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Thank you for the opportunity given to

me to speak here, shalom best wishes to

all of us
first, let us say thanks to God for the
blessing we can garher here
Second, Howaraneible Mr. Mrs. lecturer,
and the Scientific Work Forum
Committee or (FORISMA)
The third, Before I'm to speech, Let me
to introduce myself, okay. My name is
Novita Sari Eufrasia Sitohang, Bachelor
of Midwifery study program at Stikes
Mitra Husada Medan
My Topic speech in the today is *The
impact negative abortion for young*
The word Abortion medically means
removing the fetus and its placenta from
the uterus with a sterile hospital
procedure for health-based purposes.
For example, as a result of an action due
to a weak uterus, you must immediately
receive action in the form of an abortion.
But among the layman the word
Abortion has a negative connotation due
to the rise of teenagers who deliberately
abort their wombs because they don't
want their babies to be born.
That is an act of abortion that is
done intentionally and not for health
reasons. This abortion was carried out
because of compulsion, which is what
often happens to teenagers who are
pregnant out of wedlock which is usually
not done by an official obstetrician.
Provocatus medicalinalis For example,
pregnant women who suffer from severe
heart disease, people with tuberculosis
or acute asthma. Conditions like this
usually cause pregnant women to be
unable to continue their pregnancy and
doctors will take the path of abortion.
Abortion among adolescents is often
interpreted as aborting the fetus and the
placenta on purpose for various reasons
related morality, for example: because
parents don't know
* for not being married
* Because they are not ready to have
* Because pregnant out of wedlock
* Because of the dark relationship
* Because pregnant the result of rape
and so on.
Aborting the woman when the fetus is in
good health is very dangerous for the
health of the uterus in the future.
Abortion may only be carried out in
conditions where the pregnancy has
problems, such as heavy bleeding,
premature or because the fetus cannot
grow properly due to a virus.The danger
of this abortion causes a variety of things
that are not desirable such as:
Causes infection in the uterus
When an abortion that is not sterile will
cause infection and swelling of the
uterus which can make the uterus in a
state of severe inflammation and
subsequent bleeding. If not treated
medically immediately will cause uterine
Uterine infection after battle, There are
two types of infection in the uterus,
namely infection in the uterus related to
pregnancy and infection due to pelvic
inflammation. There are several
characteristics of infection after battle in
general, including:
Mother is experiencing symptoms of not
feeling well, like a request or something
There is or there is pain in the lower
abdomen and also in the pelvis
There is also usually swelling of the
There is also abnormal bleeding in the
vagina outside the time of menstruation
There is abnormal vaginal discharge
accompanied by an odor
There is pain during sexual intercourse
or when urinating
Feeling uncomfortable when defecating
and also experiencing constipation
After knowing the characteristics of an
infection after a battle, Mother also
needs to know how to prevent infection
in the uterus, either during bleeding or
after giving birth. Starting with Mother,
you must be able to ensure that there is
no more fetal tissue left in your uterus.
This can be confirmed by ultrasound

The risks experienced by women after an

In general, abortion does not actually
cause fertility problems or complications
in pregnancy. However, quoting from
the NHS, abortion has little impact on
fertility and subsequent pregnancies.
Especially when having an abortion that
is not in accordance with medical
procedures. A possible risk is pelvic
inflammatory disease (PID), which is an
infection that spreads to a woman's
fallopian tubes and ovaries.
If you get pelvic inflammatory disease
after having an abortion, you are at risk
of difficulty getting pregnant and an
ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside
the uterus).
However, most infections can be
treated by doctors before they reach the
inflammatory stage. Usually, doctors will
prescribe antibiotics before the abortion
to reduce the risk of abortion. Pelvic
inflammation is caused by bacteria that
enter the reproductive tract. The spread
of bacteria is generally prevented by the
cervix. However, when the cervix
becomes infected, this causes bacteria
to spread and multiply. As many as 90
percent of people with pelvic
inflammation are triggered by gonorrhea
and chlamydia.
Cause Pelvic cavity infection,
Infection occurs because during an
abortion there is pressure and coercion
so that the fetus can be removed
immediately. Pelvic cavity infection can
spread to other tissues around the
uterus resulting in the formation of scar
tissue and fibrous adhesions in the
abdominal organs and will cause pain
and soreness in the long term.
Ovary cancer, Abortions that are
carried out not in accordance with
medical procedures that actually cause
infection, inflammation and tearing of
the ovaries which, if left unchecked, will
make it easier for viruses and lbacteria
to enter these wounds and trigger the
growth of cancer cells. Place the
placenta, The placenta will experience
abnormalities when the second
pregnancy occurs, because the placenta
will attach to the uterus that was
damaged by the abortion. This causes
pregnancy to never occur or is not
normal. Cause death slowly If an
abortion is not carried out with
adequate medical procedures, the
uterus and its surroundings will
experience hormonal abnormalities and
damage to the function of other organs.
Abortion that is not sterile can
injure the tissues of the reproductive
organs and can cause the wound to
fester and have a discharge with an
unpleasant odor. This condition triggers
the arrival of bacteria which will
exacerbate the situation and cause
extraordinary pain around the uterus
and cervixThere are various reasons a
woman has an abortion. However, it
should be noted that abortion has risks
from medical and legal sides, especially
if it is done illegally. The risk will also
increase if the abortion is not performed
by a doctor.Abortion is the act of
aborting the womb to end the
pregnancy. There are various reasons for
a woman to have an abortion, including
getting pregnant out of wedlock,
economic disability, lack of family
support, to problems with her partner.
On the other hand, abortion can also be
done if the pregnancy threatens the life
of the mother or fetus.
I think that's all my speech. I hope it is
useful for you all. I am sorry for any
words or behavior that unpleasing your
heart. Thank you very much for the
occasion and your kind attention.

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