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My hometown is Kazan, a cosy capital city nestled in the heart of the Tatarstan republic in

Russia. With a population of around 1.3 million residents, Kazan has a perfect balance
between the bustling energy of a metropolis and the tranquillity of nature. This town is
located on the great Volga River that connects other famous Russian cities.

The city is surrounded by breath taking natural landscapes. The nearby Volga River flows
gracefully through the city, providing an opportunity to enjoy a fresh breeze while walking
on famous promenade with a close distance to the Kremlin. City is located quite close to Ural
Mountains. Locals call them “Ural Chitaklary” that translates from Tatar as boots (beginning)
of Ural.

Kazan experiences a continental climate, containing cold and snowy winters, but warm
summers. The city transforms into a winter land, attracting visitors from nearby towns to
enjoy ice skating rinks and the ski resort that is famous for a close location to Sviyazhsk
island. During the summer months, the city comes alive with vibrant colours as flowers
bloom in the numerous parks and gardens.

One of the highlights Kazan is its rich culinary heritage. The city is famous for its mouth-
watering traditional Tatar cuisine. Visitors can try dishes like kystybyy (taco- shaped dish
with a potato inside), ochpochmak (a small pie filled with broth meat and potato) and desert
like chack-chack (roasted dough in honey). The local markets offer a wide array of fresh
produce, including berries, mushrooms, and honey, reflecting the region's agricultural
abundance. Moreover, Tatarstan region by itself is very famous for dishes containing horse
meat, where you can also purchase in local markets frequently called “Bazaars”.

In addition to its natural beauty and delectable cuisine, Kazan is also renowned for its cultural
festivals. The annual “Sabantui” celebration invites musicians, and performers from around
the world, showcasing a diverse range of talents. This festival is also a place for traditional
games and competition. The most famous and prestigious one is “Koryash”, where the main
goal is to flip and knock down your opponent with a towel. After gaining success, a fighter
can get a main prize – a sheep.

To sum up, Kazan is a captivating city in the European part of Russia. Its splendid natural
landscapes, 4 completely distinct seasons, cuisine, and enriched cultural environment make it
a truly remarkable place to call home.

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