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SNC2D | Biology Date: ______________________

2.14 – Nervous System

I am successful today if I can… are you a peripheral nervous system? cause you got
a lot of nerve - Spiderman dafuq is this | Meme Generator
* Explain the primary functions of the nervous systems in animals

Recall: The Neuron

Nervous System
Image result for cns vs pns

* __________________________ of neurons throughout the body.

* _______________________ and _______________________ the activities of the entire
* ______________________ changes in the environment and ____________________.
* Two parts: _____________________ nervous system (CNS) and
_____________________________ nervous system (PNS).

Human Nervous System

CNS – consists of the ___________________________________________ and analyses
incoming information, stores it, and issues instructions.
* __________________________________________ allow sensory and motor neurons to
communicate with each other, and connect various neurons within the brain and
spinal cord

PNS – has peripheral nerves that _________________________________ between the CNS

and the rest of the body.
* ______________________________ are found in sensory organs and
________________________________ (receive information), which it then sends to the
* ______________________________ control the
______________________________________________ to the stimulus. They relay
information from the CNS to either the ________________________ nervous system
(controls ________________________ movements) or to the
______________________________ nervous system (controls
_____________________________ responses).
Reflex Arc

Related image

The Brain
Comparative Anatomies – Frog, worm, grasshopper:

Image result for nervous system in worm

Image result for earthworm nervous system

* What are some similarities and differences?

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