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Subject/Course of study: Science

Class/Course level: Form 2
Four topics to be assessed:
1) Relationship between Temperature and Heat
2) Heat Flow and Thermal Equilibrium
3) Principle of Expansion and Contraction of Matter
4) Relationship between Types of Surfaces of Object, and Heat Absorption and Emission

Table of specification which also known as the test blueprint is a plan that need to be
developed by a teacher before constructing an examination paper. Table of specification
is design based on the objective of learning, topic covered during instructional activities,
time spent for the topics, and textbook content. According to Shirran (2006), the purpose
of constructing table of specification before develop a test paper include; to ensure the
test cover all class topics, covers all unit objectives and to ensure the questions reflect
amount of time spent in teaching the concept. Table of specification also used to ensure
fair and representative test questions can be developed based on students’ ability to

answer. Furthermore, constructing table of specification guides teacher in developing
efficient strategies and an effective way to engage students in targeted learning
experience (Guskey, 2022). In general, it is impossible for a teacher to clump all items to
be assessed in a test paper. However, table of specification will guide the teacher to focus
on key area and weightage based on the essentiality.

Table of specification as in Table 1.1 consist of topic to be assessed, hours of interaction

for each topic, percentage of hours, marks allocated, levels of questions according to
Bloom taxonomy, number of items, percentage of each items allocated and total marks of
the examination paper. Questions to be assessed will be divided into few levels starting
from easy to complex based on the topics covered. Overall, there are 4 topics to be
assessed, 8 hours of total interaction hours, 3 level of Bloom taxonomy, 20 multiple-
choice questions and 20 marks of the total score.

Selection of topics to be assessed in an examination should be relevant and covered all

the topics taught in class. Regardless the type of test used, teacher should assess their
students’ understanding and performance by focusing on what that have been taught in
the classroom, what have been emphasized during teaching session and what they want
the students to learn. Selection of the topics also based on the continuity between the
topics to make it easy for the teacher to detect their students’ weakness on that lesson. In
Table 1.1, the vertical column on the left shows subtopic covered in class and was
derived from the Form 2 Science subject under the main topic of ‘Heat’. The topics to be
assessed include 1) relationship between temperature and heat; 2) heat flow and thermal
equilibrium, 3) principle of expansion and contraction of matter; and 4) relationship
between types of surfaces of object, and heat absorption and emission. The topics are
chosen to assess students’ understanding on the heat process which includes the principle,
experimental work, concept, and application of heat in surrounding and everyday life. All
topics involved related to each other and students need to master from Topic 1 to Topic 4
to understand the whole concept. Therefore, it is essential for the teacher to assess
students’ understanding on all four topics as in Table 1.1.

Hours of interaction indicated the time spent for the teacher to teach each topic and can
be used as the basis to divide the weightage and percentage of the questions. Hours of
interaction divided for each topic also can be used as a guide to set the number of
questions being assessed. Time spent for each topic depends on the complexity of the
content. More time is needed to teach a topic that involved complex content such as
practical, applications, calculation, or principle to ensure that students can grasp and
understand the concept properly. From the table of specification, it shows that total hours
of interaction for all topics are 8 hours. Based on Table 1.1, hours of interaction for Topic
1, Topic 2, Topic 3 and Topic 4 are 1 hour (12.5%), 2.5 hours (31.25%), 2.5 hours
(31.25%) and 2 hours (25%) respectively. Time allocated is divided based on the content
of each topic and contact hours allowed by the Ministry of Education for Form 2 Science

The hours of interaction also include the time required for the practical activities such as
experimentation and demonstration. For instance, Topic 1 has the lowest interaction time
because the topic only need teacher to teach basic principle from the textbook. Topic 4
needs more hours of interaction than Topic 1 but less than Topic 2 and Topic 3 because
the content need teacher to teach on principle and demonstrate the practical activities but
not as complex as in Topic 2 and Topic 3. Topic 2 and Topic 3 have the highest hours of
interaction because both topics consist of more practical work, principle and application
that need more time for the teacher to teach to ensure students understand both topics

In the test paper, three cognitive complexity levels will be measured: knowledge,
comprehension, and analysis. The level was measured from the knowledge level followed
by another two increasingly difficult level, comprehension, and analysis. Ratio of
questions to be developed is derived into 5:3:2 ratios to ensure the effectiveness, validity,
and reliability of the test paper. From the mentioned ratio and level of complexity, it
shows that the test paper consists of questions that match the students with standard level.
It does not developed to test the higher order thinking (HOT) skills but to test their
understanding on what have been learned in the classroom. The questions also need

students to have prior knowledge on the topic and master all concept involved to answer
the test correctly.

