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Ocean Dynamics (2006) 56: 650–661

DOI 10.1007/s10236-006-0080-3

Pierre Brasseur . Jacques Verron

The SEEK filter method for data assimilation in oceanography:

a synthesis

Received: 26 July 2005 / Accepted: 31 March 2006 / Published online: 1 August 2006
# Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract This paper reviews the developments of the The arrival of satellite oceanography during the past
singular evolutive extended Kalman (SEEK) filter method decades has drastically changed our perception of the
used for data assimilation in oceanography, since the ocean circulation. Satellite altimetry has been emblematic
original paper by Pham et al. (J Mar Syst 16:3–4, 323– in providing oceanographers with the tools needed to
340 1998a). First, a short review is presented of the monitor the dynamical properties of the ocean circulation
context of data assimilation in oceanography and of the globally, at scales that are inaccessible by conventional in
variety of numerical ocean codes and configurations in situ instruments. The importance of mesoscale processes,
which the SEEK filter has been implemented using which was first suggested by field campaigns and
different data sets for assimilation. Then, the paper numerical models, was confirmed by measuring undula-
provides an exposition of the different versions of the tions of the sea-surface topography from space. The
SEEK filter developed during the past 10 years and improvement of altimeter measurements provided by the
discusses their relative merits for scientific or operational Topex/Poseidon mission has opened new prospects, with
implementations. A classification of the algorithmic eddy-resolving ocean circulation models capable of
variants is proposed, and several possible improvements assimilating observations of sea-level anomalies (SLA).
of the generic methodology are mentioned in the Other quantities, such as sea-surface temperature (SST)
perspective of new assimilation challenges. data and in situ measurements of the temperature and
salinity in the ocean’s interior, broadens the observational
Keywords Data assimilation . Statistical estimation . basis required to effectively interface models with data and
Kalman filter . Ocean circulation envisage operational ocean predictions via data assimila-
tion. Recent missions, which estimate the chlorophyll
content through ocean color remote sensing, enlarge again
1 Introduction the prospects from physical models to biogeochemical
models and of their coupling.
The objective of this paper is to synthesize the develop- The assimilation problem involves both stochastic and
ments that have been realized for 10 years with the singular deterministic aspects. On the one hand, the models are
evolutive extended Kalman (SEEK) filter for solving derived from basic physical principles, which should be
several problems of data assimilation in oceanography. properly accounted for by the assimilation process. On the
The recent progress of data assimilation in oceanography is other hand, they are subject to uncertainties of various
strongly linked to the context of oceanic observations, forms, which can only be described statistically. The
more especially of satellite oceanography, and to the question of the dominant activity of turbulent processes in
development of ocean modelling, and particularly of eddy- the ocean, their nondeterministic nature, and the interac-
resolving ocean models. tions between mesoscale and large-scale circulation has
been a central issue for ocean data assimilation research
(De Mey 1997). To produce reliable forecasts of the
Responsible editor: Lee-Lueng Fu
mesoscale ocean currents, circulation models must be
P. Brasseur (*) . J. Verron initialized with conditions that represent as accurately as
Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels, possible the actual state of the ocean at eddy-resolving
UMR 5519 CNRS/INPG/UJF, BP 53, resolution. Due to the nonlinear properties of ocean
Grenoble Cedex 9, 38041, France
e-mail: dynamics, the forecast ranges cannot be extended beyond
Tel.: +33-476825072 the limit of system’s predictability and the models must be
Fax: +33-476825271 reinitialized intermittently by correcting the forecasts with

