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One day there were some high school students who were planning to learn about the
environtment and how to take care of it.
Sang Ika: Guys, yesterday I found a news that mentioned the illegal logging issue in
Dek Ayu: Really? I didn’t see the news.
Sang Ika: Yeah, wait a minute let me search the news for you.
Dayu Diana: Why it takes so long?
Sang Ika: It seems like I’m run out of internet data. Sorry guys.
Indri: Hmm can I lend my phone for you to search for the news?
Sang Ika: Thank you, you’re so generous D.
(Sang Ika showing the news)
Purwa: Oh, I saw this news too yesterday.
Dek Ayu: You know, it’s pretty sad to see that our earth is suffering day by day, just because
of human’s greedy and ignorant behaviours.
Sang Ina: Yeah, you’re right. People cut trees illegally without caring about the impacts on
the earth. They just want the benefits and money.
Purwa: Do you all guys know why trees are important for the earth and living creatures?
Dayu Diana: Honestly, I don’t really know about it.
Dek Ayu: Yeah, same here. But I’m really curious of the environmental stuff.
All except Dek Ayu: So do we all.
Purwa: All right guys, do you want me to play a video about trees and illegal logging for you
to watch and learn more about the environment?
Sang Ina: Yeah, that’s so kind of you H.
Purwa: It’s my pleasure.
(After watching the video)
Dayu Diana: That was an incredibly cool and informative video.
Dek Ayu: Yeah, we could learn a lot about the forest and trees in a short time from that
Dewa: You seems to have a hard time to turn off your laptop and tidying up the cable. Let
me help you to do them.
Purwa: Yeah, I can help you to tidy up the cable.
Mang Putra: No, thank you guys. I can handle it by myself.
Sang Ika: What do you think we can do to save the earth?
Dek Ayu: I have an idea. What if we plant trees to save the earth?
Indri: That’s an amazing idea.
Dewa: But what about the preparations to plant the trees? Do any of you have farm tools to
plant the tree?
Mang Putra: You can use my farm tools if you need it.
Indri: Just what we needed.
Dayu Diana: Let’s do it tomorrow! Do you guys agree?

All except Dayu Diana: Yes, we do. Let’s do it tomorrow!

Scene tanam pohon

A: Wow what an amazing field. I’ve never been to a field like this before.
B: Yeah, me too. I have never tried to plant a tree before.
C: May I help you with the preparations to plan a tree?
D: It looks like a lot of things to do. What can I do to help you?
C: Hey you guys! Come here! We need your help!
EFH: What can we do for you?
A: Just do what you can do to help, please be useful haha.
H: You said that when you’re just standing there doing nothing.
EF: Yeah, she’s right
All: Huuuuu

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