According to Silbert-Flagg and Sloand (2020), in Bloom taxonomy, knowledge-based

questions are at the lowest cognitive level and test the ability of students to recognize and
recall information learned during instructional activities in the classroom. At the
knowledge level, the students will be assessed whether they are able to remember the
information and Science factual information as stated in the textbook. For example, the
S.I. unit for heat or science process involving heat. Fact is important in the Science
subject as it will improve learners’ remembering ability on the subject.

Another cognitive level that will be measured is comprehension. Comprehension level

requires the learner to understand the meaning of material such as concept, principle and
information (Silbert-Flagg & Sloand, 2020). At this level, learners are required to
translate the material into another form, interpreting material and estimating future
trends. As in Science subject, it is important for the learner to understand the concept
instead of just remember the fact so that, they are able to translate the knowledge into the
actual situation. For example, the students need to guess function of wheels at the bottom
of steel bridge by relating it to the concept of expansion and contraction of matter.

The last cognitive level involved in the test paper is analysis. Analysis is the fourth
complex level based on Bloom taxonomy where the learners need to identify the
components, distinguish the components, making inferences and usually it will be
presented in the diagram, table, or other stimulus. This level requires learners to use their
high order thinking skills (HOT). They need to think and relate the diagram or table given
to making an inference from their observation. Analysis level is important in Science
subject as there are many related applications that the students can use in the real-life
situation. At this level, students are also expected to take a familiar piece of information
and apply it to an unfamiliar setting. For example, students need to make their own
inference and choose the correct answer based on given diagram or situation. Students

will need to use their cognitive skills to imagine the situation and relate it to the concept
or experimental work learned in the classroom.

Distribution of items across the three level of cognitive complexity level is divided
based on ratio of 5:3:2 to ensure the test paper is valid, reliable and can be used in actual
examination. From the table of specification, 10 per 20 questions (50%) are from the
knowledge level, 6 per 20 questions (30%) are from the comprehension level and 4 per
20 (20%) questions are from the analysis level. The number of items or questions for
each topic usually depends on the importance of the objective, type of questions, subject
matter and time allocated to run the test. Based on the percentage of items in each
cognitive level, this test paper is develop only to assess on students’ standard
understanding instead of testing their higher order thinking skill (HOT).

Topic 1 consists of 2 questions from knowledge level and no questions from the other
two cognitive levels because the topic only covers on the basic knowledge of temperature
and heat which include facts and principles that need to be remembered by the learners.
Therefore, it does not have any questions that involve comprehension and analysis level.
Topic 2 consists of 3 questions from knowledge level, 2 questions from comprehension
level and 2 questions from analysis level. This topic covers more principles, facts and
experimental work that need to be assessed to ensure students’ understanding. More time
also required to teach this topic due to its complexity level. Because of that, it consists of
the highest number of questions compared to the other three topics. Topic 3 consists of 3
questions from knowledge level, 2 questions from comprehension level and 1 question
from analysis level. As in topic 2, this topic also consists of many principles, facts and
experimental work that need to be learned by the students. Therefore, the number of
items is higher compared to the other two topics. Topic 4 consists of 2 questions from
knowledge level, 2 questions from comprehension level and 1 question from analysis
level. Content of this topic related to the application of heat in human life and natural
phenomena where also involved the facts, principles, and experimentation. However, the
topic is simpler and has less content compared to Topic 2 and Topic 3. Therefore, only 5

questions involved for this topic. Each topic involved is related to each other and students
need to master all of them to ensure they can answer the test paper correctly.

