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Microéconomie 1 Examen-Session de contréle ESSAI, Premiére année 2019/2020 Durée: | heure. Sans documents A LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT AVANT DE COMMENCER. Ii sera tenu compte de la rédaction et de la présentation de la copie. Tout résultat illisible et/ou non justifié NE SERA PAS PRIS EN COMPTE. Instructions de présentation «Ne rien écrire dans les marges ni sur la premigre PAGE de la premitze feuille de Ia copie. * Numéroter et Séparer les questions par ux trait horizontal. Barbme A titre indicatif. © Exercice 1: 10 points. © Exercice 2: 10 points L'épreuve contient 2 pages y compris celle-ci L’épreuve contient deux exercices indépendants qui peuvent étre traités dans un ordre quelconque (bien indiquer V'exercice traité) Exercice 1. Les préférences d’un consommateur pour deux biens | et 2 sont représentées par la fonction dutilité out a tay" ot ay ct xp représentent respectivemont les quantités des biens 1 et 2. ‘On suppose que les prix des biens 1 et 2 sont respectivement donnés par p1 = 4 ct pa Le revenn du consommateur est donné par R, avec R > 0. U(a1,22) 1. Etudier et représenter minutieusement la courbe ’indifférence correspondant & un niveau diutilité donné U > 0. 2. Déterminer Ja demande du consommateur en biens 1 et 2, en fonction de R. 3, ‘Tracer les courbes d’Engel des deux biens. Exercice 2. Une entreprise produit un bien en utilisant les deux inputs 1 et 2, avec la. fonction de production suivante: F(eay@2) = 201 + Yaa ol 21 et zp représentent respectivement les quantités des inputs 1 et 2, Les prix des inputs sont donnés respectivement par py = 2, P2 = 1. Etudier soigneusement: et représenter Pisoquante correspondant A un niveau donné de production y > 0. 2, Caleuler la demande de Pentreprise en inputs 1 of 2, pour un niveau donné de produc- tion y > 0. 3, Bn déduire la fonction de cotit. de Pentreprise C(y) Bon courage. English Exam (re-sits) Elon Musk to show off working brain-hacking device Published 28 August (1) Elan Musk is due to demonstrate @ working orain-to-machine interface as part of his ambitious plans to give people superhuman powers. His brain-hacking company, Neuralink, applied to start human trials last year. But Friday's demonstration will involve a robot and "neurons firing in real time", a series of tweets reveals. The interface could allow people with neurological conditions to control phones or computers with their mind. (2) But the long-term ambition is to usher in an age of what Mr Musk calls "superhuman cognition". People need to merge with artificial intelligence, he says, in part to avoid a scenario where Al becomes so powerful it destroys the human race. (8) Founded in 2017, Neuralink has worked hard to recruit scientists, something Mr Musk was stil advertising for on Twitter last month. The device the company is developing consists of a tiny probe containing more than 3,000 electrodes attached to flexible threads thinner than a human hair, which can monitor the activity of 1,000 brain neurons. In its last update, more than a year ago, the company said it had carried out tests on @ monkey that had been able to control a computer with its brain. It has also built a "neurosurgical robot" that it says can insert 192 electrodes into the brain every minute. (4) University of Pittsburgh assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation Jennifer Collinger described what Mr Musk was trying to do as "truly disruptive technology in a difficult space of medical technology. Neuralink has significant resources and critically a team of scientists, engineers and clinicians working towards a common goal, which gives them a great chance of success," she said. But she added: "Even with these resources, medical-device development takes time and safety needs to be a top priority, so | suspect the process may take longer than they have stated as their goals, (5) Ari Benjamin, at the University of Pennsylvania's Kording Lab, told BBC News the real stumbling block for the technology could be the sheer complexity of the human brain. “Once they have the recordings, Neuralink will need to decode them and will someday hit the barrier that is our lack of basic understanding of how the brain works, no matter how many neurons they record from. "Decoding