buildings should at least be 3 km or 5 km. To more scientifically
confirm the reasonable avoidance zone of active faults, we suggest that the width of seismic rupture zone and the
damage situation of buildings should be investigated in a unified standard, and more cases and factors are
required to build a more effective model of avoidance zone.

1. Introduction earthquake protection and disaster reduction, avoiding active faults

appropriately is the most feasible and effective method to reduce
Earthquakes are one of the main destructive natural hazards and may destruction. The detailed mapping of co-seismic surface ruptures thus
lead to severe threats to human lives and property, which are the direct becomes an important step to determine the avoidance zones of active
result of failure and abrupt dislocation of an active fault. The two main faults.
factors inducing earthquake disasters are the strong ground motion According to a large number of field investigations, seismic rupture
produced by the release of elastic strain in the rock near faults (i.e., mechanism studies and fault extension experiments, the earthquakes
seismic waves) and the surface co-seismic dislocation and rupture along producing surface rupture zones commonly have a magnitude greater
active faults (Scholz, 2002; Xu et al., 2002a, 2011; Guo et al., 2017). The than 6.5 (Yeats et al., 1997; Xu et al., 2015). At the worldwide scale, the
building damage and casualties during an earthquake are the most surface ruptures generated by low-moderate magnitude of earthquakes
serious near the corresponding active fault (Hart, 1974; Xu et al., 1996, are rare, but the 2019 Le Teil, France (Mw 4.9) and the 2020 Sparta
2011). However, current seismic fortification measures cannot effec- earthquakes, USA (Mw 5.1) ruptured the surface with extremely shallow
tively prevent the direct building damage associated with earthquake hypocenters (Ritz et al., 2020; Figueiredo et al., 2022). Such earthquakes
fault ruptures. Therefore, according to the experience and research of are able to produce tens of centimeters to several meters of surface

* Corresponding author. National Institute of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Emergency Management of China, Beijing, 100085, China.
** Corresponding author. National Institute of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Emergency Management of China, Beijing, 100085, China.
E-mail addresses: (C. Xu), (X. Xu).
Received 29 January 2022; Received in revised form 7 May 2022; Accepted 24 May 2022
Available online 28 May 2022
2666-5921/© 2022 National Institute of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Emergency Management of China. Publishing services provided by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of
KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

Table 1
Statistical table of regulations about active fault avoidance in different regions of the world.
National or regional institutions Name of the regulation Issue time Standards for setback distance

State government of California Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones 1972, Generally, except for the wooden frame structure of single-family houses, the
1999 (Revised), steel frame structure of houses no more than two floors, and the houses jointly
2007 (Revised) constructed by more than 4 property developers, other buildings are not
allowed to be built within 15 m on each side of the fault trace. All new projects
in fault rupture zones must be investigated, evaluated and reported in
accordance with procedures.
Natural Resources Department Guidelines for Evaluating Potential Fault 2003 All the key facilities and residential buildings on the Holocene active faults and
of Utah Surface Rupture in Utah the key facilities on the late Quaternary active faults must be specially studied
on site and other faults are also suggested to be analyzed. For known faults, the
study width in footwall is 150 m and that in hanging wall is 75 m. For hidden
faults or roughly located faults, the study width is 300 m for each wall.
Additionally, the guidelines specify the fault identification, classification of
architecture, risk factors and risk coefficient, and give suggestions and methods
for avoidance. The formula for the setback distance calculation is expressed as:
Hanging wall S¼U [2D þ (F/tan θ)], footwall S¼U(2D), where F is the buried
depth of building foundation, D is the maximum vertical displacement of fault
activity, S is setback distance, U is the risk coefficient, θ is the fault dip angle.
The general results are not much different from California's 15 m. (Christenson
et al., 2003)
Earthquake Safety Council of Guidelines for Evaluating Potential 1996, The setback distance is in accordance with national, other state or local
Nevada, USA Surface Fault Rupture in Nevada 1998 (Revised) minimum standards. If there is no reference value, the setback distance from
Holocene active fault is 15 m, and the key facilities should not be directly built
on the late Quaternary fault trace. The setback distances from late Quaternary
and Quaternary active faults should be provided by qualified experts when
necessary. Disaster mitigation measures should be given, and further studies
and observations should be conducted if the buildings have to be built across
faults. (Jonathan, 1998)
European Standards Committee EC8-part5: Design of structures for 1994, The buildings with grade II, III and Ⅳ in the code should avoid active faults. For
earthquake resistance 1998 (Revised) the area with strong seismic activity and potential active faulting, special
geotechnical investigations should be carried out in urban planning and
important building construction to determine the risk of surface rupture and the
severity of ground motion.
European Technical Committee Geotechnical Evaluation and Application 2006 The setback distance from strike-slip faults is 30 m in both hanging and foot
of the Seismic Eurocode EC8 walls. For normal and reverse faults, the setback distance on hanging wall is 3 m
and that on footwall of normal fault and reverse fault is (30 þ 1.5H) m and (30
þ 2H) m, respectively, where H is the thickness from soil layer to bedrock.
(Bouckovalas, 2006)
Geological Atomic Energy Defining the Wellington Fault within the 2003 The standard provides the current-level method for active fault positioning
Agency of New Zealand Urban area (grading, precision) and disaster avoidance and reduction. The width of
potential fault surface rupture zone is 10–50 m. Due to the uncertainty of
positioning, a 20 m buffer zone should be added to the outside of the potential
zone to form the recommended hazardous zone with a width of 50–90 m.
(Perrin and Wood, 2003)
Environment Department of Interim Guidelines on planning for 2003 Because of the limited precision of the location and rupture complexity of faults,
New Zealand development of land on, or close to avoidance zones along all faults range in width from 40 to 300 m are defined.
active faults The greater importance of life safety in the building, the greater setback
distance. (Van and Heron, 2003)
Japan Active Fault Zones Act 2003 Construction is not allowed within a certain distance from the fault trace; if not,
certain measures must be taken during construction. Especially, for nuclear
power station, large reservoirs and other public buildings, fragile dangerous
buildings cannot be constructed on both sides of the active fault zones within
the 100 m range (Nakana and Kumamoto, 2003).
Construction Department of Measures for the Administration of 1998 Construction is not allowed in the places where the geological structure is
Taiwan, China Hillside Land Development and unstable, the stratum is broken, or active faults or dip slope is sliding. Public
Construction buildings including schools, hospitals, police stations, fire station and large
public business sites are not allowed to be built within 15 m on both sides of
active faults with clear trace and some faults with unclear trace. Private
construction sites are limited to possess no more than two floors (Xu et al.,
2002a; Guo et al., 2017).
Ministry of Housing and Urban- Code for geotechnical engineering 1994, According to fault activity and earthquake intensity, for the strong active faults,
Rural Development of China investigation 2010 (Revised) constructions should avoid the fault zone about 3000 m and 1000–2000m when
fortification intensity reaches 9 and 8, respectively. For moderate active faults,
constructions should avoid the fault zone for 500–1000 m. Additionally,
buildings are suggested to be constructed on the footwall of the faults in above
situations. Buildings are not allowed to be constructed across the fault zone
with weak active faults.
Ministry of Housing and Urban- Code for seismic design of buildings 1989, According to the double index of building seismic fortification category and
Rural Development of China 2008 (Revised) fortification intensity, for the intensity of 8 and 9, the architecture of category A
2010 (Revised) should be specially probed, and that of category B should avoid the fault zone
for more than 200 m and 400 m, and that of category C should avoid the fault
zone for more than 100 m and 200 m. When it is necessary to build a dispersed
architecture of category C or D with less than 3 floors within the setback
distance, aseismatic measures should be taken to improve the integrity of the
foundation and superstructures, and it is not allowed to construct buildings
across the fault trace.
(continued on next page)