the most recent observations. Nonlinearity is, thus, a major the mesoscale ocean circulation from altimeter data.
obstacle that prevents four-dimensional assimilation to be Ballabrera et al. (2001) explored the capacity of the SEEK
treated without dividing the global problem into subprob- filter to dynamically propagate the error statistics in twin
lems along the temporal dimension. Statistical as well as experiments, assimilating pseudo-measurements of sea-level
variational methods can be used to optimally combine data anomalies. Their work emphasized the need to properly
with model solutions over temporal intervals that are short initialize the error statistics propagated by the filter,
enough to permit linearization of the dynamics. Luong et especially in the context of turbulent regimes. Using a
al. (1998) proposed different temporal strategies to similar setup of the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean
sequentially assimilate altimeter data in a quasigeostrophic Model (MICOM), Brasseur et al. (1999) developed an
model of the ocean circulation at midlatitudes using a adaptive SEEK filter which was able to learn the structure of
variational method. the error from the residual innovation, in situations where the
The conceptual framework, to which the SEEK filter error statistics was poorly specified at the initial time.
belongs, is the optimal statistical estimation theory. A first realistic application was carried out in the Gent
Compared with approaches such as the 4D-VAR however, and Cane (1989) reduced-gravity PE model of the tropical
statistical estimation methods require less initial investment Pacific Ocean, with the objective to analyse the interannual
in terms of coding and are naturally designed to incorporate variability of the circulation in connection with El Ninõ
gradual developments. This is one of several reasons why events (Verron et al. 1999). The assimilation of Topex/
most assimilation methods initially implemented in opera- Poseidon data was shown particularly effective in con-
tional forecasting systems are inspired by the statistical straining the thermal and velocity profiles in the upper 300
approach. Suboptimal methods, like the nudging or the to 400 m of the ocean. A reconstruction of the tropical
Optimal Interpolation (OI), have been widely used mainly Pacific circulation during the 1992–1996 period was
because of their simplicity, robustness, and efficiency carried out by Gourdeau et al. (1999) using the same
properties (Verron 1992). Simplified representations of the model and assimilation method, investigating the physical
prior error structures are often adopted in OI schemes, for mechanisms responsible for the warm pool replenishment
instance by assuming that the error correlations can be and depletion.
separated into a product of horizontal and vertical In parallel to these developments, the SEEK filter was
contributions (De Mey and Benkiran 2002). Two recog- implemented in the OPA PE model (Testut et al. 2003). In
nized limitations of OI implementations are the need for a regional configuration of the Tropical Pacific ocean,
external specifications of the error statistics and the Parent et al. (2003) assimilated altimeter data during
difficulty to conciliate the parameterization of uncertainty the 1993–1998 period and investigated the skill of the
with the model physics. The specification of multivariate assimilation to improve the representation of the 1997/
error statistics is a particularly delicate process, which 1998 El Ninõ event. A similar system was used by Durand
complicates the generalization of a given OI scheme to new et al. (2002) to explore the benefit expected from the
models and data types. These difficulties have motivated assimilation of sea-surface salinity data simulating the
the developments of more fundamental approaches com- forthcoming soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS)
patible with ocean circulation models of various types, and ESA mission. This work was extended further by taking
more specifically with primitive equation (PE) models. advantage of sea-surface temperature and velocity data in
The SEEK filter is an advanced assimilation method complement to sea-surface salinity data to improve the
which has been designed to dynamical systems of very reconstruction of the mixed layer characteristics (Durand
large dimension. Being derived from the Kalman filter et al. 2003).
theory, the scheme is sequential and fully multivariate by Testut et al. (2003) developed the prototype of an
nature. The algorithm can be easily adapted to new data operational system based on the SEEK filter and a North
types and model formulations without the need of complex Atlantic OPA model at 1/3o resolution assimilating sea-
developments. A number of implementations have been set level anomalies and sea-surface temperature data simul-
up with different numerical ocean models assimilating a taneously. A reanalysis of the North Atlantic circulation
variety of data types. The essence of the method was was performed with this system for the time period
primarily elaborated with an idealized quasigeostrophic 1993–1999, and the dynamics of the Gulf Stream was
model of the mesoscale ocean circulation at midlatitudes studied in detail showing different variability patterns
(Pham et al. 1998a). The dynamics of this model is upstream and downstream of the New England Sea-
imprinted by nonlinear effects, leading to finite predict- mounts (Berline et al. 2006). In a 1/3o model of the
ability time scales. Twin experiments were performed to South Atlantic basin, Penduff et al. (2002) used a similar
demonstrate the capacity of the SEEK filter to control the version of the SEEK filter to perform hindcast assimi-
nonlinear evolution of the flow field through intermittent lation experiments of the 1993–1996 period. The circu-
assimilation. The question of nonlinearity in sequential lation obtained by these experiments showed significant
assimilation schemes was investigated further by Carme et improvements in the estimation of the mean state of the
al. (2001), who studied the properties of the SEEK filter in circulation and the mesoscale variability, by comparison
even more chaotic conditions using the Lorenz model. with free model simulations.
The SEEK filter was then applied to idealized PE models The adaptation of the SEEK filter to PE models based on
of the Gulf Stream system to investigate the reconstruction of vertical isopycnic coordinates is discussed by Brankart et al.

