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1. What is the story about?

The story is about a group of animals who took control of the farm they lived

2. Who is your favorite character? What do you like about him/her? I favorite character is Boxer.

Because despite he is ill but he insist to do his responsibilty untill the end.

3. Would you want to be that character? Why or why not? No, I don't.

Even though what Boxer doing is right, there are other things to consider.

Health is the number one valuable asset. Therefore we must prioritize health above anything else.

4. What do you learn from your favorite character?

- We have to work hard and take responsibility for the things that are our duty.

5. How did the pigs gain their leadership? Why did all the other animals allow this to occur?

The pig got leadership position from the oldest pig, the old Major. The two pigs (Snowball and
Napoleon) immediately took control and led the animals to rebel. The other animals agreed as the pig
could initiate and take control over others.

6. How did Napoleon solidify his leadership position on the farm? Napoleon drove Snowball from the
farm and made him as a scapegoat for every bad things happened in the farm.

7. What happened to Boxer? How did other animals learn of his fate? Boxer got sick after working really
hard with less food. Then, he was taken by a van to a vet which was actually a butcher. The other
animals learned about this as they eavesdropped the conversations between Naopelon and other pigs
with humas in a dinner party.

8. Compare Snowball’s with Napoleon’s leadership. Which leadership do you prefer? Why?

I prefer Snowball's leadership because he cares about the welfare of all the inhabitants of the farm.

9. What was your reaction to the animals taking power from humans? Although this will not happen in
real life, but the story can be a good lesson to always appreciate all living things, especially animals that
are beneficial to our lives.

10. What do you learn from the story? When too much power was given, there would be a tendency to
be dictator in which all decisions were made by one authority. Respect and treat others in equal. Stand
by your choice and do not be afraid to say which one is right and which one is wrong.

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