X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

Table 1 (continued )
National or regional institutions Name of the regulation Issue time Standards for setback distance

Standing Committee of the Law on Earthquake Prevention and 1997, The site selection of new towns and villages in the earthquake-stricken areas
Eighth National People's Mitigation of China 2008 (Revised) and the site selection of post-earthquake reconstruction projects should comply
Congress with the post-earthquake reconstruction planning and the requirements for
earthquake fortification and disaster prevention and mitigation. The selected
new sites should avoid seismic active faults, ecologically fragile regions and
areas likely to suffer from floods, landslides and collapses, debris flows and
ground collapses, etc. In addition, areas with possible natural epidemic foci of
infectious diseases should be avoided.
China Earthquake National Standard for Setback distance 2021 The setback distance from Holocene and late Pleistocene faults for general
Administration from active fault (submitted for review) architecture should be determined according to basic fault category, dip angle
(α), fault scarp height and foundation depth, etc. Specific calculation methods
are shown in Fig. 1. The setback distance of special buildings from active fault
trace or the vertical projection line of the hidden active fault up-breakpoint
(VPL of HAFU) on the surface is 3000 m (category B) or 5000 m (category A).
The setback distance of C-category buildings from Holocene and late
Pleistocene fault trace or the VPL of HAFU is 575 m (hanging wall) and 265 m
(footwall), and 290 m (hanging wall) and 135 m (footwall), respectively.

dislocation and form thousands of meters to hundreds of kilometers of seismic research. After more than 100 years of continuous exploration,
surface rupture zones, resulting in massive building destruction and mass studies on active faults have been relatively mature in many places,
casualties (Lawson, 1908; Pollitz et al., 2005; Guo and Zhao, 2018; especially in California. In recent years, research on active faults has been
Reilinger et al., 2000; Chen et al., 2001; Guo et al., 2012; Sun et al., 2012; promoted from qualitative research to more quantitative and practical
Li et al., 2009, 2018; Robb et al., 2015). However, accurate quantifica- research stage. Major research issues include the evaluation of the
tion of near-field deformation along earthquake surface ruptures can be seismic risk of active faults and corresponding engineering stability,
difficult due to the inherent complexity of the rupture geometry (Vallage recurrence period of large earthquakes, fault segmentation and the dis-
et al., 2015; Klinger et al., 2005; Milliner et al., 2015). The earthquake tribution of active faults in various regions (Jenning, 1975; Japanese
rupture variations often correlate with geometries of active faults (Klin- Association of Active Faults, 1980; Deng, 1991). Regarding the issue of
ger et al., 2006; Klinger, 2010; Wei et al., 2011), earthquake magnitude setback distance from active faults, relevant authorities in the USA,
(Wells and Coppersmith, 1994), fault maturity and local sediment Japan, New Zealand, China, and some European countries have succes-
thickness (Fialko et al., 2005; Dolan and Haravitch, 2014; Zinke et al., sively promulgated relevant laws and regulations, as shown in Table 1.
2014). These policies have also been constantly improved and updated with the
Previous post-earthquake investigation results show that the vast increasing understanding of earthquakes and active faults.
majority of the death toll and building collapses occur along faults within Among them, due to the frequently occurred active faults and related
a narrow range, and the disaster degree gradually reduces with the in- earthquake disasters, California has a long history of earthquake safety
crease of distance (Midorigawa, 1995; Li et al., 2000; Zhou et al., 2008a; legislation, which is usually enacted and updated after destructive
Guo et al., 2010). Therefore, in addition to the measurement of the width earthquakes. The “Special Studio Zones” act was enacted by the Cali-
of the rupture zone, statistical analysis of the housing damage near the fornia legislature in 1972 in the wake of the 1971 San Fernando earth-
rupture zone is also important in the determination of the avoidance zone quake. Bonilla et al. (1971) report that about 80% of the buildings exhibit
of a fault, which relates the criterion of setback distance from the active moderate to severe damage in the surface rupture zone, while in the
fault zone. The criterion is constrained by the movement feature, fault adjacent areas, only 30% of the buildings show moderate to severe
geometry, buried depth of the faults and so forth (Xu et al., 2002a, 2016; damage during the 1971 San Fernando earthquake. The act provides
Guo et al., 2017). Some major architectures require a wider buffer zone information of earthquake risk and requires state geologists to provide
for prevention of earthquake disasters, which are even affected by the maps that define regulatory areas including potentially dangerous faults
distribution of coseismic secondary geological disasters. or seismic fault zones, for the primary purpose of prohibiting most
In order to reduce casualties and losses caused by earthquakes, au- buildings from being built on active fault traces and thus reducing the
thorities of different countries have issued a list of relevant laws; risk of fault rupture (Cluff et al., 1976; Hart and Bryant, 1999; Sexton,
meanwhile, scholars have made unremitting efforts to correctly regulate 2008). The act was amended to the Earthquake Fault Zoning Act after the
the setback distance from active faults (Xu et al., 2002a, 2016; Guo et al., Northridge earthquake in 1994, which explicitly stipulates that the
2013, 2017; Xu and Chen, 2018). In this paper, we summarize the do- general residential structure can only be built by retreating 15 m on
mestic and foreign research results regarding the setback distance from either side of the active fault; however, the rule focuses on the steeply
active faults and collect several seismic cases to further discuss the in- dipping strike-slip faults that are predominant in California. The 11th
fluences of fault dip angle and hypocenter depth on the width of avoid- revision, published in 2007, provides indexed maps in an electronic
ance zone and the constraints of distribution range of co-seismic format, including digital raster graphics (PDF), geographic Information
geological disasters on buffer zone of active faults. Furthermore, we System (GIS) file of seismic fault zone maps, to respond to different user
optimize the avoiding schemes and suggest future improvements, which requests for maps and reports. In this version, the “avoidance zone”
provide scientific reference for the plan and design department and width of active faults was not revised. It demands that the geologists
emergency rescue workers, thus improving the basic capacity of earth- should describe all potential and lately activated faulting traces in
quake protection and disaster reduction in our country. appropriate width of earthquake fault zone to determine fault activity
and the possibility of the surface rupture or fault creep damage.
2. Research progress of the setback distance from active faults Furthermore, they were requested to document the earthquake fault zone
map and give it to the influenced cities, counties and state institutions for
2.1. History and development of relevant regulations review and comments. New geological and seismic data also need to be
constantly examined for the modification of seismic faults or other zones
Since the occurrence of the Mw 8.3 San Francisco earthquake in 1906, (Bryant and Hart, 2007). According to this act, the first active fault maps
investigations regarding active faults have become closely related to of California were published in 1974, and these maps were subsequently

