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Enhancing Workplace Learning

and Performance by Adopting

Skills Framework
William Thien, Jonathan Chang, Kok Yan Siang
EON Consulting & Training
1 November 2018

Supported by
Profile of Presenter
William has worked in:
• Shipbuilding
• Engineering
• Hotel

• Talent a<rac>on
• Compensa>on & benefits
• Performance management
• Industrial rela>ons
• Talent development
Mr William Thien
EON Consulting & Training For the last 22 years:
• Human capital performance consul>ng
Principal Consultant / • Training
Master Trainer
Recent Focus:
PMC, CPC, SAE, CWLS • Workplace learning consul>ng
• Skills framework training
Importance of Workplace Learning &

Leveraging the Skills Framework

Case Studies
Key Learning Points

Self Assessment Tool

Importance of Workplace
Learning & Performance
Importance of Workplace Learning & Performance
Building an Effective Workplace
• The workplace is tradiGonally viewed as a place of work, and not a place of learning
• Without purposeful learning at work, systemic and con4nuous performance
improvement may not occur

An EffecGve Workplace = Work Profits
and Learning both takes
(Enterprise) place(Results)

Work Performance

Worker Proficiency
Importance of Workplace Learning & Performance
Building an Effective Workplace

In a lean workforce, focus should also be on the

producGvity of learning – at the workplace

70% 20% 10%

Workplace Learning - Learning Social Learning - Learning from Formal Learning – Learning
from Hands-On Experience Exposure from Structured EducaGon
- Increased scope or - Observe more experienced - External workshops
responsibili>es colleagues - Seminars
- Training or mentoring others - Being coached or mentored - E-learning
- Projects and special assignments - AUer-event review
Source: McCall, Lombardo and Eichinger, survey of nearly 200 execu>ves self-report how they believed they learned; Wikipedia
Importance of Workplace Learning & Performance
Key Challenge
• Skills standards are difficult to develop, implement and sustain within a company
• Alignment is needed across jobs along the employee life cycle & conGnuous
review to keep them current
Business Environment
(Eg. Customers, Suppliers, CompeGtors, SubsGtutes)

Human Capital Value Add

Grow Retain
ASract Perform Develop - Career
- Learning & - Career
- Recruitment - Performance Progression
Development Development
& Selec>on Management

- Employee Engagement and Reten>on

OrganisaGon’s Vision, Mission and Core Values

PoliGcal, Economy, Social, Technology (PEST)
Source: EON Consul>ng & Training Pte Ltd
Leveraging the
Skills Framework
Leveraging the Skills Framework
The Industry Transformation Map
• Industry sector specific Industry TransformaGon Maps (ITMs) have been
• 4 main pillars – ProducGvity, Jobs & Skills, InnovaGon & InternaGonalisaGon

Industry Transformation Map

(A skills and innovation-driven Economy)

Jobs & Skills


• Higher-value added • Manpower-lean • Leverage • Globally-competitive
activities • Skills for greater technology local enterprises
• Operational value creation • Value-creation • Access to markets –
excellence • Lifelong learning • Enterprise Digital channels
• Shared industry • HR capabilities to capabilities • L e v e r a g e
platforms for mass maximise workforce • Develop own international
adoption potential products & brands networks
Importance of Workplace Learning & Performance
The Skills Framework (1/3)

• The Skills Framework is an integral part of ITM, supporGng the ‘Jobs & Skills’ pillar
• It provides industry driven informaGon on job roles and skills for the human
capital value-add acGviGes

Industry TransformaGon Map

A skills and innova>on-driven economy

Jobs & Skills

Skills u>lisa>on,
Career &

Skills HR prac>ces, Job

Manpower Wage
adequacy & redesign &
profile progression
relevance Workplace

Skills Framework
Importance of Workplace Learning & Performance
The Skills Framework (2/3)
Technical Skills and Competencies – 6 levels of
knowledge and abili>es descriptors

Skills Map – job role, cri>cal

work func>on, key tasks,
technical skills and generic skills

Career Map – jobs &

progression pathway

Generic Skills and Competencies – Basic,

Intermediate and Advance descriptors
Importance of Workplace Learning & Performance
The Skills Framework (3/3)
• Competencies must be aligned to the job roles & performance expectaGons for each
milestone iniGaGve
• The Skills Framework is a useful resource of job roles and competencies to support this

Individual development Organisa>on career

Emerging Job descrip>on/ planning pathways development
skills in Job specifica>on draUing
demand (Career Paths)
(Job Descrip4on) (Individual Development

Workforce Talent Performance Learning & Talent

Planning ASracGon Management Development Development

Job roles and Selec>on criteria Performance Skills gap development
responsibili>es determina>on evalua>on Iden>fica>on planning
for job design
(Interview (Performance (Competency (Career
Evalua4on Form) Appraisal Form) Assessment Checklist) Development Plan)
Case Study 1: Career Development
Case Study 1: Career Development
Developing a Job Grade Structure for Career Development (1/5)

