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Technological University of Panama

Colon branch
Prof. Etania Young English Class

Definition and assessment

I. What is a vocabulary?
The noun "vocabulary" refers to the body or collection of words and phrases known and
used by an individual, or within a particular language, field of study, or domain. It
encompasses the words and expressions that a person is familiar with and can understand or
use in their speaking, writing, reading, and comprehension. Vocabulary includes words of
various levels of complexity, ranging from basic everyday terms to specialized terminology
specific to certain subjects or professions. Developing a rich vocabulary is essential for
effective communication and understanding in any language or context.

1. What is the definition of vocabulary?

a) The study of words and their origins.
b) A system of grammar rules in a language.
c) The body of words known and used by an individual or language.
2. Which of the following is true about vocabulary?
a) It only includes common words used in everyday conversation.
b) It refers to the pronunciation of words in a particular language.
c) It encompasses the words and phrases known and used by a person or in a
3. Why is vocabulary important?
a) It helps to improve memory skills.
b) It allows for better pronunciation of words.
c) It is crucial for effective communication and understanding.
4. Which of the following is an example of specialized vocabulary?
a) Everyday conversational words.
b) Medical terminology used by doctors.
c) Basic mathematical operations.
5. What does vocabulary development involve?
a) Learning new words and their meanings.
b) Memorizing the dictionary.
c) Mastering the rules of grammar.

II. From the list of words, we will have a dictation and a test.
Technological University of Panama
Colon branch
Prof. Etania Young English Class

Double letter nouns vocabulary

1. Bookkeeper - A person responsible for keeping financial records.
2. Raccoon - A small mammal known for its distinctive facial mask and ringed tail.
3. Committee - A group of individuals appointed or elected to perform a specific task.
4. Success - The achievement of a desired outcome or goal.
5. Necessary - Required or essential.
6. Accommodation - A place where someone can stay or live.
7. Parallel - Two or more lines that never intersect and are equidistant at all points.
8. Possession - Ownership or control of something.
9. Rhythm - A regular pattern of beats or sounds.
10. Embarrass - To cause someone to feel self-conscious or uncomfortable.
11. Illness - A state of poor health or sickness.
12. Address - The location of a place or the act of speaking to a person or audience.
13. Coffee - A popular caffeinated beverage made from roasted coffee beans.
14. Vacuum - A space empty of matter or a device used for cleaning.
15. Committee - A group of individuals appointed or elected to perform a specific task.
16. Occurred - To have happened or taken place.
17. Possess - To own or have control over something.
18. Successive - Following one another in uninterrupted succession or order.
19. Succeed - To achieve a desired outcome or goal.
20. Parallel - To be similar or comparable in a way that suggests a connection.

Exercise: Fill in the Blanks

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate double-letter word from the vocabulary
list. Choose the word that best fits the context.

1. The Bookkeeper of the company diligently recorded all financial transactions.

2. The Raccoon is known for its mischievous nature and distinctive markings.
3. The comite members were tasked with organizing the annual event.
4. Hard work and determination are key factors in achieving Success
5. It is Necessary to plan ahead for a successful outcome.
6. The hotel offers comfortable a Accommodation for guests to stay.
7. The train tracks run Pararell to each other without ever meeting.
8. The possession of the stolen goods led to their recovery.
9. The Rhythm of the song created a captivating melody.
10. He felt embarrassed when he realized his mistake in front of the audience.
Technological University of Panama
Colon branch
Prof. Etania Young English Class
These are the answers, use the vocabulary to fill the blank space, they are not in the
corresponding order. Go back and forth if necessary.
Random Answers:

1. Parallel
2. Rhythm
3. Raccoon
4. Success
5. Committee
6. Necessary
7. Possession
8. Bookkeeper
9. Accommodation
10. Embarrassed

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