X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

Table 2 Xu et al. (2002a) employ the statistical analysis method and deter-
Statistical table of revised seismic fault map in California, USA (Singh, 2019). mine that the width of the active fault avoidance zone is 30 m for a single
The release date New map/ Revised map/ Delete map/ fault. This study is based on observations and measurements of the
number number number widths of the surface rupture zone of various active faults and strong
July 1, 1974 175 deformation zone on the geological section of exploratory trench across
January 1, 1976 81 5 the fault, in combination with the relationship between ground building
January 1, 1977 4 3 damage zone and spatial location of active faults. Zhou et al. (2008b)
January 1, 1978 1 observe that all the houses built on the surface rupture zone in Pingtong
July 26, 1978 2
January 1, 1979 4 7
town have entirely collapsed during the Wenchuan earthquake, while
January 1, 1980 21 9 those only 30–50 m away from the surface rupture zone have been
January 1, 1982 13 27 2 seriously or moderately damaged without collapses. In addition, based
July 1, 1983 18 12 on the surface rupture zone information collected from the on-the-spot
January 1, 1985 33 10
investigation of the Wenchuan earthquake, Zhou et al. (2008a) suggest
July 1, 1986 18 14
March 1, 1988 58 4 that the width of both the central section of the Longmenshan fault and
January 1, 1990 60 25 the surface rupture zone of the Qianshan fault is generally less than 40 m
November 1, 1991 46 8 from north to south. Further, combined with the width statistics of pre-
July 1, 1993 1 10 2 vious historical earthquake surface rupture zones, they propose that
June 1, 1995 8 13
May 1, 1998 2 1
during the post-earthquake reconstruction, the fault “avoidance zone”
May 1, 1999 3 1 width should be at least 25 m on both sides of the faults in the meizo-
May 1, 2003 3 11 seismal area. Zhao et al. (2009) take advantage of the earthquake damage
August 16, 2007 1 assessment results of 1699 buildings around the rupture zone of the
September 21, 7 6
Wenchuan earthquake, and finally suggest that the collapse rate of
November 6, 2014 1 1 buildings within 0–50 m distance from the surface rupture trace is
December 4, 2015 0 5 prominent, and the rate beyond this area is relatively moderate. The
June 10, 2016 2 5 avoidance distance of reconstructed buildings within the range of the
The data comes from the California Geological Survey. surface rupture trace of the Wenchuan earthquake is 15 m. After the L
Aquila (Mw ¼ 6.3) earthquake in Italy occurred in 2009, scholars have
quantified the seismic fault zone and avoidance width of the normal
revised and supplemented. A total of 24 versions have been published
faults in Apennine Mountain. In detail, if there is a clear fault trace, the
until 2016 (Table 2, Singh, 2019).
avoidance distance of the corresponding hanging wall and footwall is 40
In China, after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, increasing attention has
m and 15 m, respectively. Conversely, the avoidance distance cannot be
been paid to the issue of setback distance from active faults. Since then,
given without a clear trace (Zhang et al., 2012; Paolo and Paolo, 2010).
China's national standards, laws and regulations, such as “the Code for
With the assistance of the centrifuge physical test simulation method, Hu
Geotechnical Engineering Investigation (GB50021-2001)”, “Code for
et al. (2013) obtain the co-seismic fault movement characteristics in the
Seismic Design of Buildings (GB50011-2010)” and “The Law on Earthquake
Quaternary strata. Their experiments show that when the boundary
Prevention and Disaster Mitigation of China”, have supplemented new
constraint reaches the minimum value, the main failure still occurs near
provisions on setback distance from active faults. In addition, based on years
the intersecting line of the fault plane extension and the surface, while
of related investigations, China Earthquake Administration submitted the
the developed secondary rupture occurs within about 30 m from this line.
national standard for the setback distance from active faults in 2021,
Lei et al. (2015) employ the seismic geological mapping approach,
providing the standard and calculation method for the setback distance of
combined with the geomorphic survey method that is based on the width
general buildings in detail. Three basic types of active faults, including
of fault belts and scarps in the trench profile for estimating avoidance
strike-slip fault, normal fault and reverse fault, as well as corresponding
distance and suggest that the 15 m avoidance distance from previous
parameters such as fault dip angle (ɑ), fault scarp height, foundation depth,
statistics is suitable for the Helan mountain fracture and hidden fault in
and fault age, were taken into account (Fig. 1). Meanwhile, the types of
Yinchuan. As a result, with the consideration of the maximum posi-
special constructions are also divided in detail, and the setback distance on
tioning error, the avoidance distance of the Yinchuan hidden fault is 40
the hanging wall or footwall of the fault is recommended.
With the improvement of the relevant acts of active fault avoidance,
However, the above statistics have not considered the hanging wall
the public awareness of environmental hazards has gradually increased.
effect of the inclined slip fault. Because the strike-slip fault and the dip-
The analyses and investigations on seismic hazards and active faults
slip fault (normal fault or reverse fault) have obvious differences in ki-
provide valuable information for earthquake engineering, public
nematic properties and deformation characteristics, the minimum
awareness, insurance industry, and the development of the regulations
avoidance distance of the dip-slip fault needs to be estimated differently.
sketched out by the government near each fault zone. Public awareness
Yang and Beeson (2001) evaluate the relationship between earthquake
and regulation of environmental hazards have thus become an important
damage and fault distance by analyzing the relationship between ground
factor affecting urban development and layout (Toke et al., 2014; Singh,
deformation, fault rupture line and building damage observed inside and
outside the avoidance zone of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake and indicate
that the 15 m avoidance distance of the footwall is sufficient. However, it
2.2. Theoretical study on setback distance from active faults is necessary to extend the avoidance distance to 50 m away from the
upthrown side of the fault. Through systematic statistics and geophysical
The setback distance from active faults suggests that buildings are prospecting, Zhang et al. (2010a) verify part of the influencing zone
prohibited to be constructed within a reasonable distance on both sides of width, arguing that the width of the Wenchuan earthquake surface
the fault, for the purpose of minimizing damage to buildings and loss of rupture zone is mainly concentrated in a range of 16–60 m. Moreover,
human lives induced by the fault ruptures in an earthquake (Yang and with the support of previous experience, they propose that the avoidance
Beeson, 2001; Xu et al., 2002a). However, the setback distance is affected width of the hanging wall and footwall should not be less than 15 m and
by fault geometry, fault rupture distribution, fault type, foundation 10 m, respectively. Guo et al. (2013) synthesize substantial data of sur-
depth, etc. How to regulate the setback distance scientifically? Scholars face rupture zone widths of the Wenchuan earthquake and other his-
have studied it in different ways. torical thrust earthquakes and propose that the avoidance width of the