(2003). An intercomparison exercise between the SEEK data could significantly improve the performance of the
filter and other ensemble-based assimilation methods was ecosystem model in the upper part of the water column.
conducted with an isopycnic MICOM model of the North In spite of a common methodological framework, the
Atlantic at eddy-permitting resolution developed in the assimilation schemes used in the studies mentioned above
E.U. DIADEM project (Brusdal et al. 2003). A hindcast are not identical, and a discussion of their differences is
experiment was performed for the time period from July worthwhile. The objective of this paper is to present the
until September 1996, when sea-level anomalies and sea- variants of the SEEK filter using unified notations, and to
surface temperature data were assimilated using the SEEK discuss some of the practical considerations that motivated
filter, the ensemble Kalman filter (Evensen 1994, 2003) the development of these variants. In Section 2, a general
and the ensemble Kalman smoother (Evensen and van outline of the Kalman filter extended to nonlinear models is
Leeuwen 2000). A conclusion of this work was that all given. Approaches to reduce the size of the assimilation
methods performed well enough to participate to the problem are described in Section 3. The baseline of the
development of operational ocean forecasting prototypes SEEK filter is exposed in Section 4; we then discuss the
and real-time demonstration experiments. In parallel to various possible methods to express the error statistics in a
those realistic applications, the SEEK filter was also used subspace of small dimension, and we describe the
with the MICOM model to assimilate measurements into algorithmic reformulation of the forecast and analysis
fluid dynamics laboratory experiments (Galmiche et al. steps permitted by low-rank covariance matrices. The
2006). concept of adaptive filter is then briefly presented in
A number of applications were set up to conduct impact Section 5. Finally, a classification of the different variants
studies devoted to new observing systems. In the frame- of the SEEK filter is proposed in Section 6, before
work of the E.U. TOPAZ project, the SEEK methodology concluding the paper.
was implemented in the HYbrid coordinate ocean model
(HYCOM) which is based on a vertical hybrid coordinate.
Assimilation experiments were performed in a 1/3o 2 Baseline for sequential data assimilation
HYCOM configuration of the North Atlantic to explore
the sensitivity of altimeter data assimilation to the mean The search for optimality provides general guidelines for
dynamic topography adopted for assimilating sea-level the development of assimilation methods. Optimal
anomalies (Birol et al. 2004). This element of the statistical estimation theories, and more specifically the
assimilation process was shown particularly critical in filtering approach, are well documented in the literature.
terms of the response of the ocean circulation, transport and The Kalman filter (KF) provides a rigorous solution to the
thermohaline fields. The TOPAZ prototype was then used best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) problem in the
to evaluate the capacity of the system to assimilate absolute linear case. An extension of the KF to weakly nonlinear
altimetric data referenced to a “state of the art” geoid problems has been derived (Jazwinski 1970), which is
derived from the gravimetric Gravity Recovery and known as the extended Kalman filter (EKF). The SEEK
Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission (Birol et al. filter, which has been developed in the context of ocean
2005). Even if the resolution and accuracy of the geoid data assimilation, is based on the EKF. In this section, we
models available today are not yet sufficient to meet the introduce the basic assimilation problem in the state space
requirements of high-resolution studies, this work showed using the conventional notations proposed by Ide et al.
the critical importance of future gravimetric programs such (1997).
as Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation The state vector x represents the minimum set of in-
Explorer (GOCE), in conjunction to altimetric missions. dependent variables needed to describe the state of the system
Other developments of the SEEK filter have been at any time. A biological state vector would contain, for
conducted with coupled physical-biogeochemical models. instance, the concentration distributions of nutrients, plank-
The feasibility of assimilating ocean color data was ton, dissolved and particulate matter, etc. (Carmillet et al.
explored in a marine ecosystem model coupled to the 2001). In a (physical) numerical model of the primitive
North Atlantic MICOM model of the DIADEM project equations, it typically contains the 3D-discretized tempera-
(Carmillet et al. 2001). Another application to coupled ture, salinity, zonal and meridional velocities, and the 2D sea-
physical-biological modelling was performed by Magri et surface height or barotropic streamfunction field computed
al. (2005) who investigated the assimilation of geochem- prognostically at every gridpoint of a finite-difference mesh.
ical data to control the seasonal evolution of ecological The size of a PE state vector n is therefore approxi-
conditions in the Ligurian Sea with a 1D vertical model. In mately given by NX  NY (NZ  4 variables þ 1 variable),
the context of the E.U. MFSPP project, Triantafyllou et al. where NX , NY and NZ are the horizontal and vertical grid
(2003) and Hoteit et al. (2004) implemented a SEEK filter dimensions. The length n of the state vector is typically
to assimilate oxygen and nitrate data in an ecosystem 106 to 108 in scientific or operational applications.
model of the Cretan Sea forced by physical conditions Sequential data assimilation designates recursive
obtained from a general ocean circulation model. It was methods which aim at the estimation of the true state
found that, by using such an approach, oxygen and nitrate vector at each time ti , using all the observations at

prior and present instants. Let xa ðti1 Þ be an estimate A linear combination of the forecast x f ðti Þ and obser-
about the true state of the system xt ðti1 Þ available at vations yoi is performed as follows
time ti1 . The statistical distribution of the associated  
error E a ðti1 Þ ¼ xa ðti1 Þ  xt ðti1 Þ is supposed to be xa ðti Þ ¼ xf ðti Þ þ Ki yoi  Hi x f ðti Þ (5)
centered with a covariance noted Pa ðti1 Þ. The physical
system is described by
where xa ðti Þ is the “analysis” state of the system. Ki is the
x ðti Þ ¼ M ðti1 ; ti Þx ðti1 Þ þ ηðti Þ
t t
(1) “Kalman gain” given by

where M ðti1 ; ti Þ is the model operator describing its Ki ¼ Pf ðti ÞHTi ½Hi Pf ðti ÞHTi þ Ri 1 (6)
transition from time ti1 to time ti . Model errors ηðti Þ are
assumed to be centered and have a covariance matrix where Hi is the gradient of Hi computed about x f ðti Þ. The
Qðti Þ. They originate from the various physical para- Kalman gain is determined by minimizing the variance of the
meterizations, the numerical discretizations, the atmo- analysis error on xa ðti Þ. It can be interpreted as a ratio between
spheric forcings etc., and may be characterized by a the error covariance of the forecast and the total error
wide spectrum of space scales. covariance (the sum of the forecast and the observation error
In the EKF, the state of the system at time ti is predicted covariance) projected in the observation space: the larger the
using the model forecast errors, the larger the correction to the forecast. One
should note that the Kalman gain provides an optimal
combination of the forecast and observations (in the least-
xf ðti Þ ¼ M ðti1 ; ti Þxa ðti1 Þ (2)
squares sense) only if the distributions of x f and yo are
where xf ðti Þ designates the “forecast” state of the system In the limit of perfect observations (Ri  0) of the whole
and E f ðti Þ ¼ xf ðti Þ  xt ðti Þ is the forecast error. A linear- state vector (Hi  IÞ, the Kalman gain matrix converges
ization of the model evolution is performed to propagate the towards the identity and the optimal estimate becomes a
error covariance as follows perfect fit of the observations. By contrast, if the forecast is
extremely accurate (P f ðti Þ  0) compared with the ob-
Pf ðti Þ ¼ Mðti1; ti ÞPa ðti1 ÞMðti1; ti ÞT þ Qðti Þ (3) servations, the correction becomes negligible.
The covariance matrix of the resulting analysis error is
where Mðti1; ti Þ is the gradient of M ðti1 ; ti Þ about given by
xa ðti1 Þ and T denotes the transpose. Equation 3 can be
interpreted as follows: the error on the initial state is Pa ðti Þ ¼ ½I  Ki Hi P f ðti Þ (7)
transformed during the forecast step by the model dynamics
(the error being amplified by unstable modes, while it is showing that the uncertainty in the forecast is reduced
damped by stable modes) and by the model imperfections during the analysis, according to the amount of new
which increase the forecast error covariance. information assimilated in the system.
At time ti, a set of observations is available noted in vector Equations 2 to 7 form the basic set of algorithmic
form as operations involved in a sequential assimilation cycle. The
optimal estimate xa ðti Þ can be used as initial conditions of
yoi ¼ Hi xt ðti Þ þ Ei (4) a new forecast up to time tiþ1 when new observations
become available, and the process can be repeated
where Hi is the observation operator and Ei the observation recursively. In summary, the algorithm of an assimilation
error. The dimension d of the observational space is in cycle contains two main steps: the forecast step for
general much smaller than the dimension of the state vector. transitioning the model state and the associated error
The observation error Ei is assumed to be uncorrelated to covariance between time ti1 and time ti , and the analysis
model errors, and to have a covariance matrix Ri . Ob- step for correcting the forecast using the data available at
servation errors have different possible sources. One is the time ti .
instrumental error, which can often be considered as spatially
uncorrelated. Another is the so-called “representativeness
error”, associated to variability described by the data at scales
that cannot be faithfully represented by the model grid. A 3 Order reduction
third source is the error associated to the mapping between
the model and the observation space. The spectral signature The main issue raised by the application of the KF in
of all these errors is mainly concentrated on the short scales, oceanography is related to the huge number of degrees of
and Ri is often approximated by a diagonal matrix. freedom involved in the models, with consequences on the