goals and movernent plans is hard when you don't understand the neural code in which those things are communicated." (6) Mr Musk's companies SpaceX and Tesla have captured the public imagination with his attempts to drive progress in spaceflight and electric vehicles respectively. But both also demonstrate the entrepreneur's habit of making bold declarations about projects that end up taking much longer to complete than planned. READING COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS (7 pts), 1. What major breakthrough was introduced by Elon Musk’s newly-established company? (1 et) 2. According to Jennifer Collinger, is Neuralink a benefit or a liability in the field of medical technology. Justify your answer with a detail from the article. (1 pt) 3. Read paragraph 6 and answer the following question: Has Elon Musk lived up to the wublic’s expectations in the past? (1 pt! ‘Since its inception in 2017, how has Neuralink been rectuiting people? (1 pt, In Look in the article for words or expressions that have almost the same meaning as: (2 pts) ‘+ To cause or mark the start of something new (p.2) ‘+ Innovative or groundbreaking (p.4 ‘* Acircumstance that causes difficulty or hesitation (p.5) ‘+ Showing an ability to take risks (p.6) What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1 pt) - Which (p.3) refers to - They (p4) refers to LANGUAGE (8 pts) 4. Choose the right alternative: (4 pts| Economists have long believed that the least productive societies are those in which women are denied opportunities to join the workforce. In underdeveloped countries, women typically go without the most basic (tools — topics — materials) needed to earn a living: education, training and access to capital, Yet there is abundant evidence linking economic progress (by — with — to) ‘empowered women. A recent study by the London School of Economics (fs showing — have shown — showed) that countries (whose — where — who) women are better educated were also those with higher economic growth rates, So, to spur growth in impoverished countries, many (groups — efforts — equipments) have been launched, among ther the microfinance movement. Since the 1970s, tens of thousands of poor women (have started ~ had started — started) their own business using loans from banks and organizations (that — whose — which) would spend $ 100 million over the next 5 years on business education because it is believed that (skilled literate — unskilled) business women could boost economic output in Asia and Africa. 2. Put the words in brackets in the right tense or form: (2 pts) Life today has remarkably changed compared to that of our forefathers! time. Take, for instance, new (invent) 1- in the home. The rice-cooker, pressure cooker, gas stove, electric oven, microwave oven, electric toaster and food-processor are a great boon to housewives who find cooking and preparing meals very much (easy) 2...» now. Now time is saved because (electric) 3- son Cuts long hours of tedious work and we find we can afford to spend mare time on hodbies and other activities. Besides the kitchen gadgets, there are others like the vacuum cleaner for cleaning the house, the electric lawn-mower for trimming the grass and the washing-machine for washing the clothes. Life for housewives today Is more (relax) 4- .. and they have more free time to attend to out th children or do reading, sewing, shopping and visiting. Put the following sentences in the passive or active voice: (2 pts) = In the Chinese business protocol, people should exchange cards after the initial introduction, = Inthe Chinese etiquette, itis forbidden to offer flowers to business partners. WRITING (5 pts) You are working as the project manager of Neuralink, Use the Information in the article about the company and its major product and the chert below to write a short presentation about the project in order to inform your audience about it. 1 Introduce your object Tm going to tell you about... 