X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram for the calculation method of the setback distance in the National Standard for setback distance from active fault (submitted for review). (a)
Strike-slip fault with a dip angle of about 90 ; (b) Strike-slip fault with a dip angle less than 90 in flat terrain; (c) Normal fault in flat terrain; (d) Normal fault with
fault scarp; (e) Thrust fault in flat terrain; (f) Thrust fault with fault scarp (Hb < Hfs-Hs); (g) Thrust fault with fault scarp (Hb > Hfs-Hs and Hb < Hfs); (h) Thrust fault
with fault scarp (Hb > Hfs-Hs and Hb > Hfs). D0: basic setback distance refers to the distance under the situation that no fault scarps exist and the fault dip angle is
close to 90 ; for Holocene strike-slip fault, D0 ¼ 15 m, for late Pleistocene strike-slip fault, D0 ¼ 8 m. Du: the setback distance of buildings on the hanging wall of the
fault. Dd: the setback distance of buildings on the footwall of the fault. Hb: foundation depth of the building. Hfs: fault scarp height; Hs: height of the outcrop point of
active fault deformation zone; D: width of deformation zone; W: total width of avoidance zone; ɑ: fault dip angle. β: fault scarp dip angle.

hanging wall of a reverse fault may reach about 20–22.5 m, and that of In addition to active fault types (strike-slip, normal and thrust) and
the footwall may reach 7.5–10 m. According to previous field in- the hanging wall effect, several other factors are also considered when
vestigations and case study results, Xu et al. (2016) show that due to the analyzing the influence of avoidance distance. For example, Christenson
fact that the hanging wall deformation amount is larger than that of the et al. (2003) conducts correlation calculation of normal fault avoidance
footwall of normal and reverse faults, an obvious ‘hanging wall effect’ distance (S) with buried depth of building foundation (F), maximum
could be observed whether the regional surface ruptures exist or not, or vertical displacement of fault activity (D), risk coefficient (U) and dip
the buildings above are destroyed by co-seismic dislocation or not. angle of fault (θ) in Utah surface fault rupture assessment guide. The
Specifically, the serious disaster zone width of the hanging wall is 2–3 corresponding formulas are S– – U [2Dþ(F/Tan θ)] for the hanging wall,
times than that of the footwall. Therefore, the minimum avoidance dis- and S– – U(2D) for the footwall. According to the sample data of the Yushu
tance of footwall is 15 m outward the boundary of geological deforma- earthquake and other previous results, Zhang et al. (2010b) suggest that
tion zone, while the distance of hanging wall should be 30–45 m outward the distance between the main rupture zone of frame structure and ma-
the boundary. Considering that the near-surface inclination of normal sonry (hollow brick) is greater than 15 m in the 8-degree zone, and the
faults is generally 50 –60 , it is recommended that the minimum distance between the main rupture zone of masonry (hollow brick) is
avoidance distance of the hanging wall should be 30 m outward the greater than 30 m, basically eliminating the possibility of serious col-
boundary of geological deformation zone. For reverse faults that typically lapses. The formula of the typical building earthquake damage index (I)
have dip angles steeper than 30 , the minimum avoidance distance of the of the distance (D) from the main rupture of the surface is expressed as I
hanging wall is recommended to be 45 m outward the boundary of the ¼ 0.7699–0.00231D. Zhang et al. (2010a) systematically investigate the
geological deformation zone. vertical and horizontal displacement of surface rupture in the central

