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Green blood

In the first quarter of the year, a group met at Hemocentro Foundation of Brasília,
the blood center of the city, to carry out the first collective blood donation of vegan
activism in the city. The action, entitled “Vegans donate blood, 1st edition”, involved
15 people, who helped to save up to 60 lives.
The initiative inaugurates a periodic calendar of donations, stimulates the debate on
oppression and on the need to respect all animals (human and non-human) and
gives visibility to veganism and Animal Rights.
Professor Vanessa Negrini was one of the organizers of the collective action. The
group's intention was to show that veganism is not only fundamental in respecting
and caring for animals, but also in citizenship activities. After all, veganism goes far
beyond food. It is not simply to stop eating meat and animal products, but also to
bring this same awareness to all sectors of human activity that exploit animals, not
just the food industry. It is a philosophy of life that involves the awareness of doing
good to human and non-human animals and the environment. In other words, the
entire planet.
The group's next blood donations are scheduled for 06/03/2022 (close to World
Environment Day) and 11/1/2022 (World Vegan Day).

PHOTO CREDIT: Personal archive

CAPTION OF PHOTO 19: Vanessa Negrini: organizer of the action. The inscription on her t-shirt reads:
“Vegan people donate blood and save lives”

Solidarity Buns

Since 2021, FALA has maintained a partnership with the social factory of Maria
Teixeira School (EMT, in the acronym in Portuguese), an assistance and teaching
entity for children and young people with special needs, located in Jardim Ingá* (in
Luziânia/GO) (link to article about the entity: As part of
the partnership and with the help of volunteers, several kilos of “kiss breads”
manufactured by EMT (vegan cheese breads, based on sweet potatoes and grains) are
sold in several regions of the DF*. Part of the income from the sale of the kiss bread
is donated to FALA's social initiatives.
One of these initiatives was carried out in support of a vegan solidarity action for 70
registered families from the Santa Luzia neighborhood, an extremely needy
community in the Structural City (DF), conducted by the Atlântida Institute, a
partner entity of FALA. In the action, in addition to a spectacular vegan meal, toys,
clothes and vegan food baskets were donated to families. The next action is
scheduled for May this year, which will receive special press coverage from the
Animal Liberation Bulletin team.

*DF: Federal district, where the capital, Brasília, is located.

PHOTO CREDIT 20: Paulo Castro/FALA
PHOTO LEGEND 20: EMT: partnership with FALA in support of social
Awareness in the partner-educative system

In 2022, FALA also completes 10 years of holding lectures on Animal Rights

for young people in socio-educational measures. The last rounds of lectures took
place in Brasília (DF), at the end of last year, at the São Sebastião Internment Unit
(UISS). Although the lectures were intended exclusively for young people, adults
(teachers and prison guards at the unit) also participated, even with the adherence of
some to veganism.

PHOTO CREDIT 21: Personal archive
CAPTION OF PHOTO 21: Guilherme Leonardi: lecture on Animal Rights in
the socio-educational system
LEGENDA DA FOTO 20: EMT: parceria com a FALA em prol do apoio a ações
One of the speakers gave us a touching statement about these meetings.

Interview with Bernardo Feitosa

Can the young people in the lectures make any correlation between the
violence they suffer and the violence also suffered by animals?
Sometimes. It depends on the size of the class, maturity, experiences and
engagement. People often emphasize the link between animal abuse and human
abuse, saying how speciesism, racism, homophobia, machismo and misogyny are
connected. Making this link is easier for some, while not for others. In one way or
another, the connection made by them tends to be more in the sense of “taking care
of the animals”.

Are some young people surprised when this correlation is made?

Yes. Many of them feel offended, but eventually get the message.

Do you have any feedback from young people regarding this type of
connection made during the talks?

Yes. We see interest when they apply the teaching. Most tend to connect and
are especially impressed by animal testing. In some cases, they have already said that
they would become vegetarians or vegans if there was that option for them.

Do young people understand that violence against an animal is no different

from violence against a person or against nature in general?

Generally, yes. The most difficult thing is to understand the consequence of

the act. Many see violence against animals as more “acceptable” than violence
against humans. They see acts of violence against non-human animals as something
more barbaric, but with less criminal repercussions. Still, most are interested in
intervening if they witness something like this.

In the lectures, which event impressed you the most?

When part of a class treated me as a moral reference and asked for directions
or advice.

What is the main lesson that young people learn from the lectures?

That animals suffer a lot and that something needs to be done to reduce all
this suffering.
PHOTO CREDIT 22: Personal archive
CAPTION OF PHOTO 22: Bernardo Feitosa: “it is necessary to do something
to reduce all the animal’s suffering.”

The lectures that FALA volunteers give in the socio-educational system are
only possible thanks to the support of people as Professor Liliane Barki, as well as the
other teachers and employees of the units, who are an important part of all the work
carried out by FALA to raise awareness of young people on the subject.

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