size of the discretized operators and the quantity of or less” independent from the errors on the dynamical
information to be manipulated. In the KF algorithm, features of interest in the system.
Eq. 3 can be rewritten as
Order reduction can be formulated in terms of state space
Pf ðti Þ ¼ Mðti1 ; ti Þ½Mðti1 ; ti ÞPa ðti1 ÞT þQðti1 Þ (8) or error space with quite different implications (e.g.,
Fukumori and Malanotte-Rizzoli 1995; Chin et al. 1999).
The notion of error subspace Kalman filters (ESKF) which
showing that the model code is needed to propagate the n is discussed by Nerger et al. (2005) relies on the idea that
columns of Pa ðti1 Þ and the model state itself. This leads to the error space can be approximated with fewer degrees of
computing requirements that even the largest computers in freedom than the model space itself. Error subspaces are
the world will not meet in a foreseeable future. In addition, built in such a way as to selectively correct the model state
the many imperfections inherent to the representation of the along the most representative directions of the state error.
error covariance matrices that need to be specified The concept fits fairly well with statistical assimilation
externally in the sequential algorithm (e.g., the R and Q schemes because the analysis increment computed by
matrices) would make the explicit computation of this Eqs. 5 and 6 can only take place within the subspace
equation questionable (Cane et al. 1996). represented by the forecast error covariance. The process of
If the flow of assimilated observations is more or less selective corrections can be implemented by the simple use
regular in time, the errors estimated by the assimilation of an error covariance matrix of low rank. The unknowns
sequence are expected to fluctuate around some asymptotic are the coefficients of the increment decomposed into the
limit after a couple of cycles, reflecting a balance between multivariate basis vectors of the subspace. Examples of
the increase of the forecast error within a cycle and the low-rank filters are the reduced rank square-root
subsequent analysis error reduction. As a result, the explicit (RRSQRT) algorithm proposed by Verlaan and Heemink
computation of the forecast error Eq. 3 is often by-passed (1997), the error subspace statistical estimation (ESSE)
using a predetermined “background” error covariance method introduced by Lermusiaux (1999), and the family
B that reflects this asymptotic limit rather than an up- of ensemble Kalman filters (EnKF) originally introduced
dated Pf ðti Þ. This approach adopted in Optimal Interpo- by Evensen (1994).
lation schemes actually leads to a suboptimal use of the The subspace can be represented using a time invariant
data. set of error directions. A number of applications have
During the past 10 years, alternative ways have been been conducted successfully in this way in the tropical
explored to make the KF tractable with models of large oceans, where the dynamics is “slow” and nearly linear
dimension. With the concept of order reduction, the aim is (Verron et al. 1999). The success of the assimilation
to reduce the computational burden of the KF algorithm depends essentially on the capacity of the subspace to
while preserving the essential characteristics of the scheme. capture the observed variability of the system. Alter-
Several arguments support this concept: natively, the error subspace can also be allowed to evolve
with time using deterministic or stochastic approaches, or
a mixture of both. Evolving subspaces are in general
– Firstly, the ocean can be considered as a driven/
more suitable to track the nonlinear evolution of “fast”
dissipative dynamical system governed by an “attrac-
energetic modes, or to dynamically adjust the unba-
tor” of finite dimension. It is therefore expedient to
lanced components of the error (Lermusiaux 2001).
renounce making corrections in the directions where
Related methods have been introduced in the context of
the errors eventually die away because of the attractive
atmospheric data assimilation by Cohn and Todling
nature of the system. The existence of a global attractor
(1996), who proposed approximate schemes for error
has been proved for the Navier–Stokes equations, with
covariance propagation in the case of stable and unstable
a dimension bounded by a function of the Reynolds
number (Lions et al. 1997). Geostrophy, for instance, is
one of the dominant properties of the ocean attractor
that should not be ignored during the assimilation
4 The singular evolutive extended Kalman (SEEK)
– Secondly, less is probably known about the statistical
behavior of the errors than about the dynamics itself,
The SEEK filter introduced by Pham et al. (1998a,b)
especially in the ocean where the flow of observations
belongs to the more general category of error subspace
accumulates at a fairly slow rate.
Kalman filters (ESKF). The SEEK can be defined as an
– Thirdly, the state vector as it has been defined above is
extended Kalman filter:
determined by the number of degrees of freedom
implied by the model discretization, which may be (1) Whose error covariance matrices are constrained to be
much larger than the actual number of dynamical of low rank (“singular”). This rank is much smaller
features of interest in the system. In such cases, one can than the dimension of the state vector. The filter is
reasonably assume that the errors associated to the initialized with a singular error covariance matrix Pð0Þ
additional degrees of freedom of the model are “more built from the system model according to a protocol