X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

fault zone of Longmenshan and the width of the affected zone of the fault dip angle in an ideal model system. However, in fact, there are
earthquake-induced surface ruptures, suggesting that the affected zone many complicated factors affecting the width, such as earthquake
width (D) has a good linear relationship with the vertical displacement magnitude, focal depth, fault properties, etc. Therefore, we explore the
(H), which is expressed as D ¼ 10.11H þ 16.0. Yu et al. (2009) quanti- correlation between the fault rupture zone width and fault dip angle with
tatively discuss the relationship between the gradient of surface defor- hypocenter depth by statistical methods.
mation and the degree of building damage. The most direct factor of Firstly, we collect the total width of surface rupture zone and single
building damage is the gradient of surface deformation at the location fault rupture width in different locations with various dip angles along
(the ratio of vertical deformation to the width of the corresponding the fault in the 2001 Hoh Sai Hu (Kunlunshan) earthquake (Mw ¼ 8.1),
surface deformation zone): Buildings with the gradient of surface as shown in Table 4 obtained from Xu et al. (2002b). The earthquake
deformation >1 completely collapse; Buildings with the surface defor- occurs on the Kusaihu segment of the East Kunlun fault zone in the
mation gradient of 0.07–0.1 are severely damaged, resulting in tilting northern Tibetan Plateau. The seismogenic fault is a typical sinistral
and strong deformation. Buildings with the surface deformation gradient strike-slip fault, but there are some differences in regional dip angles. We
of 0.03–0.07 are moderately damaged or inclined, and basically no also conduct scatter mapping for the surface rupture zone width and the
buildings after seismic fortification collapse. In the section with surface single fault width with the measured dip angle, respectively (Fig. 2).
deformation gradient <0.03, the buildings (structures) with earthquake According to Fig. 2, no obvious linear relationship is observed for them;
resistance capability are slightly damaged. Namely, the average width of namely, the total width of surface rupture zone and single fault rupture
the destroyed zone of ground buildings obviously controlled by width vary irregularly with fault dip angle.
co-seismic dislocation or deformation is generally 10–30 m (Yu et al., Secondly, we catalog 17 earthquake cases with different types, dip
2009). Japanese geoscientist Konagai summarizes previous data and angle, magnitude, focal depth, the total width of surface rupture zone,
proposes the hazard assessment method of buildings near active faults and single fault rupture width. In this set of data, it is obvious that there is
based on the parameters of limited grade (ζ). In detail: (1) when ζ > 1, no apparent correlation between the total width of surface rupture zone
buildings with shallow buried rigid foundation can be built on faults with or single fault rupture width and earthquake magnitude, such as linearity
unknown trace lines; (2) when ζ > 1, if the fault is determined, the (Table 5). Therefore, we analyze the relationship between the surface
building is at least α  ζ  H away from the fault trace. ζ ¼ D/γyH, where rupture zone width or the single fault width and the fault dip angle by
H is the overburden thickness, D denotes bedrock dislocation, γy repre- scatter diagram using the average values (Fig. 3a). Considering that the
sents soil shear strain, and α is the fault type (normal, reverse, strike-slip)
coefficient (Konagai, 2003; Zhang et al., 2012).
Table 4
3. The effects of fault dip angle and focal depth in width of active Statistics of the surface rupture width and dip angle of the Kusaihu earthquake
fault rupture zone (Mw ¼ 8.1) in Kunlun Mountains in 2001 (Xu et al., 2002b).
The longitude latitude Width of Single Measured
The width of the active fault avoidance zone is mainly determined by serial surface fault fracture
the width of the surface rupture deformation zone and setback distance number rupture rupture dip/
zone/m width/m
on two sides of the fault. In particular, based on the theoretical hypoth-
esis, future earthquake surface ruptures are most likely to occur along the 1 94 08.707 35 38.971 21 9.5 74
active fault that has undergone seismic rupture in the past (Xu et al., 2 94 02.991 35 40.357 7.9 – 78
3 93 38.534 35 43.771 19.5 9 60
2016). Previous studies have respectively probed the avoidance widths of
4 93 36.368 35 44.070 90 9.4 75
strike-slip faults, normal faults, reverse faults and even hidden faults 5 93 08.509 35 47.000 74 12.65 73
(Guo et al., 2013, 2017; Xu et al., 2002a, 2016; Zhang et al., 2012; Yang 6 93 05.384 35 47.623 – 12.5 87.5
and Beeson, 2001; Caglayan et al., 2018; Villamor et al., 2015; Langridge 7 92 51.019 35 49.137 68.3 18.15 90
8 92 47.182 35 49.365 – 13 90
et al., 2011). As shown in Fig. 1 and Table 3, the setback distance on
9 92 28.772 35 51.081 – 6.5 90
hanging wall and width of deformation zone is geometrically subject to

Table 3
Equations of setback distances for different types of faults with a single linear trace or a wider deformation zone.
Fault Dip Terrain Comparison between Equations for setback Equations for setback Total width of avoidance Total width of avoidance zone
type angle α Hb and differences of distance on hanging wall distance on footwall zone (Ws ¼ Du þ Dd) (Wd) with a deformation zone
( ) Hfs and Hs (Du) with single linear (Dd) with single linear with a single linear trace
trace trace

strike- ~90 flat – Du ¼ D0 Dd ¼ D0 Ws ¼ 2D0 Wd ¼ Ws þ D ¼ 2D0þD

slip <90 flat – Du ¼ D0þHb  ctgα Dd ¼ D0 Ws ¼ 2D0þHb  ctgα Wd ¼ Ws þ D/sinα ¼
fault 2D0þHb  ctgαþD/sinα
nomal <90 flat – Du ¼ D0þHb  ctgα Dd ¼ D0 Ws ¼ 2D0þHb  ctgα Wd ¼ Ws þ D/sinα ¼
fault 2D0þHb  ctgαþD/sinα
with – Du ¼ D0þ(Hb þ Hs)  Dd ¼ D0 Ws ¼ 2D0þ(Hb þ Hs)  Wd ¼ Ws þ D  cosβ/sin(α-β)
fault ctgα ctgα ¼ 2D0þ(Hb þ Hs)  ctgαþD
scarp  cosβ/sin(α-β)
thrust <90 flat – Du ¼ D0þHb  ctgα Dd ¼ D0 Ws ¼ 2D0þHb  ctgα Wd ¼ Ws þ D/sinα ¼
fault 2D0þHb  ctgαþD/sinα
with Hb < Hfs-Hs Du ¼ D0 Dd ¼ D0 Ws ¼ 2D0 Wd ¼ Ws þ D  cosβ/sin(180-
fault α-β) ¼ 2D0þD  cosβ/
scarp sin(180-α-β)
with Hb > Hfs-Hs Du ¼ D0þ(Hs þ Hb-Hfs) Dd ¼ D0 Ws ¼ 2D0þ(Hs þ Hb- Wd ¼ Ws þ D  cosβ/sin(180-
fault  ctgα Hfs)  ctgα α-β) ¼ 2D0þ(Hs þ Hb-Hfs) 
scarp ctgαþD  cosβ/sin(180-α-β)

Hb: foundation depth of the building; Hfs: fault scarp height; Hs: height of the outcrop point of active fault deformation zone; β: fault scarp dip angle; D: width of
deformation zone; D0: basic setback distance refers to the distance under the situation that no fault scarps exist and the fault dip angle is close to 90 ; for Holocene strike-
slip fault, D0 ¼ 15 m, for late Pleistocene strike-slip fault, D0 ¼ 8 m.

