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Sport Facilities in LGS Introduction

Good morning, Dear fellows hope

you are fine and in a good
condition, a new school year
means that a lot of new kids will
Facilites join the school and when you are
in a new school you don’t get to
fully know things, So today my
Teacher appointed me To write a
Leaflet on the Sports Facilities in
the school and the sports
Facilites: available for both boys and girls.
more inf
A lot of kids think that are school really
small but all this smallness doesn’t stop
the sports activities, such as there is
only one ground in our school but in
. We have all the professional facilities and all the
that one ground all the students are professionals that can teach you anything that you
able to play every sport activity which need to know every sport teacher is very inspiring and
they always motivate you I hope you liked this leaflet For more info:
includes Football, Basketball, Cricket,
and all the information that was given to you.
Tennis etc. which are available for all Contact info:
boys and girls. There are 6 sport Address: 15c 3 gulberb near girls college
teachers are two male teachers and two
female teachers..

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