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To calculate the following properties of air using the readings from a sling psychrometer:

(i) Specific humidity

The specific humidity can be calculated using the following equation:

Specific humidity = (Saturation vapor pressure at wet bulb temperature - Saturation vapor
pressure at dew point temperature) / (1.0132 bar)


● Specific humidity is in kg/kg of dry air

● Saturation vapor pressure is in kPa
● 1.0132 bar is the atmospheric pressure in kPa

The saturation vapor pressure at the wet bulb temperature can be found from a psychrometric
chart or table. The saturation vapor pressure at the dew point temperature can be calculated
using the following equation:

Saturation vapor pressure at dew point temperature = Saturation vapor pressure at wet bulb
temperature - 0.0611 kPa/°C * (Wet bulb temperature - Dew point temperature)

assuming that the dew point depression is less than 10°C.


Dry bulb temperature = 35°C
Wet bulb temperature = 25°C

From a psychrometric chart or table:

Saturation vapor pressure at wet bulb temperature = 3.16 kPa

**Calculate the dew point temperature:**

Saturation vapor pressure at dew point temperature = Saturation vapor pressure at wet bulb
temperature - 0.0611 kPa/°C * (Wet bulb temperature - Dew point temperature)
3.16 kPa = 3.16 kPa - 0.0611 kPa/°C * (25°C - Dew point temperature)

Dew point temperature = 21°C

**Calculate the specific humidity:**

Specific humidity = (Saturation vapor pressure at wet bulb temperature - Saturation vapor
pressure at dew point temperature) / (1.0132 bar)

Specific humidity = (3.16 kPa - 2.22 kPa) / (1.0132 bar)

Specific humidity = 0.0094 kg/kg of dry air

Therefore, the specific humidity of the air is 0.0094 kg/kg of dry


**(ii) Relative humidity**

The relative humidity can be calculated using the following equation:

Relative humidity = (Saturation vapor pressure at wet bulb temperature / Saturation vapor
pressure at dry bulb temperature) * 100%

* Relative humidity is in percentage

* Saturation vapor pressure is in kPa


Given: Dry bulb temperature = 35°C Wet bulb temperature = 25°C

From a psychrometric chart or table: Saturation vapor pressure at dry bulb temperature = 5.63

Calculate the relative humidity:

Relative humidity = (Saturation vapor pressure at wet bulb temperature / Saturation vapor
pressure at dry bulb temperature) * 100%

Relative humidity = (3.16 kPa / 5.63 kPa) * 100%

Relative humidity = 56%

Therefore, the relative humidity of the air is 56%.

(iii) Vapor density in air

The vapor density in air can be calculated using the following equation:

Vapor density = (Specific humidity * 1.0132 bar) / (Saturation vapor pressure at dry bulb


● Vapor density is in kg/m^3

● Specific humidity is in kg/kg of dry air
● Saturation vapor pressure is in kPa
● 1.0132 bar is the atmospheric pressure in kPa

Dry bulb temperature = 35°C
Wet bulb temperature = 25°C
Specific humidity = 0.0094 kg/kg of dry air

From a psychrometric chart or table:

Saturation vapor pressure at dry bulb temperature = 5.63 kPa

**Calculate the vapor density in air:**

Vapor density = (Specific humidity * 1.0132 bar) / (Saturation vapor pressure at dry bulb

Vapor density = (0.0094 kg/kg of dry air * 1.0132 bar) / (5.63 kPa)

Vapor density = 0.0017 kg/m^3

Therefore, the vapor density in air is 0.0017 kg/m^3.

(iv) Dew point temperature

The dew point temperature is the temperature at which the air would become saturated if it were
cooled at constant pressure

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