The four topics will be assessed by using multiple-choice questions. Multiple choice
questions are often used to test the factual knowledge being learned by the students. This
type of question also can be used to test many topics in one go. It can be used to test low
level of cognitive skills until the higher order thinking. According to Emiri (2018), MCQ
as a mode of examination enjoys the following advantages; efficient evaluation process,
efficiency of it makes it an appropriate vehicle for short tests to gauge students’ grasp of
topic, it cover wide variety of topics and enhance fairness of exams. Multiple-choice
questions also an effective and a simple way to measure learning. It does not take so
much time to answer and even grading it to provide students with prompt feedback. In
fact, well written MCQs can be used to test higher cognitive skills especially when it is
constructed using Bloom taxonomy or other framework or system. Moreover, more
questions can be given in only one test paper compared to the essay question.
(1902 words)


2.1 Test Paper

*Test paper & suggested answer can be referred in APPENDIX.

2.2 Commentary
Item Complexity
Item explanation Explanation
No. level
1. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is straight forward, not straight forward text.
too wordy, and clear.
2. The distractors are Stem:
simple, clear and have same The stem is clear and focuses on fact
number of words. related to the topic. From the stem,
3. Item is simple, compact student knows the question directly asks
and has no grammatical to identify the S.I. unit of heat.
Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been
2. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is straight forward and straight forward text.
2. The distractors are clear Stem:
and common. The stem simply focuses on fact related
3. Item is simple and has no to the topic. From the stem, student
grammatical error. knows the question obviously asks to
choose the correct statement on
relationship of heat and temperature.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been

3. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is straight forward, not straight forward text.
too wordy, and clear.
2. The distractors are Stem:
simple, clear and have same The stem is clear and focuses on fact
number of words. related to the topic. From the stem,
3. Item is simple, compact student knows, the question directly
and has no grammatical asks to choose the correct process
error. involved between Earth and Sun.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been
4. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is straight forward and straight forward text.
2. The distractors are Stem:
simple, clear and have same The stem is clear and focuses on fact
number of words. related to the topic. From the stem,
3. Item is simple and has no student knows, the question directly
grammatical error. asks to choose the correct heat transfer
process that can be done without

Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been
5. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is straight forward and straight forward text.
2. The distractors are clear Stem:
and simple. The stem is clear and focuses on fact

3. Item is simple and has no related to the topic. From the stem,
grammatical error. student knows, the question directly
asks to choose the correct statement
regarding heat flow process.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been
6. Item: Comprehension Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in a graphic
has a graphic as stimulus. related with the topic.
2. The distractors are related
to each other. Stem:
3. Item has no grammatical The stem requires students to
error. understand the concept before
4. Can be used to answering. From the stem, students
discriminate the high and need to choose the correct reason
low group students. related to the situation.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the comprehension level. At
this level, information can be gathered
based on the understanding of the main
idea which requires students to
paraphrase, explain, interpret, and
translate the information into another
form. The other 3 distractors will
distract students from choosing the
correct answer.
7. Item: Comprehension Stimulus:
1. Item is good because the Stimulus is presented in the text that
distractors are related to requires the students to relate with their
each other. understanding.
2. Item has no grammatical
error. Stem:
3. Can be used to The stem requires students to
discriminate the high and understand the concept before
low group students. answering. From the stem, students
need to predict the situation given.

Cognitive level:

Item is at the comprehension level. At

this level, information can be gathered
based on the understanding of the main
idea which requires students to
paraphrase, explain, interpret, and
translate the information into another
form. The other 3 distractors will
distract students from choosing the
correct answer.
8. Item: Analysis Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in a graphic and
has a graphic as stimulus. requires students to make their
2. The distractors are related inference.
to the topic.
3. Item has no grammatical Stem:
error. The stem is more complicated and
4. Can be used to test higher require student to understand and infer
order thinking (HOT). correctly based on the graphic given.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the analysis level. At this
level, item can be used to assess the
students on their ability to categorized
information and separate one set of
communication into an element that can
be seen clearly. The other 3 distractors
will distract students from choosing the
correct answer.
9. Item: Analysis Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in a graphic and
has a graphic as stimulus. requires students to make their
2. The distractors are related inference.
to each other.
3. Item has no grammatical Stem:
error. The stem is more complicated and
4. Can be used to test for require student to understand and infer
higher order thinking correctly based on the graphic given.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the analysis level. At this
level, item can be used to assess the
students on their ability to categorized
information and separate one set of
communication into an element that can
be seen clearly. The other 3 distractors
will distract students from choosing the

