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Hello PAW - An advocacy that will provide care and proper protection to our stray animals.

A campaign that will focus on our stray animals in order to demonstrate that animals are more
than just animals and that we must provide them with care and protection. We have many stray
animals scattered on the streets, so they should be given enough shelter and food. (PICTURE

This is our project, not only for stray animals but also for our community, because our small or
large community will be better if there are no stray animals, and other than our stray animals,
they become dangerous because they become aggressive and can bite people. But this is also
done by humans, because we hurt the animals, giving them trauma. So this is our project that
will help so that no animals get hurt; it's better to give them enough food and shelter.

We also want to support other animal shelters that adopt and care for our animals. We can also
teach or give information on how to rescue and properly care for our stray animals. Another
purpose of this is to reduce the number of people dying from the rabies virus.

I'm sure our community needs this kind of advocacy. If other countries have done it, we will do it
too, and everyone who starts starts small until it grows. As animal lovers, we are ready to do
everything to make this advocacy a success. If others can do it, so can we.

By taking part in advocacy programs and using our platform on social media to spread
awareness, we can make a real difference in the lives of stray dogs and cats, connecting to
millions of people through medium.

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