that depends on the problem under consideration. In A question of practical interest is related to the
any case, the motivation is to obtain multivariate error dimension of the subspace. A condition of stability of a
covariances that are compatible with the model reduced-rank KF in idealized conditions (linear model and
dynamics. It is worth noting that a clear distinction autonomous system) is shown to be that r should be larger
has to be made between the equations of the SEEK than r , where r is the number of eigenvalues of M
algorithm and the “recipes” used to initialize the filter. having an absolute value larger than or equal to 1 (Pham
(2) Which allows the errors propagation (“evolutive”) to et al. 1998a; Carme et al. 2001). As it is difficult to
be computed according to the model dynamics, thus evaluate this number with large ocean models, this
including possible nonlinearities during the forecast theoretical criterion is of limited use and other more
step. pragmatic guidelines must be set up. For example, a
threshold of variance (e.g., 80%) explained by the r
In addition, the SEEK filter derivation assumes that the retained EOFs provides an empirical criterion to deter-
dimension of the reduced space for the error covariance mine the minimum dimension of the error subspace for
matrices is preserved over the successive assimilation assimilation experiments. In the majority of the experi-
stages (this is an approximation because this is strictly true mental studies conducted with realistic models of the
only with adequate conditioning of the model error). ocean, this number typically ranges from a few tens to a
Inversions can therefore be made in this subspace instead few hundreds.
of the observation space. Because the subspace dimension In general, the EOFs in question are fully multivariate,
is small, computations are much simplified. Moreover, the three-dimensional, and cover the whole model domain: all
SEEK filter can be complemented by adaptative algorithms the variables of the state vector (SSH, temperature, salinity,
which aim at benefiting of all the innovation vector residual zonal, and meridional velocities) are considered together in
information. a dynamically consistent manner. The extrapolation of the
data from observed to unobserved variables is performed
along the directions represented by these EOFs which
4.1 Error subspaces and low-rank error covariances basically connect any grid point of the numerical domain.
The physical nature of these EOFs was illustrated by Parent
A practical way, proposed by Pham et al. (1998a), to et al. (2003), who studied the variability of the circulation
initialize an assimilation sequence with the SEEK filter is in the Tropical Pacific ocean during the period 1994–1998
to perform an empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) using a SEEK filter to assimilate satellite altimeter data in a
analysis of a free model simulation. The mean state of the primitive-equation model of the Equatorial basin between
free run is taken as a first guess xa ðti Þ, and the associated 20o N and 20o S.
initial error covariance matrix is built from the dominant Other ways to characterize the reduced basis can be
modes of the simulated variability around the mean. Let thought of, such as Lyapunov, singular (linear or nonlinear)
L0 be the r dominant eigenmodes forming the columns or breeding vectors and principal components. However,
of a n  r matrix, which have been obtained from an this has not been explored extensively so far. The first tests
EOF decomposition of a model run. The associated indicate that it should be of potential benefit, in particular
eigenvalues are stored in a r  r diagonal matrix noted Λ 0. the use of breeding vectors (Durbiano 2001). The
The initial error covariance pcan ffiffiffiffiffi be approximated by distinction between the type of modes used (EOFs, others
Pa ðt0 Þ ¼ S0 ST0 with S0 ¼ L0 Λ 0. Thus, the maximum vectors) provides a first criterion to classify the variants of
rank of Pa ðt0 Þ is r. The underlying assumption is that the the SEEK filter in applicative studies.
model is sufficiently good for its intrinsic variability to be An issue of practical interest is the estimation of small
statistically representative of real ocean variability. In the correlations associated with distant variables, which is a
context of twin experiments, this approach is fully well-known difficulty with error modes covering the whole
consistent with the KF as the model is unbiased and the model domain as the one described above. Houtekamer and
simulated variability has the same statistical properties as Mitchell (1998) pointed out that accurate estimations of
the assumed “true” ocean variability. In real data assim- small correlation coefficients would necessitate a very
ilation experiments, however, these ideal conditions are large number of independent model samples to guarantee
not verified with a free model simulation and more the statistical convergence of the computations. In fact, a
complex strategies must be developed. For example, an SEEK filter with global error modes would require a very
assimilation sequence may be carried out in a first stage large number of modes to properly constrain the mesoscale
with a simplified method which does not require EOFs flow field. To keep the number of samples within tractable
(such as an OI or nudging scheme) so as to bring the limits and prevent the data from exerting a spurious
model and observations together. An EOF analysis of the influence at remote distances through large-scale signa-
resulting fields is then performed, and a new assimilation tures in the EOFs, a technique based on local EOFs has
sequence can be obtained in a second stage with a been setup, which considers regional subdomains of
reduced-rank KF. The process can be iterated several adjustable size where the error subspace is defined. This
times to provide an improved EOF basis which combines approach has been developed more specifically for eddy-
the variabilities of the model dynamics and of the resolving ocean assimilation models (e.g., Testut et al.
observations. (2003)) in which the signal dominates in the small scales.