correct answer.
10. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is straight forward, not straight forward text.
too wordy, and clear.
2. The distractors are simple Stem:
and clear. The stem is clear and focuses on fact
3. Item is simple, compact related to the topic. From the stem,
and has no grammatical student knows, the question obviously
error. asks to choose correct function of
wheels on a steel bridge.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been
11. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is simple and clear. straight forward text.
2. The distractors are related
to each other. Stem:
3. Item is simple and has no The stem is clear and focuses on the fact
grammatical error. related to the topic. From the stem,
student knows, the question directly
asks to choose the correct statement on
the solid and liquid if heated.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been
12. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is straight forward, not straight forward text.
too wordy, and clear.
2. The distractors are simple Stem:
and clear. The stem is clear and focuses on the fact
3. Item is simple, compact related to the topic. From the stem,

and has no grammatical student knows, the question obviously

error. asks to choose correct function of
wheels on a steel bridge.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been
13. Item: Comprehension Stimulus:
1. Item is good because the Stimulus is presented in the text that
distractors are related to requires the students to relate with their
each other. understanding.
2. Item has no grammatical
error. Stem:
3. Can be used to The stem requires students to
discriminate the high and understand the concept before
low group students. answering. From the stem, students
need to choose the best answer from the
statement given.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the comprehension level. At
this level, information can be gathered
based on the understanding of the main
idea which requires students to
paraphrase, explain, interpret, and
translate the information into another
form. The other 3 distractors will
distract students from choosing the
correct answer.
14. Item: Comprehension Stimulus:
1. Item is good because the Stimulus is presented in the text that
distractors are related to requires the students to relate with their
each other. understanding.
2. Item has no grammatical
error. Stem:
3. Can be used to The stem requires students to
discriminate the high and understand the concept before
low group students. answering. From the stem, students
need to predict the situation given.

Cognitive level:

Item is at the comprehension level. At

this level, information can be gathered
based on the understanding of the main
idea which requires students to
paraphrase, explain, interpret, and
translate the information into another
form. The other 3 distractors will
distract students from choosing the
correct answer.
15. Item: Analysis Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in a graphic and
has a graphic as stimulus. requires students to make their
2. The distractors are related inference.
to each other.
3. Item has no grammatical Stem:
error. The stem is more complicated and
4. Can be used to test for require student to understand and infer
higher order thinking correctly based on the graphic given.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the analysis level. At this
level, item can be used to assess the
students on their ability to categorized
information and separate one set of
communication into an element that can
be seen clearly. The other 3 distractors
will distract students from choosing the
correct answer.
16. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is straight forward and straight forward text.
2. The distractors are simple Stem:
and clear. The stem is clear and focuses on the fact
3. Item is simple, compact related to the topic. From the stem,
and has no grammatical student knows, the question directly
error. asks to choose the correct statement on
heat and colour.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been

17. Item: Knowledge Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in the simple and
it is straight forward, not straight forward text.
too wordy, and clear.
2. The distractors are Stem:
simple, clear and have same The stem is clear and focuses on the fact
number of words. related to the topic. From the stem,
3. Item is simple, compact student knows, the question simply asks
and has no grammatical to choose a good heat absorber.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the knowledge level. The
information or answer can be got
directly from the Science textbook. The
other 3 options also the common
textbook knowledge. It requires
students to recall what have been
18. Item: Comprehension Stimulus:
1. Item is good because the Stimulus is presented in the text that
distractors are related to requires the students to relate with their
each other. understanding.
2. Item has no grammatical
error. Stem:
3. Can be used to The stem requires students to
discriminate the high and understand the concept before
low group students. answering. From the stem, students
need to choose the best answer from the
statement given.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the comprehension level. At
this level, information can be gathered
based on the understanding of the main
idea which requires students to
paraphrase, explain, interpret, and
translate the information into another
form. The other 3 distractors will
distract students from choosing the
correct answer
19. Item: Comprehension Stimulus:
1. Item is good because the Stimulus is presented in the text that
distractors are related to requires the students to relate with their
each other. understanding.
2. Item has no grammatical

error. Stem:
3. Can be used to The stem requires students to
discriminate the high and understand the concept before
low group student. answering. From the stem, students
4. Item is not too wordy. need to choose the best idea and relate it
with the concept learned.