X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

mechanism is special due to the fact that it simultaneously produced

three rupture zones: Yingxiu-Beichuan, Guanxian-Anxian (Hanwang-
Bailu), and Xiaoyudong (Li et al., 2008a). The dip angles of the three
rupture zones are different, which are respectively 70 , 40 and 30 in
the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault, Hanwang-Bailu fault and Xiaoyudong fault
according to the post-earthquake surface survey (Li et al., 2008a; Wang
et al., 2013). We calculate the total width of three faults as the total
rupture zone width in the Wenchuan earthquake. As shown in Fig. 3,
neither fault dip nor H/tanα have correlation with the total width of
surface rupture zone or single fault rupture width. Nevertheless, we can
obtain some information based on all statistical data. Except for the 2013
Balochistan earthquake and the 2019 Le Teil earthquake, the average
width of most other single fault ruptures is approximately no more than
100 m and a majority of values are 5–54 m (Fig. 3). In terms of the total
width of deformation zone, most of the average values are no more than
2000 m (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2. Analysis diagram of relationship between fault rupture width and

4. Buffer zone of active faults based on distribution of co-seismic
measured fault dip angle.

focal depth and fault dip angle may affect the rupture width jointly, we
A moderately strong earthquake can trigger hundreds to tens of
set the abscissa (independent variable) to the depth divided by the
thousands of geological disasters, and the direct loss of people's lives and
tangent of the dip angle (H/tanα, Fig. 3b). Among 17 earthquake events,
property can account for one-third of the entire earthquake-induced loss,
the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Mw ¼ 7.9) with thrust and strike-slip
or even more. For example, the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake (Ms ¼ 8.5) is

Table 5
Average width of rupture zone and dip angle of fault of several seismic events.
Number magnitude Nature of Single surface Deformation Depth Fault Reference
the fault rupture zone zone width (m) (km) dip ( )
width (m)

1 1515 Yongsheng earthquake, Ms ¼ 8 Normal and 3–40 8000 – 65 Zhang and Huangfu, 1988; Guo et al.
China strike-slip (1988)
2 1932 Changma earthquake, Ms ¼ 7.6 Reverse 2–60 8000 15 64 Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, China
China and strike- Earthquake Administration, 1992; Shi
slip et al. (1974)
3 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Ms ¼ 7.6 Reverse 20–35 1500 7 35 Lee et al. (2001); Kelson et al. (2001);
China Chen et al. (2002)
4 2001 Hoh Sai Hu Mw ¼ 7.9 Strike-slip 7.9–100.6 2000 15 85 Xu et al. (2002b)
(Kunlunshan) earthquake,
5 Beichuan-Yingxiu surface Mw ¼ 7.9 Thrust with 4.5–100 30,000 19 70- Xu et al. (2008); Chen et al. (2008); Li
rupture zone during the 2008 dextral et al. (2008b); Li and Wei (2009);
Wenchuan earthquake Zheng et al. (2008); Li et al. (2008a)
6 Hanwang-Bailu surface Mw ¼ 7.9 Thrust 8.4–25.8 30,000 19 40 Chen et al. (2008); Zhou et al. (2008a);
rupture zone during the 2008 Li et al. (2009); Li et al. (2008a)
Wenchuan earthquake
7 Surface rupture zone of Mw ¼ 7.9 Thrust with 3–200 30,000 19 30 Xu et al. (2008); Wang et al. (2013)
Xiaoyudong in 2008 sinistral
Wenchuan earthquake
8 1992 Suusamyr earthquake, (Mw ¼ Reverse 5–180 180 18 55 Ainscoe et al. (2018); Mellors et al.
Kyrgyzstan 7.2) (1997)
9 1999 Düzce earthquake, (M ¼ 7.1) Right- 0.5–5 50 9 62 Akyuz et al., 2002; Hearn et al. (2002);
Turkey lateral Tibi et al. (2001)
10 1999 Izmit earthquake, (Mw ¼ Right- 2–8 400 17 83 Hartleb et al. (2002); Bouchon et al.
Turkey 7.5) lateral (2021); Tibi et al. (2001)
11 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake, Mw ¼ 6.4 Left-lateral 19  41 180 10 66 DuRoss et al. (2020)
12 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake, Mw ¼ 7.1 Right- 44  81 500 10 81 DuRoss et al. (2020)
USA lateral
13 2020 Sparta earthquake, USA Mw ¼ 5.1 Reverse 25 600 1–3 40 Figueiredo et al. (2022); Wicks Jr and
Chiu (2022)
14 2018 Palu earthquake, Mw ¼ 7.5 Left-lateral 2.9–20 1600 20 80 Jaya et al. (2019); Wu et al. (2021);
15 2013 Bohol earthquake, Mw ¼ 7.2 Reverse 5-150 (profile) 12,000 12 45 Rimando et al. (2019)
16 2012 Negros earthquake, Mw ¼ 6.7 Reverse- 2-7 (profile) 50 5 60 Rimando et al. (2020)
Philippines slip
17 2013 Balochistan earthquake, Mw ¼ 7.7 Left-lateral 100–1000 35,000 20 60 Vallage et al. (2015); Barnhart et al.
Pakistan (2014)
18 2005 Kashmir Earthquake, Mw ¼ 7.6 Thrust 20–30 200 12 30 Kaneda et al. (2008); Pathier et al.
Pakistan (2006)
19 2019 Le Teil earthquake, Mw ¼ 4.9 Reverse 50-400, 400-800 800 1–3 48 Ritz et al. (2020)