Theses local modes reflect to some extent the anisotropic twofold benefit: firstly, it avoids the computation of the
nature of the multivariate covariances associated with the tangent linear model, which numerically can be a delicate
local dynamics. The small scales are predominantly task. And secondly, it seems more robust with regard to the
represented by the highest modes. The local representation model nonlinearities because the finite difference takes into
of the error subspace has been shown particularly effective account the actual amplitude of the uncertainties, while the
for capturing the mesoscale features of the turbulent ocean. classical linearization does not. An interpretation of the
error propagation scheme in terms of ensemble model
integrations is otherwise proposed by Ballabrera et al.
4.2 Forecast step (2001), while a more exhaustive exploration of the
similarities and differences between the SEEK and
The concept of error subspace allows a drastic simplifica- ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) are discussed in Brusdal
tion of the forecast step Eq. 3 that governs the evolution of et al. (2003). As pointed out by Nerger et al. (2005), it must
the error statistics over the assimilation window. Assuming be noted that this “interpolated evolutive basis” variant of
that the analysis error covariance can be represented as a the SEEK filter should not be confused with the SEIK filter
low rank matrix at time ti1 (introduced by Pham (2001)), which is a rather different
  algorithm that is not discussed in the present paper.
Pa ðti1 Þ ¼ Sai1 Sai1 T ; (9) With respect to Eq. 10, a further simplification of the
error forecast step can be obtained by simply neglecting
where Sai1 (of dimension n  r ) defines the basis of the the dynamical transformation of the error directions during
error subspace associated to xa ðti1 Þ, Eq. 3 becomes the assimilation period ðti1 ; ti Þ, leading to the “fixed basis”
Pf ðti Þ ¼ S efT
i i þ Qðti1 Þ
(10) e f ¼ Mðti1 ; ti ÞSa  ISa
S (12)
with S e f ¼ Mðti1 ; ti ÞSa i i1 i1
i i1
As in the ensemble OI scheme (Evensen 2003), the error
subspace basis is assumed to be temporally persistent in
The computer load associated with Eq. 10 depends this variant. Static error subspaces have been used very
essentially on the rank r, which determines the number of efficiently in a variety of assimilation applications (Verron
model integrations needed to evaluate the forecast error et al. 1999; Parent et al. 2003; Penduff et al. 2002), being
covariance matrix. The algorithm requires the derivation of justified by two basic arguments. The first one is of
the tangent linear model Mðti1 ; ti Þ to update the error practical interest: the cost of a fixed basis assimilation
directions Sai1 , and the temporal evolution of the corre- experiment is of the same order of magnitude as a model
sponding error components reflects how the linear model simulation, with only a few additional computations
dynamics affects the uncertainty during the forecast needed to perform the algebraic operations of the analysis
operation. This “extended evolutive basis” variant of the step. This makes the algorithm extremely useful to evaluate
algorithm mimics the error propagation scheme of the EKF, the overall performances of the system, to test new
as proposed by Pham et al. (1998a) in their seminal paper parameterizations, to examine the impact of different
on the SEEK filter. observation configurations, etc. The second argument
An alternative scheme to Eq. 10 can be used for constitutes a more objective justification in terms of
calculating the evolution of the reduced basis as follows: statistical estimation: it is often impossible to properly
n o    characterize the statistical structure of the model error
α Se f ¼ M ðti1 ; ti Þ xa ðti1 Þ þ α Sa
i1 j  x ðti Þ
i associated to imperfections in the model forcings,
discretization schemes, space/time resolution, etc. As a
(11) result, the misspecification of the model error Q is often
very large and it can dominate the approximation made in
fgj is the jth column of the matrix, and α is an adjustable replacing MPa MT by IPa IT in the error propagation
parameter that determines the scale of the perturbations Eq. 3. In such situations, it will be a waste of CPU
along each error direction. This scheme depicts the natural resources to explicitly compute the error propagation with
dispersion of an ensemble of different model trajectories the model dynamics because the result will eventually be
initialized in the vicinity of the initial guess, and represents polluted by unspecified model error estimates. It is
the amplification of unstable error modes (or the damping therefore sensible to by-pass the error propagation equation
of stable modes) inherent to the system dynamics. Equa- and to concentrate on updating the dominant error
tion 11 can be interpreted as a finite-difference approxi- directions using, for instance, the adaptivity mechanisms
mation of the linear error evolution if α is small. However, described in Section 5.
the value of α is usually taken to be of the order of 1 to To preserve the advantage of order reduction for the
simulate the nonlinear evolution of model perturbations subsequent assimilation cycles, Pf ðti Þ should keep the
that have an amplitude comparable to the error covariances. same rank as Pa ðti1 Þ because of the recursive character of
The basis known as “interpolated evolutive basis” has a

