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Name:________________________ Date:________________

Course&Section:_______________ Score: _____________

Directions: Identify what is being asked on the following question. Choose your answer on the box.
Write your answer on the space provided.

development drama lighting comedy conflict

denouement melodrama Dialogue Sensory recall satire

_________1. A literature intended for presentation by actors.

_________2. A conversation between 2 or more characters to express thoughts, feelings, and
_________3. The struggle between opposing forces, ideas, or interests.
_________4. Recalling a smell, taste or sound will cause the actor’s reaction to it.
_________5. Illuminates the action of the play. Lighting affects the overall atmosphere or
mood of the play.
________6. A series of events that advances (rising action) the storyline-the building of the plot.
________7. The resolution of the plot, events that happen after the climax.
________8. A play that treats characters and situations in a humorous way.
________9. usually refers to plays based on romantic plots that have little regard for
convincing motivation or detailed characterization.
________10. A play in which sarcasm, irony, and ridicule are used to expose or attack the foolish
behavior of human beings.

II. Matching Type.

Direction: Match the column A with the corresponding item in column B. write the letter of your
answer for each number.

_____11. an informal, improvisational, non- exhibition , a. pantomime

process-centered form of drama in which participants b. creative drama
are guided by a leader to imagine, enact, and reflect c. role play upon human experiences
through role-play, d. hot-seating questions improvisation, pantomime,
movement, and sound. E. readers theater
_____12. is a dramatic presentation of a written work
in a script form.
_____13. are asked to someone sitting in the ̳hot- seat‘ who
answers in character.
_____14. is a classroom activity in which learners take on
roles and act out an imagined or real scenario.
_____15. It is dramatic communication performed entirely
without words.

III. True or False.

Direction: Read the statement carefully and identify whether they are True of False.

______16. Scripted Performance refers to activities that allow the students to prepare a script in
advance and to rehearse it before performing them.
______17. Animation refers to activities in which students do without scripts or
______18. Puppetry is a form of theatre or performance that involves the manipulation of puppets-
inanimate objects, often resembling some type of human or animal figure, that are animated or
manipulated by human called puppeteer.
______19. Ritual mask is a rewarding and creative process. It is an absorbing activity that helps
focus children to task hand. Masks can be fun, mysterious and even frightening.
______20. Mask Making the function of the masks may be magical or religious.
______21. In west Africa masks are not used to communicate with spirits.
______22. Venecian Masks have always been a part of the Venetian Carnival.
______23. Mask in theater Masks play a key part in world theatre traditions.
______24. Drama is a composition in verse or prose intended to portray life or character or to tell
story usually involving conflicts and emotions.
______25. Multiculturalism refers to the existence of difference and uneven power relations
among populations in terms of racial, ethnic, religious, geographical distinctions and other cultural
markers that deviate from dominant, often racialized, “norms.”
______26. Venetian people do not used masks to hide whether they were poor or rich.
______27. Mask used for protection.
______28. Puppeteer controls the puppet through an extension such as rods or strings is called

IV. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of the correct
29. It refers to no imitation of ―another existence‖ but simply the entertainment or excitation of the audience
by the performer.
a. Dramatic Productions
b. Nondramatic Productions
c. Theatrical Production
30. It is the planning, and rehearsal, and presentation of a work.
a. Dramatic Productions
b. Nondramatic Productions
c. Theatrical Production

31. The director is responsible for the main vision of the production. They must interpret the script
and the characters relationships.
a. Director
b. The assistant director
c. The actors
32. He/she provides support to the Director and the specifics of the role would be determined
between the two.
a. The actors
b. Director
c. Assistant director
33. is responsible for the running of the stage during production. They are required to call for the
cueing of lights, sounds, sets, props, and actors during the show.
a. Running crew
b. Stage manager
c. Set designer
34. Director works in consultation with the Director and the Production Manager to develop the
lighting, sound and special effects requirements for the production.
a. Technical director
b. Decorating crew
c. Set designer
35. works in consultation with the Director and the Production Manager to articulate the primary
vision of the production through the design and creation of sets.
a. Set designer
b. Production manager
c. Decorating crew
36. is responsible for the placement and removal of sets and props during scene changes.
a. Set designer
b. Running crew
c. Production manager
37. funds the production and designates a Director. For our purpose the Producer is usually the
school or drama club.
a. Stage manager
b. Assistant director
c. The producer
38. The set and scenery.
a. Setting
b. Special effects
c. Lighting
39. Also helps to establish mood, location, and time of day.
a. Special effects
b. Lighting
c. Setting
40. What the actors wear.
a. Costumes
b. Design
c. Setting
41. Music selections for pre-show, during the show, and post-show
a. Costumes
b. Props
c. Sounds
42. feelings evoked throughout the play
a. mood
b. emotions
c. feelings
43. The first and most basic element of design is the line. In design, a line is any two connected
a. Shape
b. Line
c. Color
44. Variation of the pattern adds interest to the work of art. Varying any of the design elements of a
given pattern
a. Variation
b. Balance
c. Harmony
V. Essay.

` Directions: Write at least 5 sentences about “Importance of playwriting stage performance”

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