X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

5. Discussion

5.1. The interpretation for the avoidance zone of active faults

In the early studies, scholars defined active fault “avoidance zone” as

avoiding future co-seismic dislocation or slip surface that could produce
surface ruptures, which implies that the width of the “avoidance zone” is
equivalent to the width of the co-seismic surface rupture zone or defor-
mation zone (Xu et al., 2002a; Guo et al., 2013). Through substantial
statistical analyses of surface ruptures, they determine that the width of
the avoidance zone of active faults is approximately 30 m. However, Xu
et al. (2016) further explain that the minimum setback distance for
nearly vertical faults is 15 m from the boundary line of the deformation
zone including the main fault slip surface. In addition, for some specific
areas including the oblique step area of active faults, the confining area of
parallel secondary faults, and the strike-bending areas, the width of the
avoidance zone is the sum of the width of these regions (deformation
zone) and 15 m of setback distance on both sides (Fig. 5, Xu et al., 2016;
Xu and Chen, 2018). It should be noted that the setback distance of 15 m
here is not determined by the approximately 30-m width of the rupture
zone in the previous statistics; the width of the rupture zone includes the
other special deformation zone but does not include the setback distance.
The value of setback distance should be obtained by a large number of
investigations and statistical analyses on the damage of buildings on both
sides of fault after the earthquake (Li et al., 2000). It thus does not have to
be 15, and it can vary depending on numerous factors such as fault type,
regional geology, topography, fault age, fault geometry, and even the
Fig. 3. Analysis diagram of the relationship between the average width of single earthquake resistance of a building. As a result of geological background,
fault rupture zone blue, left axis) or total deformation zone width (orange, right building earthquake resistance and other factors may be different, and
axis) and dip angle α or hypocenter depth H. (a) Fault dip angle α; (b) Value various countries have different policies for setback distance of active
resulting from hypocenter depth divided by the tangent of the dip angle. faults. Nevertheless, the setback distance required by most countries and
regions is not much different and commonly set as ~15 m, such as Cal-
the largest seismic event ever recorded in China, killing more than ifornia, Utah, New Zealand, and China (Table 1). The Chinese National
220,000 people (Yuan, 2005; Zhuang et al., 2018), with about 100,000 Standard for setback distance from active fault (submitted for review)
people die as a direct result of earthquake-induced landslides (Close and shows several cases of setback distance in consideration of fault type,
McCormick, 1922). The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Ms ¼ 8.0) results in topography, fault age and fault geometry (Fig. 1 and Table 3), which is
a total of 69,197 deaths and 18,341 missing people, of which one third of currently a scheme considering the most comprehensive factors.
the deaths and missing people are associated with earthquake-induced Furthermore, as mentioned above, the rupture zone is generally a
landslides (Wang et al., 2009; Tang and Westen, 2018). In addition, wide deformation zone rather than a single line trace. However, the
the focus of moderately strong tectonic earthquakes is often associated definition of seismic rupture zone width is controversial in whether it
with a linear seismogenic structure, and earthquake-induced landslides refers to the width of a single fault rupture or a whole rupture zone that
are often linearly distributed along the seismogenic structure (Meunier includes special areas such as the oblique step area of active faults, the
et al., 2013; Gorum et al., 2014; Xu, 2015). Therefore, the determination confining area of parallel secondary faults, and the strike bending areas.
of the buffer zone of active faults cannot be separated from the study of Additionally, researchers mainly focus on the measurement of rupture
co-seismic landslide distribution. length and dislocation of fault and overlook the width of surface rupture
In this paper, we compile the statistics of 14 earthquakes, summarize zone. Due to the geometric complexity of the fault, it is difficult to
the relationship between 20 groups of co-seismic landslide distributions measure and calculate the rupture width accurately (Vallage et al., 2015).
and the corresponding seismogenic faults (Table 6), and subsequently It is also equivocal whether it only refers to the rupture area of the surface
extract the distance between the faults and the areas of the most land- or includes some other geological deformation areas. These unclear
slides occurrence in each seismic event. As shown in Fig. 4, 16 groups of definitions can lead to different meanings of the values of the rupture
the distance of landslide peaks from seismogenic fault are within 5 km, zone widths recorded in previous investigations. For instance, some large
including 13 peaks within 3 km. These results are consistent with those earthquakes are described to have a few to tens of meters-wide single
proposed by Xu et al. (2016), which show that the buffer distance of rupture zone (Xu et al., 2002a; Guo et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2008a,
active faults should be at least 3 km for some key organizations whose 2008b; Zhao et al., 2009; Lei et al., 2015), whereas the moderate-low
functions cannot be terminated, such as the emergency command center, magnitude earthquakes such as the 2019 Mw 4.9 Le Teil earthquake is
lifeline engineering junction station, and hospitals, etc. In addition, the recorded to have a single rupture width of hundreds of meters (Ritz et al.,
value is suggested to be 5 km for buildings that are used for production, 2020). This paradox results from the shallow focal depth, but the 2020
experiment, and the storage of inflammable and explosive materials and Sparta earthquake with similar magnitude and focal depth has only been
precise instruments. The aforementioned buffer distances also conform recorded at 25-m-wide single rupture zone. In the statistics of our
to the requirement that there is no active fault within the near site range research, we try to fathom the significance of the recorded widths in
of nuclear power plant or major projects proposed by the national stan- previous literature of each case and identify whether it is a single rupture
dard GB17741-2005 seismic Safety Evaluation of Engineering Sites. This width or a total rupture zone width. The results of statistics analyses
result contributes to determine buffer zone of active faults that is show that either a single rupture width or a total rupture zone width has
necessary to protect safety of lives and property and reduce loss and an irregular relationship with fault dip, magnitude, and focal depth
damage in earthquake disasters. (Table 4, Figs. 2 and 3). However, the factors mentioned above are
currently unavoidable and lead to some errors in statistical research. The

X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

Table 6
Statistical table of distance between coseismic landslide distribution peak value and fault.
The serial The date Name of the magnitude Seismogenic faults Nature of the Total number of Distance between peak Reference
number earthquake fault landslides number or area of
interpreted landslide and fault

