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- Conduct in-depth interviews with construction professionals, engineers, and potential users to
understand their perspectives on conventional concrete challenges.

- Visit construction sites and observe the issues related to durability, cost, and environmental impact of
traditional concrete.

- Analyze existing research on sustainable construction materials and gather insights into the use of
natural fibers in concrete.

2. Define:

- Summarize the findings from the empathy phase. Clearly define the main problem areas and
challenges faced in the concrete industry.

- Develop user personas and scenarios to illustrate the specific needs and pain points of different
stakeholders involved in construction projects.

- Frame a specific problem statement related to integrating banana fibers into concrete, such as
enhancing strength without compromising on sustainability.


- Organize brainstorming sessions with a diverse group of experts, including material scientists,
environmentalists, and construction engineers, to generate a wide range of ideas.

- Encourage out-of-the-box thinking and explore unconventional methods for incorporating banana
fibers, such as using different forms (powder, threads) or combining them with other eco-friendly

- Create idea boards, mind maps, and prototypes of various concepts that emerge from the ideation


- Develop initial prototypes of banana fibre concrete mixtures based on the ideated concepts.
Experiment with different ratios of banana fibers to cement, along with other additives like fly ash or
silica fume.

- Use laboratory testing equipment to assess the strength, durability, and workability of the prototypes.
- Document the results meticulously, noting the successes and failures of each prototype, and iterate
on the formulations to enhance performance.


- Conduct extensive testing on the refined prototypes under various conditions, including different
weather conditions, load-bearing capacities, and exposure to chemicals.

- Seek feedback from construction professionals and gather their opinions on the practicality and
applicability of the banana fibre concrete in real-world construction projects.

- Analyze the test results and user feedback to make final adjustments to the banana fibre concrete
mixture, ensuring it meets industry standards and user expectations.

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