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1. How does your religious or philosophical background shape your

understanding of human nature?
As a Catholic, my religious and philosophical background shapes my
understanding of human nature in profound ways. I believe that humans are created in
the image and likeness of God, endowed with inherent dignity, worth, and a purpose in
life. This understanding influences how I perceive and interact with others, as I strive to
treat every person with respect, love, and compassion, recognizing the divine imprint
within them. It also emphasizes the importance of moral virtues, such as humility,
honesty, and selflessness, in cultivating a virtuous and fulfilling life. It calls me to
embrace the inherent dignity and worth of every person, seek justice and compassion
for all, and strive for the ultimate realization of God’s kingdom on earth.

2. How do you reconcile the existence of evil and suffering with your
belief in a benevolent higher power?
Reconciling the existence of evil and suffering with a belief in a benevolent higher
power is a complex and deeply contemplative aspect of my faith. I understand that God
allows evil and suffering to exist in the world due to the gift of free will. While God is
ultimately good and loving, humans have the ability to misuse their free will and choose
actions that cause harm and bring about evil. It is through the acknowledgment and
acceptance of free will’s consequences that I find comfort and seek solace in God’s plan
for redemption and the promise of a greater good beyond this earthly life.

3. In what ways can an understanding of human nature inform our

response to the problem of evil?
An understanding of human nature can greatly inform our response to the
problem of evil. Being aware of the potential for both good and evil within human beings
allows for a more balanced and compassionate perspective. It enables me to approach
the problem of evil with empathy, realizing that individuals who perpetrate evil acts are
also products of their own human nature, influenced by a variety of factors such as
upbringing, environment, and personal circumstances. This understanding does not
absolve them of responsibility, but it encourages me to respond with a commitment to
justice, forgiveness, and the pursuit of societal structures that promote goodness and
combat the root causes of evil. By recognizing the interconnected nature of humanity, I
am inspired to work towards the transformation of society, addressing injustices, and
promoting peace and harmony among all people.

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