the Kalman filter. The difficulty arises from the fact that the the expression for the Kalman gain can be transformed
rank of Pf ðti Þ intimately depends on the structure of Qðti Þ. after some mathematical manipulations as follows:
A possible method is simply to project the error vector ηðti Þ
f 1
on the subspace generated by the columns of S e f. As it is
Ki ¼ S if ½I þ ðHi S if ÞT R1 f T 1
i ðHi S i Þ ðHi S i Þ Ri
often impossible to specify the model error perfectly, for (16)
the reasons discussed above, a simple parameterization of
the system noise can be introduced as Equation 16 shows that the size of the inversion
1   problem is determined by the error subspace dimension
Qðti Þ ¼ ð1  ρÞ  S efT (13) (as long as the observation error is parameterized with
ρ i i
a diagonal matrix or its inverse is known), while the
original Kalman gain Eq. 6 requires an inversion in the
where ρ is a scalar quantity called the “forgetting factor” observation space. As the number of observations is
(0 < ρ < 1) by analogy with the approach used in auto- usually much larger than the dimension of the error
matic control algorithms (Pham et al. 1998a,b). The subspace, the inversion step of the SEEK algorithm
application of the forgetting factor amplifies the estimation becomes less expensive than the corresponding compu-
error isotropically, without changing the basis of the tation of the original Kalman gain. By combining
subspace. With this kind of model error parameterization, Eqs. 5 and 16, the correction of the forecast state can
the three possible variants—extended, interpolated, and be written as a weighted combination of the forecast
fixed basis—lead to a forecast error covariance matrix of error directions
the form:
xa ðti Þ  xf ðti Þ ¼ Sfi ci (17)
1efefT 1 ef
Pf ðti Þ ¼ S i Si ¼ S fi Sfi T with Sfi ¼ pffiffiffi S (14)
ρ ρ i with
f 1
which is singular and has the same rank r as the previous ci ¼ ½I þ ðHi Sfi ÞT R1
i ðHi Si Þ
analysis error covariance. The distinction between the   (18)
various propagation modes for the reduced basis (steady, ðHi Sif ÞT R1
i yoi  Hi x f ðti Þ
fixed, interpolated, evolutive) provides the second criterion
to classify the variants of the SEEK filter.
The “forgetting factor” is one of the many possible The vector ci contains the r amplitudes of the error
options to account for some simple form of model error in modes that need to be estimated at each analysis step.
the assimilation scheme, but other approaches could be Finally, the scheme evaluates the analysis error and
e ðti1 ; ti Þ updates the error subspace according to the following
implemented such as using a perturbed model M equation:
instead of the original model to dynamically update the
error modes through Eq. 10. For instance, in most EnKF
Pa ðti Þ ¼ ½I  Ki Hi P f ðti Þ ¼ Sai SaT
i (19)
implementations, stochastic perturbations are introduced in
the surface forcings to update each ensemble member,
accounting in this way of the uncertainty in the atmospheric
f 1=2
fluxes. This approach is under testing with the SEEK filter with Sai ¼ Sfi ½I þ ðHi Sfi ÞT R1
i ðHi Si Þ (20)
and it would be of much interest to explore the question of
model errors in more details. showing that, if the rank of P f ðti Þ is r , then the rank
of Pa ðti Þ is equal to r also; therefore, recursivity of
forecast/analysis cycles is allowed. In practice, for
better numerical conditioning, it is possible to reortho-
4.3 Analysis step gonormalize the reduced basis by computing a SVD
decomposition of the Sai matrix after every analysis
The linear variance-minimizing analysis Eq. 5 can be step.
nicely reformulated when the forecast error covariance
There is one additional consideration that should be
used to compute the Kalman gain is of low rank. Using
mentioned for the practical computation of the Kalman
Eqs. 6, 14, and the matrix equality (e.g., Haykin 1986)
gain. The robust estimation of small correlations associated
 1 with remote observations is a common difficulty (e.g.,
X1 þ X12 X12 X21 ¼ Hamill et al. 2001) which can be avoided by computing
X1  X 1
X X þ X X 1
X X X1 EOFs with compact support, as mentioned above. Instead
1 1 12 2 21 1 12 21 1
of computing local EOFs, a simplification of the SEEK
analysis scheme has been designed by enforcing to zero the with di ¼ yoi  Hi xf ðti Þ , should fit a chi-square variable
error covariances between distant variables which are with as many degrees of freedom (say, d ) as there are data
believed to be uncorrelated in nature. (Bennett 1992). After substitution of the forecast error
The simplification is implemented by assuming that covariance from the SEEK equations, the norm Eq. 21 writes
distant observations have negligible influence on the
analysis. The global system is split into subsystems and,  1
for each of these, the traditional analysis is computed. Only Ji ¼ dTi ðHi S if ÞðHi S if ÞT þ Ri di (22)
data points located within individual regions, centered on a
subdomain of one or several grid points to be updated, It can be used to objectively evaluate the suitability of the
actually contribute to the gain in Eq. 16. This approach can
also be understood as a tuning of the observation operator error subspace Sif . Instead of testing the complete χ2d
according to the subdomain in question. Intuitively, this behavior of Ji , only the first and second statistical moments
approximation makes sense because only data points need to be examined. These should show that
located in the neighborhood of a model grid point should
objectively impact on the analysis for that grid point. The Ji ¼ d and VarðJi Þ ¼ d (23)
size of the regions is determined in such a way that the
distribution of the observations available on the model Significance tests may therefore be used to accept or reject
domain always provides at least a few data points within the covariance estimates. Equation 23 suggests several
each region of influence (if there were no data available possible strategies to adjust the forecast error covariance by
into the region of influence, no correction would apply). using information from in the innovation vector.
This algorithmic refinement improves the analysis because The distinction between the ways adaptativity is
the subdivision of the global domain into N subdomains implemented provides the fourth criterion to classify
effectively multiplies by N, the number of degrees of the variants of the SEEK filter. The algorithm developed
freedom for the estimation problem. The distinction by Brasseur et al. (1999) updates the error subspace Sai
between such a local analysis compared to the global one along the geostrophic attractor by extracting information
provides the third criterion to classify the variants of the left in the residual vector after each analysis cycle. This
SEEK filter. update of the reduced basis is performed in such a way as
to attenuate the truncation error and to improve the
projection of the next innovations onto the error subspace:
5 Adaptivity this leads to the concept of adaptive basis. The second
approach recently developed by Brankart et al. (2003) can
For a Kalman filter to yield optimal performances, it is be viewed as an adaptive tuning of the model error
necessary to provide the correct a priori description of the parameterization. By adjusting the ρ coefficient according
background, systematic and observation error covariance to the local innovation variance, the method is able to
matrices. As only guesses of these quantities are available in account for regional properties of the ocean dynamics.
real cases, it is necessary to verify the consistency of the The estimation of the innovation variance is based on a
underlying assumptions. The information acquired during weighted average of the last innovations, using a weight
the system’s operations can be used to test the consistency of that decreases exponentially with the age of the innova-
the prior error estimates. In case of severe deviations, with tion. Despite its simplicity, this method is useful to control
respect to the prior expectation, it is possible to adapt the the evolution of the error variance during the assimilation
error statistics to better fit the optimal conditions. Feedback sequence and preserve the statistical consistency of the
mechanisms can be implemented on-line or off-line to adjust scheme. Several other types of adaptative implementation
the statistics in such a way as to restore consistency between may be thought of and are research avenues for ESKF
the errors diagnosed by the filter and the residual or practitioners.
innovation information. This is the baseline of adaptive
variants of the SEEK filter developed by Brasseur et al.
(1999) and Testut et al. (2003). Another advantage of these
variants is that they allow the evolution of the error subspace 6 Conclusion
without incurring the cost of propagating the ensemble of
error directions dynamically. Other adaptive filters based on The SEEK filter is a sequential estimation method which
parameterized gain matrix (Hoang et al. 2005) have been ranges in the category of error subspace Kalman filters
developed with similar objectives. [ESKF, Nerger et al. (2005)], together with the ensemble
If the covariances are correctly estimated, the innovation Kalman filter (Evensen 1994, 2003), the SEIK filter (Pham
sequence should be close to a white noise process, and the 2001), the reduced-rank-square-root filter (Verlaan and
following norm Heemink 1997), and the ESSE method (Lermusiaux 1999)
in particular.
 1 The SEEK filter has been applied in many practical
Ji ¼ dTi Hi Pf ðti ÞHTi þ Ri di (21) situations in the fields of mesoscale ocean dynamics,