• Operated in Singapore for over 40 years
• > 200 employees, with several long-service employees
• Job roles include tooling inspectors, mould makers, machinists, cam
programmers, storekeepers, drivers, packers, technicians, engineers

HR Prac>ces
• Job structure: 2 tracks – General Management and Technical & Engineering;
12 grades covering all job roles from store assistants to directors
• Reward based on performance, promo>on based on performance or upon
reaching maximum of scale

• High wage cost but employees are not necessarily right skilled for the role
• Bo<leneck in progression especially for the Technical & Engineering track
Case Study 1: Career Development
Developing a Job Grade Structure for Career Development (2/5)

Project ObjecGves

01 02 03

Provide a career DifferenGate job Clarity in

pathway for the roles and skills promoGon
engineers requirements for criteria
each job grade
Case Study 1: Career Development
Developing a Job Grade Structure for Career Development (3/5)

• A Job EvaluaGon tool was developed using the Technical Skills and Competencies
(TSC) General Descriptors of the Skills Framework
• The 4 descriptors were used to establish the job value

01 02
Degree of supervision and accountability Degree of decision-making


Degree of difficulty of situa>ons and tasks Required to support work as described
under responsibility, autonomy and
Case Study 1: Career Development
Developing a Job Grade Structure for Career Development (4/5)

CriGcal Work FuncGons and Key

Tasks descriptors for each job Technical Skills and
>tle were matched with the Competencies (TSC) and Generic
Roles and Responsibili>es of Skills and Competencies (GSC)
relevant job roles of the were used to iden>fy skills for
company each job role
Case Study 1: Career Development
Developing a Job Grade Structure for Career Development (5/5)

Key Challenge in Development &

Benefits of using the Skills Framework Implementation

• Current job grade structure of 12 grades were

expanded with possible career progression
pathways Managers and supervisors found the
statements difficult to relate to their
• Detailed descrip>on of criteria for career daily work
development and promo>on were developed

• HR team was able to ra>onalise and update the

current job grade structure based on the
wealth of informa>on in the Skills Framework
Case Study 2: Recruitment & Onboarding
Case Study 2: Recruitment & Onboarding
Establishing a Competency-Based Recruitment and Onboarding Process (1/3)

• A local industrial automa>on control components and process
measurement company
• serves industries such as pharmaceu>cal, building & construc>on
and electronic manufacturing and has a retail store

HR PracGces
• No dedicated HR person-in-charge
• Day-to-day HR opera>ons were handled by the manager who was also in charge of finance and
• New candidates usually interviewed by the Director, and no specific competency standards were
set as benchmark for proficiency

• Interview ques>ons and format were unstructured, dependent on the Director’s experience and
knowledge of the job requirements
• At confirma>on, it was generally based on ‘gut feel’ that the new hire was teachable and was
making progress
Case Study 2: Recruitment & Onboarding
Establishing a Competency-Based Recruitment and Onboarding Process (2/3)

Skills Frameworks from a variety of

industries were referenced for
relevant job >tles, domain cri>cal
work func>ons & key tasks

ValidaGon and Review with company

Standards Purposeful skills
Performance Competency-
established form onboarding
expectaGons of based interview
evidence that programme
each task were quesGons were
interviewer look developed
developed developed
for in a candidate
Case Study 2: Recruitment & Onboarding
Establishing a Competency-Based Recruitment and Onboarding Process (3/3)

Key Challenge in
Benefits of using the Skills Framework Development in Implementation

• Job descrip>ons with performance • Added documenta>on seen as added

expecta>ons, contextualised skills workload and administra>ve overheads
requirements, competency-based interview
ques>on list and interview assessment tool can • The use of documented standard
be developed expedi>ously statements for interviews may be
perceived as restric>ve because gut feel
• Interviewers will be able to conduct interviews is more natural and percep>vely
and selec>ons in a more consistent manner efficient

• Targeted areas to train the new hire can be

iden>fied quickly and systema>cally
Case Study 3: Performance Management
Case Study 3: Performance Management
Aligning Performance Appraisal to Learning Needs Analysis (1/4)

An early • Appraisal criteria • Areas for

childhood defini>ons were development were
operator subjected to not consistently
Current appraisal appraiser’s broad
aimed to criteria interpreted
enhance the interpreta>ons
evalua>on tended to be • Individual learning
criteria in the • Assessment & development
general ra>ngs were
performance plans were difficult
appraisal inconsistent to develop
system among appraisers
Case Study 3: Performance Management
Aligning Performance Appraisal to Learning Needs Analysis (2/4)