1 1999-09-20 Chi-Chi 7.7(Mw) Chelungpu fault Thrust fault 10,100 5–10 Wang et al.
(Taiwan, (2002)
2 2002-11-03 Denali Alaska 7.9(Mw) Denali Fault Strike-slip 1579 2–3 Gorum et al.
(USA) with thrust (2014)
3 2005-10-08 Kashmir 7.6(Mw) Balakot–Garhi fault Thrust with 2424 0–0.5 Sato et al.
(Pakistan) dextral fault (2007)
4 2008-05-12 Wenchuan 7.9(Mw) Yingxiu-Beichuan fault Thrust with 43,866 0–5 Li (2019); Dai
(China) strike-slip et al. (2011)
5 2008-05-12 Wenchuan 7.9(Mw) Yingxiu-Beichuan fault Thrust with 197,481 0–1 Xu et al.
(China) strike-slip (2014a)
6 2010-04-14 Yushu (China) 6.9(Mw) Ganzi-Yushu fault Sinistral 2036 0–0.5 Xu et al.
strike-slip (2013a)
7 2010-01-12 Haiti(Haiti) 7.0(Mw) Enriquillo-Plantain fault Thrust with 30,828 0–1 Xu et al.
Garden fault sinistral fault (2014b)
8 2013-04-20 Lushan 6.6(Mw) Shuangshi-Dachuan fault Thrust fault 2062 0–5 Li (2019)
9 2013-04-20 Lushan 6.6(Mw) Shuangshi-Dachuan fault Thrust fault 1013 0–3 Chang et al.
(China) (2021)
10 2013-04-20 Lushan 6.6(Mw) Shuangshi-Dachuan fault Thrust fault 688 3–4 Xu and Xiao
(China) (2013)
11 2013-07-22 Minxian 6.6(Ms) Lintan- Dangchang fault Thrust with 2330 6–7 Xu et al.
(China) sinistral fault (2013b)
12 2013-07-22 Minxian 6.6(Ms) Lintan- Dangchang fault Thrust with 6478 0–1 Tian (2017)
(China) sinistral fault
13 2014-08-03 Ludian 6.2(Mw) Xiaohe-Baogunao fault Sinistral 1052 0–2 Li (2019);
(China) strike-slip Tian et al.
fault (2015)
14 2014-08-03 Ludian 6.2(Mw) Xiaohe-Baogunao fault Sinistral 1826 0-1(NE) 5–6(SW) Zhou et al.
(China) strike-slip (2016)
15 2017-08-08 Jiuzhaigou 6.5(Mw) Shuzheng fault (Ji et al., 2017) Sinistral 5655 0–2 Li (2019)
(China) strike-slip
16 2017-08-08 Jiuzhaigou 6.5(Mw) The southern branch of Tazang Sinistral 821 0–3 Chang et al.
(China) fault and the northern segment strike-slip (2021)
of Huya fault fault
17 2017-11-18 Mirin (China) 6.4(Mw) Xixingla fault Thrust fault 1844 0–2 Li (2019)
18 2018-09-06 Hokkaido 6.6(Mw) Ishikari-Teichi-Toen fault Thrust fault 5258 8–10 Li (2019)
19 2018-09-28 Palu 7.5(Mw) Palu-Koro fault Sinistral 7632 5–10 Li (2019)
(Indonesia) strike-slip
20 2020-05-18 Qiaojia 5.1(Mw) Xiaohe-Baogunao fault Sinistral 167 0–2 He et al.
(China) strike-slip (2021)

most reliable method is compiling and analyzing the values of different limited not only by geometric heterogeneity of faults, but also by accu-
seismic rupture widths measured with uniform standards. racy and richness of statistical data. More seismic cases, more accurate
data, and more comprehensive factors are required to obtain available
5.2. Prospect in avoiding active fault models calculating avoidance zone width of various active faults.
For special construction, it is necessary to require a wider buffer zone
The influence range of seismic hazards should be considered in the in avoiding active faults. According to the relationship between the
policy formulation of disaster prevention and reduction. The range is distribution of co-seismic landslides and seismogenic faults combined
undoubtedly associated with the corresponding seismic parameters, with the destructiveness of landslides (Fig. 4), the distribution range of
including magnitude, focal depth, and intensity, etc. However, since co-seismic landslides is required to be considered for the determination
these parameters are unpredictable, it is more common to investigate the of active fault buffer zone. The statistical result indicates that a 3-km or 5-
effect of movement types of existing active faults on the range of rupture km width of half buffer zone on one side of the fault is available, which is
zone or setback distance (Xu et al., 2016; Guo et al., 2013; Zhang et al., consistent with the regulation of some countries or regions for some
2012). In this paper, we consider several parameters including earth- important buildings, such as schools, hospitals, nuclear power plants,
quake magnitude, focal depth, and dip angle into influence factors of the nuclear waste disposal sites, etc. However, due to the restriction of land
rupture zone width by statistics study. Although the data shown in area utilization rate, this relatively wide buffer zone is not available to all
Table 5 and Fig. 3 have not shown obvious regulation yet, there is no ordinary residential buildings. Nevertheless, the richness and uniformity
doubt that these parameters contribute to fault rupture. The result is of statistical samples still need to be improved in this aspect of study.

X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

In addition to the impact of earthquake disasters, the damage of creep

faults should also be taken into account in avoiding active faults. Previ-
ous studies show that creep faults can also cause serious damage to
buildings and are potentially risky (Harris, 2017; He et al., 2018). For
example, it is common to see urban buildings twisted by the slowly
creeping Hayward fault in California, including abandoned schools and
the stone embankment in Hayward city park (Fig. 6; Stoffer, 2008;
Harris, 2017).
Constrained by the complexity of active faults, in addition to the
establishment of reasonable laws and regulations that is necessary for the
prevention and reduction of earthquake disasters, it is also important to
determine the activities and accurate location of faults from geologists.
Avoidance zone not only depends on the development characteristics of
active faults but is also subject to the estimated risk resistance capacity of
proposed buildings. Furthermore, the area with hospitals, high-rise build-
ings and other specific architectural structures should be investigated in
more detail, while the requirements could be loosened for structures with
lower occupancy rates, such as relatively safe timber structures.

6. Conclusions

Earthquake disaster threatens the safety of people's life and property,

so avoiding seismic structure is the most effective method of disaster
prevention and mitigation. We aim to summarize the current situation
and research the progress of active fault avoidance regulations at home
and abroad and clarify the definition of avoidance zone. Additionally, we
explore the influence of fault dip angle on the width of seismic rupture
zone by statistical seismic event data and determine buffer zone by dis-
Fig. 4. Statistical diagram of distance between co-seismic landslide occurrence tribution of co-seismic landslides. The conclusions are as following.
peak and seismogenic fault.

Fig. 5. Special connection among the deformation zone (seismic rupture zone), setback distance and the active fault “avoidance zone” (modified from Xu et al., 2016).

Fig. 6. Building damage caused by the creep of the Hayward fault in California (Stoffer, 2008; Harris, 2017). The red line indicates the location of the Hayward fault,
and the red arrow indicates the moving direction of the right-lateral strike-slip fault.

X. He et al. Natural Hazards Research 2 (2022) 62–74

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