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Catanduanes State University


Nursing Department



Name:____________________________________ Score:______________
Year and Block:_____________________________ Date:_______________

Activity 4:

With the advent of technology and in a world of never-ending innovation, relentless travel and perpetual
change, the ability to recognize and embrace cultural diversity is of utmost importance not just to most of the
current healthcare providers, but more specifically in the nurse’s range
of providing care. While most nursing students’ education merely touches upon the importance of recognizing
and understanding diverse cultures, nurses inevitably come into very intimate contact with people from all
walks of life. Madeleine Leininger’s theory proves useful early on in nursing education and has provided
practitioners with insight that most of them might have lacked in the clinical setting. Nurses are capable of
being models for embracing patients’ cultural needs in healthcare, and as a result, it is of high priority that
nursing professionals recognize and understand the Transcultural Theory of nursing as illustrated by Madeleine

DIRECTIONS: (25 pts) For this activity, you are instructed to create a PICTURE COLLAGE (preferably in
short bond paper) of Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing theory to illustrate your grasp of the general
concepts of the Sunrise Model including your understanding of how, as a student nurse, would you be able to
deliver a culturally congruent nursing care. Explain your work in a short narrative.
Note: You could make use of old magazines, news prints, pictures, colored papers of your choice or even
pictures from the internet to create your collage or even on a digital format or computer-aided output.

Variety of pictures and Good No mark
materials are used to develop
CREATIVITY main idea

The entire work exhibits Some of the work exhibits None

ORIGINALITY something new and stirs something new and stirs
interest to the observer interest to the observer.

Meaning to student is relevant Meaning to student is None

to the concept (Transcultural somewhat relevant to the
RELEVANCE OF MATERIAL Nursing) and his/her learning concept (Transcultural
goals Nursing) and his/her learning

Analysis of the entire learning Analysis of some learning None

experience and how it experience and how it
ANALYSIS / INTERPRETATION contributed to the student's contributed to the student's
understanding of the concepts understanding of the concepts
of Transcultural Nursing of Transcultural Nursing

VISUAL IMPACT Effectiveness of overall Effectiveness of overall None

presentation is greatly presentation is partly
exhibited. exhibited.

TOTAL SCORE:___________
Madeleine Leininger's Transcultural Nursing theory is a significant framework that emphasizes the importance of
providing culturally congruent nursing care. As a student nurse, understanding and applying this theory can greatly
enhance your ability to deliver care that respects and meets the cultural needs of diverse individuals and groups.

The Sunrise Model, which is a key component of Leininger's theory, consists of three interrelated components: cultural
care preservation or maintenance, cultural care accommodation or negotiation, and cultural care repatterning or
restructuring. These components guide nurses in providing culturally sensitive care.

To deliver culturally congruent nursing care, you would first need to assess the cultural background, beliefs, values, and
practices of your patients. This involves actively listening to their stories, observing their behaviors, and engaging in
meaningful conversations to gain insights into their cultural context..

By applying the Sunrise Model and the principles of Madeleine Leininger's Transcultural Nursing theory, you would be
able to deliver culturally congruent nursing care that respects and meets the unique cultural needs of your patients. This
approach fosters trust, enhances patient satisfaction, and promotes better health outcomes.

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