Project ObjecGves

Adopt the skills standards statements from the

ECCE Skills Framework into the appraisal forms

More objec>ve performance Individual learning and development plans

appraisal assessment that are be<er aligned to industry standards
Case Study 3: Performance Management
Aligning Performance Appraisal to Learning Needs Analysis (3/4)

The appraisers were trained on how to

Training of appraise and iden>fy learning and
development needs
Targeted learning &
development ac>vi>es were Learning &
iden>fied for employees Development The 5 domains – Knowledge & Analysis,
Applica>on & Adapta>on, Innova>on &
Value crea>on, Social Intelligence & Ethics
Skills Standard and Learning to Learn were used to analyse
the strengths and gaps of employee’s
Skill descrip>ons were used performance
as a basis to assess Skills Map
Case Study 3: Performance Management
Aligning Performance Appraisal to Learning Needs Analysis (4/4)

Key Challenge in
Benefits of using the Skills Framework Development in Implementation

• The appraisers achieved be<er clarity on how • The use of documented standard
to interpret the skill standards and how to use statements may be seen as a set of
them for assessment audit documents unless a strong
performance and learning culture
• Clarity of the skill standards enhances dialogue exist in the workplace
and understanding about employee
performance • Users s>ll do not know how to use a
percep>vely clearer document
• Support the performance management process
by aligning expecta>ons, coaching, assessment
and development planning
Key Learning Points
Key Learning Points
#1 – Relevance to users

Enterprises and users must be able to relate to the

statements in their daily work in order to find them
relevant for adop>on.

Relevance Otherwise, there is s>ll a barrier to interpret what

to Users the statement means before finding them relatable.
Key Learning Points
#2 – Readiness of culture to follow structured processes

Enterprises must develop a culture to use

documented standard statements as a guide to
manage performance, competencies, learning and
Readiness development.
of Culture
– to
Otherwise, the documenta>on may be perceived as
structured restric>ve because gut feel is more natural and
processes percep>vely efficient.
Key Learning Points
#3 – A culture of learning & performance

Enterprises should have a learning and

performance culture in order for the Skills
Framework to be a value-adding reference-base to
support such a culture.
Readiness of
Culture –
Otherwise, the documenta>on of Skills Framework
Learning &
Performance may be seen as another set of audit documents.
Key Learning Points
#4 – State of documentation

Enterprises should possess documented

management processes as placeholders where the
cri>cal work func>ons, key tasks, technical and
generic skills and competency statements can
State of readily be placed.

Otherwise, to adopt the Skills Framework may be

perceived as added workload and administra>on
Key Learning Points
#5 – Ease of use

Enterprises need to train the users (managers and

supervisors) on how to use the Skills Framework.

It cannot take for granted that once the statements

Ease of Use are in the templates, the users will automa>cally
know how to use them.
Self-Assessment Tool
Self-Assessment Tool
Skills Framework Adoption Readiness Self-Assessment

Dimensions of Readiness 1-3 4-6 7 - 10

Key work processes are not Key work processes are
documented documented
Ac>ons and decisions are Ac>ons and decisions are
Ac4ons and Decisions guided by gut feel and guided by documented
experience statements
Standards and quality issues are There are established and
Learning and Performance
highlighted and resolved only as observed standards and
when problems arise quality at the workplace
Employees are trained to
Employees do not usually refer interpret and use SOPs,
Ease of Using Documented
to any documenta>on to Work Instruc>ons, manuals,
Standards by Employees
interpret work requirements blueprints as a part of their
Supervisors and managers
Supervisors and managers are
Ease of Using are trained to use
not trained to use
Documenta4on by documenta>ons to
documenta>ons to manage /
Supervisors and Managers manage / standardise work
standards work performance
Self-Assessment Tool
Readiness Scale and Next Step Recommendation

Score DescripGon Next Step RecommendaGon

5 - 18 Not ready. Requires significant work Build culture by using Skills Framework
to build a culture to reference in a specific func>on, process or
documented standards loca>on that will bring visible value to
business opera>ons to demonstrate
19 - 33 Somewhat ready. Requires strong Strengthen learning and performance
leadership and communica>on to leadership at all levels. Build consensus
establish values and benefits to among leaders to adopt Skills
reference documented standards Framework in agreed areas of work.
34 – 50 Ready. Contextualise the skills May adopt Skills Framework at the
standards to exis>ng document and enterprise level including support
carry out training func>ons and processes.
Concluding Remarks

In a lean workforce, every employee’s

capability counts

Leverage Skills
Start building a strong
Framework to support
Learning and
key human capabiliGes
Performance culture at
iniGaGves in the
the workplace
employee lifecycle

Case studies have provided lessons that

the Skills Framework is a useful resource
Thank You

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