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Blog Post #3 Questions:

a) What are your Capstone goals between now and December 1st? Be specific and
give details and how you plan to accomplish it. The more specific your goals, the
better the chances you will have of accomplishing them.
Between now and Dec 1st my goal is have part of Idle Town memorized, hopefully the first verse and
chorus. If I can learn the chorus, then I will have a good portion of the song down as it repeats multiple
times. I can do this by practicing at night for at least 15 minutes and focus on specific note progressions
until I start being able to play a verse.

b) Which specific elements of your project will you accomplish before the end of the
month? Create a checklist of things you want to finish over the next 2 weeks.
I would like to first memorize the song “Married Life” from the movie “Up” as it’s more complex than
Happy Birthday but still challenges me. I am learning it fairly quickly and could get it down by the end of
the week if I really try. I will also periodically work on “Idle Town” to not slow the whole goal of my
capstone. Once I have “Married Life” down, I will move onto practicing “Idle Town” unless I really feel
like it’s still very challenging.

c) How will you accomplish your goals and stay on task? List the strategies you will
use to keep yourself on track.
I will work as close to daily as possible, I’m still not 100% after getting the flu so it
may not be daily. I have set a reminder in my phone to work on capstone everyday so
I won’t forget. Weeknights I will probably only spend about 15 minutes on my
capstone but on weekends I will spend atleast double that.

d) How often and how will you provide evidence of your progress and learning during
this time? Remember, you should be posting to your Evidence and Artifacts Page at
least 2 - 3 times per week. If you haven't, then this is your chance to make that
happen over the next few weeks. I will try to provide evidence minimum two times a
week. My evidence will likely be in video form or audio clips.

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