Cognitive level:
Item is at the comprehension level. At
this level, information can be gathered
based on the understanding of the main
idea which requires students to
paraphrase, explain, interpret, and
translate the information into another
form. The other 3 distractors will
distract students from choosing the
correct answer
20. Item: Analysis Stimulus:
1. The item is good because Stimulus is presented in a graphic and
has a graphic as stimulus. requires students to make their
2. The distractors are related inference.
to each other.
3. Item has no grammatical Stem:
error. The stem is more complicated and
4. Can be used to test for require student to understand and infer
higher order thinking correctly based on the graphic given.
Cognitive level:
Item is at the analysis level. At this
level, item can be used to assess the
students on their ability to categorized
information and separate one set of
communication into an element that can
be seen clearly. The other 3 distractors
will distract students from choosing the
correct answer.
(2411 words)


3.1 Difficulty Index

After students finished answering the test paper, their score should be analysed to
examine the response of students to all items in the test paper in order to identify the
quality, validity, and reliability of the questions as whole. The item analysis is important
to identify whether the items should be retained, revised, or removed if the same
questions will be used again in the later test. The statistical calculation that will be used
to analyse the test scores include difficulty, discrimination index, mean, mode and
median. Quality of a test paper is determined by the quality of each question or item used
in the test. The test analysis also used to analyse individual item in the test paper and find
the way on how to improve each item involved.

Difficulty index is used to calculate and know whether the questions are easy and
answerable or too difficult for the students. Generally, the higher the index calculated, the
easier the question is. Range of difficult, moderate, and easy level can be referred in the
Table 3.1. Difficulty index can be calculated based on the formula given below.

In the Table 3.3, difficulty index for each item is calculated. According to the data, all
items are at the moderate level with the range from 0.3 – 0.69 except for item number 19.
Item number 19 is at the easy level with the range of ≥ 0.70. It shows that, all items in
the test paper can be moderately answered by the students. All calculation to determine
the difficulty index are shown in Table 3.3.

Value Description
≥ 0.70 Easy
0.30 – 0.69 Moderate
≤ 0.29 Difficult
Table 3.1 Interpretation of difficulty index (p)

3.2 Discrimination Index
Discrimination index is a basic measure to determine the validity of a test. It also used to
discriminate the students who answer the test paper in a group of high mark or low mark.
Discrimination index is the best indication to know whether the overall knowledge of a
topic is depends on the response item. It also used to ensure that the students can answer
the questions correctly due to their understanding and not because of the test bias or

To calculate discrimination index, students will be divided into the high mark and low
mark group. After teacher finished scoring, the test paper will be arranged from the
highest score to the lowest score accordingly. The highest score will be put on top and the
lowest score at the bottom. In a large group of students (e.g., 100 students), total students
will be multiply by 0.27 to divide them into 2 groups. However, in a small group, the
students will only be divided into 2 to categorize the students into high mark and low
mark group. In this case, 30 students will be divided into 2. Therefore, there will be 15
students in high mark group and 15 students in low mark group.

For large group,

30 students multiply by 0.27.
Therefore, there will be 8 students from high mark and 8 students from low mark group.

For small group,

30 students divided by 2.
Therefore, there will be 15 students from high mark and 15 students from low mark

Then the discrimination index can be calculated using the formula below. Calculation of
discrimination index for each item can be referred in Table 3.3.