tropical dynamics, and climate dynamics. It has been times according to the continuous data influx. The most
applied also to biogeochemistry and ecosystems. Many judicious combination of reduced order basis type and
practical developments have been made with the SEEK projection is, at our level of practice, only a matter of
filter in the framework of preoperational oceanographic experiment and pragmatism as there is no rule that has
projects for ocean weather monitoring and prediction emerged so far. A basic practical criterion is the computing
(DIADEM, TOPAZ, MERCATOR). It continues today cost: the evolution of the reduced basis adds typically one
for the E. U. MERSEA project within the GMES order of magnitude to the cost of the filter whereas the cost
framework. It can even be said that those various prac- of the basic steady filter is approximately the same as the
tical applications are the main booster of the improve- model integration.
ments and adaptations that have been made with the SEEK Further developments of the SEEK filter are going on.
filter. But one should keep in mind that an assimilation scheme,
The limited scope of this paper was to review in a whatever method is used, is only part of an integrated
consistent manner all the developments that have been system made also of a model and an observing system.
made in the past 10 years with the SEEK filter. It is There must be a reasonable balance between the complex-
believed that many of the problems encountered—and may ity of the assimilation algorithm, the data availability, and
be some of the solutions brought, illustrated by the SEEK the modelling component of the integrated system. From
filter variants—are applicable to many ESKF approaches an optimality point of view, it may be better improving
and perhaps to other data assimilation methods. some physical or biological model parameterization than
It seems useful to conclude by a summary classification deploying energy and CPU time with state-of-the-art data
of the different algorithmic variants that have been assimilation. Similar critical improvements in the obser-
presented and implemented into practical case studies. vation capability (such as for example the recent
Table 1 presents these different variants according to the gravimetry missions for the assimilation of altimetric
main criteria that have been evoked earlier (type of basis data) may change the data assimilation effectiveness better
used to perform the order reduction, propagation mode for than any subtle implementation detail of the data assim-
the P error covariance matrix, projection mode for the ilation method.
correction made in the analysis, adaptive nature of the Data assimilation progress can therefore benefit from
scheme, and the way to implement it). being carried out within this integrated perspective in close
The development of these variants reflects the various partnership with modeling and observations. In this regard,
research avenues that have been explored starting from the most recent developments with the SEEK filter includes the
initial SEEK filter concept. The proposed classification is implementation of the incremental analysis updating to
open and flexible enough to accommodate new applica- smooth out the time discontinuity that is observed in the
tions and related solutions, as it would be possible for any solutions resulting from all intermittent correction scheme
new problem to tell exactly what variant or combinations of (Ourmières et al. 2006) and that avoids spurious data
variants is the most appropriate. Simple statements can rejection.
only be made so far. Quasilinear models will be satisfied Recent comparison exercise between the SEEK filter
with the simplest variants. Evolutivity is particularly and the four-dimensional variational (4D-VAR) method in
interesting when the initial error covariance is adequately the tropical Pacific Ocean open the way to exciting new
known and can therefore be usefully transported in time by prospects through the mixed use of both methods (Robert
the model. In contrast, adaptativity may be beneficial to et al. 2005). 4D-VAR optimizes the fit between observa-
extend the error subspace into directions, which were not tions and model over the full extent of the assimilation
important at the initial time, but could be important at later window whereas the SEEK filter proceeds only sequen-
tially. As a drawback, the 4D-VAR does not make use of
an evolving background error statistics as the SEEK filter
Table 1 The SEEK filter variants can do between successive assimilation windows. Hy-
bridation of both approaches may enhance the overall
assimilation efficiency and it is thought as a fruitful
research avenue.

Acknowledgements Many people have been involved in the SEEK

filter works over years. Thanks are given to all of them and more
especially to D. T. Pham and J. M. Brankart. This work has been
supported by the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and the
MERSEA project of the European Commission under contract AIP3-

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