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DATE :NOV,2023
11/16/2023 1


Course Break down


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✓Explain the fluid power system, applications .
✓List the advantages and disadvantages of fluid power.
✓ Explain the industrial applications of fluid power.
✓List the basic components of the fluid power.
✓ List the basic components of the pneumatic systems.
✓Differentiate between electrical, pneumatic and fluid power systems.

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✓Fluid power is the driving force in most industrial and mobile applications.
In the industry we use three methods for transmitting power from one point to
• Mechanical transmission: is through shafts, gears, chains, belts, etc.
• Electrical transmission :is through wires, transformers, etc.
• Fluid power: is through liquids or gas in a confined space.

Fig 1.1:reasons of using the fluid power system

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❖Fluid power is the technology that deals with:
✓ The generation, control and transmission of forces
✓ The movement of mechanical element or system with the use of pressurized
fluids in a confined system.
✓The control and transmission of power by means of air(pneumatic) and by
means of liquid(hydraulics).
❖Fluid power system includes a hydraulic system (hydra meaning water in Greek)
and a pneumatic system (pneuma meaning air in Greek).
❖By the term “fluid” we refer to air or oil, for it has been shown that water has
certain drawbacks in the transmission of hydraulic power in machine operation
and control.

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Fluid power applications can be classified into two major segments:
1.Stationary hydraulics: The characteristic feature of stationary hydraulics is
that valves are mainly solenoid operated.
✓Machine tools and transfer lines.
✓Lifting and conveying devices.
✓Metal-forming presses.
✓Plastic machinery such as injection-molding machines.
✓Rolling machines.
✓Food processing machinery.
✓Automatic handling equipment and robots.

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2.Mobile hydraulics:
A characteristic feature of mobile hydraulics is that the valves are frequently manually
✓Automobiles, tractors, aero planes, missile, boats, etc.
✓Construction machinery.
✓Tippers, excavators and elevating platforms.
✓ Lifting and conveying devices.
✓Agricultural machinery.

Types of hydraulics system

Fluid transport systems: Their sole objective is the delivery of a fluid from one location
to another.
Eg. include pumping stations for pumping water to homes, cross-country gas lines,
Fluid power systems: These are designed to perform work. In fluid power systems,
work is obtained by pressurized fluid acting directly on a fluid cylinder or a fluid motor.
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Pressing machine
hydraulic steering

Hydraulic crane
Hydraulic excavator
Fig 1.2 :application of fluid power
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Classification of Fluid Power Systems
1.Based on the control system
a.Open-loop system / no feedback
b. Closed-loop system / uses feedback
2.Based on the type of control /AND, NAND, OR, NOR
a.Moving part logic /MPL: diaphragms, disks. ….
b. Electrical control: programmable logic control (PLC) or microprocessor.

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Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic Systems
• A hydrostatic system uses fluid pressure to transmit power.
• It creates high pressure, through a control element, this like actuator
(linear or rotational).
• The kind of pump used in hydrostatics is a positive displacement
• An example of pure hydrostatics is the transfer of force in hydraulics
• Linear movement uses large forces

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Hydrodynamic systems

• It uses fluid motion ,mechanics and flow theory to transmit power.

• Power is transmitted by the kinetic energy of the fluid.
• The pump used in hydrodynamic systems is a non-positive displacement pump.
• An example of pure hydrodynamics is the conversion of flow energy in turbines
in hydroelectric power plants.
• In oil hydraulics, we deal mostly with the fluid working in a confined system, that
is, a hydrostatic system.

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Advantages of a Fluid Power System
✓Fluid power systems are simple, easy to operate and can be controlled accurately
✓Multiplication and variation of forces
✓Multifunction control
✓Low-speed torque
✓Co Low weight to power ratio
✓ constant force or torque
✓safety is of vital importance
❖It need fluid media may be/ leakage occur
❖Not applicable in large distance

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Basic Components of a Hydraulic System

Figure 1.3 Components of a hydraulic system

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Basic Components of a PNEUMATIC System

Figure 1.4 Components of a pneumatic system

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Table 1.1:Comparison of pneumatic and hydraulic
Advantage of Hydraulic advantage of pneumatic


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Table 1.2:Disadvantage of hydraulic and pneumatic system

pneumatic system hydraulic system

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Principle of hydraulic system and Pascal’s law
• The hydraulic system uses incompressible fluid which results in higher efficiency
• The hydraulic system works on the principle of Pascal’s law which says that the pressure
in an enclosed fluid is uniform in all the directions

Figure 1.5 :the principle of Pascal’s law

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1.Two position of hydraulic lift have diameters of 70 cm and 6cm.what is the force
exerted by the larger piston when 70 N is placed on the smaller piston ?