RH: Number of learners in high mark group with the correct answer
RL: Number of learners in low mark group with the correct answer
T: Total number of learners

Value Description Suggestion

> 0.40 High discrimination Question is retained
0.20 – 0.39 Moderate discrimination Question is checked & revised
0.10 - 0.19 Low discrimination Question is removed or rewritten
0.00 & negative No discrimination Question is removed
Table 3.2 Interpretation of discrimination index

From Table 3.4, it shows that, some items will be retained while some will be checked and
revised, removed, or rewritten or completely removed from the test paper based on calculated
discrimination index. Item that will be retained have high discrimination index that proved their
reliability and validity and can be used in the later test. Item that will be completely removed has
0.00 to negative discrimination index which shows that the item failed to discriminate between
high mark and low mark group. In the discrimination index calculated at Table 3.3, it shows that
all items except item number 4 and 10 have positive discrimination since the students from high
mark group got the items right more frequently compared to the low mark group. Questions from
high discrimination are able to differentiate between student who know to answer the questions
and students who do not know while, question with low discrimination index are not able to do

so. Low discrimination index also indicates that the low mark group are able to answer the
questions because they are too simple or also may be that the question is too difficult to be
answered by both groups. Negative value in the discrimination index shows that the low mark
group are able to answer it more frequent compared to the high mark group which will challenge
the validity of the items. Therefore, the questions are unreliable and need to be removed from the

3.3 Mean
Table 3.5 below shows the distribution of Science test marks after the 30 students answered the
test. The marks column indicates percentage marks that were scored by the students. The highest
percentage marks are 90% and the lowest is 25%. The frequency column shows how many
students score for each mark and the percentage of the frequency shown in the subsequent table.
Based on Table 3.5, 5 over 30 students got 60% mark and only 1 student got 90%, 80%, 75%,
30% and 25% mark. The central tendency or middle value for the marks scored will be
calculated to determine the mean, median and mode.

Mean is calculated to know the central tendency. Mean also known as average of the total
number. It can be calculated by summation of all value (marks) shown and divided by the total
number of items (frequency). Calculation of the mean is shown in the formula below. From the
calculation, mean or average value for the total marks is 52.67 which indicated that, from overall
30 students that sat for the examination, the average score for the mark is 52.67%.

= =
= 52.67

3.4 Median
Median can be calculated by sorting the value from the lowest to highest value. The value can be
obtained from the middle score of the sequence. Median is the value that separating the highest
and the lowest value. From Table 2 it shows that, the number of students is even. Therefore,
median can be calculated by dividing the sum of two middle points by two. Median for the
Science test marks is 52.5. There are 15 students with the mark lower than 52.5% and 15
students with the mark higher than 52.5%.

= 52.5

3.5 Mode
Mode indicates the most frequent score obtained by the students in the data. It can be determined
based on number of frequencies. From Table 3.5, there were 5 students who obtained 60% mark
with the highest frequency. Therefore, mode of the total mark is 60. It shows that, among 30
students that sat for the examination, 5 over 30 students scored 60%.

Mode = 60
(1261 words)



1. Heat is an important form of energy in life. What 5. Which one of the following statements is true
is the S.I. unit for heat? about the heat flow process?
A. Celsius (°C) A. Heat flows from a cold object to a hot object.
B. Joule (J) B. Heat flows from a hot object to a cold object.
C. Kelvin (K) C. Heat transfer occurs in two ways, namely
D. Ampere (A) conduction and radiation.
D. Conduction is the process of heat transfer
2. Which one of the following is a true statement without any medium.
about the relationship between heat and
A. Heat cannot be measured, while temperature can
be measured.
B. Heat is measured in the unit of Kelvin (K), while
temperature is measured in the unit of Ampere (A).
C. Heat and temperature are important concepts
in thermodynamics.
D. Heat and temperature can be measured using a
thermometer. 6. Based on figure above, K will fall first followed
by L and M, if the Bunsen burner is lighted up.

3. Earth gets heat from the Sun. What is the heat Which statements support the situation on the

transfer process involved between the two? diagram above?

A. Conduction A. K will fall first because the heat conduction

B. Evaporation starts with the end of the copper rod close to K.

C. Convection B. K will fall first because the heat convection starts

D. Radiation with the end of the copper rod close to K.

C. K will fall first because it is lighter.

4. Heat flows through mediums such as solid, liquid D. K will fall first because the heat conduction to L

and gas. Which one of the following heat transfer and M is blocked by the cardboard.

processes can be done without a medium?