2 Show your object Asyoucan see... ; tenn about itis thing thats. th presentation : Thanks forte. Ecole Supérieure de la Statistique et de I'Analyse de Information de Tunis Examen final SAS : Session de Contrdle Enseignante : Sonia Naffouti Niveau : 1ére Année || Année : 2019-2020 Durée: 1h Exercice I (4 points) : Expliquer le besoin d'utilisation des informats et des formats 2- Donner deux macro variables automatiques et deux macro fonctions automatiques et expliquer le role de chacune, Exercioe 2 (12 points ) : Ecrire les codes SAS qui permettent de: 1- Créer une librairie nommée Exam et lenregistrer dans C:/ 2 dessous dans une table qui prend le nom de table! et qui sera enregistrée dans la 184,264,000 33,680.00 39,908,000 Ar sagsro0 Eh {La variable Country doit étre convertic en majuscule, la variable Population utilisera Pinformat ‘Comma,’ ot la variable Language doit prendre informat d'une chaine de caractéres standart de longueur 2. 4 Créer une variable class qui prend les valeurs suivantes sclon la variable langue Si la langue~arabe’ alors class=1, si langue="frangais” alors cl D voses 5+ Dans une nouvelle table qui prendra le nom Table2, changer la variable Language avec les formats suivants: Ar = Arabic, Pr rench et Eg = English Donner le format nécessaire pour afficher ka variable GDP avec le $. 7- En utilisant Proc Means, calculer la moyenne et I’écart-type de la variable GDP. 8+ Créer deux macro variables m et stan_div dans lesquelles vous Stocker ces deux valeurs calculées. Utilis + deux fagons différentes pour eréer les deux macro variables. Ecole Supérieure de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de Information de Tunis Examen final SAS: Session de Contréle Enseignante : Sonia Naffouti Niveau : 18re Année }] Année : 2019-2020 Durée: 1h. 9 Utiliser proc print et proc contents pour afficher la table table2 et pour avoir une idée sur les types de toutes les variables. Exercice 3 (4 points ): Borire les codes SAS qui permettent d’afficher les graphiques suivants : [Rérustique ToMsteaMe - Manors be UEENSMONMER SUPEREUR EF DE LA RACHIEECHE SCIENTIFIQUE ‘Urevunsta of CARTHAGE - BOLE DE LA SUATIETIQUE SF DE ANALYSE DE VINFORAATION 6 EXAMEN SC DU MODULE ANALYSE NuMERIQUE Ines Abdeljaoued Te] - I, Nous considérons la matrice A associée au systéme d'équations linéaires ey + dang + 205 b by 2a, + 6x2 +23 = by Ag + 2am + 63 oll b= "(b1, ba, bs) est un veoteur de IR’. 1, Caleuler la factorisation LU de A. 2. Bn déduire le determinant de A. 3, Via une descente puis une remontée, résoudre Ax =b pour b= “1,0, 0) 4, Résoudre Ax bpour b= *{0, 1,0) puis b= "{0,0,1). 5, En déduire Vinverse de la matrice A, Il, Ferire Palgorithme de remontée qui prend en entrée une matrice U triangulaire supérioure ot un veeteur y. Cet algorithme rend un vecteur « vérifiant Us = y, 1. Donner la complexité de cet algoritiime ex fonction de lordre n. de la matrice U. 2, Si nous supposons qu'une opération élémentaire nécessite 10° socondes et si Pordre n de In matrice est 108, quel est le temps nécessaire pour exécuter algorithme de remontée? UNIVERSITE DE CARTHAGE ANNEE UNIVERSITAIRE ECOLE Sur#RIZURE DE LA STATISTIQUE 2019-2020 ET DE L’ANALYSE DE LINFORMATION 1eRE ANNEE Examen de rattrapage : Statistique inférentielle 1 Septembre 2020 Aucun document autorisé. Toutes les réponses doivent étre justifiées (Lpage) Cours de Mme Héla Ouaili-Mallek Probléme: On dispose d’un n-6chantillon (X4,...,X,) @une variable aléatoire X de densité F(2,8) = Bexp(—A el) (pMpp , 4oot (2) + (1-7) Mee, (2) 9 = (B,P} E10, +010, 1, Vérifier que la vraisemblance de L'échantillon a pour expression 2. En déduire que la loi de X appartient a la famille exponentielle (on. précis la statistique exhaustive et complate de l’échantillon), 3. Calculer Zp(X) et Bo(X?). 4, Déterminer un estimateur de 0, par la méthode des moments. On le notera 1. 5. Déterminer 4, l’estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance de 0. 6. Vérifior que la variable aléatoire Z = |X| suit la loi gamma. 7. Bi dtduire Ey (92) 8. Construire un estimateur 0°, uniformément de variance minimale parmi les estimateurs sans biais (uymb) de 8. 9. Calculer la matrice d'information de Fisher associée au modéle ainsi que Ja borne de Cramer Rao de @. 10. Peut-on trouver un estimatenr efficace pour 0 ? (justifier) Memo Shell-Linux Ch a In source destination | catressource | touch ressource | Is ~Id ressource Is “i ressource Is I resource su ressource sudo resource sudo su Commande >> resource sort ressource ‘Commande! |commande?|...|commanden Commandel ;commande ;... ;commanden | mkdir resource /etcipasswd /etc/group useradd

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