• Since, the diameter of the pistons are given, we can calculate the
radius of the piston
Area of small piston , 𝐴1 =𝑟 2 =𝜋(3)2

Area of large piston , 𝐴2 =𝑟 2 = 𝜋(352 )

𝐴2 35 2
𝐹2 = 𝐹1 = ( ) 70N =9527 N
𝐴1 3
• This means, with the force of 70 N, the force of 9527 N can be lifted.
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2.Consider the automobile hydraulic system shown in (Figure below). Suppose a
force of 100 N is applied to the brake pedal, which acts on the pedal cylinder
(acting as a “master” cylinder) through a lever. A force of 500 N is exerted on the
pedal cylinder. Pressure created in the pedal cylinder is transmitted to the four
wheel cylinders. The pedal cylinder has a diameter of 0.500 cm and each wheel
cylinder has a diameter of 2.50 cm. Calculate the magnitude of the force F2 created
at each of the wheel cylinders?

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❖ Hydraulic brakes use Pascal’s principle. The driver pushes the brake pedal,
exerting a force that is increased by the simple lever and again by the hydraulic
system. system.
❖Each of the identical wheel cylinders receives the same pressure and, therefore,
creates the same force output .
❖The circular cross-sectional area of the pedal and wheel cylinders are represented
by 𝐴1 and 𝐴2 respectively.
solution : Pascal’s principle applied to hydraulic systems is given by:
𝐹1 𝐹2
𝐴1 𝐴2
𝐹2 = × 𝐹1
𝑟2 2 (1.25𝑐𝑚)2
𝐹2 = 2 × 𝐹1 = × 500𝑁
𝑟1 (0.250𝑐𝑚)2
𝐹2 = 1.25 × 104 N
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3.The hydraulic lift has a large cross section and small cross section. large cross sectional area is 15
times the small cross sectional area. If on the small cross section is given an input force 20 N,then
determine the output force?

Let the small cross-sectional area, A1=A
Large cross-sectional area, A2=15A
Input force, F1=20N
Let the output force be F2.
According to Pascal's law,
𝐹1 𝐹2 20 𝑁 𝐹2
= = = = 300 N
𝐴1 𝐴2 𝐴 15A

On sovling, we get, F2=300 N

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4.Water circulates throughout a house in a hot water heating system. If the water is pumped at a speed
of 0.50 m/s through a 4.0-cm diameter pipe in the basement under a pressure of 3.03x105 Pa, what
will be the velocity and pressure in a 2.6-cm diameter pipe on the second floor 5.0 m above?

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5. The small piston of a hydraulic lift has an area of 0.20 m2 . A car
weighing 1.2 x 104 N sits on a rack mounted on the large piston. The
large piston has an area of 0.90 m2 . How large force must be applied
to the small piston to support the car?

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Energy losses in hydraulics
• Liquids such as water or petrol flow much easily than other liquids such
as oil.
• The resistance to flow is essentially a measure of the viscosity of a fluid.
• The greater the viscosity of a fluid, the less readily it flows and the more
is the energy required to move it. This energy is lost because it
is dissipated as heat.
• Energy losses occur in valves and fittings.
• The nature of path through the valves and fittings determines the
amount of energy losses.

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• pressure losses in lines due to friction and flow deflection,
• pressure losses in valves as well as accessories, such
as filters and coolers,
• Pressure losses due to throttling, which on constant pressure
systems are particularly high,
• Leakage losses at the points that must be sealed.

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Laminar and Turbulent Flows
• When speaking of fluid flow, one refers to the flow of an ideal fluid.
Such a fluid is presumed to have no viscosity.

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Laminar Flow
✓This is also known as streamline or viscous flow .
✓In streamline flow, the fluid appears to move by sliding of
laminations of infinitesimal thickness relative to adjacent layers;
that is, the particles move in definite and observable paths or
✓ The flow characteristic of a viscous fluid is one in which viscosity
plays a significant part.

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Turbulent flow
• It is characterized by a fluid flowing in random way.
• The movement of particles fluctuates up and down in a direction
perpendicular as well as parallel to the mean flow direction.

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Reynolds Number

• In the flow of a fluid through a completely filled conduit, gravity does not
affect the flow pattern.
• It is also obvious that capillarity is of no practical importance, and hence
significant forces are inertial force and fluid friction due to viscosity.
• In the flow of a fluid through a completely filled conduit, gravity does not
affect the flow pattern.
• It is also obvious that capillarity is of no practical importance, and hence
significant forces are inertial force and fluid friction due to viscosity

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