A. Conduction
B. Evaporation
C. Convection
D. Radiation

7. Heating coil of an electric kettle is placed at the
bottom of the kettle. What would happen if it were
placed at the top of the kettle?
A. Water will stay hot longer if the coil is at the top.
B. The kettle will function even better and efficient.
C. Water will be heated slowly because the
conduction process occurs inefficiently.
9. Both flat bottom flasks will be heated at the
D. Water will be heated slowly because the
same time. Based on the diagram above, what
convection process occurs inefficiently.
inference can you make in the experiment?
A. Flask K is hotter than flask L.
B. Flask L is hotter than flask K.
C. Flasks K and L have the same temperature
because they are heated at the same time.
D. The flask wrapped with cotton wool has a lower
temperature because heat flows into the cotton
8. Based on your observations, what inference can
you make from the diagram above? 10. What is the use of space and wheels on a steel
A. Hands feel hot because heat released by the bridge?
bulb can propagate through a vacuum or empty A. To facilitate the bridge maintenance process.
space. B. So that the bridge structure does not collapse.
B. The vacuum pump causes the bulb to release C. Allows for expansion and contraction when
heat. the weather is hot.
C. The glass jar gets hot because the vacuum pump D. So that the bridge shrinks in the cold.
is attached to the glass jar.
D. The bulb is the medium that transferring heat to
the hand.

11. From the statement below, which one will A. The lid of the sauce bottle will be smoother and
happen to solid and liquid if they are heated? easier to open.
A. The volume of the solid increases and the B. The sauce bottle will shrink and the lid can be
volume of the liquid decreases. opened.
B. Solid and liquid expand when heated and C. The lid of the sauce bottle easier to open because
contract when cooled. it is wet.
C. Solid and liquid become dense. D. The lid of the sauce bottle will be larger than
D. The volume of solid and liquid decreases and the original size and will be easy to open.
matter expands.

12. What is the principle of expansion and

contraction of matter?
A. The size of matter increases and decreases when
the temperature changes.
B. Matter expands and contracts when
temperature changes. 15. A conical flask filled with coloured water will
C. Matter moves faster when temperature changes. be heated. Based on the diagram above, what
D. Matter changes shape when temperature inference can you make?
changes. A. The water level will rise from the original
level due to the expansion of the liquid.
13. All railway tracks have small spaces between B. Coloured water will evaporate after heating.
rail connectors. What is the best answer to support C. The water level will decrease due to liquid
the statement? shrinkage.
A. To ensure that the rail can be maintained. D. The water level will rise, heat will be transferred
B. To ensure that the train can work properly. to the cork.
C. To ensure that there are no accidents and
damage caused by rail bending. 16. Which one of the following is a true statement
D. So that the rails can be used for more than one about heat and colour?
train. A. The absorption and emission of heat depends
on colour of the surface.
14. Based on the principle of expansion and B. White and shiny objects absorb heat better.
contraction of matter, what would happen if a tight C. Colour does not affect heat absorption on one
sauce bottle lid was soaked in the hot water? surface.

D. Bright colours will increase heat absorption.

17. Which one of the following is a good heat
A. Candles
B. Pot
C. Tin
D. Cooling pack
20. The diagram above shows a white painted can
and a black painted can that have different initial
18. Alisha wrapped a beaker filled with hot water
temperatures. What inference can you make after
with a dark and light-coloured cloth. After 10
the water is left at room temperature for 15
minutes, the beaker wrapped in the dark cloth was
hotter than the beaker wrapped in the light cloth.
A. Water in can J is hotter.
Which is the best answer for the situation above?
B. Water in the J & K cans is equally hot.
A. Dark colour is good heat absorption medium.
C. Water in can K is hotter.
B. Dark coloured fabric is thicker.
D. Water in both cans will reach room temperature.
C. White cloth releases heat because it is thin.
D. Colour does not affect the absorption and release
of heat and it depends on the environment.

19. What is the main idea of wearing bright clothes

during a sunny day?
A. Bright clothes will speed up the process of sweat
B. A bright shirt will expand quickly.
C. Bright shirts have more cavities that will cool the
D. Bright clothes will reduce heat absorption.

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