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What is Youtube SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the ever-changing practice of designing web

content that will rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). Since search is
often the gatekeeper to your content, optimizing your website for search is necessary
to attract traffic and grow a following.
YouTube SEO involves optimizing your channel, playlists, meta data, description, and
the videos themselves. You can optimize your videos for search both within and
outside of YouTube.
A key component to YouTube SEO is harnessing the power of your video’s text in the
form of transcripts, closed captions, and subtitles.
Applying SEO to your Youtube Video

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Video Content User Engagement

Video Content :
❖ Description :
➢ Put your keywords in description
➢ Write a 300-500 word description about what the video is about
➢ The more information you give is better
➢ Put links related to your video in the description like playlist etc.
❖ Tags :
➢ Youtube tags are plural and non plural sensitive
➢ Don’t be stingy
➢ Put as many as you want until they are relevant to the video
❖ Transcription :
➢ Youtube algorithm works well if you add captions
➢ Try to add in different languages
➢ Gives you a lead over other videos in same language
❖ Title:
➢ Put your keywords in the title
➢ Make sure that your title is relevant and related to your video
User Engagement :
★ Likes, Thumbs Down and Favorites:
○ If the videos gets a lot of likes, there will be more chances of your video
showing up in suggestions
★ Inbound Links:
○ Always add all your social media link in the description
★ Comments:
○ By getting more comments youtube will consider your video to be more
engaging and will recommend it
○ Always add a question in the end of your video to make people comment
on it
★ Social Shares:
○ When someone shares your video it will increase your reach
★ Embeds:
○ Always allow embedding
❏ Google Trends
Some ❏ Google Keywords
❏ Youtube Analytics
Useful ❏ Ubersuggest
❏ SEO Analyst
Tools ❏ Backlinks Checker
Google Trends

Google Trends is a website by

Google that analyzes the
popularity of top search queries in
Google Search across various
regions and languages. The
website uses graphs to compare
the search volume of different
queries over time.
Google Keywords

Keyword research is a practice

search engine optimization (SEO)
professionals use to find and
research alternative search terms
that people enter into search engines
while looking for a similar subject.
Search engine optimization
professionals research additional
keywords, which they use to achieve
better rankings in search engines.
Once they find a niche keyword, they
expand on it to find similar keywords.
Keyword suggestion tools usually aid
the process, like the Google Ads
Keyword Planner, which offers a
thesaurus and alternative keyword
suggestions or by looking into Google
Youtube Analytics

YouTube Analytics basics

for Creator Studio Classic.
You can monitor the
performance of your channel
and videos with up-to-date
metrics and reports in
YouTube Analytics. There's
a ton of data available in
different reports, like the
Watch time, Traffic
sources, and Demographics

Ubersuggest is an awesome
free tool which can find
100s of new long tail
keywords in a few minutes.
It aggregates data from
Google Suggest which
provides keyword ideas
similar and related to your
searches on Google.
SEO Analyst

A search engine optimization (SEO) analyst is responsible for

ensuring that a business' online content can be found and viewed by
potential and current customers. This analyst is part of a
marketing team and is an important part in the planning of the
business' marketing campaign.
Backlinks Checker

A backlink is a link created when one website

links to another. Backlinks are also called
"inbound links" or "incoming links." Backlinks
are important to SEO.
In essence, backlinks to your website are a
signal to search engines that others vouch for
your content. If many sites link to the same
webpage or website, search engines can infer
that content is worth linking to, and therefore
also worth surfacing on a SERP. So, earning
these backlinks can have a positive effect on a
site's ranking position or search visibility.
MOZ is the free site from where you can
check for the backlinks.

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